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1、FP系列风机盘管简 述FP系列风机盘管主要由风机、盘管、凝结水盘、控制和手动放气阀等组成,具有结构简单、节能、噪音低、耗电省及安装维护简便、操作方便等优点,是目前配合户室空调、中央空调进行室内温度及空气调节的理想产品。本公司可提供用户多种规格及型式选择,标准工况下风量340m3/h2380m3/h,机组余压0Pa50Pa;型式有:普通型卧式/立式暗装、超薄型卧式/立式/明装/暗装、嵌入式、扇形吊顶式、立柜式、挂壁式等,更多了一份人性化设计,以完全满足用户对风量、冷量、风压及安装条件的要求。特 点产品换热器系用美国TRIDAN公司的生产线制造而成,由无缝紫铜管串套高效双边翻铝片,采用机械涨管工艺


3、机组噪音。 FP系列风机盘管性能参数表型号数据项目FP-34FP-51FP-68FP-85FP-102FP-136FP-170FP-204FP-238风量m3/h低静压高34051068085010201360170020402380中2553835106387651020127515301785低18025534042551068085010201190高静压50Pa高47065084094011501600206024502652中3154406007008001180147516421935低245350480500700900117014301680冷量(w)低静压高192028103


5、17041381316026低1881273636104460.25528269548692.51026911922高静压50Pa高3300478462977747917411981149671762820450中269539195161635775129865123181453716867低19732883380346955560732491491081112551低静压噪声dB(A)373941434546485052高静压噪声dB(A)404244464748505254风机型式前向多翼双进风离心风机数量112223444盘管型 式无缝紫铜管,双面裂隙式铝翅片,附手动放气阀工作压力MPa

6、允许最大工作压力1.8MPa水量L/h3024546057569071325154519002200冷水阻力(KPa)2.365.5110.4317.0625.258.5313.4120.7229.86热水阻力(KPa)1.794.197.9310.0719.206.4910.2015.7522.70电机电 源220V10V,50HZ2.5HZ数量111112222低静压输入功率W3752627696134152189228高静压30Pa44597287108156174212253高静压50Pa496684100118174210250300配管水媒进出管ZG3/4内螺纹氟媒进出管6.4/1

7、2.79.5/15.99.5/19.1冷凝水管DN3/4外螺纹注: 低静压机组的额定风量是机外余压为0Pa时的值,在不带风口和过滤器的余压值为12Pa。 供冷工况参数:进口空气干球温度27,湿球温度19.5,进水温度7,水温差5。 供热工况参数:进口空气干球温度21,进水温度60,热水流量同供冷工况。 上述表格中性能参数如有更改,恕不另行通知。FP系列暗装风机盘管外型及安装尺寸(请在订货时注明出风及回风形式)FP系列立式暗装风机盘管外型及安装尺寸(FP-LA)FP系列暗装风机盘管风管安装示意图CFP系列超薄型风机盘管特点超薄型豪华风机盘管系吸取国外同类产品之精华,并采纳空调专家和工程安装技术人

8、员的宝贵意见,精心研制而成,具有: 机体厚度薄(明装仅188mm),占地面积小,就位安装方便,可任意调节安装高度;超静音设计,采用精心研制的铝合金贯流风叶,同时采用优质吸音保温材料,使噪音降到最低;采用优质注塑面板,整体外形设计美观流畅;可内置双盛水盘,立式、卧式任意选择安装;产品包装采用专用模具制成塑料泡沫内衬,确保机组在运输中不被损坏。CFP系列超薄型风机盘管性能参数表型号数据项目CFP-34CFP-51CFP-68CFP-85CFP-102CFP-136CFP-170CFP-204CFP-238风量m3/h高34051068085010201360170020402380中2553805


10、dB(A)353739404344464748盘管型 式无缝紫铜管,双面裂隙式铝翅片,附手动放气阀工作压力MPa允许最大工作压力1.8MPa水量L/h3024546057569071325154519002200冷水阻力(KPa)2.365.5110.4317.0625.258.5313.4120.7229.86热水阻力(KPa)1.794.197.9310.0719.206.4910.2015.7522.70风机型式铝合金贯流风轮数量11111/22222电机电 源220V10V,50HZ2.5HZ数量11111/22222输入功率W3752627696134152189228配管水媒进出管

11、ZG3/4内螺纹氟媒进出管6.4/12.79.5/15.99.5/19.1冷凝水管DN1/2外螺纹注: 额定风量是当机外余压为0Pa时的值。 供冷工况参数:进口空气干球温度27,湿球温度19.5,进水温度7,水温差5。 供热工况参数:进口空气干球温度21,进水温度60,热水流量同供冷工况。 上述表格中性能参数如有更改,恕不另行通知。CFP系列超薄型卧式、立式明装风机盘管(CFP-WM/LM)立式明装风机盘管图片 卧式明装风机盘管图片 CFP-WM/LM外型尺寸 单位:mm型号尺寸CFP-34CFP-51CFP-68CFP-85CFP-102CFP-136CFP-170CFP-204CFP-23

12、8A7689241080123612361392154817041860B4686247809369361092124814041560机组净重(Kg)1821242727313438413、超薄豪华型卧式暗装风机盘管CFP-WA 卧式暗装风机盘管(后回风)卧式暗装风机盘管(下回风)CFP-WA型外型尺寸 单位:mm型号尺寸CFP-34CFP-51CFP-68CFP-85CFP-102CFP-136CFP-170CFP-204CFP-238A5286848409409961212152416801880B468624780880936115214641620182064379995510551

13、11113271639179520054986548109109661182149416501850净重(Kg)不带回风箱121518212330343841净重(Kg)带回风箱151821242733384348超薄豪华型立式暗装风机盘管CFP- LACFP- LA型外型尺寸 单位:mm型号尺寸CFP-34CFP-51CFP-68CFP-85CFP-102CFP-136CFP-170CFP-204CFP-238A5286848409409961212152416801880B4686247808809361152146416201820净重(Kg)151821242733384348CFP系

14、列暗装风机盘管风管安装示意图FP系列嵌入式风机盘管特点:嵌入式风机盘管(两出风、四出风)置于天花板隔层,完全不占用室内空间。机身采用ABS面板轻而薄,其主机厚度有290mm和390mm供选,外观豪华,极富装饰性,是房间内的一种高级装饰品,特别适用于餐厅、超市、娱乐中心、别墅客厅、会议室、各种户式住宅等场合。四(两)方向送风及三段风向设定,循环风量强劲,即使天花板高度超过标准层高,也可将舒适的气流送到。智能排水装置可使水位落差达1500毫米,长效过滤清洁网可将清扫周期延长,无需频繁清洗过滤网。圆形热交换器设计,出风均匀。 涡流风扇四维送风 保特均匀舒适温度。涡流风扇强力吸附污浊空气,可进行室内外

15、换气,室内空气更清新自然。送风范围广:四侧向下65送风。 三维螺旋风叶,确保风量且形状更薄,不规则风叶螺矩大大降低运转噪声 机壳采用优质橡塑消音(保温),使噪音降至最低。 产品包装采用专用模具制成塑料泡沫内衬,确保机组在运输中不被损坏。FP系列嵌入式风机盘管性能参数表型号数据项目FP-51FP-68FP-85FP-102FP-136FP-170FP-204FP-238风量m3/h高51068085010201360170020402380中3805106387651020127515301785低25534042551068085010201190冷量高W3019400649955959761

16、095451142413303中W262735114352516866778358989111573低W20882773343740805292662778639150热量高W492064777968943612323153941813221034中W403153086538772610147126691495317349低W2966391248295719753394101112012909噪声dB(A)3941424546484950盘管型 式无缝紫铜管,双面裂隙式铝翅片,附手动放气阀工作压力MPa允许最大工作压力1.8MPa水量L/h454605756907132515451900220

17、0冷水阻力(KPa)5.5110.4317.0625.258.5313.4120.7229.86热水阻力(KPa)4.197.9310.0719.206.4910.2015.7522.70电机电 源220V10V,50HZ2.5HZ数量11111111输入功率W52627696134152189228配管水冷媒进出管ZG3/4内螺纹氟冷媒进出管6.4/12.79.5/15.99.5/19.1冷凝水管DN3/4外螺纹注: 额定风量是当机外余压为0Pa时的值。 供冷工况参数:进口空气干球温度27,湿球温度19.5,进水温度7,水温差5。 供热工况参数:进口空气干球温度21,进水温度60,热水流量同

18、供冷工况。 低静压机组在不带风口和过滤器的余压值为12Pa。上述表格中性能参数如有更改,恕不另行通知。嵌入式四出风风机盘管(FP-KMQ)外形尺寸超薄型嵌入式风机盘管FPKMQ/D外型尺寸:(英文版 ) easily blame, to prevent the broken window effect. Supervise the leading cadres to play an exemplary role, take the lead in the strict implementation of the and , lead to safeguard the solemnity and

19、 authority of the party discipline, ensure that the party discipline and the laws and regulations for implementation in place. Throughout the discipline in the daily supervision and management, strengthen supervision and inspection, from the thorough investigation of violations of discipline behavio

20、r. Strengthen to key areas, key departments and key projects as well as the masses reflect the concentration of the units and departments for supervision. - strengthening supervision, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to set an example for compliance with the and is a man must be hexyl

21、, blacksmith needs its own hardware. Discipline inspection organs as the executor of the party discipline, and supervisor of the defenders, for its supervision must be more strictly, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to firmly establish the awareness of Party Constitution, sense of dis

22、cipline and rules consciousness, politics loyalty, sense obey. Action speak Ji Ordinance to set an example of the regulations of the rule of law, strengthen supervision and accept the supervision of the firmness and consciousness, do comply with and . To firmly establish the discipline must first be

23、 disciplined, the supervisor will be subject to the supervision of concept, and consciously safeguard and implement party compasses party, take the lead in practicing three strict real strict, so loyal, clean, play. To be good at learning, the Constitution and the as morality, politics and brought t

24、o fruition; to implement , do not want to, dare not, not with disciplinary ruler to supervision; to discipline a ruler, often the control inspection, and consciously in the ideological red line to draw the row Ming Good accumulation is indeed the bottom line, so that the heart has fear, said to have

25、 quit, the line has ended. Attached: indifferent to heart, calmly to the table in our life, there are many unpredictable things will happen, some good, some bad things, we cannot control is powerless to stop, but with time, you will find in life sometimes turns out to be not good, some bad things fi

26、nally turned out to be a good thing, but then we muddy however did not know, this is the life teach us things. 1, life can be complex, can also be simple. Want simple life of precipitation, to have enough time to reflect, to make Become more perfect. Life is the most important thing is not to win, b

27、ut the struggle; not to have conquered, but to have fought well. 2, the plain is the background of life. Live a plain life, give up on themselves is not a coward, but the wise answers; not disillusioned after the heart, such as ashes, but experience the storm after the enlightenment; not unrewarding

28、 perfunctorily, but calm attitude of life of unrestrained self-confidence. Plain living, there is no noise noisy, no earthly troubles, more did not fill in the discontent of desire, some just a calm, a calm. 3, memory of heart will not good things to erase the, life is a When no movie, pain is a beg

29、inning, the struggle is a kind of process, death is a kind of ending. Give up this giving up is the helpless, do not give up the abandoned, do not give up this giving up is ignorance, do not give up should not give up is persistent. 4, a thing figured is heaven, think impassability is hell. Since th

30、e living, to live better. Sometimes we because of too narrow-minded, too care around the chores and penny wise and pound foolish, not worth the candle. Some things to attract trouble and worry, completely depends on how we look at and deal with it. Dont always take everything back to things, and don

31、t get into a blind alley, dont want to face, dont be narrow-minded. Poke to care, is a kind of open-minded, a free and easy. 5, I am not afraid of others behind me a knife, I afraid to look back and see stab me, is my intention to treat people; I am not afraid of the truth to tell the best friend, I

32、m afraid he turned to it as a joke to tell dont 6, when we are in a positive frame of mind, you will find many good things; and when we are in a negative state of mind, you will find many depressed things; life happy and worry, all is you of life attitude, optimistic, good luck; loss of sink, Eritre

33、a company. When you are in adversity, may wish to change a point of view to think everything over to the good Think, because good mentality decided the fate of the! 7, people are tired, rest; heart tired, calm. Grow up, mature, this society read. Tired and sad, squat down, to their a hug. Because th

34、e world no one can sympathize with you, have mercy on you. You cry, tears is your own; you pain, no one can understand. Then you only tears to smile. 8, each people have youth,Each youth are a story, the life of the world never gets easier, I want what, wish the world all know, as has been the same;

35、 now want anything, for fear that others know, or like to lose the same. 9, the heart move, everything in the world is followed by birth, Rangrang, important thing is often the most difficult to open ones mouth, because words will reduce its importance; to let strangers people care about your life i

36、n the good things, the original is not easy 10, do not blame, do not laugh at who, also dont envy who. Like a person is a kind of feeling, not like a person is true. The truth is easy to explain, I feel Is unspeakable. The best travel life is that you in a strange place found a long lost touched. 11

37、, happy life not in the bustling in, and in the peace of mind; no matter how many grievances, how uncomfortable, and ultimately to heal themselves or their own, others may got you to comfort, but never know your heart is how wanjianchuanxin. 12, maam, like a movie, learn to appreciate, learn to be g

38、rateful, learn tolerance, and goodness, helping others. Instead of accusing the society, as into one; and an exception is better to give than to what 13, dont envy him A sum of, dont lose your life and the life, respectively is: the former is a we experienced cannot escape in a day finally will last

39、 minute, while the latter is our persistent, we want to cherish the memory of those people and things. 14, learn to smile, learn to strong, the world you know so many people, so many people and you are, you cannot change also cant let everyone like you, so also do not want to do. Life is too short t

40、o go crazy to love to go to waste, to chase the dream to regret. 15, when temper, a blessing to go. A wounding elegant people, the key is to control their own emotions. With the mouth is the most stupid behavior. A control negative emotions than a can take a city more powerful water flow slow, langu

41、age is expensive. People spent two years of time to learn to speak, but to spend a few years time to shut up. That is a kind of ability, that is a kind of wisdom. 16, life is not perfect, sometimes, growth is not a cry, not an eyeful of tears, there is no trace of emotion, there is no gleam of hope,

42、 no desire, no action, no static, there is only one kind of downward sinking feeling, sink A murky? 6? 7? 6? 7 sink? 6? 7? 6? 7 toward the bottom of the sink. 17, in some way, do not go, you will not know the other side scenery is beautiful. To you is not good, you do not mind too much, no one has an obligation to you; you learn knowledge, is you have weapons, you can start from scratch, but not unarmed;


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