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1、形象化记单词,两把大汤勺,四个高脚杯,湖水,肥皂,鸡蛋,面包,玫瑰花,云雾,江河湖海。,人们对于图像的存储速度要远远高于对于语言符号的存储速度。,chill c+hill image i +ma+age spark s +park snowflake trail t+rail isolate i+so+late,形象化记单词,词根词缀记单词,com=co=con=together一起 cooperation coordinate connection conduct combine duce=lead produce=pro(forward)+duce(lead)工业革命滚滚向前,表“生产”

2、reduce=re(back)+duce(lead)向后牵引,即“减少” introduce=intro(inter)+duce(lead)相互引见,即“介绍”,connecting people communication knows no bounds,介词 枯藤老树昏鸦,around on,1.(09浙江,8)The medicine works more effectively _ you drink some hot water after taking it. A. as B. until C. although D. if (09四川,6)A great person is al

3、ways putting others interests _ his own. A. below B. above C. in D. on,3. (09全国卷I,34) Everybody was touched words after they heard her moving story. A. beyond B. without C. of D. in 4.(09福建,23) -How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space! -Its a challenge, I guess, man against natur

4、e. A. of B. for C. by D. about,face off(变脸,其中off表示离开) take off(起飞,脱衣服) see off(到机场送某人) lay off(下岗),In Out,1.网络类 她在社交网站Facebook上解除了和他的好友关系。 She unfriended him on Facebook.,他上谷歌搜索了这个词。 He googled the word. 你发微博讨论迈克尔.杰克逊去世的消息了吗? Did you tweet about MJs death? Twitter netbook Wiki Youtube,2.时事类 他是个狂热的奥巴

5、马追随者。 He is an Obamamaniac. meinik Obamination 厌恶奥巴马 Brackstar 奥巴马的气质 让我们行动起来保护环境。 Lets go green. green food,3.名人类 Yes we can! ing of Pop.,Reviewed some words in the text.,behave,achievement,specialist,advertise,observe,inspire,argue,permission,organization,connection,ob(to) + serve(服务) 伺候在(主人)面前 察言观色 观察 in(into) + spire(呼吸) 吸进灵气 给.以灵感,四类阅读理解题,一组口诀全搞定,主旨题找首末句,起承转合要注意, 句中没有看选项,错误选项不一样。 细节题解三步骤,寻词定位选答案, 引号优先多留意,逻辑连词不能忘。 推断题目中细节,有时亦当主旨解。 词汇题目最简单,选项代入文章中。,


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