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1、corporate occupational hazard protective equipment should be regular maintenance, repairs, ensure that protective equipment effectively. May use does not meet national standards, industry standards or have lost their protection against occupational hazards. 3, the strict implementation of standards

2、such as the norm for personal protective equipment specifications, according to different occupational hazardous factors in issuing the appropriate type and amount of labor protection articles. 4, warehouse, workshop is responsible for issuance of personal protective equipment, safety, emergency, em

3、ergency protective equipment for personnel department is responsible for the public, . 3, HR staff should be the establishment of occupational health surveillance archives, save within the stipulated period. When employees leave the company, the right to access my copy of the occupational health sur

4、veillance archives, personnel should be factual, free, and provide a copy of the sign. 4, the Department shall not assign minors engaged in the occupational hazard of the job; not allowed to assign women employees in pregnancy or lactation to engage in the my jobs and harm fetuses, infants. 1 occupa

5、tional health management system, occupational health examination system, setting up pre occupational health examination system. Shall not be arranged without receive occupational health examination before the jobs of employees engaged in the occupational-disease-inductive factors; taboo-staff shall

6、not engage in taboo operations. 2, the establishment of pre-employment occupational health examination system. Examination results inform employees in need of review and medical observation of the worker shall be in accordance with the requirements of medical institutions, arrange for their review a

7、nd medical observation; the suspected patients of occupational diseases should be reported to the Department of the local safety supervision and health, and in accordance with the requirements of medical institutions to arrange the occupational-disease diagnosis or medical observation. 3, the establ

8、ishment of posts occupational health examination system. To post not occupational health and medical practitioners, shall not release, or terminating the employment contract. 4, participate in emergency rescue workers after occupational accidents occupational health examination system. Practitioners

9、 of occupational health surveillance archives management system 1 in China, occupational history, past history and the history of exposure to occupational hazards; 2, the corresponding monitoring results of factors of occupational hazard in the work environment; 3, occupational health examination re

10、sults and the disposition; 4, diagnosis and treatment of occupational diseases and other health information. 1 the management of the employers occupational health surveillance archives system, occupational health care power of Attorney; 2, occupational health examination results andconferences, lear

11、ned superiors policies; reports, you can learn to deal with problems, art, just wanted to learn, to learn at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. The complexity and comprehensiveness of our work, decided to not only do we want to be professionals, or if generalists, to dabble in

12、different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowledge not only to have knowledge to rational analysis. This on requirements we, not only to learning national of route, and approach, and policy, also to learning national of legal, and regulations; not only to with political theory armed mind, also to wi

13、th economic theory guide work; not only to read history, also to read history; not only to absorption SM of mirror, also to gets is of road; not only to from local learn, also to to outside learn; not only to to books learn, also to field study learn. Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to th

14、e outside world when I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outside developments, learn other peoples development approach, and then come back to guide our work. Second, we must think. Learning without thought to overshadow, thinking without learning is perilous. We want to foster the charact

15、er of advancing with the times, forge ahead, often reflect themselves in adapting to the new situation on whether there are delays, have anything to fear in the reform and innovation, whether in terms of accelerating the development of a relaxation, keep promising State of mind. In order to do inves

16、tigations, investigations is the road to heaven, God disposes of the base. To wants to real heard truth, and justice to truth, and get truth, received effectiveness, on must in-depth actual, and outreach, and in-depth masses, worship masses for Division, and masses heart, with masses with discussion

17、 everyone care of problem, listening they of calls, understand they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experience, concentrated they of wisdom, especially on masses most hope, and most urgent, and most worries, and most complained of hot, and difficulties and focus problem, more to act

18、ive research, caught not put. Dare to innovate, in our work, often remain the old way doesnt work, the new approach would not situation, the reason, the key is that many people know that copying other peoples ideas, mechanically, using someone elses old ways. To change this predicament, requires us

19、to break the shackles of traditional concepts to overcome conservative, conformist, good at finding new problems and to accept new things, summarize new experience, new ideas, developing new programmes and Maverick, a new approach to solve problems, speed up development. Especially in implement supe

20、rior policy spirit of process in the, both implementation, and cannot mechanically, to to extraordinary of courage and develop enterprising of spirit, put flexibility and principle combined up, put superior of spirit and local reality combined up, Yong conspiracy to breakthrough of policy, and exerc

21、ise innovation of lift, developed out development works of, and grass-roots welcomes of, and土方路基检验批质量检验记录 市政质检11 第 页,共 页工程名称单位工程名称施工单位分包单位项目经理技术负责人施工工长分部工程名称分项工程名称验收部位主要工程数量验收规范及图号CJJ1-2008施工与质量验收规范的规定施工单位检查记录监理单位验收记录主控项目1压实度应符合规范表6.3.12-2规定第6.8.11条2弯沉值不应大于设计规定第6.8.12条施工与质量验收规范的规定不合格点的实测偏差值或实测值应测点数合

22、格点数合格率(%)一般项目1路床应平整、坚实,无显著轮迹、翻浆、波浪、起皮等现象,路堤边坡应密实、稳定、平顺。第6.8.14条2允许偏差路床纵断高程(mm)-20,+103路床中线偏位(mm)304路床平整度(mm)155路床宽度(mm)不小于设计值B6路床横坡()0.3且不反坡7边坡不陡于设计值平均合格率()施工单位检查意见 质检员签名:年 月 日监理单位验收结论 监理工程师签名:年 月 日挖石方路基检验批质量检验记录 市政质检12 第 页,共 页工程名称单位工程名称施工单位分包单位项目经理技术负责人施工工长分部工程名称分项工程名称验收部位主要工程数量验收规范及图号CJJ1-2008施工与质

23、量验收规范的规定施工单位检查记录监理单位验收记录主控项目1上边坡必须稳定,严禁有松石、险石。第6.8.21条施工与质量验收规范的规定不合格点的实测偏差值或实测值应测点数合格点数合格率(%)一般项目1允许偏差路床纵断高程(mm)+50;-1002路床中线偏位(mm)303路床宽(mm)不小于设计规定B4边坡不陡于设计规定平均合格率()施工单位检查意见 质检员签名:年 月 日监理单位验收结论 监理工程师签名:年 月 日填石方路基检验批质量检验记录 市政质检13 第 页,共 页工程名称单位工程名称施工单位分包单位项目经理技术负责人施工工长分部工程名称分项工程名称验收部位主要工程数量验收规范及图号CJ

24、J1-2008施工与质量验收规范的规定施工单位检查记录监理单位验收记录主控项目1压实密度应符合试验路段确定的施工工艺。第6.8.22条2沉降差不应大于试验路段确定的沉降差。第6.8.22条施工与质量验收规范的规定不合格点的实测偏差值或实测值应测点数合格点数合格率(%)一般项目1路床顶面应嵌缝牢固,表面均匀、平整、稳定,无推移、浮石。第6.8.22条2边坡应稳定、平顺,无松石。第6.8.22条3允许偏差路床纵断高程(mm)-20,+104路床中线偏位(mm)305路床平整度(mm)206路床宽度(mm)不小于设计值B7路床横坡()0.3且不反坡边坡不陡于设计值平均合格率()施工单位检查意见 质检

25、员签名:年 月 日监理单位验收结论 监理工程师签名:年 月 日路肩检验批质量检验记录 市政质检14 第 页,共 页工程名称单位工程名称施工单位分包单位项目经理技术负责人施工工长分部工程名称分项工程名称验收部位主要工程数量验收规范及图号CJJ1-2008施工与质量验收规范的规定施工单位检查记录监理单位验收记录主控项目施工与质量验收规范的规定不合格点的实测偏差值或实测值应测点数合格点数合格率(%)一般项目1肩线应顺畅、表面平整,不积水、阻水。第6.8.3-1条2允许偏差压实度90 3宽度(mm)不小于设计规定4横坡()1且不反坡平均合格率()施工单位检查意见 质检员签名:年 月 日监理单位验收结论

26、 监理工程师签名:年 月 日砂垫层软土路基检验批质量检验记录 市政质检15 第 页,共 页工程名称单位工程名称施工单位分包单位项目经理技术负责人施工工长分部工程名称分项工程名称验收部位主要工程数量验收规范及图号CJJ1-2008施工与质量验收规范的规定施工单位检查记录监理单位验收记录主控项目1砂垫层的材料质量应符合设计要求。第6.8.4-2条2压实度应大于等于90。第6.8.42条施工与质量验收规范的规定不合格点的实测偏差值或实测值应测点数合格点数合格率(%)一般项目1允许偏差宽度不小于设计规定B2厚度不少于设计规定平均合格率()施工单位检查意见 质检员签名:年 月 日监理单位验收结论 监理工

27、程师签名:年 月 日反压护道路基检验批质量检验记录 市政质检16 第 页,共 页工程名称单位工程名称施工单位分包单位项目经理技术负责人施工工长分部工程名称分项工程名称验收部位主要工程数量验收规范及图号CJJ1-2008施工与质量验收规范的规定施工单位检查记录监理单位验收记录主控项目1压实度不应小于90。第6.8.43-1条施工与质量验收规范的规定不合格点的实测偏差值或实测值应测点数合格点数合格率(%)一般项目1允许偏差宽度应符合设计要求。第6.8.43-2条2高度应符合设计要求。第6.8.43-2条平均合格率()施工单位检查意见 质检员签名:年 月 日监理单位验收结论 监理工程师签名:年 月

28、日土工材料处理软土路基检验批质量检验记录 市政质检17 第 页,共 页工程名称单位工程名称施工单位分包单位项目经理技术负责人施工工长分部工程名称分项工程名称验收部位主要工程数量验收规范及图号CJJ1-2008施工与质量验收规范的规定施工单位检查记录监理单位验收记录主控项目1土工材料的技术质量指标应符合设计要求。第6.8.44-1条2土工合成材料敷设、胶接、锚固和回卷长度应符合设计要求。第6.8.44-2条施工与质量验收规范的规定不合格点的实测偏差值或实测值应测点数合格点数合格率(%)一般项目1下承层面不得有突刺、尖角。第6.8.44-3条2允许偏差下承面平整度(mm)153下承面拱度()1平均

29、合格率()施工单位检查意见 质检员签名:年 月 日监理单位验收结论 监理工程师签名:年 月 日袋装砂井检验批质量检验记录 市政质检18 第 页,共 页工程名称单位工程名称施工单位分包单位项目经理技术负责人施工工长分部工程名称分项工程名称验收部位主要工程数量验收规范及图号CJJ1-2008施工与质量验收规范的规定施工单位检查记录监理单位验收记录主控项目1砂的规格和质量、砂袋织物质量必须符合设计要求。第6.8.45-1条2砂袋下沉时不得出现扭结、断裂等现象。第6.8.45-2条3井深不小于设计要求,砂袋在井口外应伸入砂垫层30cm以上。第6.8.45-3条施工与质量验收规范的规定不合格点的实测偏差

30、值或实测值应测点数合格点数合格率(%)一般项目1允许偏差井间距(mm)1502砂井直径(mm)10,03井竖直度1.5H 4砂井灌砂量-5G平均合格率()施工单位检查意见 质检员签名:年 月 日监理单位验收结论 监理工程师签名:年 月 日 塑料排水板检验批质量检验记录 市政质检19 第 页,共 页工程名称单位工程名称施工单位分包单位项目经理技术负责人施工工长分部工程名称分项工程名称验收部位主要工程数量验收规范及图号CJJ1-2008施工与质量验收规范的规定施工单位检查记录监理单位验收记录主控项目1塑料排水板质量必须符合设计要求。第6.8.46-1条2塑料排水板下沉时不得出现扭结、断裂等现象。第

31、6.8.46-2条3板深不小于设计要求,排水板在井口外应伸入砂垫层50cm以上。第6.8.46-3条施工与质量验收规范的规定不合格点的实测偏差值或实测值应测点数合格点数合格率(%)一般项目1允许偏差板间距(mm)1502板竖直度()1.5H平均合格率()施工单位检查意见 质检员签名:年 月 日监理单位验收结论 监理工程师签名:年 月 日砂桩处理软土路基检验批质量检验记录 市政质检110 第 页,共 页工程名称单位工程名称施工单位分包单位项目经理技术负责人施工工长分部工程名称分项工程名称验收部位主要工程数量验收规范及图号CJJ1-2008施工与质量验收规范的规定施工单位检查记录监理单位验收记录主

32、控项目1砂桩材料应符合设计规定。第6.8.47-1条2复合地基承载力不应小于设计规定值。第6.8.47-2条3桩长不小于设计规定。第6.8.47-3条施工与质量验收规范的规定不合格点的实测偏差值或实测值应测点数合格点数合格率(%)一般项目1允许偏差桩距(mm)1502桩径(mm)设计值3竖直度()1.5H平均合格率()施工单位检查意见 质检员签名:年 月 日监理单位验收结论 监理工程师签名:年 月 日碎石桩处理软土路基检验批质量检验记录 市政质检111 第 页,共 页工程名称单位工程名称施工单位分包单位项目经理技术负责人施工工长分部工程名称分项工程名称验收部位主要工程数量验收规范及图号CJJ1-2008施工与质量验收规范的规定施工单位检查记录监理单位验收记录主控项目1碎石桩材料应符合设计要求。第6.8.48-1条2复合地基承载力不应小于设计规定值。第6.8.48-2条3桩长不小于设计规定。第6.8.48-3条施工与质量验收规范的规定不合格点的实测偏差值或实测值应测点数合格点数合格率(%)一般项目1允许偏差桩距(mm)1502桩径(mm)设计值3竖直度()1.5H平均合格率()施工单位检查意见 质检员签名:年 月 日监理单位验收结论 监理工程师签名:年 月 日粉喷桩处理软土路基检验批质量检验记录


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