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1、第五章 色 谱 和 光 谱化合物的纯化和结构研究方法重点讲授内容 一、纯化方法、色谱技术简介二、质谱三、红外光谱四、紫外光谱五、核磁共振推荐参考书:1、 宁永成编著,有机化合物结构鉴定与有机波谱学,科学出版社,20012、 谢晶曦编著,红外光谱在有机化学和药物化学中的应用,科学出版社,19873、 陈耀祖编著,有机分析PurificationChromatograph - TLC, CC, GC, HPLC- is a separation process which depends on the differential distributions of the components of

2、a mixture between a mobile bulk phase and an essentially thin film stationary phase.Structure DeterminationPhysical properties Spectroscopic Methods - Melting Point - IR (Infrared Spectroscopy) - Boiling Point - NMR (Nuclear Magnetic resonance) - Specific Rotation - MS (Mass Spectrum) - Refractive I

3、ndex - UV (Ultraviolet Spectrum)有 机 波 谱 法(质谱、红外光谱、紫外光谱、核磁共振谱)l 波谱法特点(1) 样品用量少,一般来说23mg即可(最低可少到300苯甲酸122.13核磁共振氢谱(用量2mg)2.2, 7.12.3, 7.02.3, 7.11.3, 2.7, 7.2红外光谱(用量2mg)紫外光谱(用量2mg)265(23), 271(2.2)269(2.3),274(2.3)267(2.7), 275(2.7)206(4.5), 259(2.2)( 配四种异构体的核磁共振氢谱、红外光谱、紫外光谱图)一、 质谱确定分子量、分子式,了解分子内原子连接的

4、详细情况1、 基本原理 In a technique called mass spectroscopy, a molecule is vaporized and then ionized by removing an electron. This produced a molecular ion, which is a radical cation, a species with an unpaired electron and a positive charge. Because of possessing high energy, the molecular ion may break a

5、part into cations, radicals, neutral molecules, and other radical cations. (插入仪器工作原理图及质谱图样式)The analyzer tube is surrounded by a magnet. Its magnetic field deflects the positively charged fragments in a curved path. At a given magnetic field strength, the radius of the path traveled by a fragment, d

6、epends on its mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). The smaller the m/z of the fragment, the more the magnet deflects it. If a fragments path matches the curvature of the analyzer tube, the fragment will pass through the tube and out the ion exit slit. A collector records the relative number of fragments with

7、 a particular m/z passing through the slit. The more stable the fragment, the more likely it will make it to the collector. By slowly increasing the strength of the magnetic field, fragments with progressively larger values of m/z can be guided through the tube and out the exit slit. 2、 分子量、分子式的确定Mo

8、lecular ion - the m/z value of the molecular ion gives the molecular weight of the compoundBase peak - is the one with the greatest intensity. ( it is assigned a relative intensity of 100% )M+1 peak or M+2 peak - often occurs because there are naturally isotopes of carbon, or other atomse.g. 1. The

9、mass spectrum of an unknown compound has a molecular ion with a relative intensity of 43.27%, and an M+1 peak with a relative intensity of 3.81%. How many carbon atoms are in the compound?Solution: There are two naturally isotopes of carbon: 98.89% 12C and 1.11% 13C Relative intensity of M+1 peak 3.

10、81 Number of carbon atoms = = = 8 0.011 x (relative intensity of M peak) 0.011 x 43.27Table 5.1 The Natural Abundance of Isotopes Commonly Found in Organic Compoundscarbonoxygennitrogenhydrogenfluorinechlorinebromineiodine12C 98.89%16O 99.76%14N 99.63%1H 99.99%19F 100%35Cl 75.77%79Br50.69%127I 100%1

11、3C 1.11%17O 0.036%15N 0.37%2H 0.01%18O 0.204%37Cl 24.23%81Br49.31%High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry can determine the exact molecular mass of a fragment with a precision of 0.0001 amu. e. g. Some compounds with a nominal molecular mass of 122 amu and their exact molecular masses Molecular Formula C9

12、H14 C7H10N2 C8H10O C7H6O2 C4H10O4 C4H10S2 Exact Molecular Mass (amu) 122.1096 122.0845 122.0732 122.0368 122.0579 122.0225 e. g. Which molecular formula has an exact mass of 86.1096 amu: C6H14 C4H10N2 C4H6O2 Table 5.2 The exact Masses of Some Common Isotopes1H 12C14N16O32S35Cl79Br1.00782512.0000014.

13、003115.994931.972134.968978.91833、 分子离子峰的断裂规律与分子内原子连接情况 (只要求掌握最基本的一些规律,参阅教材)1)产生氮正离子、氧正离子、卤正离子的裂解:-裂解、-裂解2)产生碳正离子的裂解:3)脱去中性分子的裂解烃类和卤代烃:醇醚的-裂解: 对于第四个裂解方程式,请表示出两种碎片离子的形成过程,并写出各自丢失的片段。二、 红外光谱反映分子中键的振动能级的变化情况,提供官能团的信息1、 红外光谱基本原理红外吸收光谱与化合物结构特征关系A、 常见的键的振动方式: 伸缩振动Stretching Vibrations, 弯曲振动Bending Vibrati

14、ons(面内、面外) 一个官能团由于有多种振动方式,在红外光谱中将有一组相应的吸收峰B、 伸缩振动频率与成键原子质量、键的强度(键能、键长)的关系Hooke 定律: 其中 为折合质量振动频率与成键原子折合质量倒数的平方根成正比,即原子质量愈轻,振动频率愈高; 与键的力常数的平方根成反比,即键能愈大,键长愈短,键的力常数愈大,振动频率愈高。 C=C C=C C-C -C-H =C-H =C-H(cm-1 ) 21002260 16001670 8001200 2850-2960 30103100 3300 C=O C-O O-H(游离) 16601780 10001300 35803670 C=

15、N C=N C-N N-H(游离) 22102260 16301690 12501360 33103400(单峰或双峰) Stronger bonds and lighter atoms give rise to higher wavenumbersC、 影响红外吸收频率的因素共振结构、电子效应、氢键、空间效应影响 e.g. 1. C=O in 2-pentanone absorbs at 1720cm-1 C=O in 2-cyclohexenone absorbs at 1680cm-1 2-Cyclohexenone absors at a lower frequency because

16、 the carbonyl group has greater single bond chaacter due to electron delocalizion. Because a double bond is stronger than a single bond, a caronyl group with significant single bond character will stretch at a lower frequency than one with little or no single bond character.e.g. 2. C-O in ethanol or

17、 diethyl ether 1050cm-1 C-O in acetic acid or ethyl acetate 1250cm-1 Because the C-O bond in an alcohol or ether is a pure single bond, whereas the C-O bond in a carboxylic acid or an ester has partial double bond character. e.g. 3. C=O in an aldehyde 1720cm-1 in an acid halide 1800cm-1 in an amide

18、1650cm-1 The predominant effect of the nitrogen of an amide is electron donation by resonance. Therefore, the carbonyl group of an amide has less double bond character than the carbonyl group of a ketone or an aldehyde, so it is weaker. In contrast, the predominant effect of the halogen in a halide

19、is inductive electron withdrawal. Therefor the carbonyl group of an acid halide has more double bond character than the carbonyl group of a ketone or an aldehyde. ( Similar for the C=O in ester. )(关于氢键和空间结构的影响等请同学们自学)D、 峰强度与键极性、对称性的关系极性越大,峰越强;对称性越高,峰越弱。E、 红外光谱的分区官能团区(40001300cm-1)和指纹区(1300650cm-1)2、

20、 各主要有机化合物红外光谱的特征吸收峰频率化合物类型键的类型特征频率范围(cm-1)强度烷 烃C-H伸缩C-H弯曲2850296013501470强中烯 烃(芳 烃)=C-H伸缩C=C伸缩3010310016201680(芳烃15001600)中可变炔 烃=C-H伸缩C=C伸缩330021002260强可变卤代烃C-ClC-Br700750500700中中醇 酚醇、酚、醚O-H伸缩O=H弯曲C-O伸缩稀溶液35903650氢 键 320035501260150010801300尖峰,强度可变宽峰,强强(氢键则宽)强醛、酮C=O伸缩O=C-H伸缩1690176027002900强(常呈双峰)羧酸

21、及其衍生物-COOH2800320017001850宽,强强胺N-H伸缩N-H弯曲C-N伸缩330035001590165010301230强度可变,尖弱或中中3、 红外光谱应用实例(1) 在IR谱图中,能量高的吸收峰应在左边还是右边?(2) 下列两对基团在IR图谱中,哪一个峰的强度大? (A)C=C,C=O; (B)O-H,N-H(3) 如何通过红外光谱区别下列各对化合物:A、 CH3CH2CH2N(CH3)2 与 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2NH2B、 CH3CH2CH2COOH 与CH3CH2COOCH3 C、 CH3CH2COCH2CH3 与CH3CH2COOCH3 (4) 下列A、

22、B、C三个化合物,哪个应给出如下的红外光谱? (5) 下面是CH3(CH2)4COOH,CH3(CH2)5CHO,CH3(CH2)8CH2OH 的红外光谱,请指出图A、B、C各代表哪一个化合物? 并指出各主要吸收峰的归属。三、 紫外光谱 给出共轭双键的信息 Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy gives us information about compounds with conjugated double bond. Ultraviolet and visible light has just the right energy to cause an

23、electronic transition - the promotion of an electron from one orbital to another of higher energy. The electronic energy states: Only two electronic transitions caused by ultraviolet and visible light are: n to pi star, and pi to pi star. This means that only compounds with pi electrons or nonbondin

24、g electrons can produce UV/Vis spectra. The max is the wavelength corresponding to the highest point (maximum) of the absorption band. The Beer-Lambert law: A = c l A = absorbance = log I0/I I0 = intensity of the radiation entering the sample I = intensity of the radiation emerging from the sample c

25、 = concentration of the sample in moles/liter l = length of the light path through the sample in centimeters = molar absorptivity The molar absorptivity is a constant that is characteristic of a compound at a particular wavelength. It is the absorbance that would be observed for a 1.00 M solution in

26、 a cell with a 1.00 cm path length. Effect of conjugation onmax - conjugation raises the energy of the HOMO and lowers the energy of the LUMOA chromophore is that part of a molecule that is responsible for a UV or visible absorption spectrum. An auxochrome is a substituent that, when attached to a c

27、hromophore, alters the max and the intensity of the absorption, usually increasing both of them. (OH and NH2 are auxochromes) A shift to a longer wavelength is called a red shift, and a shift to shorter wavelength is called a blue shift. 四、 核磁共振氢谱1、 核磁共振原理简介氢原子核中质子处于高速自旋中,相当于一个小磁铁。在没有外磁场时, 其取向是随机和混乱

28、的,但是当处于外磁场中则只有两种取向,一种与外磁场相同(能量较低,较稳定状态), 或相反(能量较高,较不稳定状态)。两者的能级差为: hrE= H0 2 r 为核常数如果外加一个无线电波射频,当E射= h射 = E时,则处于低能级的质子转向到高能级状态,发生核磁共振,这时会产生一个共振吸收峰,记录下来即为核磁共振氢谱。 r H0射 = 2从上式看,似乎所有的质子均在一个射电频率出现吸收峰,果真如此,则核磁共振谱只能告诉我们有机化合物中含有氢原子,那么,我们今天就不用再讲下去了。2、 核磁共振仪的结构示意图及工作方式:工作方式:A 固定外加磁场强度,改变射电频率对样品进行扫描 B 固定射电频率,

29、改变外加磁场强度对样品进行扫描3、 相关概念A、 屏蔽效应 H有效 = H0 - H感受 请大家不要忘记,我们上面讲的原子核不是孤立存在的,它的核外有电子,电子在外加磁场作用下将产生一个感应的抵抗外磁场的感应磁场H感应,因此,使得实际上氢核所感受到的实际磁场H有效比外加磁场小,这样的作用称为屏蔽效应。B、 化学位移 有机分子中氢核所处的化学环境的不同(即核外电子云密度不同),在外加磁场中产生的抗磁的感应磁场大小不同,不同氢核发生共振所需的外加磁场强度或者射电频率也就不同了。因为相对于仪器使用的高磁场或高射频(MHz)而言,这种改变非常微弱(Hz),为方便起见,采用加内标,以相对数值表示这种差异

30、。常用TMS(四甲基硅)作内标,化学位移: 样 标(Hz)= X 106(ppm) 仪(MHz) TMS 作内标是因为它只有一个信号,且与大多数有机化合物相比,其氢核所受到的屏蔽作用很大,可将其化学位移值定为0)。 左 右 屏蔽作用: 小 屏蔽作用: 大 固定射频: 低场 高场 固定磁场: 高频 低频 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ppmC、 等价质子与不等价质子由于不同氢质子所处化学环境不同,因此受到屏蔽作用的大小也不同,表现在核磁共振谱上吸收峰的位置不同。我们把处于同一种化学环境的质子称为等价质子,不同化学环境的质子称为不等价质子。例: CH3-O-CH3 6个等价质子,

31、一组NMR 信号 CH3-CH2-Br 二组NMR信号 (CH3)2CHCH(CH3)2 二组NMR 信号 CH3-CH2COO-CH3 三组NMR 信号 D、 影响化学位移的因素:u 诱导效应: 表CH3X不同化学位移与 X 的电负性关系(取自南开大学教材P400) 化合物CH3X CH3F CH3OH CH3Cl CH3Br CH3I 电负性(X) 4.0(F) 3.5(O) 3.1(Cl) 2.8(Br) 2.5(I) (ppm) 4.26 3.40 3.05 2.68 2.16 u 去屏蔽作用与体系各向异向性: 电负性:Csp Csp2 Csp3 C=C-H 屏蔽作用小,化学位移大(理

32、论上),实际测得23 C=C-H 中 中 4.56.0 (Ph-H, 68.5)为什么?C-C-H 大 小 0.91.5 u 氢键的影响: 氢键可以削弱对氢键质子的屏蔽,使共振吸收移向低场。 分子内氢键受环境影响较小,所以与样品浓度、温度变化不大;分子间氢键受环境影响较大,当样品浓度、温度发生变化时,氢键质子的化学位移会发生变化。E、 峰强度(面积积分值)正比于等价质子的数目插入实例:乙酸苄酯 ( 图18-14)F、 自旋偶合与峰的裂分各等价质子间的相邻关系 峰的裂分数 = 相邻等价质子数 + 1插入实例:1,1,2-三溴乙烷 ( 图18-15)4、 小结(1)化学位移:NMR 信号组的数目代表了分子中的等价质子的数目 NMR 信号组的位置告诉我们分子中每一种等价质子的化学环境(2) 峰强度:峰面积积分比对应于分子中各等价质子的数目比(3) 裂分:裂分的峰数与相邻的另一组等价质子的数目 根据偶合常数可判别哪两组等价质子为相邻关系(4) 氘-氢交换:判别活泼氢的常用方法 R-YH + D2O R-YD + H2O5、 有机化合物中各种质子的化学位移值(P321:表18-1)6、 实例分析


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