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1、大学英语1 2 课时教案课 次第1次课授课时间 第4周 星期 第 节授课地点 授课方式讲授 课堂讨论 实践课 其他 学 时2课时授课主题Unit 1 How to Be a Successful Language LearnerSection I Before Reading and Global Reading 教学目的要求Objectives:1. Appreciate the introductory remarks and background information about Text A.2. Learn the new words and expressions in Text

2、 A.3. Understand the main idea and structure of the Text A.4. Try to finish the exercises related to the new words and phrases.教学进程Section I Before Reading (90 minutes)1. Lead in to Text A (15mins) 1) Watch the video clip and discuss the following questions; 2) Practice an English Tongue Twister.3)

3、Enjoy an English Joke.2. Read the new words and expressions in Text A (10mins)3. Global reading (25mins) 1) Listen to the tape and read Text A after the recording. (5mins)2) Divide the text into three parts and summary the main idea of each parts. (20mins) (See Part Division & Further Understanding

4、in Global Reading)Part I: You need to learn to associate sounds with objects, and to think in a new way. (Paragraphs 1-3) -For Part I Questions and Answers Part II: Instead of translating words, you learn to associate the new sound directly with the image in your mind. (Paragraphs 4-6) - For Part II

5、 Sentence CompletionPart III: Try to think in a foreign language without translating. (Paragraphs 7-8) - For Part III Multiple Choice4. Language points: Introduce vocabulary items in the text (25mins)1) process 2)point 3)associate 4)various 5)represent 6)instead 7)image 8)analogy 9)substitute 10)pre

6、vious 11) get away from 12) depend on ( rely on) 13) break down into 14)in terms of 15)build up 16)get into 17) a good deal 18)sink in(to) 5. Do the vocabulary activities on Page 9-10 (15mins)6. Summarize the General Idea of The Text (5mins) It has always been assumed that in a foreign language lear

7、ning situation, learners, especially beginners, rely extensively on their native language. They tend to transfer word order and meanings of their native language to the foreign language through word-by-word translation. This process takes a lot of time and mental energy. Moreover, it may lead to man

8、y errors caused by cross-linguistic differences.作业及思考题Prepare for Text ARead and recite the new words and expressions授课小节充分发挥学生的自主能动性对本单元课文进行阅读前准备和总体把握。大学英语1 2 课时教案课 次第2次课授课时间 第6周 星期 第 节授课地点 授课方式讲授 课堂讨论 实践课 其他 学 时2课时授课主题Unit 1 How to Be a Successful Language LearnerSection II Detailed Reading 教学目的要求

9、Objectives:Review the new words and expressionUnderstand the important sentence and learn to put them into useTry to train the skills of reading comprehension教学进程Difficult Points:1. Word study: understand the basic usages of some difficult words and expressions2. Translation: understand the translat

10、ing meaning of Text A, especially some difficult sentencesSection II Reading (90 minutes)1. Review Text A (5-10mins)Ask students to read the text quickly and then do a sentence-completion exercise. (See Warm-Up Exercise in Before Reading.)2. Detailed studying of Text A (55-60mins)1) Text A2) Sentenc

11、e Highlights:(1) Only this time, since you are grown up, you will be able to understand what needs to be done much faster. -The word “only” here means “but; except that”.(2) Translating takes too much time and mental energy. -You have to spend a lot of time and mental energy in translating.(3) Dont

12、think that the challenge of new thinking will be limited only to the area of new words; it is going to go much deeper than that. -The challenge of new thinking is not only limited to the areas of new words, but something else beyond that.(4) Where we use two blocks, they may use three smaller ones o

13、r maybe one large one.-Here the conjunction “where” is used for showing differences. It is used when you compare two persons, things, actions, etc. and show how they are different. (5) the Turks are able to reduce all these four words to only one.- the Turks are able to use simply one word instead o

14、f four3) Language points:(1)take & go(2)whatclause3. Summary the main idea of the text by filling the blanks according to Text A. (See Summary of the Text in After Reading) (15mins)4. Read the important paragraph. (5-10mins)Ask the students to read the important paragraph after the recording sentenc

15、e by sentence.作业及思考题1.Review the new words and expressions and prepare for dictation2.Finish the exercises related to Text A: Usage (Page 10-11); Sentence1,2,3授课小节采取互动式教学方法让学生理解课文。大学英语1 2 课时教案课 次第3次课授课时间 第 6周 星期 第 节授课地点 授课方式讲授 课堂讨论 实践课 其他 学 时2课时授课主题Unit 1 How to Be a Successful Language LearnerSecti

16、on III Exercise教学目的要求Objectives:1. To master the differences between take and go.2. To grasp the what clause.3. To understand the basic and important structure of the sentence in Text A.教学进程Section III Practice (90 minutes)1. Usage on Page10 :take & go (20mins)2. Structure on Page11: the what clause

17、 (25mins)3. Translation on Page12 (35mins)Language point: the what clause, in terms of, analogy, concept, build up, bit by bit, all over again, challenge, image, associatewith,etc. 4. Summary(10mins)There are three key points in this text:1) You can never really learn to speak a foreign language, or

18、 understand it when it is spoken, unless you can learn to think in the language.2) Learning to think in a new language means learning to associate a new sound with the idea or image of what is means. You practice to the point where the new sound takes on meaning for you.3) Avoid translating, that is

19、, mentally putting everything you read or hear into your native language. Your goal is to understand without translating.5. Recite the important paragraphs of Text A作业及思考题Preview Text A of Unit 10授课小节与学生互动,完成课后相关练习。大学英语1 2 课时教案课 次第4次课授课时间 第7 周 星期 第 节授课地点 授课方式讲授 课堂讨论 实践课 其他 学 时2课时授课主题Unit 1 A New Sta

20、rt教学目的要求Objectives:Focus listening and speakingReading Aloud and Memorizing 教学进程Section IV Listening and Speaking (90 minutes)Unit 1 A New Start1. Starting point: Do the questionnaire2. Inside view:PredictingConversation 1: Work in pairs Choose the best answer to the questions Language and culture:C

21、onversation 2 Complete the sentences Conversation 3 Everyday EnglishWork in pairs and act out the conversation3. Talking point4.Outside view:Watching and Understanding Developing critical thinking5. Listening in:Short conversations News Report Conversation 作业及思考题Homework on Page 6授课小节通过对听力技巧的说明和听力稿的仔细讲解,让学生了解本单元的对话情景。


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