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1、Revision,Part I words,Translation,:,1鼓舞 2 钦佩 3冠军 4 愉快的 5 紧张的 6威胁 7乐观的 8工作日 9 以某种方式 10 平息 11暴风雨的,inspire admire champion cheerful tense threaten optimistic workday somehow die down stormy,12掩蔽 13 悔恨 14 气候 15 重视 16 烦扰 17 前途 18 艰难 19 幼儿园 20 甘心忍受 21 即将来临 22 奖学金,shelter regret climate value bother promis

2、e hardship kindergarten come to terms with just around the corner scholarship,I was _to work harder by her example. I _her for bravery. Every time they quarrel, Jane _to leave. I cant believe that!she was so _ that she left nothing for her partner. 5. I_ that I had missed the lecture by professor Sm

3、ith. 6. The house has been _at $42,000. 7. My parents _me a new skirt.,inspired,admire,threatens,mean,regretted,valued,promised,Fill in the blank with proper words,9. Although he faces so many problems in his daily life, he is still _. 10. In the storm, I took _ under a tree. 11. The_ of Italy is mi

4、lder than that of Britain. 12. He _dropped behind.(不知怎么的) 13. The book earned him international_. 14 .Andy Lau is a very successful TV_.,personality,fame,somehow,climate,shelter,optimistic,8. He cant _ people smoking while he is eating.,bear,Complete the following sentences: The big success i_ us gr

5、eatly. 2. She is o_ about her chances of winning a gold medal. 3. In some parts of the world there is an extreme c_, and it is very hot in summer and very cold in winter. 4. They are known to set a high v_ on good presentation skills. 5. They t_ to kill him unless he did as they asked.,nspires,ptimi

6、stic,limate,alue,hreatened,6. “All work and no play makes Jack a d_ boy” means that someone who works all of the time will become boring and uninteresting. 7. They could make life very m_ for us if we refuse to cooperate with them. 8. Oprahs life shows us that hard work and d_ are road to self-impro

7、vement. 9. Ive been s_ to understand this article all morning. 10. It is most g_of you to lend me the money.,ull,iserable,iscipline,truggling,enerous,Complete the following sentences: 1.He _ go out when it began to rain. 2.He _ all the help the teacher had given to him. 3.Think carefully before you

8、_. 4.My grandmother is still _ although she is over 80. 5.The soldiers _ the snowstorm.,was about to,was thankful for,make a decision,struggled through,in good health,-ed or -ing 1. Suddenly I found a small boy_ ( struggle) in the water. 2. When I passed the house I heard someone _( sing) at the top

9、 of his voice. 3. Suddenly I found her _(hang) on the ropes _(tie) to a tree. 4. When I woke up , I found myself _(lock) in a deserted house. 5. I was reading when I felt my shoulder _(touch). 6. He made an _(inspire) speech and many people were _(inspire).,struggling,singing,hanging,tied,locked,tou

10、ched,inspiring,inspired,Part II Language Points,现实生活已经够艰难的了。 Life is difficult as it is . 对于妇女来说, 生活似乎是难上加难。 For women life sometimes twice as difficult. 他怎么了? What has become of her? 我发现自己在帐篷里待了一整天了。 I found myself spending the whole day in my tent. 5. 暴风雨平息了。 The storm died down.,6. 我放声高唱“祝我生日快乐”。

11、 I sang “happy birthday to me” at the top of my voice. 我身体很健康。 I am in good health. 我左腿站不起来。 I couldnt stand on my left leg. 我挣扎着爬起来。 I struggled to my knees. 10. 我毫无遗憾地这样做了。 I did so without regret.,11. 我得作出个决定。 I had to make a decision.,12. 我把帐篷支好, 睡袋拖进帐篷。 I put up the tent and dragged my sleeping

12、 bag into the tent. 13. 许多国家高度评价中国在维护世界和平中的重要作用。 Many countries highly value Chinas role in keeping world peace. 14. 她帮助成千上万的人们摆脱困境。 She helped thousands of people come to terms with some trouble.,15. 她的一生和她事业上的成功,为许多妇女树立了榜样。 Her life and her success are a good example for many women. 16. 他成名的故事十分鼓舞

13、人心。 His rise to fame is an inspiring story. 17. 对于她的家庭来说,生活几乎毫无希望可言。 For her family, life seemed to hold no promise. 18. 在小学她跳过了小学二年级。 She skipped the second grade of primary school. 祝你永远好运! Best of luck to you always!,come to terms with. rise to fame hold no promise within (ones) reach lead to the

14、road to sth.,勉强接受;与妥协,成名,一点希望也没有,通向导致,伸手可及 力所能及,达到某目标的途径,(1)Passing the exam seems to _. (2)It is hard to _going bland. (3)This crisis _the downfall of the government. (4)The young musician_quickly. (5)Diligence(勤奋)and wisdom are _success. (6)The shelf is not very high so the books are _.,hold no pr

15、omise,come to terms with,led to,rose to fame,the road to,within reach,Fill in the blanks with the given phrases:,PartIII correction,The girl was struggling the robber. 2. Mr Wang bought a teaching equipment yesterday. 3. We warmly congratulate Teachers Day every year. 4. Mother laid down and wanted to have a rest.,against /with,piece/set of,celebrate,lay,5. I had slept half an hour while the telephone rang. 6. He struck a match and held the lit match for a while. 7. Write down my phone number before you dont forget. 8. The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west.,when,lighted,


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