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1、,课前准备,请拿出试卷、课本 、双色笔, 还有你的激情。,We are the best!,Unit1过关检测反馈,过 关 分 析,一、试题分析 单词、短语、单选考查基础,阅读较简单。 二、成绩分析,三、问题反馈 1. 基础知识掌握不牢固,单词、短语部 分会写但不会灵活应用(时态、人 称、单复数)。 2.缺乏细心思考意识,分析不认真,不动 脑;阅读失分严重。,Learning aims,1.Master the important words, phrases and related knowledge, improve your ability to do multiple choice q

2、uestions and reading comprehension. 2. Summarize the related knowledge in the paper through self-directed study and cooperation. 3. Build up your strong willingness of learning English and enjoy learning.,I: 用红笔订正答案(5分钟) 1. loose 2. curtains; dusty 3. grateful 4. concerned 5. recovered 6. outdoors 7

3、. teenagers 8. ignored 9. partner(s) 10. upset 11. disagreed 12. settle 13. dislikes 14. exactly II: 1. added/adds to 2. too much 3. happened to 4. gone through 5. hid away 6. stayed awake; in order to/ so as to 7. a series of 8. have trouble/difficulty/a hard time in 9. pack up 10. getting along we

4、ll with 11. got/been tired of 12. suffered from 13. no longer 14. As far as I am concerned 15. calm down,III. 1. there was a time when 2. I had seen the night face to face 3. no pleasure looking any longer 4. I have grown so crazy about everything to do with nature 5. It was Tom who/that IV.1-5 C B/

5、A ACB 6-10 DBBAC V . BDCCC,Self-directed study,要求: 1. 疯狂背诵试卷上的单词、短语 和句型,准备二次过关。 2. 动手,动脑,动口。 3. 全身心投入,扎实高效!,Discussion and Cooperation 讨论内容:基础知识过关的疑难。 重点讨论:选择题和阅读理解一题和四题 讨论要求:1.小组内先一对一讨论,然后组内合作讨论,动口动脑动笔! 2.组长调控好,确保每一层次的学生都能最大限度解决问题,以备展示、点评和质疑。 3.组长安排成员做好对弱科同学的帮助,并安排好展示点评的人员。 评价:讨论状态:0-3分,争做高效讨论小组 目标

6、: A层:研究透所有问题并能延伸拓展。 B层: 研究解决95%问题。 C层: 研究解决85%问题。,Presentation,要求: 1.口头展示(Oral show)同学声音洪亮,吐字清晰,语言简练,结构条理。 单选题错题书面展示 2.非展示同学认真倾听,用红笔做好笔记,及时补充拓展,如有问题随时提出质疑。,A little quiz,add up; added to; added to; add up to,(1)如果要强调除谓语以外的部分,我们经常用以下句型: It is (was) + 被强调部分 + that (who) (2)强调句的形式: 陈述式:“It is (was) + 被

7、强调部分 + that (who)” 一般疑问式:“Is / Was it+ 被强调部分 + that / who” 特殊疑问式:“特殊疑问词(Who / What / When / Where / Why / How)+is / was it that” (3)强调谓语动词时,用“do/does/did +动词原形”结构。 Eg:Do be careful! 请务必小心谨慎! Do tell me all about it. Ill keep it a dead secret. 请告诉我吧,我一定严守秘密。,知识点拓展之强调句,活学活用,将该句子变为强调句: He came back hom

8、e at ten oclock . 1.(强调时间状语) It was at ten oclock that he came back home. 2.将该强调句变为一般疑问形式。 Was it at ten oclock that he came back home. 3. An awful accident _, however, occur the other day. A. does B. did C. has to D. had to 4. It was_ back home after the experiment. A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didnt go C. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didnt go,方法点拨:判断句子是否是强调句的依据是“将it is/was和that去掉,剩余部分仍然完整,那么该句子就是强调句。”,Homework,把错题认真整理到典型题目本上。 生单词整理到词汇积累本上,


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