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1、,适用范围:高中一年级(下 ),说课教师:李玮钰,单 位:湛江二中英语组,高中英语必修4第二单元 Working the land 说课课件,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST,Unit 2 Working the land,教 材 分 析,教 法 设 计,学 法 指 导,教 学 过 程,教 学 小 结,Unit 2 Working the land,一:教材分析,2.教学内容: 本节阅读课,是听、说、读、写综合训练课,讨论的话题是A Pioneer For All People。文章介绍了袁隆平的生平经历以及他所做出的巨大贡献。,1.本课文在教材中的地位和作用 本单元的中心话题是“农业

2、”,而课文是其核心部分,可让学生更多了解著名杂交水稻专家袁隆平的贡献及其高贵品质。,3.教学目标,确切理解课文内容并掌握一些词汇及短语: Struggle, expand, ridof, would rather, equip, disturbing等,知识目标:,能力目标:,通过阅读课文提高学生的阅读能力,以及分析归纳课文能力。,德育目标:,通过本课对主人公袁隆平多方面的介绍,来提高学生对这位伟大的农业科学家的认识,从而使得学生得到人生观和世界观的教育。,一:教材分析,Unit 2 Working the land,一:教材分析,4. 教学重点、难点及关键,重点:,1 学生能够熟练运用本单元

3、重点词汇,了解农业相关词语; 2 学生能够独立简写袁隆平的生平经历和他特有的人生态度。,难点:,学生要用已学的英文来解释难理解的词语或句子。,关键:,如何正确指导学生由浅入深的阅读并确切理解课文。,Unit 2 Working the land,二:教法设计,学情分析: 阅读能力基本具备,但有待提高; 对农业话题不熟悉;,Unit 2 Working the land,二:教法设计,诱 导,阅 读,归 纳,三步教学法,Unit 2 Working the land,三:学法指导,通过设置问题指导学生正确阅读并掌 握阅读技巧中的快速阅读和精读。,通过师生之间(纵向)和学生之间(横向)的讨论让学生

4、学会分析、归纳的方法,培养学生自主学习、有效交际的学习习惯。,Unit 2 Working the land,四:教学过程,1、Warming-up .,2、Fast reading.,3、 Careful reading.,5、Listen to the tape.,6、Discussion,7、Summary,8、Homework,4 、Language points,Unit 2 Working the land,Warming-up,四:教学过程,Step 1:,Unit 2 Working the land,What do you know about “farming”?,whea

5、t,rice,corn,potatoes,peanut,tomatoes,sorghum,cotton,Are you from a farmers family? What do you know about farming?,ploughing(犁田),seeding (播种),fertilizing (施肥),irrigating(灌溉),harvesting (收获),What is the main food in all East Asian and Southeast Asian countries?,Rice. It is said that there are 2.4 bil

6、lion people to eat rice every day throughout the world.,If that happened, people might die of hunger. The whole world would get into trouble.,What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?,Fast reading.,1、What did Yuan Longping produce to increase the rice output?,2、Wh

7、at does he think of fame and money?,教学过程,Step 2:,3、What are his dreams?,Unit 2 Working the land,Close reading,教学过程,Step 3:,1. Fill in the blanks,Unit 2 Working the land,Name: _ Nationality: _ Born: _ Age: _ Occupation: _ Education: _ Dream: _,2. Discuss in groups to find the main idea of each paragr

8、aph:,Para 1: _ Para 2: _ Para 3: _ Para 4: _,3. Choose the correct answer.,1. Yuan Longping works the land because_. A. he is a farmer B. he is interested in farming C. he wants to do his research by farming D. he has a slim and strong body 2. Dr Yuans hobbies include the following EXCEPT _. A. play

9、ing the violin B. playing mah-jong C. swimming and reading D. singing,3. How does Yuan Longping feel about money? A. Money is not important at all. B. One has to own a large sum of money. C. Too much money can only bring more troubles rather than happiness. D. One has to spend all his money on his o

10、wn research. 4. Which of the following statements tells the main idea of the text? a farmer named Yuan Longping how Yuan Longping became rich and famous C. an agricultural pioneer named Yuan Longping who worked hard to produce a new strain of rice a new strain of rice which is called super hybrid ri

11、ce,教学过程,Step 4: Language points,重点句式 Make it +adj+ to do 2. 倍数表达方式 B. 释义 Paraphrase 1. As a young man, he saw the great need for increasing the rice output. 2. At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside. 5. Just dreaming for things, however, costs nothing.,Unit 2

12、Working the land,教学过程,例句: Using his hybrid rice farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before. 用他的杂交水稻种子, 农民们种出比以前多一倍的粮食。 倍数词(twice/half/three times/a quarter etc.) +as + 形容词原级 +as 表示“是的多少倍”。 e.g. The number of the students in our school is _ in their school. 我们学校学生的数量是他们学校的两倍。,Unit 2 Work

13、ing the land,教学过程,英语中的倍数表达法共有三种形式: (1) 倍数 + 形容词/副词的比较级 + than. (2) 倍数 + as +形容词/副词的原级 + as. (3) 倍数 + the + 名词+ of. This building is five times higher than that one. 这座楼比那座楼高出五倍。 This building is five times as high as that one. 这座楼是那座楼的五倍高。,Unit 2 Working the land,教学过程,Get the students to listen to t

14、he tape carefully.,Step 5:,Unit 2 Working the land,教学过程,Step 6:,Summary,By developing hybrid rice, Yuan Longping enables farmers to produce more rice. Famous as he is, he cares little about money. Instead, he dreams to produce better rice and export it to other countries.,Unit 2 Working the land,教学过

15、程,1. Is Dr Yuan more of a scientist or more of a farmer? Do you think he is a businessman? Give your reasons. 2. Dr Yuan thinks that a person with too much money has more rather than fewer troubles. Do you agree or disagree? Why?,Step 7:,Discussion,Unit 2 Working the land,教学过程,1、Write a brief biogra

16、phy of Yuan Longping;,2、Find out all the v-ing in the text;,Homework,Step 8:,Unit 2 Working the land,板书设计,2. struggle disturbing rid of equip thanks to,Yuan,appearance achievement biography personality dreams,1.,Unit5 The British Isles,五:教学小结,本节课采用“诱导、阅读、归纳”三步教学法,并运用现代化教学手段,引导学生进行语篇理解。在发现问题、解决问题、深化理解中,师生信息交流畅通, 这样教师才能教的活泼生动、学生学的积极主动,课堂气氛融洽;更重要的是学生自主思考,参与意识、自学能力得以提高、学生兴趣不断增强,收到良好的教学效果。,Thank you very much !,


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