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1、滨 州 学 院毕业设计(论文) 题 目 高中英语语法的任务型教学研究 系 (院) 外语系 专 业 英 语 班 级 2009级3班 学生姓名 马楠楠 学 号 2009020424 指导教师 高淑英 职 称 讲师 二一三年六月二十日Cultural Analysis on English Commercial NegotiationA Thesis Submittedin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsbySong XueyuSupervisor: Associate Prof. M

2、a SongmeiBinzhou UniversityJune 2009独 创 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本设计(论文)不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 二一 年 月 日毕业设计(论文)使用授权声明本人完全了解滨州学院关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定。本人愿意按照学校要求提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版,同意学校保存学位论文的印刷本和

3、电子版,或采用影印、数字化或其它复制手段保存设计(论文);同意学校在不以营利为目的的前提下,建立目录检索与阅览服务系统,公布设计(论文)的部分或全部内容,允许他人依法合理使用。(保密论文在解密后遵守此规定)作者签名: 二一 年 月 日滨州学院本科毕业设计(论文)从文化角度分析商务英语谈判摘 要当今世界经济全球化的趋势日益加强,国与国之间的交往与联系日益密切,国际贸易与对外交往也日益频繁。因此与外界交往合作的主要形式跨文化商务谈判越来越显示出其在社会,政治,经济生活中的重要地位。但是“知己知彼,百战不殆”,在国际英语商务谈判中,要想运筹帷幄,掌握主动权,获得成功,就必须充分了解不同国家的文化及其

4、对商务谈判的影响。本文试图通过文化角度分析国际英语商务谈判,探讨中西文化差异对谈判方式及风格的影响,谋求正确有效的谈判策略,为我国经济建设服务,促进经济建设事业蓬勃发展。关键词:文化差异;跨文化商务谈判;策略Cultural Analysis on English Commercial NegotiationAbstractNowadays, the cooperation and relationship between China and the other countries have become closer and closer. International trade and i

5、ntercourse have become more and more frequent, because the worlds economy is becoming more and more globalized. So the main ways of international association and cooperationcross-cultural business negotiation is showing its importance in society, politics, economy etc. But “Know the enemy and know y

6、ourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat”, if we want to work out plans and strategies, grasp initiative and make success in international negotiation, we must know the cultures of different countries and the effects it has on international business negotiation. This pap

7、er is trying to analyze international English business negotiation through culture, investigate the effects that the cultural differences between China and western countries have had on negotiation and find effective and practical policies, to serve the socialist market economy and promote its prosp

8、erity.Key words: cultural differences; business negotiation; countermeasuresII滨州学院本科毕业设计(论文)ContentsIntroduction1Chapter One Cultural Differences in Business Negotiation11.1 Culture and cultural differences11.2 International business negotiation21.2.1 The definition of international business negotia

9、tion21.2.2 The features of international business negotiation21.3 The importance of cultural differences on international business negotiation2Chapter Two Cultural Differences in Business Negotiation32.1 Language differences32.2 The differences of values32.3 The differences of taboo and religious be

10、lief42.4 The differences of manners42.5 Negotiation styles4Chapter Three Countermeasures for Problems53.1 Establishing cross-cultural negotiation consciousness53.2 Understanding different cultures and overcome cultural prejudice53.3 Penetrating opponents cultural standards, social usages and taboos5

11、3.4 Establishing rational negotiation group53.5 Effective measures6Conclusion6Bibliography7Acknowledgements88IntroductionAlong with the speeding up of the economic globalization, Chinese foreign-opening level deepening gradually and China successfully joined WTO, Chinas economy have blended into wor

12、ld economy further. Under this situation, economic trade through cross-country, cross-nation, cross-culture is increasing gradually and cross-cultural business communication is also increasing. As a special form of communication, international business negotiation involves different regions, nations

13、, social cultural association and contact. But different cultures of different regions and nations will certainly affect negotiators mode of thinking, sense of worth and so on. And it will be easy for people to create and deepen misunderstanding, raise negotiations degree of difficulty and affect th

14、e whole process of negotiation. Cultural differences are obstacles of cross-cultural communication and overcoming communication obstacles caused by cultural differences has been a problem faced by the whole world. So, it is inevitable to meet some misunderstanding and ups and downs. If everyone want

15、s to start from his own cultural background and judge the other sides interests and action according to his own sense of culture, it will be difficult to communicate effectively and achieve the aim of cooperation. Chapter One Cultural Differences in Business Negotiation1.1 Culture and cultural diffe

16、rencesGenerally speaking, culture is the sum total of material and spiritual wealth that people created during human societys social and historical practice. It consists of specific customs, habits, faith of the society and social systems. Simply, culture is the sum total of social practice and fait

17、h. World outlook and sense of worth that called cultural substance are cornerstones of culture (Hofsted 1991:75). Holland specialist who engaged in cross-culture study, have said vividly that culture is “mental software” and “the collective programming”. No other than these “mental software” and “th

18、e collective programming”, making everybody become a product of his own cultural atmosphere. As a kind of sedimentary deposit, culture is the sediment of knowledge, experience, faith ,sense of worth, perspective on the world,social structure, social character ,religion, sense of space-time, sense of

19、 universe and material wealth and so on. 1.2 International business negotiation1.2.1 The definition of international business negotiationAn international business negotiation is defined as the deliberate interaction of two or more social units (at least one of them a business entity), originating fr

20、om different nations, that are attempting to define or redefine their interdependence in a business matter. This includes company-company, company-government, and solely interpersonal interactions over business matters such as sales, licensing, joint ventures, and acquisitions.1.2.2 The features of

21、international business negotiationInternational business negotiation is the extension and development of domestic business activity, so, the features of international business negotiation are similar to domestic business negotiation. They are internationalization, cross-culture, complexity, policy a

22、nd difficulty (Huang Xun 2007: 177). 1.3 The importance of cultural differences on international business negotiation In negotiation practice, many negotiators always cannot comprehend or pay attention to the important effects that culture have on negotiation manners. Maybe some negotiators have fou

23、nd that the other side have some different or obscure negotiation manners but consider them not important. Somebody thinks eyeless that foreign negotiation is using fact and numbers to talk and fact and numbers are universal. At the same time, when some negotiators go to another country to negotiate

24、, in order to keep harmony, they will pay attention to the similar things the two sides culture have but neglect the differences. Chapter Two Cultural Differences in Business Negotiation 2.1 Language differences In cross-cultural communication, peoples evaluation, explanation and using of language t

25、o phenomenon, things and behavior they met are always established on their own countries culture and then it easily causes communicating obstacles. The origin is consulting language using matter of their mother tongue habitually but neglecting transference of language uses. Social intercourse langua

26、ge miss means making expression faulty by not understanding or neglecting social cultural background, which always causes failure in cross-cultural business communication. The deep reason is peoples lack of sensibility to social language differences and making language transference unconsciously. Se

27、condly, wed better use simple, clear and definite English and avoid using expressions that may cause dislikes2.2 The differences of values In the numerous cultural factors, sense of worth is a core content. Because in the process of socialization, the communication of people with different cultural

28、backgrounds must have connection with values. Each culture has its own special value system to help people differentiate beautiful and ugly and good and evil, and this is the philosophy of life, moral standards and code of conduct of people. Each cultures judgment standard is different and sometimes

29、 it is difficult to say which one is better. But in their own cultural systems, all of them have its existing rationally. So, sense of worth has characteristics of persistence and stability and accepted by all the members as faith. As a deep level factor of culture, it is not only a component elemen

30、t of social culture, it also has been a result in peoples mind. It affects peoples attitude, needs and behavior mode.2.3 The differences of taboo and religious belief In foreign business activities, taboo is a part that never can be neglected, especially regions that religion prevails like East Asia

31、, South East, Middle East and North Africa. Knowing local conditions and customs and taboos became very important in communicating with each other and completing negotiation task in time. So we can consider from all above that if we do not understand the other sides taboos, we will meet all kinds of

32、 obstacles in international business negotiation which will affect the whole negotiation.2.4 The differences of manners “Politeness” not only represents self-cultivation also represents respect to others. Politeness in business negotiation will make the other side have a good expression and want to

33、cooperate. So, to understand opinions about “politeness” in business negotiation businessmen of different cultural backgrounds carried on and analyze the cause have important actual meaning in cross-cultural business negotiation.2.5 Negotiation stylesCulture decides not only negotiators ethics but a

34、lso affects their mode of thinking and individual behavior and then make negotiators of different cultural backgrounds have very different negotiation styles. Negotiation style has direct effects on both sides communicating manners, relation and even negotiation structure. According to cultural diff

35、erences, negotiation style can be divided to two types: eastern negotiation style and western negotiation style. Eastern negation style is Asia countries style based on eastern cultural background, china; Japan and Korea are typical representatives. Western negotiation style is the style of Europe a

36、nd American countries based on western culture, the USA and the UK are typical representatives.Chapter Three Countermeasures for Problems3.1 Establishing cross-cultural negotiation consciousnessInternational business negotiation is a kind of negotiation of different thinking modes, feeling and behav

37、ior manners under different cultures. It is more challenging and complex than negations under single cultural environment. The reason is that it touches upon other powers that were not bewaring of before and this power may weaken effective communication. 3.2 Understanding different cultures and over

38、come cultural prejudiceThough people realized the existence of cultural differences, most of them cannot realize treating them rationally. Cross-cultural negotiators always use their own standards to explain or judge the other sides culture naturally or half consciously. So, in international busines

39、s negotiation, negotiators must get rid of ethnocentrism and first of all respect foreign culture and tradition. Respecting culture is a bridge of mental and cultural communication. With this bridge can make deeper understanding of the other sides nationality, behavior, values and costumes and then

40、can really respect the other side and grasp their point of view.3.3 Penetrating opponents cultural standards, social usages and taboosBefore going into international business negotiation negotiators must get to know opponents custom and taboo as more as possible in order to avoid unhappiness caused

41、by unknown special things to make sure negotiation goes on smoothly.3.4 Establishing rational negotiation groupBusiness negotiation is a process of communication, it needs to adopt team negotiation manners to form rational decision of labor and there must be members familiar with culture. Collecting

42、 information of all aspects is also important. During the process of negotiation, negotiators must deal with “collective and individual” and “concentration of power and separation” wisely, and then can they be in a initiative position during the negotiation with western people(Zhang Xiaole 2007: 84-

43、88). 3.5 Effective measuresTactics of praise also take part in harmony. If the other sides words are good for two sides cooperation and good for each other to understand the aim of the negotiation, they should be praised. Sincere praise can shorten two sides mental distance and also can make atmosph

44、ere harmoniously. ConclusionInternational business negotiation has close relationship with culture. In international business negotiation, because of peoples different values, thinking manners, ways of behavior, languages and customs the difficulty degree of international business negotiation is muc

45、h higher than domestic negotiation. Cultural differences will be the biggest challenge for Chinese enterprises go abroad and overseas-founded enterprises enter. In international business negotiation, it is necessary to infer the meaning of every sentence from cross-cultural angle; necessary to under

46、stand the other sides culture, to cultivate and promote ones cross-cultural ability. To see, analyze and solve problems from cross-cultural angle and go with and coordinate cultural differences. So, in order to make sure the success of international business negotiation, deepen research on cultural

47、differences problems of international business negotiation will have great importance on the development of international negotiation by theory and practice. Bibliography1 Brown, P. and S. Levinson. Politeness: Some universals in language usage M. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.2 Leech, G. The Principles of Pragmatics M. London: Longman, 1983.3 李庆林.国际商务谈判中的跨文化障碍J.集团经济研究,2007(7):150-1514 毛伟.国际商务谈判中的跨文化问题及沟通技巧J.商场现代化,2007(18):19-215 任如意.中外文化差异与国际商务礼仪J.商场现代化,2008(2):222-2236 张楠楠.跨文化交际中的面子论与礼貌原则J.辽宁工程技术大学学报,2006(8):643-6457 张小乐.中西文化差异与国际商务谈判J.时代经贸,2007(3):84-88


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