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1、, Useful expressions,1.身穿异国服饰,1. wear an exotic costume,More,2.侧身回眸,望着,2. peer over ones shoulder straight out at,3.画面的背景一片漆黑,3. be set against a dark and unspecified background,4.焦点,4. focal point,5.女人普遍特征,5. general attributes of womanhood,6.室内家居,6. domestic interiors,7.改信天主教,7. convert to Catholi

2、cism,as far as sth is concerned (Para 4),Think of expressions with the similar meaning to as far as sth is concerned. in terms of; when it comes to,used for saying which person or thing you are talking about,Make sentences with the expressions above. When it comes to politics I know nothing. As far

3、as the grammar is concerned, I have grasped it. 3. He thought of everything in terms of money.,feature,n. an important part or aspect of sth.,Answer the questions. 1. What does a feature writer do? A feature writer writes a newspaper or magazine article that concentrates on a particular subject.(特稿作

4、家) 2. Whats a feature film? A film of standard length (电影的正片;故事片).,Round-the-clock service features this store. 日夜服务是这家商店的特色。 The latest popular actress is featured in this new film. 这位最近走红的女演员在这部新影片中主演重要角色。 美国英语起重要作用;作为主要角色,主演,Convey,1.运输; 运送;输送 2.表达, 转达,传递 I cant convey my feelings in words. 我无法用言

5、语来表达我的情感。 He tried to convey how he felt. 他试图表达他的感受。, commission,Discuss the meanings of commission in the sentences. 1. My father commissioned a real estate agent to sell our house. charge sb. with a task 委托;授权 2. He obtained a commission in the Royal Air Force. a position of being an officer 委任状;任

6、职令 3. The salesman can get commission on everything he sells. an extra amount of money earned in ones job every time he sells a product 佣金;回扣,v. to officially ask for a piece of work to be done for you,Contribute,1.捐献, 捐助, 贡献出, I contributed a pound towards Janes leaving present. 我凑了一英镑给简买告别礼物。 2.撰稿

7、, 投稿,讲话,发表意见 She regularly contributes to the college magazine. 她定期给校刊投稿。 3.起促成作用 Various factors contributed to his downfall. 多种因素导致了他的垮台。 4. 是的原因之一,Difficult sentence 1 (Para 5),With so much mystery, the painting has been the theme of first, a novel and later, a film Are her wide eyes and enigmati

8、c half-smile innocent or seductive? (Para 5),Trans,What made the painting the theme of a novel and a film?,So much mystery in the painting.,click,2. What can you find in the novel and the film?,Answers to some questions about the painting.,click,3. Which question is immediately more appropriate to t

9、he medium of the novel or the film?,Are her wide eyes and enigmatic half-smile innocent or seductive?,click,Difficult sentence 1,With so much mystery, the painting has been the theme of first, a novel and later, a film, both of which attempt to answer some of the questions about the painting, as wel

10、l as one, which is immediately more appropriate to the medium of the novel or the film: Are her wide eyes and enigmatic half-smile innocent or seductive? (Para 5),正因为如此神秘,这幅画先是成了一部小说的主题,而后又被一部电影所采纳。它们都试图揭开有关这幅画的一些答案,其中一个是:女孩那双睁得大大的眼睛,以及那一丝神秘的微笑,到底是天真还是诱惑?像小说或电影这类媒介更适合作出回答。,More,Language Points,While

11、 Griet goes about her duties, she attracts the attention not only of a butchers boy, Pieter, but also of the painter himself. To go about her duties means to do the work that she is supposed to do. Being on duty means to be working at the moment. Being off duty means to be not working at the moment.

12、 在他家干活的时候,格里特不仅被一个屠夫的儿子彼得看上了,也引起了画家本人的注意。,翻译:,engage (Para 6),v. to start to employ someone or use their services,Answer the questions: 1. If you get engaged to someone, what are you planning to do? Im planning to get married with the person.订婚 2. If government forces have engaged with rebels, what

13、is happening? The government forces are fighting the rebels.与交战 3. If you engage someone in conversation, what do you do? I talk to them and try to interest them in a conversation.吸引住(注意力、兴趣),Difficult sentence 2,Despite their different backgrounds and class, he invites her into his studio and engag

14、es her in his world. (Para 6),尽管他们有着不同的背景,隶属于不同的阶级,但维梅尔还是邀她进画室,并让她走入自己的世界。,Trans,What does engage her in his world mean?,It means to help her to take an interest, understand or take part in what he does.,click,More,run an errand: if you run an errand for someone, you do or get something for them, us

15、ually by making a short trip somewhere 跑腿 (Para 7) e.g. 1. He used to run errands for his boss. 他过去时常为老板跑腿。 2. If an errand had to be run, he was always the first volunteer. 如果有什么差事要跑腿的话,他总是第一个自告奋勇。, take (sb) on (Para 7),to start to employ someone,Discuss the meaning of take on in the sentences. 1.

16、 He is always ready to take on heavy responsibilities. 2. This evening Manchester United take on Manchester City. 3. “Does your mill take on apprentices?” I asked. 4. From 1999 onwards the city began to take on a new look.,to undertake,to compete against,to employ,to develop,Difficult sentence 3,Ver

17、meer recognizes Griet as having visual talent and artistic promise, and takes her on as his studio assistant. (Para 7),维梅尔发现了格里特的视觉才能和艺术潜质,开始让她做画室助手。,Trans,What does artistic promise mean? What are signs of being a successful artist?,It means “she shows the sign that she is likely to be successful a

18、s an artist in the future”, such as acquiring the necessary skills and understanding to make art easily and quickly, creatively choosing what to paint, how to arrange the elements, what style to use and sometimes experimenting with completely new ways to represent a subject or idea.,click,More,wary

19、a. ( of) careful or nervous about someone or something because you think they might cause a problem 谨慎的;小心翼翼的 e.g. Keep a wary eye on the weather before you set sail. 出航前要密切注意天气。 Translate the following into English: 我们一定要教育孩子警惕陌生人。 We must teach children to be wary of strangers. Word family: warily

20、 ad. Antonym: unwary,Words & Phrases,revel vi. 1) ( in) enjoy sth. very much 陶醉于;着迷于 e.g. 1. She seems to revel in annoying her parents. 她似乎以惹父母生气为乐。 2. Aleta was blind from birth, so she learned to adapt to the darkness and revel in the sounds and smells of the forest. 艾丽塔出生时双目失明,因而她学会了适应黑暗,并沉浸于森林的

21、声音与气息。 2) engage in lively and noisy festivities, especially those which involve drinking and dancing (尤指饮酒和跳舞)作乐,狂欢 e.g. They were drinking and reveling all night. 他们整夜喝酒作乐。,Words & Phrases,modesty(para.8),n. 1) a tendency of not to talk about ones achievements 2) a feeling of being shy or embarras

22、sed about other people seeing your body,Make a sentence with modesty forbids/prevents me from doing sth. (*毫不夸张地,*故作谦虚) Modesty forbade me from mentioning that my novel had been published.,Answer the question: If a woman tries to keep her modesty, she _. (a) cover her hair and body to avoid any sexu

23、al feeling in man (b) talk and act with good grace,compromise,n.妥协, 折中方法 The spokesman made it clear that no compromise was yet in sight. 发言人表明, 目前还不会妥协。 v.折中解决 They compromised by going to the cinema. 他们采取折中的办法去看电影。,storm into/out (para.9),to go somewhere very quickly because you are angry or upset

24、,Complete the sentences with suitable verbs: The thieves planned to _ into a bank(洗劫银行). He _ into (蹦蹦跳跳地跑进) the room and announced that he was getting married. The boys _ into (跳进)the river to swim. He _ into (大胆地走进) the depths of the forest. The duchess _ into (仪态万方地走进) the room. Every minute you

25、_ into my heart like pure streams.,break,bounded,plunged,ventured,sailed,flow,in the meantime (para.10),during the time between two events or between the present time and a future event,Translate the sentences: The government waits for an economic miracle while, in the meantime, whole industries col

26、lapsed. 政府等待奇迹的出现,与此同时所有的产业都已垮掉。 2. 下一节目五分钟后开始,现在先播放些音乐。 The next programme starts in five minutes: in the meantime, heres some music.,bring sth to life (para.11),to make sth exciting or interesting,Translate the sentences. 他的小说把维多利亚时代的生活写活了。 His novels bring to life the Victorian age.,bring sth to

27、perfection bring a smile to sbs face/lips bring tears to sbs eyes bring sth to an end bring sb into contact with,pierce (para.12),v. make a hole in sth.,Translate the sentences. 1. 她的话深深地打动了苏菲的心。 Her words pierced Sophies heart. 2. 狼的嚎叫划破了黑夜的寂静。 A wolfs howl pierced the silence of the dark night.,Di

28、scuss the topic. Why do some people have their noses pierced?,Nose piercing is derived from Hebrew word “Shanf”. Initially it was documented approximately 4000 years ago during Middle East where King Abraham gave gold nose ring to his second wife at the time of their marriage. It became her security

29、 for the rest of her life. African and Middle East tribes still follow this custom. Mogul emperors brought the tradition of nose piercing in India in the 16th century. Since then many Indian females are seen with their nose pierced. According to the Indian medicine, the female who get her nose pierc

30、ed is assumed to experience less pains while delivering the child. The reason behind this belief is, through the piercing some vein is pressed that makes the childbirth easier. Besides, few astrologers(占星者) even suggests spinster (老处女)to pierce their nose in order to find the right match for them.,c

31、lick,Contain (para.14),1.包含; 容纳 The hall can contain two hundred people. 大厅可以容纳200人。 2.等于;相当于 A pound contains 16 ounces. 一磅等于16英两。 3.克制,容忍 At the sight of this cruelty, they could hardly contain their anger. 看到这种惨不忍睹的景象,他们简直无法克制他们的愤怒情绪。, Useful expressions,1.身穿异国服饰,1. wear an exotic costume,More,2.

32、侧身回眸,望着,2. peer over ones shoulder straight out at,3.画面的背景一片漆黑,3. be set against a dark and unspecified background,4.焦点,4. focal point,5.女人普遍特征,5. general attributes of womanhood,6.室内家居,6. domestic interiors,7.改信天主教,7. convert to Catholicism,8.在传统意义上,8. in a conventional sense,9.背离事实,9. distort the

33、truth,10.无法解释的背景资料的缺失,10. unexplainable lack of background information, Useful expressions,11.一丝神秘的微笑,11. an enigmatic smile,12.履行自己的职责,12. go about ones duties,13.让某人走入的世界,13. engage sb. in ones world,14.视觉才能和艺术潜质,14. visual talent & artistic promise,15.为而感到高兴,15. revel in,16.磨颜料、调颜色,16. grind paints & develop the colors,17.矜持庄重,17. strict modesty,18.偿还债务,18. settle the debt,19.引发某些问题,19. provoke some questions,20.穿耳洞,20. pierce sbs earlobe,21.一部备受推崇的小说,21. a thoroughly rewarding novel,22.一部制作精良的影片,22. a well-composed film,


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