大家论坛北说外基础英语2001试卷 答案.doc

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1、大家论坛-英语专业考研版-真题+资料汇总http:/ nation dividedWhat to do about the ever widening gulf between rich and poor? Mortimer B. ZuckermanWe are becoming two nations. The prosperous are rapidly getting more prosperous and the poor are slowly getting poorer. George W. Bush did well to rebuke his party when House

2、Republicans maneuvered to balance the budget by proposing to delay the earned income tax credit for the working poorpaying it in monthly installments rather than an annual lump sum. “I dont think they ought to balance the budget on the backs of the poor,” Bush said. Instead, it is time for aspiring

3、leaders to ponder how the two nations might more closely become one.The American economy is growing dramatically. But this prosperity is being distributed very unevenly. The America that is doing well is doing very well indeed. But most benefits have gone to those who work in industries where the ma

4、in product is information. The losers have been the producers of tangible goods and personal serviceseven teachers and health care providers. The high-tech information economy has been growing at approximately 10 times the rate of the older industrial economy. It has enjoyed substantial job growth,

5、the highest productivity gains(about 30 percent a year), and bigger profits. It can therefore afford bigger wage gains(about four times that of the older economy). And this wage gap is likely to widen for years to come.The rich get richer. The concentration of wealth is even more dramatic. New York

6、University economist Edward Wolff points out that the top 20 percent of Americans account for more than 100 percent of the total growth in wealth from 1983 to 1997 while the bottom 80 percent lost 7 percent. Another study found that the top 1percent saw their after-tax income jump 115 percent in the

7、 past 22 years. The top fifth have seen an after-tax increase of 43 percent during the same period while the bottom fifth of all Americansincluding many working mothershave seen their after-tax incomes fall 9 percent. The result is that 4 out of 5 householdssome 217 million peoplewill take home a th

8、inner slice of the economic pie than they did 22 years ago.There are those who point out that these income figures do not fully reflect the improvement in the standard of living and say that attention should be paid to what Americans own, what they buy, and how they live, A fair point. Two economist

9、s, W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm, have revealed that each person in the average household today has 814 square feet of living space compared with 478 square feet in 1970;that 62 percent of all households own two or more vehicles compared with 29 percent back then; that the number of gas ranges has

10、increased sixfold, air travel four times, and the median household wealthi.e., the family right in the middlehas jumped dramatically. Even given such improvements in life quality, our public policy must not exacerbate the disproportionate concentrations of wealth.Fortunately, Americans are pragmatis

11、ts. They know that what you earn depends on what you learn, especially in a digital economy; so 83 percent of our children now complete four years of high school, compared with 55 percent in 1970.This is good news. But vast numbers of people feel marginalized in an information-based economy. For too

12、 many, work no longer provides the kinds of wages and promotions that allow them to achieve economic success or security. Wage increases do not substantially increase their real income, so they have to work longer hours, get a higher-paying shift, or find another job. These are the people who are pa

13、rticularly concerned about the benefits they stand to gain from Medicare and Social Security. If they do manage to put together a successful strategy to survive, they should not be hit with sudden shockslike the denial of the lump-sum tax credit.Bush may have discomfited his Republican colleagues, b

14、ut his words served to remind that they are out of touch with the realities of life for so many Americans. He later softened his criticism, but it is time, nevertheless, for a more generous leadership from the House Republicans. They should not berate Bush. Indeed, they may well find themselves in h

15、is dept should his appeal to the center of American politics provide them the coattails they will need when voters head to the polls in just over a year.1. Explain the underlined part in English, bringing out the implied meaning, it there is any:(22%)(1)I dont think of the poor (3%)(2)The result is

16、22 years ago (3%)(3)A fair point. (2%)(4)our public policy wealth (3%)(5)vast numbers economy (3%)(6)These are Social Security (3%)(7)they may well find over a year. (3%)2. Answer he following questions briefly and to the point(13%)(1)What does it mean by the title “A Nation Divided ”? (3%)(2)What i

17、s the main reason for the widening gap of income, according to the writer?(5%)(3)How does the writer propose to solve the problem?(5%). Translate the following into Chinese(25%)1. I cant thank you enough.(2%)2. He suggested to me that more was to be gained than lost by full disclosure. I could not h

18、ave agreed more.(2%)3. They could hardly have been more wrong. (2%)4. The conspirators had ganged together, their confidence growing with their number.(2%)5. Greed of money is not one of his faults.(2%)6. The convention bought time, it could not bring settlement.(2%)7. The reaty was approved by the

19、Senate, with only one vote to spare.(2%)8. We agree to disagree without being disagreeable.(2%)9. His past is no more immune to scrutiny than anyone elses.(2%)10. He knew that I knew that he guessed that I had guessed “Mister Williams” was Bill Stephenson. (2%)11. The novels of Terror, set in some v

20、ague but picturesque foreign country and in some vague but picturesque historic period, told of haunted castles and sinister monks and mysterious crimes and high-born villains intent on the ruin of high-born beautiful maidens.(5%). Translate the following passage into English(40%)秋风里的巴黎一下飞机,已经感觉到了巴黎


22、香榭丽舍大道连接,广场一带的建筑物很古雅,衬托着这里的喷泉和铜像,充满欧洲的艺术色彩。矗立于广场中心的纪念碑。此座古迹有三千三百多年历史。从这里前往香榭丽舍大道,熙来攘往的车辆及远处的凯旋门朝左前方眺望,还可以看到巴黎铁塔。我们来到与铁塔同为法国巴黎象征的凯旋门。这是当年拿破仑为纪念法军战胜奥俄联军而建造的。凯旋门高45米,门顶是一个眺望台,可以看到香榭丽舍大道和12条以凯旋门为中心,向四面八方伸展的放射形大道的全景。门内则有一把永恒之火,是纪念1914年至1918年第一次世界大战为国捐躯的军人而点燃。Voltaire 伏尔泰The Hunchback of Notre-Dame 巴黎圣母院E

23、iffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔the Louvre 卢浮宫Notre-Dame de Paris 圣母院大教堂Place de la Concorde 协和广场Arch of Triumph 凯旋门Champs-Elysees Avenue 香榭丽舍大道基础英语真题:(北外)00-09年基础英语试题及答案详解(华东师大)06年华东师大基础英语(华东师大)基础英语08-09年真题(华东师大)2007年 “基础英语” 和 “翻译”(华东师大)2008年“基础英语”和“翻译”(华东师大)03年基础英语(四川外语学院)09年基础英语真题(西外) 04年 基础英语 真题(川外) 05年 基础英语 真

24、题(广外)历年基础英语考试真题(考研真题)天外07年基础英语节选(对外经贸大学)基础英语02-07年真题(对外经贸大学)09、10年基础英语考研真题(对外经贸大学)2001基础英语考研试题.pdf(南京师大)基础英语2004(南京师大)基础英语2003(南京师大) 基础英语2001(大连海事大学)基础英语08-09年真题(山东师范大学)基础英语06-09年真题(外交学院)02-04年基础英语真题(华中师大) 07年基础英语真题(考研真题) 08 年中大 基础英语 (考研真题)09年 中大 基础英语 (武大)2007基础英语 (武大)2006基础英语 法语真题:(北外)1998-2009年法语二

25、外真题(北外)20022009北外法语二外真题答案)(北外)08年二外法语(北师)04年法语二外考研真题(上外)07年二外法语试题(上外)二外法语05-07年真题及答案(上外) 09 二外 法语 考研真题(对外经贸)09年二外法语试题(华东师大)08-09年法语二外真题(华东师大)2007年 二外法语(华东师大)03-04年二外法语(人民大学)02-07年法语二外真题(武汉大学)02-04年二外法语真题(大连外国语学院)2003年二外 法语试题日语真题:(上海外国语大学)二外日语历年真题(北外) 二外日语 真题及丰富的资料!(中南大学)2006-2007年日语二外真题(南京师大) 日语 二外

26、2004(南京师大) 日语 二外 2001德语真题:(广外)二外德语真题(厦大)英专考研德语(二外)真题参考答案(厦大)英语专业考研德语(二外)真题北外西班牙真题:(北外)2001到2007 年西班牙语考试真题(山东师范大学)06-09年二外法语+二外日语(武汉大学)08年二外日语+法语真题(对外经贸)商英+笔译+口译+二外俄语翻译真题:(广外)英语专业历年初试真题 水平+翻译与写作(武汉大学)2009综合英语汉译英真题及参考答案(南京大学)2007基础英语汉译英及参考答案文本及pdf(广外)10年写作与翻译真题(上外)01-08年英汉互译真题(外交学院)翻译真题及答案语言学方面真题:(中南大


28、学史考试要点英美文学部分作家的介绍和评论外国文学史图表版笔记整理英国文学部分作品分析英美文学超全题库十套考研英美概况练习题(含答案)翻译资料:汉语成语典故谚语与歇后语英语翻译全国68所院校英汉互译试题分析英语专业考研翻译超全面的笔记英语专业考研各大院校题型对比分析pdf法语真题回忆版: (北师)2010年二外法语真题回忆版(广外)10年二外法语试题回忆(北京师范大学)2010年二外法语真题回忆版(南京师大) 09外院二外法语回忆大学法语简明教程笔记汇总记忆法语名词阴阳性的方法法语重要句型汇总实用法语语法 - 精讲与练习(中国宇航出版社)日语学习资料:日本语表现文型辞典(最全最实用的句型大全)日

29、语语法及词汇练习题1500题标准日本语法 笔记资料考研日语(非日语专业)资料日语二外考研作文18篇93年到07年的全国日语考试日语二外需掌握的最基本词汇北京外国语大学2001年研究生入学考试基础英语试卷参考答案A nation dividedWhat to do about the ever widening gulf between rich and poor? Mortimer B. ZuckermanWe are becoming two nations. The prosperous are rapidly getting more prosperous and the poor ar

30、e slowly getting poorer. George W. Bush did well to rebuke his party when House Republicans maneuvered to balance the budget by proposing to delay the earned income tax credit for the working poorpaying it in monthly installments rather than an annual lump sum. “I dont think they ought to balance th

31、e budget on the backs of the poor,” Bush said. Instead, it is time for aspiring leaders to ponder how the two nations might more closely become one.The American economy is growing dramatically. But this prosperity is being distributed very unevenly. The America that is doing well is doing very well

32、indeed. But most benefits have gone to those who work in industries where the main product is information. The losers have been the producers of tangible goods and personal serviceseven teachers and health care providers. The high-tech information economy has been growing at approximately 10 times t

33、he rate of the older industrial economy. It has enjoyed substantial job growth, the highest productivity gains(about 30 percent a year), and bigger profits. It can therefore afford bigger wage gains(about four times that of the older economy). And this wage gap is likely to widen for years to come.T

34、he rich get richer. The concentration of wealth is even more dramatic. New York University economist Edward Wolff points out that the top 20 percent of Americans account for more than 100 percent of the total growth in wealth from 1983 to 1997 while the bottom 80 percent lost 7 percent. Another stud

35、y found that the top 1percent saw their after-tax income jump 115 percent in the past 22 years. The top fifth have seen an after-tax increase of 43 percent during the same period while the bottom fifth of all Americansincluding many working mothershave seen their after-tax incomes fall 9 percent. Th

36、e result is that 4 out of 5 householdssome 217 million peoplewill take home a thinner slice of the economic pie than they did 22 years ago.There are those who point out that these income figures do not fully reflect the improvement in the standard of living and say that attention should be paid to w

37、hat Americans own, what they buy, and how they live, A fair point. Two economists, W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm, have revealed that each person in the average household today has 814 square feet of living space compared with 478 square feet in 1970;that 62 percent of all households own two or more

38、 vehicles compared with 29 percent back then; that the number of gas ranges has increased sixfold, air travel four times, and the median household wealthi.e., the family right in the middlehas jumped dramatically. Even given such improvements in life quality, our public policy must not exacerbate th

39、e disproportionate concentrations of wealth.Fortunately, Americans are pragmatists. They know that what you earn depends on what you learn, especially in a digital economy; so 83 percent of our children now complete four years of high school, compared with 55 percent in 1970.This is good news. But v

40、ast numbers of people feel marginalized in an information-based economy. For too many, work no longer propvides the kinds of wages and promotions that allow them to achieve economic success or security. Wage increases do not substantially increase their real income, so they have to work longer hours

41、, get a higher-paying shift, or find another job. These are the people who are particularly concerned about the benefits they stand to gain from Medicare and Social Security. If they do manage to put together a successful strategy to survive, they should not be hit with sudden shockslike the denial

42、of the lump-sum tax credit.Bush may have discomfited his Republican colleagues, but his words served to remind that they are out of touch with the realities of life for so many Americans. He later softened his criticism, but it is time, nevertheless, for a more generous leadership from the House Rep

43、ublicans. They should not berate Bush. Indeed, they may well find themselves in his dept should his appeal to the center of American politics provide them the coattails they will need when voters head to the polls in just over a year.1. Explain the underlined part in English, bringing out the implie

44、d meaning, it there is any:(22%)(1)I dont think of the poor (3%)(2)The result is 22 years ago (3%)(3)A fair point. (2%)(4)our public policy wealth (3%)(5)vast numbers economy (3%)(6)These are Social Security (3%)(7)they may well find over a year. (3%)2. Answer he following questions briefly and to t

45、he point(13%)(1)What does it mean by the title “A Nation Divided ”? (3%)(2)What is the main reason for the widening gap of income, according to the writer?(5%) (3) How does the writer propose to solve the problem?(5%)参考答案:1. (1)I dont think they can make the amount of money that they spend equal to

46、the amount of money available by making use of the poor, i.e. by delaying the earned income tax credit.(2) The outcome is that 4 in 5 families, which are about 217 million people, will earn less money now than 22 years ago. (3) Thats a good point. (4) The policy made by the government must not make the already unpleasant situation of sharp division between the rich and the poor worse. (5) A lot of people feel they a


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