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1、The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival with longest history, the grandest occasion.,- 春节是中国各族人民的最重要的传统节日, 它的历史最悠久场面最盛大。,Basic Patterns :,2. People have more time to conduct all kinds of activities.,- 人们有更多的时间进行各种活动。,3. Two weeks before the festival, every household is busy wi

2、th preparations for the festival.,- 春节前两周,家家户户都忙着为春节做准 备。,4. The highlight of the activities before the New Year concentrates on the Eve of the Spring Festival.,- 新年前最精彩有活动集中在春节前夕。,5. The old customs are dying off.,- 旧的风俗正在消失。,6. When the clock strikes 12 at midnight, people begin to set off firecra

3、ckers and fireworks.,- 当钟声午夜敲响十二下时,人们开始燃放烟花和爆竹。,7. Kids are excited not only by the entertainment but also by the money gifts they receive.,- 孩子们不仅兴奋娱乐活动,而且兴奋于他们得到的守 岁钱。,8. The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th of the first lunar month.,- 灯节适逢正月十五。,9. The Dragon Boat Festival, or Duan Wu Jie, is a

4、traditional Chinese festival.,- 龙舟节或称端午节,是一传统的中国节日。,10. The Dragon Boat Festival is said to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet.,- 据说龙舟节是为了纪念伟大的爱国诗人屈 原。,11. People often use “ the bright moon” as a metaphor to express their nostaligic sentiments.,- 人们经常用“明月”做比,表达一种思乡情。,12. In the Song Dynast

5、y, enjoying the full moon while eating sweet mooncakes became very popuar.,- 在宋朝,欣赏满月,吃着甜甜的月饼已经 很流行了。,13. During the Lantern Festival, people hang up colourful lanterns in their courtyards, play Yangko and set off fireworks.,- 灯节时,人们在庭院里悬挂彩灯,扭秧歌并燃放烟花。,14. Boat racing has become an international spor

6、ts event.,- 赛龙舟已成为一个国际性运动项目。,15. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people sit outdoors after dinner to enjoy the full moon. It symbolizes family reunion.,- 中秋节时,人们晚饭后在户外赏月,它象征着家 庭团圆。,The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival with longest history, the grandest occasion.,- 春节是中国各族人民

7、的最重要的传统节日, 它的历史最悠久场面最盛大。,2. People have more time to conduct all kinds of activities.,- 人们有更多的时间进行各种活动。,3. Two weeks before the festival, every household is busy with preparations for the festival.,- 春节前两周,家家户户都忙着为春节做准 备。,4. The highlight of the activities before the New Year concentrates on the Eve

8、 of the Spring Festival.,- 新年前最精彩有活动集中在春节前夕。,5. The old customs are dying off.,- 旧的风俗正在消失。,6. When the clock strikes 12 at midnight, people begin to set off firecrackers and fireworks.,- 当钟声午夜敲响十二下时,人们开始燃放烟花和爆竹。,7. Kids are excited not only by the entertainment but also by the money gifts they recei

9、ve.,- 孩子们不仅兴奋娱乐活动,而且兴奋于他们得到的守 岁钱。,8. The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th of the first lunar month.,- 灯节适逢正月十五。,9. The Dragon Boat Festival, or Duan Wu Jie, is a traditional Chinese festival.,- 龙舟节或称端午节,是一传统的中国节日。,10. The Dragon Boat Festival is said to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet.

10、,- 据说龙舟节是为了纪念伟大的爱国诗人屈 原。,11. People often use “ the bright moon” as a metaphor to express their nostaligic sentiments.,- 人们经常用“明月”做比,表达一种思乡情。,12. In the Song Dynasty, enjoying the full moon while eating sweet mooncakes became very popuar.,- 在宋朝,欣赏满月,吃着甜甜的月饼已经 很流行了。,13. During the Lantern Festival, p

11、eople hang up colourful lanterns in their courtyards, play Yangko and set off fireworks.,- 灯节时,人们在庭院里悬挂彩灯,扭秧歌并燃放烟花。,14. Boat racing has become an international sports event.,- 赛龙舟已成为一个国际性运动项目。,15. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people sit outdoors after dinner to enjoy the full moon. It symbolizes

12、family reunion.,- 中秋节时,人们晚饭后在户外赏月,它象征着家 庭团圆。,Substitution Drills:,1、What do they do .,他们做什么?,What do they do when the New Year comes?,- 新年来临的时候他们做什么?,What do they do when the spring Festival comes?,- 春节来临的时候他们做什么?,What do they do when the Duan Wu Jie comes?,- 端午节来临的时候他们做什么?,2、Would you please tell u

13、s some thing about .,请你告诉我们关于好吗?,Would you please tell us something about the Chinese New Year ?,- 请你告诉我们关于中国新年的事情好吗?,Would you please tell us something about the Lantern Festival?,- 请你告诉我们 关于元宵节的事情好吗?,Would you please tell us something about the Dragon Boat Festival?,- 请你告诉我们关于龙舟节的事情好吗?,3、Do you kn

14、ow .,你知道吗?,Do you know when the Mid-Autumn Festival is?,- 你知道中秋节是什么时候吗?,Do you know when the Spring Festival is?,- 你知道春节是什么时候吗?,Do you know when the Christmas Day is?,- 你知道圣诞节是什么时候吗?,Practicing:,1. A: Would you please tell us something about the Chinese New Year? B:_.(很乐意,它是中国传统 节日)。 A:_?(什么时候?) B:

15、The first day of the first lunar month. A:_?(春节前他们经常做什么?) B: They do shopping, thorough cleaning and cooking. A:_?(他们必须得 向父母及长辈叩头吗?) B: Traditionally they do. But nowadays it depends. A: On what? B:_.(依据家 庭教育状况,有些家长比较开明,有些家长更保守一些。),With pleasure. It is a traditional festival in China.,When is it?,Wh

16、at do they usually do before it comes?,Do they have to kowtow to their parents and grand parents?,It depends on family education. Some parents are more liberal, others,2. Translate the following sentences Into English:,(1) 国庆之夜各条大街一片灯火辉煌,到处都洋溢着节日的气氛。 (2) 每年阴历初一是中国人的传统节日春节,是家人团聚的时刻。 (3) 在中秋节之夜,家人团聚,赏

17、月品月饼,享受着家庭和睦的气氛。 (4) 泼水节是中国少数民族傣族的传统佳节。人们互相泼水,祝福未来。,(1) On the evening of our National Day, every main street is a blaze of light and permeated with a holiday atmosphere.,(2) The first day of the lunar year is the traditional Chinese festivalthe Spring Festival. It is the time of the family reunion.

18、,(3) On the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members get together to worship the moon while tasting the moon cakes and enjoying the family harmony.,(4) The Water-Sprinkling Festival is the festival for Dai minority. People sprinkle each other with water to express their best wishes for the

19、 future.,(5) The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is Aged Peoples Day,also called Chong Yang Festival. A series of activities are going on to show respect and concern for the old in our society.,(6) During the festivals, men and women, old and young are in their holiday best and walk around the pa

20、rks and squares decorated with a sea of flowers.,(5) 农历九月九日是老人节,又称重阳节。全社会将开展一系列尊老爱老活动。 (6) 节日里,公园和广场都装点成了花的海洋,男女老少身着节日盛装,漫步在其中 (7) 与世界上其他人不一样的是,中国人既使用阳历,但同时也使用阴历(农历)。 (8) 节日也是举行婚礼的吉日良辰,因为大家都有足够的时间来庆祝。,(7) Unlike the others over the world, Chinese people adopt the solar calendar as well as the lunar

21、calendar.,(8) Festivals are also the lucky days for wedding, for people may have plenty of time to enjoy the ceremony.,2. Translate the following sentences Into English:,(1) 国庆之夜各条大街一片灯火辉煌,到处都洋溢着节日的气氛。 (2) 每年阴历初一是中国人的传统节日春节,是家人团聚的时刻。 (3) 在中秋节之夜,家人团聚,赏月品月饼,享受着家庭和睦的气氛。 (4) 泼水节是中国少数民族傣族的传统佳节。人们互相泼水,祝福未

22、来。,(1) On the evening of our National Day, every main street is a blaze of light and permeated with a holiday atmosphere.,(2) The first day of the lunar year is the traditional Chinese festivalthe Spring Festival. It is the time of the family reunion.,(3) On the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival, f

23、amily members get together to worship the moon while tasting the moon cakes and enjoying the family harmony.,(4) The Water-Sprinkling Festival is the festival for Dai minority. People sprinkle each other with water to express their best wishes for the future.,(5) The ninth day of the ninth lunar mon

24、th is Aged Peoples Day,also called Chong Yang Festival. A series of activities are going on to show respect and concern for the old in our society.,(6) During the festivals, men and women, old and young are in their holiday best and walk around the parks and squares decorated with a sea of flowers.,

25、(5) 农历九月九日是老人节,又称重阳节。全社会将开展一系列尊老爱老活动。 (6) 节日里,公园和广场都装点成了花的海洋,男女老少身着节日盛装,漫步在其中 (7) 与世界上其他人不一样的是,中国人既使用阳历,但同时也使用阴历(农历)。 (8) 节日也是举行婚礼的吉日良辰,因为大家都有足够的时间来庆祝。,(7) Unlike the others over the world, Chinese people adopt the solar calendar as well as the lunar calendar.,(8) Festivals are also the lucky days f

26、or wedding, for people may have plenty of time to enjoy the ceremony.,3. Translate the following Passage into Chinese:,The Lantern Festival,The 15th day of the first month by the lunar calendar is the date for the Lantern Festival. It is the first night with a full moon after the Spring Festival. It

27、 is a customary for people to eat sweet dumplings and watch lantern displays in public places such as in the park, on a bridge, in front of a large building. Sweet dumplings are made of rice flour with sugar fillings, and are round in shape. They are said to symbolize reunion. The custom of watching

28、 lights at this time of the year first began in the Han Dynasty when the emperors advocated the learning of Buddhist doctrines and gave orders to light lanterns to pay homage to Buddha. The custom soon thereafter spread from the capital city out among the people. During the Dang Dynasty, the emperor

29、s lifted the regular night curfew on this date so that officials and people could enjoy themselves to the full, watching different lanterns on street. Up to the present day, the activity of watching lights has been popular throughout China. On the festive night many cities hold light exhibitions in

30、public places to display multi-colored lanterns made in fanciful shapes. In some rural areas, people set off fireworks, play with dragon lanterns and dance folk dances according to their local traditions.,The Lantern Festival,The 15th day of the first month by the lunar calendar is the date for the

31、Lantern Festival. It is the first night with a full moon after the Spring Festival. It is a customary for people to eat sweet dumplings and watch lantern displays in public places such as in the park, on a bridge, in front of a large building. Sweet dumplings are made of rice flour with sugar fillin

32、gs, and are round in shape. They are said to symbolize reunion. The custom of watching lights at this time of the year first began in the Han Dynasty when the emperors advocated the learning of Buddhist doctrines and gave orders to light lanterns to pay homage to Buddha. The custom soon thereafter s

33、pread from the capital city out among the people. During the Dang Dynasty, the emperors lifted the regular night curfew on this date so that officials and people could enjoy themselves to the full, watching different lanterns on street. Up to the present day, the activity of watching lights has been

34、 popular throughout China. On the festive night many cities hold light exhibitions in public places to display multi-colored lanterns made in fanciful shapes. In some rural areas, people set off fireworks, play with dragon lanterns and dance folk dances according to their local traditions.,It is a c

35、ustomary for sb to do sth. If是形式主语,真正主语是后面for sb to do sth 某人做某事是一个习俗. be made of . 由作成 Hun Dynasty 汉朝 When引导定语从句修饰前面名词the Han Dynasty. Give order to do sth : 下命令去做.,The Lantern Festival,The 15th day of the first month by the lunar calendar is the date for the Lantern Festival. It is the first night

36、 with a full moon after the Spring Festival. It is a customary for people to eat sweet dumplings and watch lantern displays in public places such as in the park, on a bridge, in front of a large building. Sweet dumplings are made of rice flour with sugar fillings, and are round in shape. They are sa

37、id to symbolize reunion. The custom of watching lights at this time of the year first began in the Han Dynasty when the emperors advocated the learning of Buddhist doctrines and gave orders to light lanterns to pay homage to Buddha. The custom soon thereafter spread from the capital city out among t

38、he people. During the Dang Dynasty, the emperors lifted the regular night curfew on this date so that officials and people could enjoy themselves to the full, watching different lanterns on street. Up to the present day, the activity of watching lights has been popular throughout China. On the festi

39、ve night many cities hold light exhibitions in public places to display multi-colored lanterns made in fanciful shapes. In some rural areas, people set off fireworks, play with dragon lanterns and dance folk dances according to their local traditions.,农历1月的第15天,就是元宵节。这是春节之后的第一个月圆之夜。这天人们习惯上吃元宵,在公共场所,

40、比如公园里、桥上,大建筑特前观赏灯展。元宵由糯米粉加水搓成,呈球形,以糖为馅。据说它们象征团圆。 元宵节赏灯的习俗最早始于汉朝。当时皇帝主张研习佛教教义,命令人们点灯向佛表示敬意。这一习俗很快从首都向民间传播开来。到了唐朝,这一天皇帝下令解除敲响熄灯的钟声,官员和百姓可以完全地享受一番,观赏街上的各种灯火。 到了现在,元宵赏灯的活动在全国都很普遍。过节这天,许多城市举办灯展,展出各类色彩多样、形状各异的花灯。在有些农村地区,人们播还放焰火,舞龙灯,根据自己当地的传统跳民间舞蹈。,Text B:,Major Traditional Chinese Holidays,The Dragon Boat

41、 Festival, or the Duanwu Festival, falls on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month (around early June). The festival is celebrated in memory of Qu Yuan, one of Chinas greatest poets and loyal minister who drowned himself in the Miluo River while in exile from a corrupt court of the Warring States Period

42、. People respected Qu Yuan for his efforts to make China strong and prosperous and for his dedication to such ideals. However, he became frustrated with the status quo and ultimately committed suicide. On the day of Duanwu, the day of Qu Yuans death, people rushed all over, rowing dragon boats on th

43、e river in an attempt to find his remains, which were thought to have drifted downstream never to be recovered. As part of the festival, people throw rice-filled bamboo tubes into the river as an offering.,Like in the rest of the world, holidays in China are a time for serious cooking and delighted

44、eating. Grocery markets are well stocked with all kinds of fishes and meat and shopping and cooking become major activities. But in addition to the quantitative and qualitative differences apparent in holiday meals, some special traditional foods and their symbolic significance are indispensable on

45、these occasions.,During the Duanwu Festival, it is also a common practice to eat zongzi. Zongzi, a kind of glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves, were originally prepared as sacrificial offerings for Qu Yuans departed soul and dropped into the river where he drowned himself. Today, howev

46、er, dragon boat races are held during the festival and the zongzi are consumed by the living.,Commemoration of Qu Yuan during the Duanwu Festival shows his popularity as a poet and man who made great contributions to China. In 1957, Qu Yuan was selected by the World Peace Council as one of the four

47、cultural figures to be memorized by the world.,The Mid-autumn Festival which occurs on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month (around mid-September) is an occasion for viewing the full moon because on that night the moon is supposed to be brighter and fuller than any other night. In China, the round mo

48、on is a symbol for completeness, and by extension, family reunion, which is why that day is also known as the “Day of Reunion”.,In ancient China, the moon was considered by scholars as a symbol of brightness, purity, and goodness. Poets of the past wrote many beautiful odes to the moon. Not only was

49、 the moon an inspiration to writers but it was also a source of many myths and legends. The most popular myth was a story about a woman named Chang E who flew to the moon and lived in the Moon Palace. The specialty of the day is the yuebing (moon cake), a round pastry filled with nuts, candied preserved fruits, bean paste, duck egg yolks,


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