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1、According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of experience today and everyone common with learning exch

2、ange, purpose is let we further deep understanding mass line of connotation, insisted party of mass line, do masses work, following main from four a aspects told: a, and full awareness party of mass line education practice activities of major meaning Partys 18 major distinct proposed to focus on the

3、 partys advanced nature and purity, in the party, with pragmatic and clean for the people as the main content of the partys mass line and educational practice. This is comrade XI Jinping as party General Secretary and adhere to strictly administering the party, strengthen the partys major decision i

4、s in line with the public expectations and strengthening the construction of learning-oriented service innovation of Marxist partys major deployment, is the important measure to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. First, carry out the partys mass line in education prac

5、tice, was carrying 18 of the party spirit, summon a powerful force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream of urgent needs. Partys 18 to promote strategic deployment to building socialism with Chinese characteristics, presents two 100-year goal, namely, by 2020 C

6、hinas gross domestic product and per capita income of urban and rural residents in 2010 on the basis of double complete the building of a well-off society; the middle of this century into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious Socialist modern country, and on this basis, the Chinese drea

7、m of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 Congress of the party, Comrade XI Jinping repeatedly expounded the Chinese dream. The basic connotation of the Chinese dream, is the national prosperity, national revitalization, the happiness of the people, China important to follow is

8、 to keep China Road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion strength of China, dream dreams of the people of China, but determined confidence, enhance self-awareness, achieve self-reliance, to build a stronger China, civilization, harmony, beauty, China, China, China. Strategic conception of China wa

9、s 18 the spirit of the enrichment and development of the party, conscientiously study the Chinese dream, leading people to hard to realize the Chinese dream, mass education activities in depth the fundamental starting point and ending point. Strengthen the education of the partys mass line, helps to

10、 train the collective consciousness of the unity of the party and the people, playing the Chinese dream ideological bases. Comrade Mao Zedong stressed that parties should have common language socialist countries must have unity of will. History has焊接工艺评定焊 接 工 艺 评 定中 十 冶 集 团 有 限 公 司二00六年二月十五日目 录序号编号焊

11、接方法焊缝形式母材牌号焊材牌号1HP05-01电弧焊板对接Q235BJ4222HP05-02电弧焊板对接16MnRJ5073HP05-03电弧焊管板角接Q235B/20#J4224HP05-04电弧焊管板角接16MnR/20#J5075HP05-05氩弧焊管管对接20#/20#H08Mn2Si6HP05-06SMAW/SAW板对接Q235BJ422/H08A7HP05-07SMAW/SAW板对接16MnRJ507/H10Mn2proved that a people and a nation, if it does not have its own spiritual pillar, ther

12、e is no unity of spiritual support, it means that no soul, will lose cohesion and vitality. Figuratively speaking, a sack of potatoes, quantity cannot be too a team, form a joint force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible, no difficult means of strength. National rejuvenation of

13、Chinese dream, not only embodies the common interests and pursuits, and covers a variety of groups and classes, has a wide applicability and inclusive, with a strong integrating force and lead the force. She embodies the aspirations of several generations of Chinese, reflecting today . Into sex and

14、purity, and the inevitable requirement of constantly improving the partys governing capacity. Strengthening the construction of the advanced nature and purity, the core problem is always maintaining the partys flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, so that our party will always be the most wholeheart

15、ed support of the masses. Must take the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as the party all the starting point and ending point, the party has always been a common fate with the masses, this is the magic weapon for our party to always maintain the advanced nature and pu

16、rity. Strengthening the construction of partys advanced nature and purity and enhancing the partys ruling ability will eventually be implemented to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. All the work merits this is a measure of the partys

17、 fundamental standards, is a measure of the partys advanced nature and purity standards. Believe who, depending on who, who, standing on the position of the overwhelming majority of the people are always, always realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of

18、 the people, it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of judgement, is also sign of Marxist party is different from other political parties. Marxist political party has a clear political position and historical mission: for the interests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental in

19、terests of the overwhelming majority of the people. From the day of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, always adhere to basic principles of historical materialism, for the interests of the most people as their goal, always serving as its fundamental purpose and values. Fully trust the

20、 masses, closely rely on the masses maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the masses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the most determined in the development of our party and our country. Conscientiously accept supervision by the masses, pay attention to listen to

21、the masses assessment, which itself was the partys advanced nature and purity into practical action to realize the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. At present, the party committees and leading cadres and the Government generally value the close relations with the mas

22、ses, do a lot of productive work, but there are still some中十冶集团有限公司 - 55 -焊接工艺评定报告单位名称:中国第十冶金建设公司 焊接工艺评定报告编号: HP05Y-1 焊接工艺指导书编号:NO.05-1 焊接方法:SMAW 机械化程度:(手工、半自动、自动) 焊缝宽度坡口两侧各加2mm,余高:02 mm。母材:材料标准:GB/T3274 钢号: Q235B 类、组别号:-1与类组别号-1相焊厚度: 9-18mm 直径: 其他: 焊后热处理:热处理厚度:() 保温时间(h): 保护气体:气体 配合比 流量(L/min)保护气体:

23、 尾部保护气: 背面保护气: 填充金属:焊材标准:GB/T5117-95 焊材牌号:J422 焊材规格:2.5、3.2、4 焊缝金属厚度:18mm 其他: 电特性:电流种类:交流 极性: 钨极尺寸: 焊接电流(A):2.5:75/85;3.2:110/130;4:150/180电弧电压(V):18-24 其他: 焊接位置:对接焊缝位置: 方向:(向上、向下)角焊缝位置: 方向:(向上、向下)技术措施:焊接速度(cm/min): 摆动或不摆动: 摆动参数: 多道焊或单道焊(每面): 多丝焊或单丝焊: 其他: 预热:预热温度():层间温度():其它:续表:拉伸试验 试验报告编号: HP 1 试样编

24、号试样宽度(mm)试样厚度(mm)横载面积(mm2)断裂载荷(KN)抗拉强度(MPa)断裂部位和特性HP1-1406焊口外断HP1-2404焊口外断弯曲试验 试验报告编号: HP1 试样编号试样类型试样厚度(mm)弯心直径(mm)弯曲角度()试验结果HP1-1面弯48180合格HP1-2面弯48180合格HP1-3背弯48180合格HP1-4背弯48180合格冲击试验 试验报告编号: HP1 试样编号试样尺寸缺口类型缺口位置试验温度()冲击吸收力(J)备注HP1-1551010V焊缝区常温44实测值HP1-2551010V焊缝区常温46实测值HP1-3551010V焊缝区常温47实测值HP1-

25、4551010V热影响区常温46实测值HP1-5551010V热影响区常温48实测值HP1-6551010V热影响区常温48实测值续表:金相检验(角焊缝)根部:(焊透、未焊透) 焊缝:(熔合、未熔合) 焊缝、热影响区(有裂缝、无裂缝) 检验截面焊脚差(mm)无损检验RT: 试板焊缝经检验,评为级,合格 UT: MT: PT: 其他:焊缝外观检查合格 耐蚀堆焊金属化学成分(重量)CSiMnPSCrNiMoVTiNb分析表面或取样开始表面至熔合线的距离(mm): 附加说明:结论:本评定按JB4708-2000规定焊接试件,检验试样、测定性能、确认试验记录正确 评定结果: (合格、不合格) 焊工姓名

26、高英保焊工代号JQ编制日期审核日期批准日期焊接工艺评定指导书单位名称:中国第十冶金建设公司 焊接工艺指导书编号:NO.05-1 日期: 2005.12.7 焊接工艺评定报告编号: HP05Y-1 焊接方法: SMAW 机械化程度(手工、半自动、自动): 焊接接头: 简图:(接头形式、坡口形式与尺寸、焊道布置及顺序)坡口形式: V 衬垫(材料及规格): 其他: 母材:类别号: 组别号: 与类别号: 组别号: 相焊及标准号:GB/T3274 钢 号: Q235B 与标准号:GB/T3274 钢 号: Q235B 焊接 厚度范围:母材:对接焊缝: 9-18mm 角焊缝: 管子直径、壁厚范围:对接焊缝

27、 直径不限 角焊缝: 不限 焊缝金属厚度范围: 对接焊缝 18 角焊缝: 不限 其他:焊接材料:焊材类别F1焊材标准GB/T5117-95填充金属尺寸2.5、3.2、4焊材型号E4303焊材牌号(钢号)J422其他耐蚀堆焊金属化学成分()CSiMnPSCrNiMoVTiNb其他: 注:对每一个母材与焊接材料的组合均需分别填表。焊接工艺评定指导书焊接位置:对焊焊缝的位置: 焊接方向:(向上、向下) 角焊缝位置: 焊接方向:(向上、向下) 焊后预热处理:温度范围(): 保温时间(h): 预热:预热温度()(允许最低值): 预热温度()(允许最高值): 保持预热时间:加热方式:气体:气体种类 混合比

28、 流量值(L/min)保护气: 尾部保护气: 背面保护气: 电特性:电流种类: 交 流 极性: 焊接电流范围(A): 75-180 电弧电压(V): 18-24 (按所指位置和厚度,分别列出电流和电压范围,记入下表)焊道/焊层焊接方法填充材料焊接电流电弧电压(V)焊接速度(cm/min)线能量(KJ/cm)牌号直径极性电流(A)1SMAWJ4222.575-9018-202SMAWJ4223.2110-13020-223SMAWJ4224160-18022-244SMAWJ4224150-17022-24钨极类型及直径: 喷嘴直径(mm): 熔滴过渡形式: 焊丝送进速度(cm/min): 技术

29、措施:摆动焊或不摆动焊: 摆 动 摆动参数: 焊前清理和层间清理: 坡口两侧20mm范围内须清除干净 背面清根方法: 碳弧气刨或角向磨光机 单道焊或多道焊(每面): 单丝焊或多丝焊: 导电嘴至工件距离(mm): 锤击: 其他:焊前焊条烘干100-150,时间为1-1.5h,对接间隙预留尾部收缩量,对接预留反变形Q3-5编制日期审核日期批准日期焊缝射线检测报告产品名称焊件试件产品编号HP1产品类别/委托单位焊培中心报告编号05-15探伤比例100焊接方法手工焊材质及厚度Q235/12mm焊工代号/使用设备XYY2515增感方式铅箔象质指数12管电压170KV管电流10mA焦距700mm曝光时间2

30、分有效长度300焊缝500mm评定结果级 2 张,级 / 张,级 / 张。丁字接头 / 张,共拍片2 张。其中返修片:级 / 张,级 / 张,级 / 张。评定结论本产品焊缝经X射线检查发现 / 毫米有超过标准之缺陷,经修后,重新进行了X射线检测判为合格探伤布片图评定标准JB4730-94合格等级无裂纹照相质量AB级评片人审核人05年12月14日焊缝接头机械性能试验报告委托单位中国第十冶金建设公司产品名称焊评试件产品编号HP1试样名称板材对接试件编号HP1来样日期05.12.18试验编号HP1材质及厚度Q235/12mm焊接方式手工焊力学性能试验试验项目试验编号抗拉强度b Mpa屈服强度sb M

31、pa伸长率板或管试验HP1-1406HP1-2404弯曲试验试验条件试样编号面弯背弯弯芯直径:48mm弯曲角度:180HP1-1-2合格/HP1-3-4/合格评定标准JB4708-2000评片结论合格试验员: 审核: 05年12月20日材料检验报告委托单位中国第十冶金建设公司试件名称焊评试件来样日期12.30试样编号HP1材料牌号Q235材料规格12mm试验室编号入厂复验号供货状态试验项目试验结果()试验方法化学分析CSMnPSiGB223力学性能试验试样抗拉强度bMPa屈服强度sMPa伸和率GB228工艺性能试 验冷弯试验试验条件试验结果GB232弯芯直径: mm弯曲角度:压扁试验冲击试验常

32、温冲击AkvJ试样尺寸GB/T22955101044、46、47时效冲击akuJ/cm246、48、48GB4160试验员: 审核: 2005年12月20日焊接工艺评定报告单位名称:中国第十冶金建设公司 焊接工艺评定报告编号: HP05Y-2 焊接工艺指导书编号:NO.05-2 焊接方法:SMAW 机械化程度:(手工、半自动、自动) 接头简图:(坡口形式、尺寸、衬垫、每种焊接方法或焊接工艺、焊接金属厚度) 焊缝宽度坡口两侧各加2mm,余高:02 mm。 母材:材料标准:GB6654 钢号: 16MnR 类、组别号: 与类组别号-1相焊厚度: 9-18mm 直径: 其他: 焊后热处理:热处理厚度

33、:() 保温时间(h): 保护气体:气体 配合比 流量(L/min)保护气体: 尾部保护气: 背面保护气: 填充金属:焊材标准:GB/T5117 焊材牌号:J507 焊材规格:2.5、3.2、4 焊缝金属厚度:18mm 其他: 电特性:电流种类:直流 极性:反接 钨极尺寸: 焊接电流(A):2.5:70/80;3.2:100/110;4:130/150电弧电压(V):18-24 其他: 焊接位置:对接焊缝位置: 方向:(向上、向下)角焊缝位置: 方向:(向上、向下)技术措施:焊接速度(cm/min): 摆动或不摆动: 摆动参数: 多道焊或单道焊(每面): 多丝焊或单丝焊: 其他: 预热:预热温度():层间温度():其它:续表:拉伸试验


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