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1、remain,vi 剩下, 有待于 it remains to be done 有待于被 It remains to be seen whether you can succeed link verb (系动词)继续,保持(某种状态 ) ,依然是 后面加 adj / n / 介词短语 词短语 When asked about questions , the boy remained silent the remaining 剩余的,1. It was already past midnight and only three young men _ in the tea house. A. le

2、ft B. remained C. delayed D. deserted (B) Only a few leaves remained on the trees.树上只剩下几片叶子。 Facing danger, he remained calm.,3.The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with _. A. 20 dollars remained B. remaining 20 dollars 4.Even though weve made much progress in preventing pollution, ye

3、t much_. A. is remained to do B. remains to do C. remains to be done D. is remained to be done 5. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen,admit admitted admitted 意思 承认 ; 容纳; 允许进入 承认曾经做过 admit do

4、ing / having done 被.录取 sb be admitted to / into 作为.被接纳 sb be admitted as,6. At last the man had no choice but _ the computers from the office. A. admit to have stolen B. admit having stolen C. to admit to have stolen D. to admit having stolen,You will not be admitted to the theater after the perform

5、ance has started 表演开始后你将不被允许进入剧院,Tom admitted _ in the examination and he wasnt admitted _ the school at last A to cheat ; to B cheating ; to C to cheat ; as D cheating ; as,advertise,advertise sth 为登广告以便将其卖出 advertise for sth ,表示“做广告征求”广告征求或寻找某物或某人 If you want to sell your product you must _ it. A.

6、 advertise B. advertise for C. advertise on D. advertise to,deserve,deserve + n 值得 You plan deserves consideration deserve + to be done / doing You plan deserves considering / to be considered You deserve it 你是值得有这样结果的 你活该,The book deserves _ a second time - sorry ,I cant follow you clearly -I said

7、the article is worth _ again A studying; to study B to be studied ; to be studied C studying ; studying D studying ; being studied,compete,compete in 参加.比赛或竞争 compete for 为.竞争 compete with / against sb 和.竞争,Many competitors compete _ the game _ the gold medal,in,for,anyway,Im afraid that we cant com

8、e , but thanks for the invitation _ -Thats all right A therefore B anyway C however D though,fancy,1. n. U 想象力 the novelists fancy 小说家的想象力C have a fancy for 渴望;喜爱 2.adj. 色彩鲜艳的;悦目的;可口的 fancy cakes / goods 精美的蛋糕 / 物品 别致的;有装饰的;精致的 (食物)精选的;精美的 fancy prices 高昂的价格 ; 稀奇的 fancy dogs 品种珍奇的狗 3.v. 想要;渴望得到 fanc

9、y (doing) sth,belong,1. 表示“属于”,是的成员”。通常与介词 to 连用。如: Does this book belong to you? 这本书是你的吗? What party do you belong to? 你是属于哪个党派的? 注意belong to 没有进行时态,也没有被动语态。如:使用belonging to 做后置定语 This is the house belonging to the famous writer 2. 表示适合在某处或放在某处,其后可根据情况选用不同的介词(如 in, on, under等)或接副词。如: The book belon

10、gs on that shelf. 这本书应放在那个架子上。,Dont take things_ others. A belong to B belonging to C belonged to D that belonged to,search,search (sp) for sth in search of / search for / look for / hunt for scientists are _ a cure for the disease,in search of / searching for,10.Her husband joined her _ her search

11、_ this unknown radiation. A.in;in B.in;for C.in;of D.for;for 答:B 译:她丈夫和她一起寻找这未明放射性物质,On our arrival , we found the police were _ the _ boy A in search of ; losing B in face of ; missing C in need of ; lost D in search of ; missing key : D,强调句型,Was it on a lonely island _he was saved one month after

12、the boat went down. A. where B. that C. which D. what 解析:句意:是不是船沉了一个月以后,他才在一个孤岛上被救?根据句中出现的it was及强调句型的判断方法可确定该题考查强调句型。答案:,Do you know the difficulty he had _(solve) the problems ? There wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help The employee you had been thinking highly of _(prove) dishonest 定语

13、从句,solving,to whom,proved,The army organized teams to dig out those _were trapped and to bury _dead. A. /; the B. who; / C. /; / D. who; the I was told that there were about 50 foreign students _Chinese in the school, most _were from Germany. A. study; of whom B. study; of whom C. studying; of them

14、D. studying; of whom,在由when, whenever, while, as, till和until所引导的时间状语从句中:在由if, once, unless所引导的条件状语从句中: He wont come unless invited. He wont come unless he is invited. 除非受到邀请, 他才肯来。 Once seen, it can never be forgotten. Once it is seen, it can never be forgotten. 一旦看到, 就再也不会忘记它。,在由though, although, n

15、o matter. 所引导的让步状语从句中: 在as, as if, as though所引导的状语从句 She hurriedly left the room as thoughif angry. She hurriedly left the room as though if she was angry. 她匆忙地离开了房间, 好像生气了。,状语从句的省略,The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. be

16、gun,The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, _ accompanied by an adult. A. once B. when C. if D. unless If _in wet sand, the vegetables can remain fresh for a long time. A. being buried B. having buried C. buried D. burying, Will you go to the party? Of

17、 course I will _. A. if invited B. if having invited C. if I was invited D. if I will be invited,有 do 无 to,用作介词except, but宾语的不定式有时带to,有时不带to。其大致原则是:若其前出现了动词 do (did / does / done),其后的不定式通常不带 to;若其前没有出现动词 do,则其后的不定式通常带 to。 I had no choice but to wait.除了等,我没有别的选择。 He wanted nothing but to stay there.

18、他只想留在那儿。 She can do everything except cook. 除了做饭之外她什么都会。,回答语的省略,动词不定式省略到 to 含有系动词的省略到be 情态动词+ have done 省略到 have Her daughter is not as active as she used to be,however+形容词+ a/ an +主语+谓语, 引导让步状语从句,或者 however + 副词+ 主语+ 谓语 =no matter how,_you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challe

19、nge. A. However a serious problem B. What a serious problem C. However serious a problem D. What serious a problem,however + 主语+ 谓语 连词 引导方式状语从句,表示“无论以何种方式”“不管怎样”。如:= no matter how However it may be, I shall take your word. 无论如何,我将会相信你的话。,This is a very interesting book. Ill buy it, _. A. no matter how it may cost B. how may it cost C. how much may it cost D. however much it may cost You should try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do. A. however B. no matter C. although D. whatever,


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