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1、Only one strain of Begonia, evergreen trees as a background setting on the roadside, banner, means, is memorable. Mainly to plant landscaping and landscape wall and source pools designed for Park adds some atmosphere. Source pool for a small sculpture fountain, take the Zhu Xis ask drains that have

2、clear, flowing water. This means learning the truth. Landscape wall there are two sets of roles, according to the study on the structure of the urban image of Kevin Lynch, as markers (Land mark), but also as a vehicle for box-view, which itself is an ornamental piece. Zone 1 open and half-open space

3、-oriented structure. Zone 2 and zone 3 located on campus near the entrance two times, humanistic landscape design-oriented region 3, proximal set a Memorial statue in the Park, planting around large areas of bamboo forests, winding road through to achieve, along with seating chairs, and antique and

4、end pavilions connected. Set through the Memorial Statue, which can add value to teachers and students on the campus culture identity, is also reflected in the education on the significance of such an environment. As a famous University President says: promenade and stately pillars and palm trees th

5、at pool will play their role in an education to students, real and a laboratory, each stone in the courtyard are on education. Zone 3 is divided into two parts by the West entrance, a relatively small area, dominated by planting trees, interspersed stone and flower pieces, for open space as a whole,

6、 partial privacy. 3.2.3 life group is located in the North-East Campus, living quarters should be colorful and lively area. To make full use of natural landscaping practices, use decorative flowers arranged environment. Glade and the little flower bed set, allow students to rest and reading. Living

7、areas, air should be fresh, elegant and pleasant environment. Selection of beautiful trees and flowering shrubs, in order to provide students with a good rest and living environment. 3.2.4 sports activities in Northwest campus, away from the living quarters near. But should be given not to affect th

8、e normal life of living groups. Design the main planting tall trees, lower level configuration of shade-tolerant shrubs, which form a green level and density, which can reduce outside interference, provide a good environment for the site itself, so that it can effectively block the Sun in summer sun

9、 and winter winds attack. 3.2.5 group teaching area designed with formal garden style layout techniques, laying lawn mixed with flower spots in front of the building, and lone tree-planting in the right location, to appreciate. Vertical greening some vines in order to weaken the blunt side of the bu

10、ilding, teachers and students can also reduce visual fatigue. 3.3 analysis of the transportation system to be quiet and safe learning, living and research environment can not be separated from the rational organization of the transport system. Design features within the region generally does not set

11、 the roadway, traffic does not pass through the area, follow the people and vehicles, pedestrian priority principle. Ring road, mainly in the periphery of the campus, for vehicles, and also helps to communicate with external traffic. Considering the actual situation on campus, there are three levels

12、 of road. A road to .Pig is not a pig. With domestic international market and technology big environment of changes, as China traditional industry of pig production of job way and profit way are requirements related industry for resources integration, to quality security for premise, regulation base

13、d farming, and management cost and the production, and sales cost, go standardization, and scale, and intensive, and market road, fast upgrade whole industry chain of regulation capacity, market competition capacity and anti-risk capacity. First, industry analysis (a) the basic situation in China is

14、 a traditional hog production and consumption country, 2008 46.15 million tons of pork, pig stock 462.64 million head by the end pig slaughter 609.6 million. National pig industrys annual production value at around 650 billion yuan, nearly 50% per cent of annual output value of animal husbandry. Sic

15、huan province in 2008 produced 6.52 million tons of pork, with 694,000 tons of Chengdu city, live pig sell 10.46 million, first 15 Vice-provincial cities in the country. The whole nation advantage regional planning (2008-2015) there are 437 counties (cities), 55, Sichuan, Chengdu has 7 (including in

16、 pengzhou). International pig industry mainly include the European Union, the United States, and Canada, and Brazil and other absolute scale of animal husbandry industry and technology developed countries. Market 1, the domestic market from Chinas meat consumption habits and economic analysis of the

17、 development situation, the emergence of new trends in the market of domestic pork and its products. Docking is a pig production and sales more closely. The Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and the Bohai rim economic developed area industrial structure adjustment gathered pace, two or three in

18、dustries to the Central and Western bias. Second, the rigid domestic consumption growth. For a long period, pork is still the largest variety of meat consumption in China, the absolute consumption continues to grow. Especially in the vast rural market growth potential. Third, market for pork and hig

19、her product quality requirements. Pollution-free pork safety and health has shown a very good market prospects. Four is the market changing. Currently, cold meat, more and more varieties of meat and pork meat products, which accounted for a large proportion of pork consumption, stores, chain stores,

20、 supermarkets and other marketing methods is on the rise, and transport has been extended to more than 2000 km in RADIUS. Chengdu is an important River pig resource market, the citys commercial rate reaches above 60% of live pigs, pork and raw materials primary processing products in the domestic an

21、d international reputation is high. Western hog trading center in Chengdu and provides disease-free areas of construction in order to further accelerate the development of swine industry realizes space and conditions. 2, the international markets at present, annual volume of trade in live pigs in th

22、e world year around 18 million, about 6 million tons of pork trade. A large net exporter of pork is mainly the EU and North America,-importing countries mainly in Asia, Japan, and Korea, and Singapore, the Philippines, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, as well as Russia, about 3 million ton

23、nes were imported. It is predicted that the world meat consumption increase of 80% in Asia in the future, our country has obvious geographical advantages, export potential. With the advancement of live pigs superiority industry belt construction, animal disease .南 昌 大学(11 水工毕业设计)说明书周小日The physical e

24、ffects of the use of color can change the interior space of the size or volume of Visual sense, image scaling to improve space entities. A long narrow space, for example if the ceiling with a strong sense of warm colors, wall bright cool colors on both sides, it will compensate for the narrow sense.

25、 (2) reflect the personality. Color can reflect a persons personality, generally cheerful, enthusiastic people, indoor selection should be warm; introverted, calm person, choose cool colors. Like the tints people are mostly straightforward, cheerful; like most dark tones, grey shades of people deep

26、and subtle. (3) psychological adjustment. Color is a stimulus, if too much high-purity of hue contrast, can make one feel too much stimulation, easily agitated, and too little color contrast can make a person feel empty, boring, too quiet. Therefore, the interior color according to the users persona

27、lity, age, gender, educational level and social experience, design the proper color, can meet the needs of Visual and mental, and reasonable according to the function of each room color schemes in order to adjust their mental balance. (4) adjust the indoor temperature. Climatic thermal sensations wi

28、th different colors and different ways. Colors in the design process using different color schemes is to change peoples perception of indoor temperature. Color schemes such as cold regions should choose colors such as red, yellow, and lightness can be slightly lower, but the color must be relatively

29、 high; warm regions can choose to blue-green, blue, Lan Zi made its lightness increases, lower relative intensity. However, seasonal and geographical changes of climate is cyclic, so local conditions depending on location of the norm to select an appropriate color scheme. (5) adjust the indoor light

30、. Interior color interior light intensity can be adjusted. Because colors have different reflectivity, such as white reflection rate of 70%90%, between gray at 10%70%, Black 10%, depending on the rooms lighting requirements, the appropriate selection of low reflectivity color or high reflectivity co

31、lors to adjust the light. 2.2. the composition of the interior color (1) main color main color in interior design is the largest and dominant colors, generally account for an area of 60%70%. It gives a general impression, such as warm and cold colors, and so on. To create a festive, warm, calm and d

32、ignified in different psychological feeling. Main body color is often used to describe Interior ceilings, walls, doors, Windows, flooring and other large areas of color. If will these big area color unified up, using a a changes tiny of tones, as used low purity Gao Mingdu of crisp color, will makes

33、 people produced harmony and natural of feel, this a technique usually using in home decorative and private space in the; and used high purity of color is will makes people produced excited and excited of feel, this a technique usually using in commercial space and public space in the. Basis of the

34、main color is the background color and the decoration color and its choice is the key to interior color design. If white has been considered the ideal subject color, this is because white is a neutral color, it is able to reconcile with a variety of colors. Now the Interior .2015 年 1 月 日目录第一章 工程概况1第

35、二章 设计的基本资料及水库工程特性1第一节 设计的基本资料1第二节 水库工程特性4第三章 工程等别及枢纽布置5第一节 工程等别及建筑物的级别5第二节 枢纽布置6第四章 坝工设计7第一节 坝型的选择7第二节 坝的断面设计81. 坝顶高程82、坝顶宽度103、坝坡104、防渗体设计115 、排水设备11第三节 土石坝的渗流计算12第四节 土石坝坝坡稳定分析及计算184.1 设计说明184.2 .稳定计算19第五节 土石坝细部构造设计4351 坝顶435.2 护坡435.3 排水体455.4 坝体与坝基防渗设计465.5 土石坝土料的选择46第六节 地基处及裂缝处理48参考文献50心得51南昌工程学

36、院毕业设计陶小伟第一章 工程概况伦潭水利枢纽工程位于铅山县天柱山乡境内,距县城约 50km,坝址地处铅山河支流 杨村水中游,是铅山河流域内具有防洪、灌溉、发电、供水及水产养殖等综合效益的控 制性工程。铅山河是信江中上游南岸的一条主要支流,发源于闽赣边境的武夷山脉。流域东邻 石溪水,西毗陈坊河,南靠武夷山,北抵信江,集雨面积 1255km2。流域内山高林密 , 植被良好,气候温和,矿产资源丰富,尤以铜矿著称。铅山河流域理论电力蕴藏量约14108kWh,初步查明的可开发水电装机有 18.46104kW,可开发电量 6.7108kWh,其水力资源之丰富为信江之冠。 铅山河流域是我省暴雨中心之一,也是

37、我省小流域治理规划的重点流域。伦潭水利枢纽工程项目在 2002 年 7 月已经国务院批准立项。第二章 设计的基本资料及水库工程特性第一节 设计的基本资料一、水文气象伦潭水利枢纽坝址处于铅山河支流杨村水中游。杨村水为信江二级支流,发源于武 夷山脉读书尖。河流自南向北流经篁碧、港口、天柱山、港东、杨村、五都等地,在下 坂与石塘水相汇后称铅山河。杨村水主河长 70km,流域面积 465km2,河道平均坡降 6.6。伦潭水库坝址以上集雨面积 242km2、主河长 41.9km,流域平均宽度 5.77km, 主河道平均比降 11.62。坝址附近无水文测站,选择铅山河流域内铁路坪水文站作为 参证站,由 1

38、959 年至 2000 年共 42 年径流资料,推求坝址多年平均流量为 11.0m3/s, Cv=0.31,Cs=2.5Cv,多年平均径流深 1438.8mm,多年平均径流量 3.48?08m3。铅山河 为雨洪式河流,洪水与暴雨相应,多发生在 49 月份,洪水主要由锋面雨形成,台风雨 也能形成较大洪水。经分析计算,坝址设计洪水成果:校核洪水标准(P=0.1%),相应 洪峰流量为 2640m3/s,洪量 W1=87.73?06m3、W3=154.17?06m3;设计洪水标准 (P=1%)、相应洪峰流量为 1500m3/s,洪量 W1=52.06?06m3、W3=92.08?06m3。铅 山河属少

39、泥沙河流,坝址多年平均悬移质输沙量 4.55?04t、推移质输沙量 1.82?04t。铅山河流域属亚热带季风气候区,流域内各地多年平均气温 18.1,极端最高气温 40.1,极端最低气温-10.6,多年平均相对湿度 79%。多年平均降水量 1908.9mm, 最大年降水量 2856.7mm(1998 年),最小年降水量 1177.1mm(1971 年),多年平均蒸 发量 1550.4mm,多年平均风速 1.9m/s,实测最大风速 20.3m/s。二、工程地质1南昌工程学院毕业设计陶小伟本区处华南褶皱系、赣中南褶隆、饶南拗陷区。区内地势东南高、西北低,下游为 低山丘陵区,中上游属中低山中高山构造

40、剥蚀地貌,不良物理地质现象不甚发育。 区内出露地层主要为燕山早期花岗岩。枢纽及库区处于次一级的陈坊永平八都区域隆 起构造带,未发现孕震断裂分布,不存在产生水库诱发地震的可能性,根据 GB18306-2001中国地震动参数区划图,本区地震动峰值加速度小于 0.05g,地震动反 应谱周期小于 0.35s,区域构造稳定性较好。水库区地层岩性单一,组成库盆、库岸的花岗岩体岩性坚硬,透水性弱,库周分水 岭雄厚,库区产生永久性渗漏的可能性小,库岸稳定性较好。未来库区淤积问题不大。 库区内未发现有工业开采价值的矿产资源及古文化遗址分布,淹没影响较小。不存在浸 没问题。坝区含上、下两个坝址,均属构造剥蚀中低山

41、地貌,位于燕山早期侵入的伦潭岩体 上岩性,为细粒花岗岩,岩性单一,一般弱风化微新岩体为中等较好质量岩体。地质 构造较简单,未发现较大的断裂构造及顺河断层。构造节理主要为北东向和北西向两组, 卸荷裂隙发育不明显。坝区的地下水主要为基岩裂隙潜水。地下水埋深多受大气降水和地形条件及季节变 化等因素所控制。岩体透水性则受地形条件、节理裂隙的密度与贯通,节理裂隙充填状 况及岩体风化程度等多种因素影响,一般遵循自上而下,由大到小的规律。据水质分析 结果,坝区河水和地下水对混凝土具中等溶出型侵蚀性。上、下坝址存在的工程地质问题,主要为渗漏及坝肩稳定问题。由于岩体风化及节 理裂隙的影响,坝址基础开挖以后,建基

42、面以下一般为弱中等透水岩体,需作防渗处 理。上坝址可利用基岩埋深较大,建基面以下透水岩体厚度也较大。下坝址拱坝方案右 坝肩,由于局部分布有缓倾角节理裂隙,其与坝区较发育的北西或北东向两组陡倾角结 构组合,存在与拱肩推力方向夹角很小的不利组合面,有沿该组面产生滑动的可能,对 拱肩稳定不利。就工程地质条件而言,上、下坝址均具备修建 90m 左右大坝的条件。而下坝址的工 程地质条件优于上坝址。据本阶段对三条引水隧洞、一条导流隧洞、一个溢洪道及三个发电厂房和下坝址上、 下游围堰作的地质勘探工作,这些建筑物均处于中低山地貌,围岩为细粒花岗岩,洞室 大部分置于弱风化微新岩体,地下水量不丰,地质构造较简单,

43、洞线进出口及厂房区 未见较大的滑坡、崩塌等不良物理地质现象。各引水隧洞线及厂房均未发现大的工程地质问题。上、下游围堰不存在大的工程地质问题。三、筑坝材料及其物理力学性质(一)水库枢纽工程所需天然建材,石料可就地取材,储量及质量均可满足要求。 砂砾料在坝址区缺乏,需在坝区下游较远处采运,其中砂料质量可满足规范要求,但粗2南昌工程学院毕业设计陶小伟骨料级配较差,粗细骨料储量均可满足需求。 (二)重要物理力学设计指标 (1)坝址处地基物理力学设计指标坝址处具有砂质亚粘土覆盖层,河床处覆盖深度约为 5 米,两岸垂直坡面覆盖左岸 3 米,右岸 12 米。砂质亚粘土覆盖层物理力学指标如下:干容重=1.59

44、/3 饱和容重誗=2.00/3浮容重=0.98/3 渗透系数 K=4.510-6/凝聚力=0.38/2 内摩擦角?20.570(2)筑坝材料 1.砂壤土干容重=1.70/3 饱和容重誗=2.10/3浮容重=1.00/3 渗透系数 K=2.510-5/凝聚力=0.29/2 内摩擦角?300湿容重=1.90/32、粘土防渗体干容重=1.65/3 饱和容重誗=2.07/3 浮容重=1.05/3 渗透系数 K=310-6/凝聚力=0.35/2 内摩擦角?240湿容重=1.85/3 3、砂砾料干容重=1.67/3 饱和容重誗=2.04/3 浮容重=0.99/3 渗透系数 K=210-2/凝聚力=0 内摩

45、擦角?330湿容重=1.81/3 4、块石干容重=1.79/3 饱和容重誗=2.14/3 浮容重=1.19/3 内摩擦角?380 湿容重=1.85/3 5、址区洪水期多年平均最大风速 16/,吹程为 2.5 公里。 (三)砼与基岩抗剪指标及基础承载力 纯摩时 =0.6 =0 剪摩时 =0.9 =2.8/2基础承载力 骫=30/2砼容重=2.4/33南昌工程学院毕业设计陶小伟工作桥及启闭机作用于一个墩上荷载 45 吨,弧形门重 20 吨四、水库的运用要求伦潭水利枢纽工程位于铅山河流域杨村水中游,是以防洪、灌溉为主,兼顾发电、 供水和水产养殖的综合利用工程。经综合分析论证,伦潭工程规模基本选定为:

46、水库正 常蓄水位 252.0m,死水位为 230.0m,防洪限制水位 250.0m,防洪高水位为 254.70m, 相应防洪库容为 0.261?08m3,调节库容 0.938?08m3,水库总库容 1.798?08m3;灌 溉农田面 10.62 万亩;电站装机容量 20.0MW ;枯水季节能为下游工矿企业补充1500104m3 生产生活用水。伦潭水利 枢纽工程综合利用效益显著。在防洪方面:经水库调蓄可使下游沿河两岸 和港东、杨林、五铜、永平、鹅湖、福惠等 7 个乡(镇)的村镇和农田、永平铜矿的供 水设施和尾矿污水排放设施、横 南铁路线和上饶联络段铁路线以及铅山县河口镇的防 洪标准由 5 年一遇

47、提高到 20 年一遇;在灌溉方面:从水库坝下取水可灌溉下游铅山西 部灌区的杨林、五铜、福惠、虹桥、汪二、河口茶场、新安埠、汪二垦殖场等九个乡(镇、 场)的 10.62 万亩,农田灌溉保证率达 90%;在发电方面:电站装机 2?0.0MW,年发 电量 6074?04kW.h,保证出力 4520kW,年利用小时 3037h;在供水方面:枯水季节能 补充下游工矿企业生活生产用水 1500?04m3。第二节 水库工程特性正常蓄水位 252.00 防洪高水位 254.70 设计洪水位(P=1) 254.75 相应下泻流量 9753/ 相应下游水位 176.43 校核洪水位 256.45 相应下泻流量 13103/ 相应下游水位 177.51死水位230.00水电站装机容量210MW总库容1.798 亿3河床地面高程170m4南昌工程学院毕业设计陶小伟第三章 工程等别及枢纽布置


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