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1、TEXT 4Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. A. He is seeking help. B. He is offering advice. C. He is trying to look calm. D. He is having an interview. 2. A. She is weak in doing projects. B. She is weak in studies. C. She tends to work whole-heartedly. D. She is not willing to start

2、 a project. 3. A. Send in her CV by email. B. Send in her CV by mail. C. Call the company. D. Visit the company in person. 4. A. She has accepted the offer. B. She has declined the offer. C. She is interested in becoming an accountant. D. She will leave the current job for more money. 5. A. She shou

3、ld keep the present job. B. She might as well find a new job. C. She might as well find an online job. D. She should perfect her present position. 6. A. Husband and wife. B. Daughter and father. C. Mother and son. D. Two colleagues.Part 2 Compound dictationThere are various types of questions asked

4、at a job interview. Most job interviews start with chit-chat type of questions. They are designed to break the S1 1 ice. and get the conversation flowing. S2 2. Examples are questions likeDid it take you long to get here?,Did you find the place all right?,Were you able to find S3 3. parking ? Most o

5、f these just require ayes, no problem type of S4 4. response ; you can elaborate if you wish. However, ensure that you dont S5 5. provide information that will give them a bad S6 6. impression. If you say something likeIt took me S7 7. ages to get here. The traffic was so bad; I hate traveling to th

6、is side of town, it would not make a good impression. S8 8. If this is the place where you would be working, they would automatically be worried that you will be late for work everyday . More questions will be asked to find out a bit more about you. S9 9. They might be historical questions regarding

7、 your previous employment or education , or they may be hypothetical questions starting withWhat if.?. These are aimed at finding out how you would handle a situation or at finding out your personal views in certain areas. Whenever answering a job interview question, give as much information as you

8、can. Tell them why, where, when and how. In other words use samples to prove what you are saying. S10 10. Make a statement, then support it by giving a sample of a situation and how you handled it . Part 3 Short passages/dialogs and blank fillingDuring the last war, it was 1. difficult to find anyon

9、e to do work not related to the war. As a consequence, the headmaster of the 2. local primary school who was in great need of 3. a gardener , was able to get only 4. a retired farmer . The fellow worked incredibly 5.hard , never stopping for even an instant. The headmaster became 6. worried , fearin

10、g that the old man might 7. get ill or die if he continued like that. So he suggested that the gardener should work 8. more slowly and take 9. more rest , but the old man continued to work as 10. energetically as before. At last the headmaster asked the mans 11. wife to speak to her husband. But she

11、 said, I dont think it will do 12. any good . He has worked 13. for himself all his life, never for 14. anybody else , so he has never learnt to 15. work slowly . Part 4 Short passages/dialogs and cloze How does the Department of Labor measure employment? It measures employment in 1. two ways : the

12、2. household survey and the 3. establishment survey . What is done in a household survey? 4. Sixty thousand households are asked if anyone 5. aged sixteen and over had worked during 6. the past week . What does the establishment survey not include? It does not include 7. farm workers or the self-emp

13、loyed . How do the Republicans and Democrats use the two surveys? The Republicans use 8. numbers from the 9. household survey to point to 10. job growth among the self-employed and 11.others . The 12. Democrats use the establishment survey to talk about the 13. economy having 14. fewer jobs than 15.

14、 four years ago. What do many economists say? They say that the 16. rate of job creation has slowed compared to 17. earlier this year , and more 18. jobs are needed just to meet 19. population growth . Part 5 Short passages and multiple choice questions1. Which of the following would be the best tit

15、le for the passage? A. The significance of exact numbers in a resume. B. The role of three techniques in an interview. C. How to write a resume. D. The importance of a resume. 2. Which of the following is better in a resume, according to the speaker? A. Lots of teaching experience. B. 7,300 teaching

16、 hours. C. 7,000 teaching hours. D. Thousands of teaching hours. 3. According to the speaker, which of the following does a holiday company NOT sell? A. Holidays. B. Adventure. C. Relaxation. D. Sand. 4. What is the third technique the speaker recommends? A. A neat resume. B. A handwritten cover let

17、ter. C. Identifying an employers needs. D. All of the above. 5. What skills are important in a resume? A. The skills the applicant is especially good at. B. The skills the applicant has learned in his internship. C. Only the skills indicated in the job ad, to attract the employers attention. D. Main

18、ly the skills listed in the advertisement, but also other skills the employer needs.Part 6 Short passages and multiple-choice questions1. Which of the following does the woman NOT say in advising the man? A. Wear proper clothes. B. Put on a jacket and tie. C. Comb his hair. D. Have his resume at han

19、d. 2. What does the woman mean by saying, Just watch your tongue? A. Hold your tongue. B. Avoid having a slip of the tongue. C. Keep quiet. D. Dont argue with others. 3. Why does the man think it is necessary to talk about himself? A. He wants to show that he is clever. B. He wants to show that he i

20、s knowledgeable. C. He wants to be friendly. D. He wants to appear energetic. 4. What has happened to the man in the past two years? A. He was fired twice for beating up his co-workers. B. He lost three jobs for quarrelling with his colleagues. C. He was promoted for his contributions. D. He was dem

21、oted for arguing with his boss. 5. Why does the man want to work at the gift shop? A. Because it is near his home. B. Because the shop assistants there are friendly. C. Because the business there is good. D. Because the business there is bad.Part 7 Long dialogs and True/False questionsB 1. The woman

22、 had work experience in a foreign trade company for three years. A 2. The woman learned skills in both sales and interpersonal communication. B 3. Her job responsibilities were restricted to finding new customers. B 4. Her office hours are nine to five-thirty, Monday through Saturday. A 5. If employ

23、ed, she is to have the base salary, paid holidays, a paid vacation, a retirement plan, and bonuses for good sales. Part 8 Vocabulary and Structure1. Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job _. A. emptiness B. empties C. vacant D. vacancies 2. You dont have enough experi

24、ence or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could _ the position? A. handle B. handle with C. deal D. cope 3. A good resume should list your experience in (the) _ chronological order. A. back B. reverse C. diverse D. overturned 4. I would feel proud to work for a company like th

25、is and to contribute a great deal _ its success. A. in B. at C. to D. for 5. The young student can understand so much of the world. He seems very mature _ his age. A. in B. for C. with D. at 6. The managers answer took the Irishman _. He simply couldnt believe it. A. in amazement B. by astonishing C

26、. by surprise D. in surprise 7. Put statements in your resume _ importance and relevance to the job you want. A. in order of B. in the order of C. in order to D. in order with 8. You have to work out what you need to take with you: A copy of your CV, originals of your qualification papers, samples o

27、f your work, _, and anything else that they may want to see. A. if applicable B. if applied C. when apply D. if applicant 9. Im looking forward to _ more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning their needs A. get B. doing C. be D. being 10. Your resume is usually the first impressio

28、n an employer has _ you. A. on B. in C. of D. atTEXT 5Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. A. Tuesday morning at her office. B. Tuesday morning at his office. C. Tuesday afternoon at her office. D. Tuesday morning at his office. 2. A. The football match should be called off. B. The m

29、eeting should not include new items. C. The meeting should have another two items. D. The football should be included in the agenda. 3. A. Telling his team everything. B. Continuing the discussion on the last issue. C. Starting the meeting. D. Finishing the meeting. 4. A. Eating noodles. B. Finding

30、a supermodel for the caf. C. Drawing up a business plan. D. Finding a waitress on the Internet. 5. A. A relative of his helped him to get over the difficulty. B. His caf was a big success. C. He no longer has a business. D. He has lost both his business and house.Part 2 Compound dictationSometimes m

31、arkets surge for no apparent reason; masses of people suddenly want something, and the S1 1. resulting demand cant be met immediately. For example, during the SARS epidemic, there was a high S2 2. demand for facial masks in several countries - and many entrepreneurs capitalized S3 3. on this busines

32、s idea. A similar effect is also created by larger social S4 4. trends. There is much more of a demand for home-care services for the S5 5. elderly than is currently being supplied. And the S6 6. trend for pets to be treated as family members continues, creating demand for all kinds of S7 7. pet-rel

33、ated services that didnt exist even ten years ago. S8 8. Look at existing businesses and the products and services they offer, and then determine if theres a need for more of those products or services. If there is, develop business ideas to fit the market gap. Do you have any ideas for starting a b

34、usiness now? Write your business ideas down. Think about them for some time. S9 9. Keep an open mind and continue to assess everything you read and hear from a business point of view . You dont have to run with the first business idea you think of; you want to discover the idea thats best suited to

35、your skills and desires. S10 10. Dream, think, plan, and youll be ready to transform that business idea into the business youve always wanted Part 3 Short passages/dialogs and blank fillingAn engineer retired after serving 1. his company loyally for 2. over 30 years . Several years later his company

36、 3. contacted him about a problem with one of their 4. multi-million dollar machines. The engineer spent a day studying the 5. huge machine. At the end of the day he 6. marked a small X in chalk on 7. a particular component of the machine to show where the 8. problem was. The part was 9. replaced an

37、d the machine worked 10. perfectly again. The company received 11. a bill for $50,000 from the engineer 12. for his services. They 13. got furious and demanded an itemized (分项列举) accounting of his charges. The engineer replied that $1.00 was for 14. one chalk mark and $49,999 for knowing 15. where t

38、o put it .Part 4 Short passages and multiple choice questions1. Why does the speaker mention anti-virus software? A. To show the importance of protecting the computer. B. To show how bad computer viruses are. C. To illustrate a future market demand. D. To identify a possible market decline. 2. What

39、is the use of an iris-recognition machine? A. To guard against an explosion. B. To ensure security. C. To recognize the value of safety. D. To avoid computer viruses. 3. How can one benefit from old gardeners? A. By learning from the products sold in North America. B. By selling the gardeners more s

40、oftware. C. By studying how much more they earn than before. D. By studying what could help them to work longer and more easily. 4. What is true of most of the people in the speakers town? A. They overlooked the value of wild blueberries. B. They eat a lot of wild blueberries. C. They like to eat bo

41、th blueberries and wild blueberries. D. They eat neither blueberries not wild blueberries. 5. Which of the following would be a suitable title for the passage? A. Wild blueberry - a thriving business. B. Best business opportunities arising from computer software. C. How to find business opportunitie

42、s. D. How to make use of the business connections.Part 5 Short passages and multiple-choice questions1. What does the fax say? A. A small part of the goods was damaged. B. Half of the goods was damaged. C. The greater part of the goods was damaged. D. All of the goods were damaged. 2. What is it the

43、 man wants to do about the fax? A. To ask the woman to make photocopies of it. B. To ask the woman to hide it away. C. To send a photocopy to the general manager immediately. D. Not to send a photocopy to the general manager immediately. 3. What did the man succeed in doing? A. Persuading the genera

44、l manager not to get furious. B. Persuading the woman not to tell the Shipping Department C. Persuading Watson Company not to cancel the whole order. D. Persuading the Shipping Department not to cancel the whole order. 4. What will the speakers company lose? A. Money. B. Reputation. C. Both A) and B

45、). D. Neither A) nor B). 5. What conclusion does the woman arrive at? A. With the mans interpersonal skills, they wont lose their jobs. B. In spite of the mans interpersonal skills, they will lose employment. C. The man must find a job in damage control. D. She must find a job in damage control.Part

46、 6 Long dialogs and True/False questionsA 1. Both the man and woman think a good beginning is important. A 2. The woman thinks it is necessary to advertise the good quality of the product to make lots of money. A 3. The woman has put full-page ads in two large trade magazines. B 4. The woman has put three full-page ads in a major newspaper. B 5. The man is not completely satisfied with the womans work. Part 7 Vocabulary and Structure1. Were upgrading all our staff equipment, and well need 50 laptops _ the 1st of next month. A. as of B.


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