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1、Module 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero作者:江西省新余市第九中学教师汪健琼教学课型:阅读课教学内容:Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending教学目标:训练学生掌握不同的阅读技巧,培养学生通过阅读认识当代英雄纳尔逊曼德拉的高贵品质,并在向伟人的学习过程中提高自身的道德修养。教学重点:1. Get the students to know about the qualities a great person should have.2. Get the students to learn

2、about Nelson Mandela.3. Get the students to learn different reading skills.教学难点:1. Develop the students reading ability.2. Enable the students to learn how to express their opinions.教学方法:1. Task-based teaching and learning.2. Cooperative learning.3. Discussion.教学手段:The multi-media and other normal t

3、eaching tools.教学思路:1. 热身:利用下载的图片,让学生使用形容词来描述和谈论伟人所具备的品质。这样的直观教学更能引起学生的兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性,活跃课堂氛围。再以头脑风暴的形式介绍单词,既复习了已学的词汇,又扩展了同类词汇,学生更加易于接受。2. 读前:通过举例让学生理解并接受“名人并非都是伟人”这一观点。难点是让学生学会如何用英语表达自己的观点、看法。先由教师提供给学生表达的句型;再由学生自由讨论他们所熟悉的名人和伟人,在讨论的过程中,使学生潜移默化地在今后的学习和生活中以伟人为榜样,提高自身素养;最后过渡到课本的读前部分。3. 阅读:(1)让学生看阅读标题及图片,猜

4、测文章的写作手法,激起学生的阅读欲望。(2)快速阅读,获取文章大意,借此完成短文填词任务,初步了解曼德拉的生平,为下面系统地学习阅读文章作铺垫(“be sentenced to 被判处(徒刑)”这一短语学生暂时未学,可先提示)。(3)细读时,要求学生带着问题有目的地仔细阅读文章,寻找关键信息,完成对话表演。(4)本篇阅读材料有8处出现了以when, where,介词+ whom/which引导的定语从句。要求学生寻找这些句子,并由老师加以讲解,为本单元的语法作铺垫。4.主题任务:认真阅读课文,复述故事。教学步骤第一课时 阅读课步骤一:热身活动:谈论伟人,了解伟人所具备的品质,学习词汇 利用网上

5、所下载的图片,谈论伟人:如雷锋、比尔盖茨、爱因斯坦、居里夫人、邓小平、杨利伟等。 提问:What kind of person do you think they are? Do you admire them? Why? Who can use some adjectives to describe their qualities?步骤二:读前活动:讨论伟人与名人的区别 第一步:利用图片谈论人物(如比尔盖茨、邓小平、周杰伦、刘翔等) 提问:Do you recognize them? What kind of person do you think they are, famous peop

6、le or great people? Why? Who can tell me the differences between famous people and great people? 学生通过预习均能回答:Most great people are also famous people, but famous people may not be great people. A great person is someone who devotes his/her life to helping others. 第二步:教师引导学生根据以下句型来表达观点,进行讨论和表演。如:In my

7、 opinion, I dont think./ I think./ I am afraid that./ I agree./ I dont agree.; Whats your opinion?; What do you think of.?; Why do you think so?A sample dialogue:A: Do you think Bill Gates is a great man?B: I dont think he is. Though he contributes to our world, his contribution is too small, compar

8、ed with that of great scientists such as Madam Curie and Albert Einstein.A: I dont agree with you. Gates set up Microsoft Company and made his own software such as Windows that we commonly use today. Because of his talent, he became the richest man in the world. However, Gates has donated a great de

9、al of money to help the education and health of many children around the world. As a result, he is considered as the most generous man in the world.B: Oh, what you said really changes my opinion. How great he is! I think I should learn more from him. 第三步:结合自己,学习伟人。 提问:Do you think if you have the qu

10、alities to be a great person? Do you want to be a great person in the future? Do you think you can become a great person? 第四步:教师展示课本中P33中古今中外的六位人物,让学生阅读书上的介绍并进行讨论、发表意见、完成表格。 提问:Are these famous people also great people?NamesWhat he didHis qualitiesIs he a great man?whyWilliam TyndaleNorman BethuneSu

11、n Yat-senMohandas GandhiNelson MandelaNeil Armstrong 设计意图:让学生通过自由讨论以及发表自己的观点来区分名人和伟人。 教学效果:很多学生认为阿姆斯特朗不能算作伟人,因为他没有付出任何牺牲就登上月球;但也有学生认为他是冒着生命的危险去追求伟大的事业,所以应该算作伟人。再如比尔盖茨,有学生认为他的贡献比起居里夫人、爱因斯坦等伟大的科学家的贡献微不足道;但也有学生认为,比尔盖茨开创了微软(Microsoft)公司和电脑操作系统如Windows和Vista,将我们带入了一个全新的“信息时代”,而且他慷慨大方,热心慈善事业,捐出百万美元甚至更多来帮助

12、世界上缺乏教育、卫生条件差的孩子,还创办了自己的慈善基金,因此他被称为“世界上最慷慨的人”。步骤三:阅读(Elias Story)1. Read the title of the text, and look at the picture of Nelson Mandela on P34. Predict: What is the relation between Elias and Mandela? Guess: What kind of writing is the text? (story-telling: narrative writing) 设计意图:通过提问、预测、猜测,帮助激发学

13、生的阅读欲望。2. Skimming: 任务一: According to the text and the first letters of the words, complete the short passage. Introduce the hero(主人公) of the story, Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela, b_ on July 18, 1918, is the first black president of South Africa. He studied l_ after he entered university. In 1944 h

14、e f_ the ANC Youth League. Then in 1952 he set up a law o_ to help poor black people. Because of his fighting a_ the government and anti-black laws, he was s_ to five years hard labour. Fighters from ANC began to b_ up buildings in 1963 and he was put into prison again for life imprisonment(终身监禁) on

15、 Robben Island. Twenty-seven years later, he was f_ at last by the white government. In 1993 he was m_ the first black president of South Africa. A lot of people in the world think Nelson Mandela is r_ a great person. What do you think of him?Keys:born; law; formed/founded; office; against; sentence

16、d; blow; freed; made; really 任务二: 找出各段的主题句及大意,把握住文章线索(Elias problem, Mandelas help, Elias support),完成Exercise 1 in Comprehending。 设计意图:对于这篇文章,寻找各段的主题句有一定的困难,因为有的主题句不是段落首句,教师可以提示学生自己归纳。1. Scanning:Ask the students to read the text carefully with the questions asked by the teacher and then try to fini

17、sh the dialogue.A sample dialogue:Teacher: Hello, Elias. We want to ask you something about Nelson Mandela. Could you please do me a favor and answer my questions?Student A(Elias): Im glad to. Teacher: Thank you. When did you first meet Nelson Mandela?Student B(Elias): Oh, it was in 1952 when I was

18、twelve years old that I first met Mandela.Teacher: Did he help you?Student C(Elias):.Teacher: How did he help you?Student D(Elias):.Teacher: What did Mandela do to help black people?Student E(Elias):.Teacher: What was the unfair situation that black people faced at that time?Student F(Elias):.Teache

19、r: What was your attitude towards the unfair situation black people faced?Student G(Elias):.Teacher: Why did Nelson Mandela turn to violence to make black and white people equal?Student H(Elias):.4. 解释难句:要求学生找出由when, where,介词+ whom/which引导的定语从句。如: This was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. The parts of town in which they had to live were decided by white people. 教学效果:引导学生通过观察发现新的语法现象,这样能提高学生学习英语的能力,便于学生更好地理解课文,为本单元的语法教学作铺垫。步骤四:主题任务 Read the text:Elias Story, and try to retell the story.


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