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1、construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, taught the XX Party app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use e XX Party members participate in networked learning, interaction and three lessons, offline synchronization of encour

2、aging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urge

3、d the implementation of three lessons system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party members actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educationa

4、l differences. Town Party Committee will set up a two study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to

5、ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon laye

6、r, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of othersbalanced and run the satisfaction of the people education. Room XX City Bureau of educational supervision of XX municipality May 6,

7、2016 County economic information and Business Council System Committee two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for advance full strictly rule party, according to County Organization Department on County two learn a do learning arrangements of specific programme and I Board learning e

8、ducation implementation programme spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, ensure learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important s

9、peech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and Promote the work and be qualified party members and learning arrangements are hereby makes the following specific programmes. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of import

10、ant speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. Constitution Party rules. Learning of the party Constitution, a deep understandin

11、g of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, grasp conditions, rights and obligations of party members, bearing in mind that oath, clear qualified party member criteria and conditions. Learning the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPCs disciplinary reg

12、ulations, the Chinese Communist Party Member Rights Ordinance and so on, mastering self-discipline standards of four must, the four upholdings, mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions. 2. series spoke. To XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 ve

13、rsion) and out poverty for basic textbook, learning understand XI General Secretary series important speech of basic spirit, learning understand Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy of basic content, learning understand XI General Secretary in Fujian work during advoc

14、ate of four grassroots immediately on do drop weak bird first fly and the in Nanping research study proposed of gravity Xia moved, and innovation mechanism, important thought, Master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requi

15、rements. Main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith is Communists spirit Shang of calcium, set right of worldview, and Outlook on life, and values; (2) China dream is national of dream, and national of dream, and people of dream, is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream, co

16、re Essentials is national prosperity, and national revitalization, and people happiness; (3) China features Socialist is achieved Chinese great revival of way, enhanced road confidence, and theory confidence, and system confidence; (4) four a full Strategy layout is new of history conditions Xia par

17、ty ruling acting political total strategy, consciously with four a full led the work; (5) insisted innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared development is relationship China development global of one deep change, according to new development concept do job; (6) practice line Soc

18、ialist core values, promote Socialist thought moral and Chinese traditional virtue现行版本:A 修 改 码:0XXXX设计院研发基地办公楼工程中央空调通风管道玻纤复合风管工程施工方案XX省第三建筑工程公司中央空调通风管道玻纤复合风管工程施工方案1、总则1.1工程概况本工程为XXXX设计研究院研发基地办公楼工程,工程地下一层,地上十一层,建筑平面呈“T”字型,总建筑面积34900平方米,为全现浇框架剪力墙结构。本工程一层至十一层的新风管道全部使用玻纤风管。该工程玻纤风管的工程量约4500。1.2适用范围本施工方案适





23、技术人员组成的专业技术组,负责施工技术、计划、变更洽商和各工程技术资料的填写与管理工作:技术组内设专职质检员负责质量监督与把关。3.3按专业、按项目、按工序、按系统及时进行预检、试验、隐检及调试等工作,并完成各种记录单填写和整理工作。3.4由专业施工队向项目经理部全面负责质量和进度,层层把关负责合同履行。3.5通风空调工程施工管理网络图项目、专业技术主管理项目经理通风工长质检员资料员材料组长通风工长111安全员3.6 施工力量的部署根据本工程的工程量及具体情况,计划投入专业安装人员50人,计划工期70天,其中:玻纤风管通风工段30人,负责玻纤风管通风管道的制做、安装及风阀安装。电气焊工5人,配



26、料均应有合格证或材质单。6.2防锈除尘必须彻底,不彻底的不得进入第二道工序。角钢清除锈迹和浮尘,直至露出金属本色并刷防锈漆两遍或按设计要求施工。6.3制作应严格执行GB502432002的有关规定和要求。6.4 风管加工后应该按GB502432002要求进行灯光检漏,合格后方可进行下道工序施工。6.5管道加工完后应临时堆放干净场地,防止灰尘污物进入管内;风管加工制做完工后应再次进行加工质量检查和修理,并用棉布擦拭内壁后再进行吊装。吊装还应随时擦净内壁的重复污染物,然后立即封堵敞口。安装过程还应按GB502432002规定进行灯光检漏。6.6 安装时法兰接口处采用橡胶板作垫料,螺栓采用镀锌镙丝,

27、处于同一侧,与气流方向一致,拧紧对称进行;阀件安装位置应正确,手柄装于便于操作位置,启闭灵活,特大配件安装有独立的支、吊架。6.7 为保证支、吊架的安装质量,吊架安装前应先实地放线,确定吊杆长度、支架高度和吊杆宽度,以保证安装平直、吊架排列整齐美观。6.8 风管、防火阀、调节阀安装后启闭应灵活,设备与周围围护结构应留足检修空间。6.9 消声弯头的安装:特大消声器消声弯头应有单独的吊架,不得使风管承受其重量。支、吊架、托架上穿吊杆的螺孔距离应比消声器宽4050mm,吊杆套丝为5060mm,安装方向要正确。7、质量记录(1)复合板产品合格证、风管检验报告、角钢材质单、进场材料报验。管与配件制作检验


29、场要严格遵守现场各项规章制度,必须戴好安全帽。A凡需进行高处作业施工的,应使用脚手架、平台、梯子、防护围栏、档脚板、安全带和安全网带等、作业前必须认真检查所用的安全设施是否牢固、可靠。高处施工脚要踩稳站牢,小件工具装入工具袋内。B凡从事高空作业的人员必须接受高处作业安全知识的教育,特殊高处作业人员应持证上岗,上岗前应依据有关规定进行专门的安全技术交底。采用新工艺、新技术、新材料和新设备的,应按规定对作业人员进行相关安全技术教育。C. 按类别有针对性地将各类安全警示标志悬挂于施工现场各相应部位,夜间应设红灯示警。楼板孔洞需用牢固东西盖好,不得随意挪动,避免发生人物坠落事故。高处作业所用工具、材料

30、严禁投掷,上下立体交叉作业确有需要时,中间须设隔离设施。D现场用电由临设电工负责,其他人员不准拆接临时电源,用电的设备要按安全用电要求使用。在雨雪天应采取防滑措施,当风速在10.8m/s以上和雷电、暴雨、大雾等气候条件下,不得进行露天高处作业。E氧气瓶,乙炔瓶夏天应注意遮盖,防暴晒。F每星期一次安全活动日,安全员应在班前做一次口头安全交底。 G施工机械要按操作规程去做,主要使用的中型工具如冲击电锤、射钉枪、电焊机等操作,操作前按说明书检查核对,无误后方可使用。操作时要精力集中,方法正确。操作后要进行清理加油。8.1.4建有生产岗位防火责任制,把消防工作做到“五同时”,同计划,同布置,同检查,同


32、。建筑垃圾、生活垃圾按要求定点堆放,定时清运。8.2.2控制施工噪声污染,深夜施工不得使用直流焊机、切割机、开槽机待高分贝大噪声机械,夜间先进管材、设备等卸车时不准高声喧哗,材料不准推滚下车,确保噪声不扰民。construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, taught the XX Party app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use e XX Party mem

33、bers participate in networked learning, interaction and three lessons, offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effe

34、ctively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of three lessons system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party members actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning m

35、aterials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a two study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of part

36、y members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cad

37、res should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of othersfull strictly rule party is

38、all members common responsibility, must implementation to each branch and each name members. 3 . Play a vanguard and exemplary role in life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deed

39、s. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party members consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some

40、dont even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the par

41、ty for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the partys purpose. Focus on peoples conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bear

42、ing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Foc

43、us on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursu

44、it, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, saying sluggish again, just to g

45、et by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, hard work hard work hard, based on their own dedication. Second, on the Council of th

46、e section-level cadres above requirements section above party cadres to take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more, better, more strict requirements, higher, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1. Constitution Part

47、y rules. System learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of ca

48、dres, and party of discipline, chapter content, deep grasp two a vanguard of nature and mission, further clear four a service of requirements, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations regulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial impleme


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