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1、ZhuHai PTA No.2 ProjectContractor Job No.Method StatementContractor Doc. No.MS-PTA2-Boiler-008 Boiler Static Equipment InstallationRev. 01Page 10 of 10Zhuhai PTA No. 2 Project珠海PTA二期项目 锅炉静设备安装施工方案Method Statement for Boiler Static Equipment Installation 会 签 Signature 总承包商 General Contractor Wu Bingx

2、uan 批准 Approved by Pan Shaoming 审核 Reviewed by Gan Lin 编制 Prepared by Song Lei The Third Chemical Engineering Construction Company of China中国化学工程第三建设公司August 10, 2006二零零六年八月十日 目录Contents1. 工程概述 General2. 编制依据 Reference3. 施工工艺程序、施工方法Construction Procedure and Methods4. 劳动力需用计划及技能要求 Manpower Plan and

3、Skill Requirements 5. 施工机具、计量器具及施工手段用料计划Construction Machines & Tools, Gauges and Construction Materials Plan 6. 施工进度表Construction Progress Scheme7. 附JHA Attachment: JHA 1 工程概述:General1.1工程简介: Introduction 工程名称: BP珠海二期项目锅炉岛 Project name: Boiler Unit on Zhuhai PTA No. 2 Project工程地点:广东省珠海市南水镇临港工业区Proj

4、ect location: Lin Gang Industrial Park, Nanshui town, Zhuihai city, Guangdong province. 建设单位:珠海BP Building unit: Zhuhai BP Amoco设计单位:中国环球工程公司 Design unit: China HuanQiu Chemical Engineering Corporation总承包单位:中国华电工程(集团)有限公司 Contractor: CHEC施工单位:中国化学工程第三建设公司珠海分公司Construction unit: Zhuhai Branch of TCC

5、1.2 辅助设备一览表 Auxiliary Equipment List 序号No.位号Tag No.名称Name单位Unit数量Qty重量W.T外形尺寸Size(mm)安装标高installation elevation (mm)1BD-960A/B锅炉给水罐water feeding drum台Set2117.341T15146*3300130002BD-922锅炉排污罐boiler drainage tank台Set13.696T1500*5010待定wait3BD-1225沼气罐Biogas tank台Set10.970T3831*800待定wait4BD-926LPG缓冲罐LPG b

6、uffer tank台Set10.61T600*2000待定wait2 编制依据 Reference2.1 工业锅炉安装工程施工及验收规范GB50273-98Boiler installation and Acceptance Code for industry GB50273-982.2 中低压化工设备施工及验收规范HGJ209-83Code for construction and acceptance of middle low-pressure chemical equipment2.3石油化工施工安全技术规范SH3505-1999Safety and Technique Code f

7、or Petrochemical Industry Construction (SH3505-1999)3 施工工艺程序及施工方法 Construction Procedure and Methods3.1 施工前准备 Construction preparation3.1.1参加施工的人员应熟悉图纸及技术说明书、标准规范、施工方案。People involving in construction should be familiar with drawings, technical description, criteria and specifications and constructi

8、on procedure. 3.1.2基础强度已达设计强度的70%以上,施工用水、电、气等齐全、到位。The foundation has reached above 70% design strength. Temporary water, power, gas and others shall be completed and available.3.1.3施工中所用机具、手段用料及计量器具应准备齐全。All equipment, tools, consumables and gauges shall be available for use.3.2开箱验收 Unpacking of bo

9、xes3.2.1开箱时对设备进行外观检查,不得有伤痕、锈蚀、变形及其他损伤。During unpacking, visually check the equipment, which shall be free of scratch, corrosion, and deformation and other damages.3.2.2检查设备的名称、类别、型号、规格、外形尺寸、管口方位应符合设计尺寸要求。Verify the equipment name, sort, type, specification, outline dimension and pipe outlet position

10、 as per the design requirement.3.2.3对设备内件、附件,检查其规格、外形尺寸符合设计图纸要求。Verify the specification and outline dimension of the internals and auxiliaries of equipment as per the design drawings.3.2.4验收合格后,参与验收人员应共同会签验收记录,办理移交手续。After acceptance, inspectors shall jointly sign on Acceptance Record, and arrange

11、handover procedure.3.3基础验收及处理 Foundation acceptance and treatment 3.3.1基础办理交接时,应有交接证书及测量记录。在基础上应有明显的标高基准线及基础纵横中心线When handover the foundation, certificate of completion of handling over and survey record should be prepared; visible reference line and cross centerline should be marked on the foundati

12、on. 3.3.2设备基础表面应清理干净,预留地脚螺栓的螺纹和螺母应保护完好。Equipment foundation top should be cleaned well, and the threads and nuts of anchor bolts should be protected with good condition.3.3.3基础外观不得有裂纹、蜂窝、空洞、露筋等缺陷。The external foundation shall be free of cracks, honeycombs, hollows, exposed-rebar and other defects.3.

13、3.4基础上应明显地标出纵横中心线、标高等基准线。The crossing centerlines, elevation and other reference lines shall be clearly marked on the foundation surface.尺寸其允许偏差如下:The allowable tolerance as below:项 次No.项目Items允许偏差(mm)Allowable Tolerance1坐标位置(纵、横轴线)Coordinate location (in longitudinal and transverse axes)202不同平面的标高E

14、levations on different levels203基础平面外形尺寸Configuration sizes on foundation plan204凸台上平面外形尺寸Plan configuration sizes on convex part of foundation-205凹穴尺寸Sizes of foundation concave+206平面的水平度(包括地坪上需安装设备的部分)Plan levelness, incl. parts on pavement for equipment installation每米 per meter5全长 at full length1

15、07垂直度perpendicularity每米 per meter5全长 at full length108预埋地脚螺栓孔anchor bolt hole中心位置 center location10深度 depth+20孔壁铅垂度每米Hole wall perpendicularity per meter109预埋地脚螺栓Embedded anchor bolt标高(顶端)Elevation (top)+20中心距(在根部和顶部测量)center distance (survey in bottom and top) 2对混凝土基础,应铲出麻面,并凿出垫铁窝。Remove surface vo

16、ids for concrete foundation, and make the place for positioning shims.3.4垫铁安装 Sizing block installation3.4.1采用座浆法安装,在设置垫铁的混凝土基础部位凿出座浆坑,座浆坑凿入基础表面的深度不小于30mm,座浆层混凝土的厚度不小于50mm。Shims should be installation, one piles of shims shall be placed at both sides of anchor bolt, and the distance between two pile

17、s shall not exceed 500mm. Each pile shall not be more than 3 pieces. The piled shim under equipment base shall pass over the center of anchor bolt.3.4.2安装在金属结构上的设备找平后,其垫铁均应与金属结构焊牢。After leveling the equipment installed on steel structure, weld fixedly all shims with steel structural together.3.5静设备的

18、安装 Installation of static equipment3.5.1设备就位后,先根据基础基准线进行找正,调整垫铁进行找平,不得用松紧地脚螺栓的方法进行调整。First align the equipment after in pace in accordance with the foundation reference lines, and then adjust the shims for levelness. Do not adjust by using turning around the anchor bolt.3.5.2立式设备的铅垂度以设备上、下两端点的测点为准。采

19、用经纬仪分别在0、90两个方向同时测量.The perpendicularity of vertical equipment shall be based on the survey points at two ends, top and bottom. Vertical equipment alignment: theodolite will be applied to survey 0 and 90 direction respectively at the same time.3.5.3卧式设备水平度以设备纵向中心线上的水平为基准,要保证设备的纵向自由滑动。卧式设备水平度的找正关键在于正

20、确选择设备水平度的基准面。一般选择设备的主法兰口,水平或铅垂的轮廓面或指定的基准面、加工面。卧式设备采用U形管液位计和水平仪找正。The levelness of horizontal equipment shall be in reference with the levelness on the equipment longitudinal centerline, to ensure the longitudinally free sliding. The key to align the horizontal equipment levelness is to choose the co

21、rrect reference surface of the equipment levelness. Generally, choose the main flange mouth, level or plumb outline surface or the designated reference and machined surface. U-type liquid level meter and level instrument will be used to align for horizontal equipment.3.5.4找正与找平要在同一平面内互成直角的两个或两个以上方向进

22、行。Alignment and leveling shall be performed at two or more directions with right angle in the same plane.3.5.5设备找平、找正后允许偏差范围如下:The allowable tolerance as below after equipment leveling and alignment:项目Item允许偏差(mm)Allowable Tolerance (mm)立式 Vertical卧式 Horizontal中心线CenterlineD20005D2000105标高Elevation5

23、5水平度Levelness轴向L1000L1000 in axes径向2D10002D1000 in radial铅垂度PerpendicularityH1000注:D-设备外径 L-卧式设备两支座间距离 H-立式设备两端部测点距离Notes: D indicates the outer diameter; L indicates the distance between two supports of horizontal equipment; H indicates the distance between two end survey points of vertical equipme

24、nt. Atopmiddlehbottom Bench mark立式设备找正图Alignment drawing for Vertical equipmentDEBCCEBD径向水平度检查radial levelness check 轴向水平度检查axial levelness check 卧式设备找正图Alignment drawing for horizontal equipment3.6灌浆 Grouting设备最终找平、找正、检查合格、隐蔽记录完备后,在24小时内进行二次灌浆工作,二次灌浆层厚度不应小于25 mm.Second grouting will be within 24 ho

25、urs after final leveling, alignment, acceptance and recording. The second grouting shall not be less than 25mm thickness. 4 劳动力需用计划及技能要求Manpower Plan and Skill Requirements序号Item工种Profession人数Number备注Remark1专业负责人Professional Supervisor12技术员Technician13材料员Material Controller14钳工Fitter85普工Common Worke

26、r126起重工Rigger65. 施工机具、计量器具及施工手段用料计划Construction Machine & Tools, Gauges and Construction Materials Plan 5.1施工机具Construction machine and tools序号No.机具名称Description规格型号Spec.数量(台套)Qty (set)备 注Remark1履带吊crawler craneCC260012汽车吊Autocrane50T13砂轮机Sanding Machine15034切割机Cutter40025U型管U type pipe 5m26钢卷尺Steel

27、 Measuring Tape 5m27水准仪Water levelDSA24018经纬仪Theodolite ET-022 9 千斤顶Jack10T 2 10钢丝绳Rigger wire17.5-6*37+120m 11钢丝绳sling wire160mm*13m*240T212钢丝绳sling wire3.5”*15m*100T213钢丝绳sling wire3.5”*6m*100T214钢丝绳sling wire2.5”*9m*60T215钢丝绳sling wire148mm*5m*200T116卸扣Buckle250T617卸扣Buckle120T318Spreader bar sel

28、ection平衡梁4M119倒链Chain block5T420卡环Clasp5T45.2施工手段用料计划Construction material plan 序号No.材料名称Material Name规格、型号Type数量Quantity备 注Remark1钢板Steel Plate=1610m22 枕木Sleeper1802002500120 piece3铁丝Steel wire8# 12#10kg6.施工进度表Construction Progress Scheme设备名称Equipment name设备开箱Unpacking of boxes设备安装、找正Installation、alignment二次灌浆Second grouting锅炉给水罐water feeding drum06.10.2406.10.2406.10.2506.10.30LPG缓冲罐LPG buffer tank06.11.406.11.406.11.50611.506.11.606.11.13沼气罐Biogas tank06.11.3006.11.3006.锅炉排污罐boiler drainage tank06.12.2406.12.2406.12.2506.12.2506.12.2607.1.27.附件attachment: JHA


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