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1、Drugs,1.Definition of drug,A drug is a substance that alters body function. Traditionally, drugs have been derived from natural plant, animal, and mineral sources. Today, most are manufactured synthetically by pharmaceutical companies. A few, such as certain hormones and enzymes, have been produced

2、by genetic engineering. Many drugs, described as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, are available without prescription. Others require a health care providers prescription for use.,2.Word parts pertaining to drugs,-lytic = dissolving, reducing, loosening anxiolytic: agent that reduces anxiety 抗焦虑药 antihe

3、molytic: agents that prevent hemolysis 抗溶血药 thrombolytic drug: drugs that are used to dissolve blood clots (血栓,血小板)溶栓药 -mimetic =mimicking, simulating 模拟,模仿 sympathomimetic: mimicking the effects of the sympathetic nervous system 拟交感神经药,溶解,降低,松散,-tropic=acting on 作用于 endocrinotropic : increase endoc

4、rine 促内分泌的 psychotropics: drugs acting on mind 精神类药物 anti-= aginst antidote: substance that counteracts a poison解药 antihypertensive: agents that counteracts high blood pressure 抗高血压药,-troph 营养 Tropin 激素,contra-=against contraceptive: preventing conception 避孕药 alg/o, algi/o, algesi/o=pain =-algia ana

5、lgesics: compounds capable of relieving pain without the loss of consciousness 镇痛药(缓解) chem/o=chemical chemotherapy: treatment with drugs 化疗,hypn/o=sleep=somn hypnosis: an altered state with increased responsiveness to suggestion 催眠,催眠术 hypnotic: drugs that induce sleep 安眠药 narc/o=stupor 麻痹,麻木 narco

6、tic: drug that induces stupor 麻醉剂 pharmac/o=drug pharmacy: the science of preparing and dispensing drugs 药剂学,pyr/o, pyret/o=fever,fire 发热,起火 pyrogen: a substance that induces fever. These can be either internal (endogenous内源性的) or external (exogenous) to the body. The bacterial substance lipo/poly/s

7、accharide (LPS)脂多糖(脂肪), present in the cell wall of some bacteria, is an example of an exogenous pyrogen.热源 antipyretic: counteracting fever 解热药,退烧药 pyrexia: fever 发烧 tox/o, toxic/o=poison, toxin antitoxin: an antibody with the ability to neutralize a specific toxin 抗毒素(一种抗体),2.Routes of drug admini

8、stration,inhalation: administration though the respiratory system呼吸系统, as by breathing in an aerosol气雾剂 instillation: liquid is dropped or poured slowly into a body cavity or on the surface of the body, such as into the ear or onto the eye 滴注 eg. eye drop 滴眼剂 oral: given by mouth; per os (po) 口服,rec

9、tal: administered by rectal 直肠的suppository栓剂 or enema灌肠剂 。 直肠给药 sublingual (SL): administered under the tongue 。舌下给药 topical: applied to the surface of the skin。 局部给药 transdermal: absorbed through the skin, as from a patch placed on the surface of the skin。 经皮给药 dermo- dermato皮肤 e.g. epiderm 表皮,Inje

10、ction: administered by a needle and syringe described as parenteral肠胃外 routes of administration。 注射,intradermal (ID):injected into the skin 皮内注射 intramuscular (IM):injected into a muscle肌肉注射 intravenous: injected into a vein静脉内注射 subcutaneous (SC): injected beneath the skin; hypodermic (皮肤)皮下注射= hyp

11、odermic,皮,皮下组织,肌肉,3.Common drugs and their actions,Analgesics: alleviate pain narcotic analgesics:麻醉性镇痛剂 decrease pain sensation in central nervous system; chronic use may lead to physical dependence, e.g. morphine non-narcotic analgesics:非麻醉性镇痛剂 act peripherally to inhibit prostaglandins (local hor

12、mones); they may also be anti-inflammatory and antipyretic (reduce fever), e.g. aspirin,Formation of pain,tissue damage or inflammation pain producing substance prostaglandin, PG(前列腺素) leukotriene, LT(白三烯) bradykinin(缓激肽 ) 缓慢的 5-hydroxytryptamine (5羟色胺) interleukin(白介素) stimulate sensory nerves nerv

13、e impulse transmitted to nerve center feeling of pain,Makes receptor more sensitive to pain,tachy- 快的,致敏物质,Mechanism of action:,Phospholipids磷脂 phospholipase 磷脂酶 arachidonic acid(花生四烯酸) cyclooxygenase(环氧化酶) prostaglandin(前列腺素),Anesthetics: reduce or eliminate sensation 麻醉剂,local anesthetics: drugs t

14、hat can reversibly block generation and transmission of nerve impulses to relieve pain at local site without loss of consciousness, e.g. lidocaine general anesthetics: drugs that can inhibit central nervous system and cause temporary loss of consciousness,e.g. nitrous oxide,Anticoagulants 抗凝血剂,preve

15、nt coagulation and formation of blood clots, e.g. heparin. A group of pharmaceuticals called anticoagulants can be used in vivo as a medication for thrombotic disorders. Some chemical compounds are used in medical equipment, such as test tubes, blood transfusion bags, and hemodialysis equipment. 血液透

16、析仪,Antidiabetics 抗糖尿病药,prevent or alleviate diabetes by lowering glucose levels in the blood. Some of them, such as insulin, have to be injected, while others can be administered orally and are thus also called oral hypoglycemic agents, 口服降糖药 or oral antihyperglycemic agents . 口服抗高血糖药,Antiemetics 止吐

17、药,An antiemetic is a drug that is effective against vomiting and nausea. Anti-emetics are typically used to treat motion sickness (kinetosis(运动))晕动病 and the side effects of opioid analgesics, general anaesthetics and chemotherapy directed against cancer,Antihistamines 抗组胺剂,Histamine: As part of an i

18、mmune response to foreign pathogens, histamine is produced by basophils(碱性的)(嗜)嗜碱性性细胞 and by mast cells found in nearby connective tissues. Histamine increases the permeability of the capillaries to white blood cells and other proteins, in order to allow them to engage foreign invaders in the affect

19、ed tissues . histology 组织学 histone 组蛋白(存在染色体中),Histamine exerts its actions by combining with specific cellular histamine receptors. The three histamine receptors that have been discovered are designated H1 ,H2 and H3. H2 antagonist: H2 histamine receptor is located on parietal cells胃壁细胞. When it is

20、 agitated by histamine, it call stimulate the secretion of gastric acid. H2 antagonist can decrease gastric acid secretion and treat peptic ulcer消化性溃疡.,Antihypertensives,lower blood pressure by reducing cardiac output心脏输出, dilating vessels扩张血管, or promoting excretion排泄 of water by the kidneys ,e.g.

21、clonidine and captopril卡托普利 (ACE inhibitor)血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂 angiotensin converting enzyme,anti-infective agents: kill or prevent the growth of infectious organisms抗感染药,antibacterials抗菌药: effective against bacteria, examples are erythromycin, tetracycline and penicillin. antifungals抗真菌剂: effective against

22、 fungi, e.g. amphotericin B antiparasitics抗寄生虫药: effective against parasites, protozoa, worms antivirals抗病毒药: effective against viruses,e.g. zidovudine叠氮胸苷 (HIV),Mechanism of action of zidovudine,Zidovudine is a nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase逆转录酶 inhibitor (NRTI), a type of antiretroviral d

23、rug. It was the first approved treatment for HIV. AZT works by inhibiting the action of reverse transcriptase, the enzyme that HIV uses to make a DNA copy of its RNA. Reverse transcription is necessary for production of the viral double-stranded DNA, which is subsequently integrated into the genetic

24、 material of the infected cell. AZT also has some ability to inhibit cellular DNA polymerase聚合酶, which is used by normal cells as part of cell division. However, AZT has a 100-fold greater affinity for the HIV reverse transcriptase than for the human DNA polymerase, accounting for its selective anti

25、viral activity.,Antineoplastics 抗肿瘤药,destroy cancer cells; they are toxic for all cells but have greater effect on cells that are actively growing and dividing; hormones and hormone inhibitors also are used to slow tumor growth.,estrogen 雌激素 (雌的) 乳腺癌需要雌激素的供应,gastrointestinal drugs,Antidiarrheals止泻药:

26、 treat or prevent diarrhea by reducing intestinal motility or absorbing irritants and soothing the intestinal lining Laxatives泻药,缓泻药: promote elimination from the large intestine by retaining water (hyperosmotics), promoting intestine peristalsis and softening stools,hypnotics:induce sleep or dull t

27、he senses; muscle relaxants:肌肉松弛药 depress nervous system stimulation of skeletal muscles骨骼肌; used to control muscle spasms痉挛 and pain diuretics: 利尿剂promote excretion of water, sodium, and other electrolytes by the kidneys; used to reduce edema水肿 and blood pressure,psychotropics: affect the mind, alt

28、ering mental activity, mental state, or behavior,antianxiety agents:抗焦虑药 reduce or dispel anxiety; tranquilizers; anxiolytic agents Antidepressants 抗抑郁药:relieve depression by raising brain levels of neurotransmitters (chemicals active in the nervous system) antipsychotics:抗精神病药 act on nervous system

29、 to relieve symptoms of psychoses,respiratory drugs 呼吸道相关药物,Antitussives: 止咳药suppress coughing Bronchodilators:(支气管)支气管扩张药prevent or eliminate spasm of the bronchi(bronchus 单 ) (breathing tubes) by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle; used to treat asthma哮喘 and bronchitis 支气管炎 mucolytics:(溶解) 化痰药loosen mucus to promote its elimination,


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