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1、广州大学松田学院广州大学松田学院 毕业论文(设计)毕业论文(设计) 题题 目(英)目(英)Application of the Lexical Chunks to the Oral English Teaching (中)(中)语语块理论在英语口语教学中的应用块理论在英语口语教学中的应用 学生姓名学生姓名 吴吴 健健 学学 号号 09050105210905010521 专业班级专业班级 20092009 级英语级英语 5 5 班班 指导教师指导教师 李亚琴李亚琴 二二一三年五月一三年五月 广州大学松田学院 2013 届毕业论文(设计) 毕业论文原创性声明毕业论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈

2、交的毕业论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研 究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外, 本毕业论文不 包括任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。本人完全意识到本 声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 2013 年 5 月 18 日 毕业论文版权使用授权书毕业论文版权使用授权书 本毕业论文作者完全了解学校有关保障、使用毕业论文的规定, 同意 学校保留并向有关毕业论文管理部门或机构送交毕业论文的复印件和电子 版, 允许毕业论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权优秀毕业论文评选机构将本毕 业论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据进行检索, 可以采用影印、缩印或 扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本毕业论文。

3、 本毕业论文属于 1、保密 囗, 在 10 年解密后适用本授权书 2、不保密囗。 (请在以上相应方框内打“” ) 作者签名: 2013 年 5 月 18 日 导师签名: 2013 年 5 月 18 日 广州大学松田学院 2013 届毕业论文(设计) Application of the Lexical Chunks to the Oral English Teaching A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts By Wu Jian Under the

4、 Supervision of Lecturer Li Yaqin Department of Foreign Languages Guangzhou University Sontan College May 18, 2013 广州大学松田学院 2013 届毕业论文(设计) Application of the Lexical Chunks to the Oral English Teaching Abstract It is widely recognized that lexical chunks play an important role in second language acq

5、uisition. Lexical chunks are set of language parts which appear in a high frequency in natural language. Lexical chunks are phrases or some syntactic structures on the sentence level and are featured by a high degree of fixed structure and meaning. These lexical chunks are stored in the human in for

6、m of the whole and can help to turn the complex syntactic analysis into relatively simple chunk processing, thus facilitate language processing and use and ease the pressure of language production. As a result, language learners oral English proficiency can be greatly improved. The theory of lexical

7、 chunks in the teaching emphasis on language input that combined with the specific context, not simple form of language teaching, but the complementary development of communicative approach, is a new way of spoken English teaching. So in order to improve the students spoken English in fluency and ac

8、curacy, we should make students play their subjective initiative, accumulate more lexical chunks, use the language frequently in oral English teaching. Keywords: lexical chunk, oral English proficiency, oral English teaching 广州大学松田学院 2013 届毕业论文(设计) I 语块理论在英语口语教学中的应用语块理论在英语口语教学中的应用 摘 要 近年来, 语块在二语习得中所

9、发挥的作用得到了广泛的认可。语块是在自 然话语中高频率出现的, 由短语或者其他句法单位构成的大于单词, 且语义和 形式都较为固定的语言片段, 语块以整体的形式预存在人的大脑中。它集中了 语法、语义和语境的优势, 便利了话语的组织及应用过程, 减轻了语言使用者 的现时语言处理负担。语块的习得对于英语学习者口语输出的流利度、准确度 均有推动作用。语块理论在教学上强调语言的输入与具体语境的结合, 不是单 纯的语言形式教学, 而是对交际法的补充发展, 是英语口语课堂教学的一条新途 径。因此, 在口语课堂教学中要让学生发挥其主观能动性, 多积累, 多使用语块, 增进其口语表达的地道性、流利性及准确性,

10、以提高其英语口语水平。 关键词: 语块, 口语能力, 口语教学 广州大学松田学院 2013 届毕业论文(设计) II Contents AbstractI 摘摘 要要II 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study.1 1.2 Significance of the study.2 2 Literature Review.3 2.1 Introduction to lexical chunk 3 2.1.1 Definition of lexical chunk 3 2.1.2 Classification of lexical chunk.4 2

11、.1.3 Functions of lexical chunk.6 2.2 An overview of oral English skills8 2.2.1 General elements of oral English skills8 2.2.2 General features of oral English skills.9 2.2.3 Research on oral English skills 10 3 Lexical Approach and Oral English Teaching.11 3.1 Introduction to lexical approach11 3.2

12、 The role of lexical approach in oral English teaching.13 4 Conclusion .15 4.1 Major findings.15 4.2 Suggestions for future research.16 Bibliography17 Acknowledgements .18 广州大学松田学院 2013 届毕业论文(设计) 0 Application of the Lexical Chunks to the Oral English Teaching 1 Introduction 1.1 Background of the st

13、udy With the globalization of the world, English, as a basic and powerful means of communication, play an important role in the world wide communication in many fields, so for English learners, to improve language proficiency, especially their oral English proficiency, seems urgent under such circum

14、stances. While speaking a language means conversing in it, and comprehending a language means understanding phrases, not as isolated bits of grammatical structure, but as parts of general ebb and flow of the surrounding discourse. In term of oral English proficiency, at least two aspects should be p

15、aid attention to and they are native like accuracy and native like fluency. However, the status quo of English learners is far from satisfactory. Recent work in corpus analysis and computational linguistics has made it possible that huge quantities of natural text can be analyzed, and it is consider

16、ed that there exits a phenomenon of language chunks in English and much of our language output is not formed from the smallest units but are formed in the form of multi-word chunks” of language. These lexical chunks are stored in the human brain in forms of the whole, and draw their advantages in gr

17、ammar, meaning as well as the context. Whats more, cognitive and psycho-linguistic research give evidences to support the use of lexical chunks. It is believed that language acquisition is a dual mode system, in which a balance is achieved between rules and examples, lexical chunks in particular, ac

18、cording to different communication goals. The lexical chunks can help turn the complex syntactic analysis into relatively simple chunk processing, greatly making language processing easy, reducing the burden of language processing, improving the fluency and accuracy and helping internalizing grammat

19、ical rules of 广州大学松田学院 2013 届毕业论文(设计) 1 language output. 1.2 Significance of the study Generally, despite many years of English learning, the most of the English learners in China, havent laid a solid foundation of English knowledge relatively. Although they are eager to study English well, when the

20、y put great effort to learn English and but to get little progress, they will lose confidence and believe English to hard to learn well. In most cases, their grammar is weak, their vocabulary in memory is small and they speak English with dissatisfied accuracy and fluency, even if they are eager to

21、study English language well. From the perspective of this phenomenon, a new English teaching and learning approach should be conducted in order to meet the needs. In this paper, a lexical chunk-based approach is put forward as a new way to improve language learners oral English teaching, relative st

22、rategies can be carried out to provide instructions for an oral language teaching and learning. 广州大学松田学院 2013 届毕业论文(设计) 2 2 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction to lexical chunk In this section, the definition of lexical chunks is introduced firstly, and then will come to the classification and charac

23、teristics of chunks, in order to get an overview and a better understanding why chunk plays an important role in teaching approach, it is followed by some insights about the functions of chunks. 2.1.1 Definition of lexical chunk Many researchers are aware of the formulaic nature of language, and the

24、y believe that some ready-made memorized combinations or multi-word lexical units could be stored or retrieved quickly. For native speakers, they store many prefabricated chunk in their memory. With the rapid development of corpus linguistics, language chunks in the position and role of second langu

25、age acquisition has become a hot spot of linguistic increasingly. Simply speaking, lexical chunks preformed a string or meaningful unit continuously or discontinuously, it is stored in memory, when using we can extract directly, without grammar generated and analyzed. Lexical chunks incorporates the

26、 advantage of syntax, semantics and context, has a fixed grammar structure limit, stability, collocation meaning and specific pragmatic environment, it is like a language of semi-finished products, can be used as the ideal unit for storage and output, is advantageous to the accuracy of language expr

27、ession. According to Widdowson H. Gs study (1989) found that 80% of the English words by the plate structure, that is to say, most of the words are realized by language chunks, lexical chunks is English the language unit. Biber D. which means that they are stored and retrieved as whole from memory a

28、t the time of use, instead they are being subject to analysis by the language grammar rules”. The lexical chunks as the vocabulary items which include a sequence of two or multi-words that semantically or syntactically form a meaningful and inseparable component. Therefore, it is idea of “lexical ap

29、proach” presented by Lewis as an alternative to the traditional grammar-based teaching approaches. And the main principle of a lexical approach is the “language include grammaticalized lexis,(lewis,1993). Lexis greatly emphasized in this teaching approach. 2.1.2 Classification of lexical chunk Choms

30、kys language acquisition research has found that children learn language from lexical chunks acquisition, especially in the early learning and memory. When the children use the “what day is it today? “, they use the five words as a integral unit , and dont know that is a five-words constitute lingui

31、stic unit. While they learn “What day is it tomorrow?“ , they still regard “What day is it “ as a whole unit. They use “Its .” as a whole unit to answer that question. At the same time, They store “come-on, kiss-me, I-love-you “ such structures as a whole unit of memory. Children repeatedly and succ

32、essfully use some similar modes. They generalize the structure rules and then form the grammatical ability that as a part of the lexical chunks, as a whole exists in 广州大学松田学院 2013 届毕业论文(设计) 4 the mental lexicon. Nattinger (2) Polywords : by the way, inside out; (3) collocations or word partnerships:

33、 motor vehicle, absolutely convinced; (4) Idioms (institutional utterances) : I ll get it, we ll see, that ll do, if 1 were you, would you like a cup of coffee; (5) sentence frame and quotation (sentence frames the and heads : That s not as. as you think, The problem was; (6) Text frames : In this p

34、aper, we explore.:firstly.; secondly.; finally; Use a conversation of security inspection as an example in the professional oral English: Passenger Check-In (P=Passenger A=Agent) P:Good morningCan I check in here for HU 7278 to Tokyo? A:Here you arePlease put your baggage on the conveyor belt P:OK.

35、How many pieces of baggage can I carry onto the plane? A:Passengers holding first class tickets may carry 2 pieces within the total weight of 5 kg onto plane P:Can I take this briefcase as my hand baggage? A:Thats all rightWhat kind of seat do you prefer? P:Please give me a first row, aisle seat A:I

36、m sorry. No more aisle seats are availableWill the window seat be all right? 广州大学松田学院 2013 届毕业论文(设计) 5 P:Thats okay A:Here are your ticket and passportand here are your boarding pass and baggage checks P:Thank you very much! A:Have a nice flight! In the above dialogue of the passengers and the secur

37、ity personnel , has total 98 words of lexical chunks, accounting for 81.6%. The collocation such as conveyor belt, first class tickets, total weight, aisle seats, carry onto the plane, and idioms : What kind of seat do you prefer, Will the window seat be all right? Have a nice flight. All are restri

38、cted by language environment, and associated to specific context. Sentence frame such as No more. are available; Here are your.; Passengers. can carry.onto plane and so on, are related to the context of security inspection. When communicate with others, as long as using the proper words according to

39、 the real context can achieve the goal of communication. 2.1.3 Functions of lexical chunk The functions of lexical chunks are closely related to communication, either in written or spoken forms. Thus, it is necessary for language learners to understand the function of lexical chunks in order to faci

40、litate discourse comprehension. There are two ways of functions of chunks. One of them is presented by Moon(1998), who sums up five functions of lexical chunks based on the way in which they play the role in the content and structure of a text, and they are informational function, evaluative functio

41、n situational function, moralizing function and organizational function, respectively. Information function refers that the lexical chunks can represent proposition and convey meaning (e.g. white as a sheet, in the running). Evaluative function states that lexical chunks may deliver the speakers eva

42、luation and attitude (e.g. a pain in the neck).And, situational function are connected with extralinguistic context and respond to situation (e.g. Would you mind., Excuse me.). However, modalizing function 广州大学松田学院 2013 届毕业论文(设计) 6 states that the lexical chunks may convey request, advice, truth val

43、ues, etc. (e.g. I suggest you not . You know what I mean.). At last, organizational function suggests that formulaic expressions convey the function of organizing text and marking discourse structure (e.g further more, for example, etc The other classification of the function of chunks is summarized

44、 by Nattinger and DeCarrico (2001). It is based on the way that reflect the requirements of spoken and written language. The three types of functions are social interactions, necessary topics, and discourse topics respectively. A. Social interactions: This is function includes the following aspects:

45、 1)Categories of conversational maintenance, which are conversational interaction or regularities that are used to show how a conversation begins, continue and end. (e.g. summoning: How are you? Whats up? Nominating a topic: By the way, how to get to the railway station? Have you heard about?;closin

46、g: Well, thats about it. Nice talking to you.) 2) Categories of conversational purpose: they are types of speech acts to state the purpose for which conversations take place. (e.g. offering: Would you like drink a cup of tea? Can I help you?; Expressing gratitude: I am appreciated for your hospitali

47、ty.). B. Necessary topics: they refer to the markers that learners are often asked about in daily conversations. (e.g. autobiography: My name is . Im from.,time: When is . Since.). C. Discourse devices: they refer to the markers that make the meaning and structure connected of the discourse. (e.g. A

48、s far as Im concerned As a result of, in spite of; summarizers : To make a long story short, my point is that.). From the functions mentioned above, we can tell that chunk learning plays an important role in language teaching and learning because it serves as ready-made framework on which to express

49、 our ideas, so we do not have to struggle to generate an utterance all the time out from grammar. As it is suggested by Becker (1975), in this way, time of the process of producing language could be greatly shortened if chunks are well handled, since chunks are stored as a whole, they require no more decoding effort than “big words“ (Ellis 1996, 111). Whats more, from the perspective of 广州大学松田学院 2013 届毕业论文(设计) 7 psychology, the burden could be eased to a large extent, less effort would be needed


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