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1、五年级英语下册复习,PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT背景图片: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: and phrases,多彩的 选择;宁愿要 冬天 也 秋天 滑雪 种植;植物 野营 去野营,go skiing 去滑雪 plant flowers 种花 play outdoor 在户外玩 look at 看 in the tree 在树上 really love 确实喜欢 like swimming 喜欢游泳 make a sno

2、wman 堆雪人 fly a kite 放风筝,Key sentences & expressions,1. -Whats your favourite season? -My favourite season is summer. 2. What season do you like best? -I like spring best. 3. in the tree VS on the tree in the tree表示外来的东西在树上; on the tree表示树本身的东西。 4. time for + sth.(名词). time for doing sth. / time (for

3、 sb.) to do sth.,Key sentences & expressions,5. prefer表示对比,意思是“更喜欢;更愿意,宁愿;更倾向于” prefer sth.(名词) / prefer to do sth. VS “like/love”: like/ love to do sth. or like/ love doing sth. 6. either 用于否定句中,表示“也”,相当于肯定句或疑问句中的“too”。 e.g.: My father loves hot food. My mother enjoys hot food too. My father cant d

4、rive. My mother cant drive either,Words and phrases,一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月,十月 十一月 十二月 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日,Words and phrases,中间的 同班同学 澳大利亚 回答 中国 如果 太以致于,visit me 拜访我 summer holiday 暑假 middle of winter 冬季的中期 in Australia 在澳大利亚 from December to February从十二月到二月 too cold to swim 太冷而不能游泳,Key s

5、entences & expressions,He is visiting me for the summer holiday. for 表示目的 2. When it is summer in Australia, it is winter in China. it 可以用来表示时间、时令季节、天气、日期等,无实义 3. It is too cold to swim now. too+ adj.+ to + v.原:太而不能 VS:so+ adj. + that +句子: 太以致于 =It is so cold that we cannot swim now.,Key sentences &

6、 expressions,4. What be like? 是什么样的;长什么样子? - What is your school like? - Its not very big, but very beautiful. 5. If you are here, you can go swimming. if 要是,假如,引导条件状语从句,主句要用一般将来时或者情态动词,if之后的那个从句用一般现在时(主将从现;主情从现) If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home. If it rains tomorrow, we cannot go outside.

7、,Key sentences & expressions,6. 特殊疑问句 以what, when, where, why, which, who, how等特殊疑问词开头; 并紧接着一般疑问句的结构:be+主语+其他/ do(助动词的正确形式)+主语+V.原+ 其他: e.g.: Where is Jim from? =Where does Jim come from? 注意:回答一定不是Yes/No.,Words and phrases,考试 日期 打算;将 忘记 月 重要的 博物馆 会议 开放日 农场,see a film 看电影 for the party 为一个聚会 on June

8、11th 在6月11日 an English test 一次英语考试 visit a farm 参观农场 visit the museum 参加博物馆 the school open day 学校开放日 anything else important 其他重要的事情 have a sport meeting 开校运会,Words and phrases,第一 第二 第三 第四 第五 第八 第九 第十二 第十四 第十八 第十九,第二十 第二十一 第三十 第四十,口诀: 基变序,很容易,结尾加上th 一二三,单独记, 八去t,九去e ve要用f替,ty变成tie 要是遇到几十几,十位不变个位序,K

9、ey sentences & expressions,1. 日期和星期的问法: -Whats the date today? 今天几号? -It is June 1st. -Whats the day today? 今天星期几? -It is Monday. 2. 日期的读法: 读法1:月份+the+序数词,如7月2日读作July the second 读法2:the+序数词+of+月份,如7月2 日读作the second of July 3. 日期的写法:月份+日期序数词,如October 2nd, 或简写为Oct. 2nd.,Key sentences & expressions,4.

10、形容词修饰anything, something, nothing等不定代词时要后置,如: I learn something interesting about the weather in English today. There is nothing good to eat there. 5. 序数词表顺序,一般需用定冠词。 The fourth day of a week in China is Thursday. 6. be going to + v原 和 will/shall + v原 表将来 We are going to see a film tomorrow morning.

11、 =We will see a film tomorrow morning.,Key sentences & expressions,一般将来时的句式: 肯定:主语+ be going to + V原 主语+ will/shall + V原 否定:主语+ be + not + going to + V原 主语+ will/shall not(wont) + V原 一般疑问:Be+ 主语+ going to + V原? Will/shall +主语+ V原? 特殊疑问:What(when)+ be+ 主语+ going to + V原? What(when) + will/shall +主语+

12、V原? 一般将来时的常见关键词:tomorrow, next (week), in+未来时间,Words and phrases,旅行 大山 爬 海滨 鹿 爬山 过得愉快 in Hainan 在海南 at noon 在中午,for five days 持续五天的 on Tuesday 在星期二 go for a picnic 举行一次野餐 in the pool 在池里 on the beach 在海滩上 under the stars 在星光下 fly back home 飞回家 cant wait to 迫不及待 all day 一整天 the next day 第二天 under the

13、 star 在星空下,Key sentences & expressions,for+一段时间,表示时间的延续 Next week we will travel in Hainan for five days. 2. go for a picnic = go on a picnic = have a picnic 去野餐 3. cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待地想做某事 I cant wait to meet the writer of this book.,Words and phrases,邀请 嗨 小伙子 没有东西,没有事情 为什么 计划 将会;愿意 听起来,大门 太妙

14、了,酷 问题 电影 比赛 中心 超市 天啊! 你愿意吗?,Words and phrases,plan to do 计划去做 go on a picnic 去野餐 at the school gate 在学校门口 next time 下次 have a party 开派对 watch a football match 观看一场足球赛 no problem 没问题 go shopping 去购物 sounds great 听起来很棒,Key sentences & expressions,1. 邀请和应答 (1) Would you like to? 是邀请用语,语气委婉客气: Our frui

15、ts are very fresh today. Would you like to try them? (2) Do you want to ? 也是邀请用语,语气比较随意: Do you want to go swimming with me? 回答: 接受:Yes, Id love / like to. / Yes , of course. 不接受:Id like to ,but / Sorry, I cant. I ,Key sentences & expressions,2. 建议:Shall we ? 如: Shall we eat out today? 接受:Yes, thats

16、 great. / Yes, thats a good idea. / Thats OK. 3. Why表示追问,如: A: Are you using the computer? B: No. Why? 4. Sound的意思是“听起来”,后面跟形容词 His idea sounds interesting.,Key sentences & expressions,5. Should用于提建议、征询意见和了解情况: Where should we go? Should we leave for the cinema now? 6. Lets英语提建议: Lets help the teach

17、er take these books to her office. Lets make a birthday card for mum.,Words and phrases,邀请 特别的 惊奇 激动的 开始 下午 到达 打电话 我想做,invite to 邀请去做 have fun 玩的开心 on this special day 在这个特殊的日子里 a surprise party 一个令人惊喜的聚会 call me on 打我的电话 at the school meeting room 在学校会议室 come together 聚在一起 all her friends and class

18、mates 她的所有朋友和同学,Key sentences & expressions,1. Id like to 是委婉的表达想法的用语: Id like to visit your school next week. 2. at作为一个地点介词用,后面跟一个范围不大的地方名词或表示场合的词: I saw Jiamin at the swimming pool. See you at the party. 3. 现在进行时可以表示已经安排好并且将来一定会发生的事情(现在进行表示将来): Im working tonight. Shes flying home tomorrow.,Key se

19、ntences & expressions,2. We hope that all her friends and classmates will come together and have fun on this special day. hope + to + v.原 或者 hope + that从句 3. The party will be at the school meeting room, next Saturday, November 21st. 陈述句展开的语序:主谓宾 / 主系表 + 副地时 I went to a party happily at school last

20、night.,Words and phrases,乘,由 火车 离开 山谷 岛 出租汽车 激动地,兴奋的,go travel 去旅游 plan for the holiday 假期计划 go by train 乘火车去 Happy Valley 欢乐谷 Window of the World 世界之窗 come back home 回家,Key sentences & expressions,1. 交通方式的表达:by+交通工具 / on foot I go to school by bus. = I take a bus to school. My aunt goes to walk on

21、foot. = walks to school. 2. 关于出行的一些特殊疑问句: A. -How will you go there? -We will go by train. / By train. B. -What will you do in Shenzhen? -We are going to visit Window Of the World. C. -When will you come back home? -We will come back on October 4th.,Words and phrases,旅行 旅店 步行 宫殿 湖 地铁 大街,马路 围绕着,长城 颐和

22、园 散步 trip to Beijing 去北京旅行 by plane 乘飞机 fly back home 飞回家 by underground 乘地铁 drive to the Great Wall 开车去长城,Words and phrases,have dinner together 一起吃晚饭 take some photos 拍照片 take a walk 散步 on Friday morning 在星期五早上 in Wangfujing Stree 在王府井大街 around the lake 围绕着湖边 the Summer Palace 颐和园 Chinese clothes

23、唐装,Key sentences & expressions,1. ones first trip to 某人第一次到某地: Its my first trip to London. This will be my second trip to Hainan. 2. excited 激动的,兴奋地 exciting 令人激动的,令人兴奋的 +ing表示具有某种特征的,可以用于人和物;+ed表示被某种特征影响的,用于人,如:interesting有趣的;interested对感兴趣的 Its an exciting story. The children were all very excite

24、d.,Key sentences & expressions,三种时态的对比: 1. He came by plane this morning. (一般过去式) 2. Now he is going to Tiananmen. (现在进行时) 3. Tomorrow morning, they will drive to the Great Wall. (一般将来时),Words and phrases,小心的 小孩子 哎呀 伤害 必须 锐利的 割 你自己 注意,落,倒 向下 坏的 风扇 喂养 危险的 跌倒 来吧,快点,Words and phrases,fall down 跌倒 climb

25、 a tree 爬树 get sick 生病 be careful 小心 watch out 小心 get hurt 受伤,help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事 eat a bad apple 吃一个坏苹果 cut yourself 割伤你自己 time to cook 做饭的时间 feed the animal 给动物喂食 dry the floor 把地板弄干,Key sentences & expressions,1. 动词作主语时,需要使用-ing形式: Cooking can be fun. Reading is good for us. 2. 祈使句是用来表示命令、请求

26、、指示等的句子,肯定句常用动词原形开头,否定句用Dont+动词原形开头;回答可用Ok./All right.等: Get up, Sam! Dry the floor, please! Do tell me if you need anything. Dont watch TV for too long.,Key sentences & expressions,3. yourself是反身代词,意思是“自己”,类似的词还有: myself 我自己 himself 他自己 herself 她自己 itself 它自己 ourselves 我们自己 yourselves 你们自己 themselv

27、es 他们/她们/它们自己 I finished my homework by myself. 4. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事: Billy often helps his father clean the kitchen.,Words and phrases,安全的 安全 横过 交通 灯 楼梯 钱 陌生人 糖果,麻烦 十字路口 不应该 遇到麻烦 cross the street 横过街道 at the traffic light 在交通灯区 climb trees 爬树 safety crossing 安全通道 on the stairs 在楼梯上,Words and

28、 phrases,from strangers 从陌生人那里 in the street 在大街上 during school hours 在学校期间 in trouble 遇到麻烦 take money or candy from strangers 接受陌生人的钱或糖果 leave the school 离开学校,Key sentences & expressions,肯定祈使句中,动词前面加Do表示强调,加重语气。可以理解为“一定要” Do arrive on time. Do cross the street at the traffic lights or safety crossi

29、ng. 2. during是一个时间介词,意思是“在期间“,后面应该是一段持续的时间: Nobody comes back to the school during the summer holidays. People visit their family and friends during the Spring Festival.,Key sentences & expressions,3. should / shouldnt情态动词,后面+ v.原: You shouldnt drink too much water before running. You should go to s

30、chool on time. 常见情态动词: can/cant, could/couldnt, may/may not, might/might not, shall/shant, should/shouldnt, must/mustnt, need/ neednt, have to/dont have to,Words and phrases,方向 方法 迷路 医院 笔直地 向前 右边的 左边的,错过,想念 银行 饭店 邮局 劳驾,请原谅 over there 在那边 the way to 去的路 turn right 向右转 on the left 在左边,Words and phrase

31、s,of course 当然 at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口 be lost 迷路 let me see 让我想想 next to the school 在学校隔壁 go straight ahead 向前直走 the third building on the right 右手边的第三栋建筑,Key sentences & expressions,1. -Can you tell me the way the hospital, please? -Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing.

32、 2. -Is the hospital on the left or on the right? -It is on the right. 问路用语: Excuse me. We are lost. Can you tell me the way to, please?,Key sentences & expressions,Can you tell me how to go to, please? Is it on the left or on the right? 指路用语: Let me see. Go straight ahead. Turn right at the second

33、crossing. = Take me the second right. The hospital is the third building on the left. Its next to be You cant miss it.,Words and phrases,站,立 手表 迟的 需要 外面 通过 突然 相信 捷径,及时,按时 在的外面 take的过去式 在第一个路口右转 in front of 在前面 in ten minute 在十分钟内 get there 到达那里 Dont worry. 别担心。 short cut 近路 take the first right 在第一个

34、路口向右转,Words and phrases,turn left out of the house 出家门向右转 walk through the park 穿过公园 turn left 向左转 a different way 一条不同的路 the main street 大街主干道 start to walk quickly 开始赶快走 turn left into the park 左转进入公园 walk out of the front gate 从前门走出 on time 准时 VS in time及时,Key sentences & expressions,1.描述线路的用语: T

35、urn right / left out of Take the second right. Take a different way. Cross a main street. Turn left / right into the Walk thought Walk out of the front gate.,Key sentences & expressions,2. in ten minutes在十分钟后。in + 时间段,表示 “紧跟在某段时间后” : We will get there in half an hour. 3. get there意思是“到达那里”,如果是到达一个具体的地方,要用get to。但是到家是get home: When can we get home? I usually get to the school at 7:25. 4. take sb. to把某人带: My friend will take me to the Great Wall.,Thank you,


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