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1、How to express emotions and feelings in Task-writing,Warming up - Express your feelings Malaysia Airline MH370 disappeared during the flight to Beijing. The plane with all the people on board cannot be found yet.,“I feel terrible for the incident. I believe they are all good people and each and ever

2、yone of them has a family. Their families must be devastated.” -Hahfisar Nadazri, a 28-year-old teacher.,Expressing feelings in Task-writing (你读 . 之后的感受、心情),08,09,10年广州市调研考,07,08年高考,Related Topics,Writing requirements,1. 你读信后的感受; 1.对中学生活的感受; 1. 你对文中故事的看法及感受;,1. 你读文章后的感受,Case study- How to express em

3、otions and feelings in Task-writing, Step 1 to choose the tone Sample One A letter from a mother 12年广州市一模 Tips: 1. Read closely for emotions 2. Underline the key words for emotions which decide your tone,Words and expressions of personal emotions,钦佩,赞赏,羡慕 对 . 感到满意 对 . 感到高兴 为 . 感到自豪 感激 被感动、被打动 深受启发 受

4、鼓舞,受鼓动 热切,迫切 同情 能理解,感同身受,尴尬 沮丧的,受打击的 羞愧,无地自容 悲伤的 焦急的,忧虑的 对 . 感到难过,遗憾 生气,愤怒 内疚 后悔(的) 对 . 感到失望 对 . 感到震惊 为 . 担忧、不安,Words and expressions of personal emotions,钦佩,赞赏,羡慕 对 . 感到满意 对 . 感到高兴 为 . 感到自豪 感激 被感动、被打动 深受启发 受鼓舞,受鼓动 热切,迫切 同情 能理解,感同身受,admire, appreciate, envy be satisfied, content with be delighted, p

5、leased with be proud of be grateful, thankful to be touched, moved be greatly inspired be encouraged, motivated be eager for / to do have sympathy for be sympathetic to understand, appreciate your feelings,尴尬 糟糕的 沮丧的,受打击的 羞愧,无地自容 悲伤的 焦急的,忧虑的 对 . 感到难过,遗憾 生气,愤怒 内疚 后悔(的) 对 . 感到失望 对 . 感到震惊 为 . 担忧、不安,be

6、embarrassed be terrible, awful be upset, discouraged be ashamed be sorrowful be anxious be sorry for be angry with / about be guilty regret / be regretful that be disappointed with be shocked, astonished be concerned, worried, Step 1 to choose the tone Sample One A letter from a mother 12年广州市一模 Tips

7、: 1. Read closely for emotions 2. Underline the key words for emotions which decide your tone,Key words in the letter : worried about; concerned; beg 1. 你读信后的感受; I appreciate what you say and am sorry to have caused you so much worry. Im also touched that you understand my reasons for being attracte

8、d to such activities. I am thankful to you for what you have said in your email. I understand what you are worried about. I am very sorry to have kept you being worried about me.,Filling exercises 1. 读完我真的很感动, 在这里 I was really moved/touched when I finished reading , in which 2. 读了后, 我相当兴奋/高兴/遗憾/惭愧/失

9、望 I felt very excited/ happy/ sorry/ ashamed/ disappointed after I read 3.阅读这篇演讲稿后, 我为那个学生感到非常惋惜。 After reading this speech, I feel really sorry for the student 4.知道了关于的故事后,我深深震惊了。 Having known about the story of , I was deeply shocked.,5.看完这个故事后,我对这个男孩感到失望,他 Having read the story, I feel disappoint

10、ed with the boy, who 6. 读完那篇文章/那个故事的那一刻, 我陷入了沉思。我确实相信 The moment I finished reading the passage/ story, I was lost in thought. I do believe that 7.让我最受启发/让我印象最深刻的是 What inspired/impressed me most was that 8. 在我看来,给我留下了良好的印象/对我的生活有很大影响。 As for me, have made so strong an impression on me/have had a gr

11、eat influence on my life.,Step 2 to further explain the emotion Sample two Feelings to school life 08年广东高考 Sample Three On cooperation 11年广州二模,1:对中学生活的感受; 08 NMET of Guangdong As for me, my high school life is really stressful. What I do every day is to study hard to enter a famous university, which

12、 is always the expectation of my parents and teachers. So traveling among my classroom, dormitory and canteen is the routine work. Seldom do I have the time to take part in some extra activities I like as a result of being fully occupied with endless homework.,Topic sentence + descriptions with adj.

13、 / adv.,2然后以约120个词就“互助才能共赢”的话题进行议论 (1)你对文中故事的看法及感受;,In the passage, a farmer always grew award-winning corn by sharing his best seeds with his neighbors. It shows that we can benefit when we cooperate and share with others. (Summary),Its a really instructive story, which inspires me to think more. ,

14、In our daily life, we face all kinds of difficulties. If we help each other, we will probably progress together. If not, we may well both suffer.,Topic sentence + comments,Step 3 to polish the language Sample Four A letter from a father 07年广东高考,I was deeply moved when I finished reading your letter,

15、 in which I had a better understanding of your excitement over my coming to the world and your sincere hope on my growing. To be honest, it was the first time that I had realized your deepest love for me, which accounts for my great appreciation.,(1)读信后的感受(2007广东高考),Polished language,Finish the writ

16、ing task (sample 5)in the handout 你读后的感受 (2011年广州高三综合测试一 ),Group work: peer-assessment,Read your own writing to your partner. Give comments to each other.,To express your emotions in the Task-writing, we should . build up related vocabulary read the given material closely develop the ideas logically

17、 (topic sentence + descriptions / comments .) polish your sentences,Possible version,After reading the story, I feel very sorry for the student who ruined his promising future just for some short-term benefits. It is undisputable that honesty plays an important role in our life. Without the quality

18、of honesty, like the student above , real success could never be attained.,1.说说你读信后的感受。(John来信说他考上了理想的大学,你给他回信),_,Assignment,2.Finish the rest of the writing in Sample 5 .,1.说说你读信后的感受。(John来信说他考上了理想的大学,你给他回信),I was very excited after I finished reading your letter, in which I knew that you had been admitted into your ideal university. I do believe that it was your hard work that made your own dream come true. Whats more, you always took part in different extracurricular activities to broaden your horizons, which contributed to your success.,Assignment,Thank you !,


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