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1、Lecture 2 Greek Mythology I,Ancient Greek Civilizations Readings Creation of Human Beings Theogony Twelve major Gods and goddesses,I. Ancient Greek Civilizations,Minoan Civilization (Cretan Civilization; 30001100 B.C.) Mycenean Civilization (fall 13001000 B.C.),II. Readings 汉语译本 1。周作人译本 希腊神话,北师大图书馆

2、2。杨周翰译本 变形记,人民文学出版社,楚图南译本 希腊神话和传说 德国 斯威布 人民文学出版社 1959年、2003年版 定价:26元,罗念生、王焕生译本 荷马史诗 人民文学出版社 97年,00年版,English Version The Iliad, The Odyssey trans. by George Chapman by Alexander Pope by Samuel Butler by Ian Johnston Theogony, by Hesiod,Metamorphoses Ovid Trans. A. D. Melville OUP,The Aeneid Virgil T

3、rans. by C. D. Lewis OUP,III. Creation of Human Being,Prometheus Athena Cura Autochthonous,Resources,奥维德:变形记第一卷 第1449行 Hesiod: Theogony,Five transformations 1. Golden Age 2. Silver Age 3. Bronze Age 4. Age of Heroes 5. Age of Iron,The Golden Age,Golden Age,Everlasting spring, streams of milk and nec

4、tar flowed, and honey was distilled from the oak. No law was necessary. No war was necessary. No one believes in it. The Golden Age of mortal people was wonderful. They extended friendship to all mortals and respect to all immortals. They lived without disease or hardship. When it came time for them

5、 to die, they laid down to sleep and awoke as a blessed spirit, roaming the earth and doing good deeds for all the righteous souls they meet.,The Silver Age,Silver Age,Worse than its predecessor Destroyed by Zeus,The Bronze and Heroic Ages,The Age of Bronze,Mortals were made from the ash spear. Men

6、of warcraft and violence Extinguished themselves and Hesiod does not say if they were turned into spirits.,The Age of Heroes,Made by Zeus Age of Blood and Glory Sons and daughters of the immortals populated the earth alongside the mere mortals Nobler and more righteous: a god-like race of heroes, ca

7、lled demigods The pawns of Heroes and the toys of the immortals. Zeus established a godly domain for the spirits for the deceased heroes at the end of the world. Zeus also released his father Cronos from Tartaros to join the heroes in their paradise.,Iron Age,The age of Hesiod (800 B.C.) and also th

8、e age we live in now. We are doomed to hardship and finally, pitiless destruction. “men never rest from labor and sorrow by day , and from perishing by night. Modesty, truth, and faith leave the earth, and in their place come tricks, plots, traps, violence, and unbridled love of profit.,IV. Theogony

9、,Chaos,Gaea,Uranus,The 1st and 2nd Generation,Chaos,Resource: Hesiod, Theogony, ll. 116-123 the void which came into being before anything else. not a void, but a rough unordered mass of things. some say that Chaos was born from Mist, and that Mist was the first to exist Followed by Gaea, and Eros t

10、ogether with Erebus and Nyx & Tartarus,Gaea,Resource: Hesiod, Theogony, ll. 116-200, 233-239, 453-506, 617-735, 820-900 Mother and wife of Uranus Mother of Titans, the Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires,Gaea (Gaia),prophetic powers Daphnis a Mountain Nymph (Oread) Themis Phoebe Phoebus Apollo,Uranus,1

11、. No starry sky 2. Cruel against his children 3. Castration of Uranus “My children, gotten of a sinful father, if you will obey me, we should punish the vile outrage of your father; for he first thought of doing shameful things.“ Gaia to the TITANS. Hesiod, Theogony 165,Cronos/Kronos and Chronos,Chr

12、onosTime, father of Horae, of Aether and Eros Aeschylus, Sophocles, Pindar, Cicero Sometimes identified with Cronos,Cronos/Kronos,Mother, I will undertake to do this deed, for I reverence not our father of evil name, for he first thought of doing shameful things. Cronos to Gaea. Hesiod, Theogony, l.

13、 170,1. Cronos eager to revolt 2. Castration of Uranus 3. Imprisonment of his brothers 4. the Punishment of Neoptolemus 5. Cronos Meets Philyra 6. the Divine Vomit 7. Banished by Zeus,Rhea,The 4th Generation,Hestia-Vesta,Demeter-Ceres,Hera-Juno,Hades-Pluto Dispater, Orcus,Poseidon-Neptune,Zeus-Jupit

14、er,Other Deities,Aphrodite -Venus,Apollo,Ares-Mars,Artemis-Diana,Athena, Minerva,Dionysus Bacchus,Hephaestus- Vulcan,Hermes-Mercury,Questions,Compare the narrations of 5 ages of human being and work out the differences among them. It would be better to tell the roles which moral played in each Age of human being.,


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