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1、2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in considered and published has important speech, on XXX pr

2、ovince people for China revolution victory and Socialist construction made of contribution give has certainly, on I province past five years implementation focus strategy, and grasp focus industry, economic social development made of results give has certainly, Clarified the demands for development

3、of XXX, referring to both directions, tasks and issues, teaching methods, for the current and future development in Heilongjiang province, is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. March 22 to 24th, provincial held has province tube main leaders topic seminar, prov

4、incial Secretary Wang Xiankui comrade in seminar opening province do has important speech, Wang Xiankui stressed: in-depth learning acquisition General Secretary of speech, is on XXX a political account, we must put learning implement XI General Secretary important speech spirit as major political t

5、ask, adapted and led economic development new normal, insisted to economic construction for Center not shake, implement implementation new development concept, weaknesses, and swagger grams short, and yangchangbuduan, Stimulate the endogenous dynamics, formation effect of EMU, firm implementation of

6、 the five planning, the development of key industries, open Dragon River comprehensive revitalization new journey, struggling to get out of a high quality, efficient, better structure and development road of revitalization of the advantages into full play. March 29 to 30th, the Committee organized a

7、 pipe major thematic seminar of leading cadres prefectural comrade Jia Yumei made an important speech at the opening ceremony. Jia Shuji stressed, full district upper and lower must to effective enhanced learning publicity implement implementation XI General Secretary important speech spirit of poli

8、tical consciously, and thought consciously, and action consciously and mission consciously, put learning XI General Secretary and provincial Secretary Wang Xiankui speech spirit as current primary political task, to more strongly of attitude, and more powerful of measures, and more full of drive pro

9、moted forest transformation development, struggled to out of forest transformation development new, ensure as scheduled achieved full built forest society of target. Today the County for convening this Conference, is to fully implement the arrangements of the provincial, prefectural, and is a major

10、political task. County-wide each of the party members and cadres must earnestly study, deeply understand, enter into the heart, done outside the heart, of the line armed with Jia, Secretary of spirit and mind, practice, work, below, I XX practical study Jia Shujis important speech spirit with you. A

11、wareness, deepen the County, General Secretary第六章 边坡稳定与挡土墙第一节 边坡稳定一、概述 引发边坡滑动的原因:坡顶堆放材料或建造建筑物、构筑物;车辆行驶、地震等引起的振动;土体中含水量或孔隙水压力增加;雨水或地面水流入边坡竖向裂缝等。二、边坡稳定地基稳定性可采用圆弧滑动面法进行验算.最危险的滑动面上诸力对滑动中心所产生的抗滑力矩与滑动力矩应符合下式要求: MR/MS1.2 式中MS-滑动力矩;MR-抗滑力矩.当边坡坡角大于45,坡高大于8m时,尚应按式MR/MS1.2验算坡体稳定性.在建设场区内,由于施工或其他因素的影响有可能形成滑坡的地段,


13、岩土稳定的情况下,可在滑体主动区卸载,但不得在滑体被动区卸载;4.反压:在滑体的阻滑区段增加竖向荷载以提高滑体的阻滑安全系数。三、滑坡推力应按下列规定进行计算: 1.当滑体具有多层滑动面(带)时,应取推力最大的滑动面(带)确定滑坡推力;2.选择平行于滑动方向的几个具有代表性的断面(一般不得少于2个,其中应有一个是滑动主轴断面)进行计算。根据不同断面的推力设计相应的抗滑结构;3.当滑动面为折线形时,滑坡推力可按下式计算(图6.4.3)。Fn=Fn-1+tGnt-Gnntann-cnln (6.4.3-1)=cos(n-1-n)-sin(n-1-n)tann (6.4.3-2)式中Fn,Fn-1-


15、放坡坡度。五、坡顶上的建筑位置位于稳定土坡坡顶上的建筑,当垂直于坡顶边缘线的基础底面边长小于或等于3m时,其基础底面外缘线至坡顶的水平距离(图5.4.2)应符合下式要求,但不得小于2.5m:条形基础a3.5b-d/tan矩形基础a2.5b-d/tan式中a-基础底面外边缘线至坡顶的水平距离;b-垂直于坡顶边缘线的基础底面边长;d-基础埋置深度;-边坡坡角.当基础底面外边缘线至坡顶的水平距离不满足式(5.4.2-1),(5.4.2-2)的要求时,可根据基底平均压力按公式(5.4.1)确定基础距边顶边缘的距离和基础埋深.第二节 挡土墙的土压力一、概念:1、挡土墙:为支挡土体,保证其稳定而修筑的建筑

16、物2、土压力:指墙后填土由于它的自重或作用在填土表面上的荷载对墙背所产生的侧向压力二、挡土墙的位移与土体状态据挡土墙位移方向,填土所处状态,土压力可分为:1、静止土压力:(earth pressure at rest)挡土墙与填土保持相对静止状态强度:P0 KPa 土压力:E0 KN/m2、主动土压力:(active earth pressure)挡土墙在墙后土体的作用下,向前移动或转动,填土应力状态处于极限平衡状态,土压力减小到最小值强度: Pa KPa 土压力:Ea KN/m3、被动土压力:(passive earth pressure)当挡土墙由于外部荷载作用,产生向填土方向的位移,填土

17、达到极限平衡状态土压力增大到最大值强度: Pp KPa 土压力:Ep KN/m三、静止土压力计算1、压强 分布:均质土层三角形分布填土中有地下水存在浮重度成层土荷载作用2、土压力E0大小:E0 =(三角锥体体积)=三角面积=1/2h2K0方向:水平 指向墙背作用点:通过压力图形的行心离墙底H/3 m 处。第三节 库仑土压力理论一、基本理论:1、墙后填土为无粘性土2、破坏面为通过墙踵的平面3、滑动土楔为刚体二、库仑主动土压力其中: :墙背倾角:墙后填土表面与水平面夹角:外摩擦角:内摩擦角特例:若:=0 =0 =0 时朗肯土压力库仑主动土压力 大小:方向:在墙背法线上方,与法线成角,与水平面夹角+

18、作用点三、库仑被动土压力 第四节 朗肯土压力理论一、基本原理1857年,朗肯提出的1、假定: (1)墙体是刚体(2)墙背光滑,直立(铅直)(3)填土表面水平延伸2、分析半无限空间土体的应力状态(1) 当挡土墙离开土体向左移动时,墙后土体移动后趋势,减小到最小-主动土压力(2) 当挡土墙在外力作用下向右移动时,增大到到最大(极限平衡)-被动土压力。二、朗肯主动土压力计算1、计算公式压强:其中:2、分布:无粘性土:三角形粘性土: 不承受拉力 三角形分布3、土压力:无粘性土 大小 :Ea =三角面积=1/2h2Ka作用点:H/3 方向:水平 粘性土 大小 :Ea =三角面积=1/2h2Ka作用点:(

19、H-Z0)/3 方向:水平三、朗肯被动土压力1、压强: 其中:2、分布:无粘性土:C=0,三角形分布 粘性土:梯形分布3、土压力:大小:压力图形面积作用点:压力图形心方向:水平无粘性土 大小 :Ep =三角面积=1/2h2Kp作用点:H/3 方向:水平 粘性土 大小 :Ep =三角面积=1/2h2Kp作用点: 方向:水平四、几种常见的主动土压力计算1、成层填土情况:无连续荷载作用:成层土:自重应力计算:(1)C1=0、C2=0(2)C1、C202、填土表面有连续的均布荷载作用(1)无粘性土,C=01)压强分布为梯形2)合力: 大小: 矩形: 距墙底H/2 作用点:压力图形 三角形:距墙底H/3

20、 方向:水平(2)粘性土:C0 强度分布(3)若填土表面局部有均布荷载作用:3、墙后填土中有地下水的情况 五、规范方法Ea=c1/2h2ka式中Ea-主动土压力;c-主动土压力增大系数,土坡高度小于5m时宜取1.0;高度为5-8m时宜取1.1;高度大于8m时宜取1.2;-填土的重度;h-挡土结构的高度; ka-主动土压力系数,按本规范附录L确定. 当填土为无粘性土时,主动土压力系数可按库伦土压力理论确定.当支结构满足朗肯条件时,主动土压力系数可按朗肯土压力理论确定.粘性土或粉土的主动土压力也可采用楔体试算法图解求得.六、土压力的影响因素及减小土压力的措施一、影响土压力的因素(一)墙背影响:形状

21、 粗糙程度 倾斜程度:(二)填土条件 填土表面填土性质二、减小主动土压力的措施(一)选择合适的填料(二)改变墙体结构和墙背形状(三减小地面堆载(四)挡土墙上设置排水孔,墙后设置排水盲沟来加强排水思考:1、主动状态的土压力是主动土压力,被动状态的土压力就是被动土压力的说法是否正确?2、朗肯理论忽略了墙与土之间的摩擦,对土压力计算结果有何影响?第五节 挡土墙设计一、 挡土墙类型重力式挡土墙、悬臂式挡土墙、扶臂式挡土墙、锚定板及锚杆式挡土墙二、 重力式挡土墙的构造1.重力式挡土墙适用于高度小于6m,地层稳定,开挖土石方时不会危及相邻建筑物安全的地段.2.重力式挡土墙可在基底设置逆坡.对于土质地基,基

22、底逆坡坡度不宜大于1:10;对于岩质地基,基底逆坡坡度不宜大于1:5;3.场地挡土墙的墙顶宽度不宜小于400mm;混凝土挡土墙的墙顶宽度不宜小于200mm;4.重力式挡墙的基础埋置深度,应根据地基承载力,水流冲刷,岩石裂隙发育及风化程度等因素进行确定.在特强冻胀,强冻胀地区应考虑冻胀的影响.在土质地基中,基础埋置深度不宜小于0.3m;5.重力式挡土墙应每间隔10-20m设置一道缩缝.当地基有变化时宜加设沉降缝.在挡土结构的拐角处,应采取加强的构造措施.三、重力式挡土墙的计算(一)稳定性验算 1、 应符合以下条件: (Gn+Ean)/Eat-Gt1.3Gn=Gcosa0;Gt=Gsina0 ;E

23、at=Easin(a-a0-) ;Ean=Eacos(a-a0-)式中G-挡土墙每延米自重;0-挡土墙基底的倾角;-挡土墙墙背的倾角;-土对挡土墙墙基底的摩擦角,可按表6.6.5-1选用;-土对挡土墙基底的摩擦系数,由试验确定,也可按表6.6.5-2选用.土对挡土墙墙背的摩擦角表6.6.5-1挡土墙情况摩擦角墙背平滑,排水不良(0-0.33)k墙背粗糙,排水良好(0.33-0.50)k墙背很粗糙,排水良好(0.50-0.67)k墙背与墙土间不可能滑动(0.67-1.00)k注:k为墙背土的内摩擦角标准值.土对挡土墙底的摩擦系数表6.6.5-2土的类型摩擦系数 粘性土可塑0.25-0.30硬塑0

24、.30-0.35坚硬0.35-0.45粉土0.30-0.40中砂,粗砂,砾砂0.40-0.50碎石土0.40-0.60软质岩0.40-0.60表面粗糙的硬质岩0.65-0.75注:1.对易风化的软质和塑性指数Ip大于22的粘性土,基底摩擦系数应通过试验确定.2.对碎石土,可根据其密实程度,填充物状况,风化程度等确定.2、挡土墙的稳定性验算应符合下列要求(图6.6.5-2)Gx0+Eazxf/Eaxzf1.6Eax-Easin(-) ;Eaz=Eacos(-);xf=b-zcot ;zf=z-btan0式中z-土压力作用点离墙踵的高度;x0-挡土墙重心离墙趾的水平距离;b-基底的水平投影宽度.3

25、.整体滑动稳定性验算:可采用圆弧滑动面法.(二)地基承载力验算地基承载力验算,除应符合规范第5.2节的规定外,基底合力的偏心距不应大于0.25倍基础的宽度。(三)墙身强度验算 按规范规定执行。further clarify the transformational development, XI Jinping stressed that XXX has its advantages, also have their own boards, key to focus on weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, integrated

26、effect of policy measures towards the target solid forward. This important statement for us to do a good job providing a dialectical thinking and the scientific method, fully embodies the dialectical unity of subjective and objective law. We must speak to the spirit for guidance, and further deepen

27、understanding, targeted to long Yang well, Hawk shelters make good short, released in full development potential. 一 . Potential and the big five short Board, that is, ecological environment, resources, water, economic development advantage advantage, advantage as policy overlap, cultural enrichment,

28、 and industrial boards, institutional weakness, short people short, short of funds and talent. From the perspective of ecological environment, our region as an important guarantee of national ecological safety, high forest cover, water, air and soil environmental indicators, such as the nature, is t

29、he development of green food and preserving pension ideal places, forest carbon sinks and other industries. From the perspective of the priority of characteristic resources, wild blueberry, Northern forest resources such as drugs, big snow, big wetlands, River and forest tourism resources, variety,

30、large reserves of mineral resources such as molybdenum, lead and zinc, has translated into strong material conditions for economic advantage. Economic development out of the water, total more than 16 billion cubic meters of surface water resources and hydro-junction project of development prospects;

31、 recoverable reserves of high quality mineral water resources million tons, is the base of rare natural and pollution-free mineral water. Seen from the advantages of cultural enrichment, with Northern culture, and Xianbei cultures, Oroqen culture and a number of cultural resources, rock only found m

32、ore than 1000 paintings, cultural industry development has great potential. From the perspective of policy overlap advantage, with the State Forestry Administration and the provincial government two channels of policy towards direct enjoyment of natural forest protection program, Western development

33、, resource-based cities sustainable development and main function region construction national policy planning. As long as we put these resources to use and exploit the advantages of good, could give guanghui, snow, cold region and black Glebe into gold and silver, will provide strong support for fo

34、rest development. (In addition to Jia Shuji mentioned advantages, XX we have in agriculture, water conservancy and other unique resources. Agricultural resources, 1.129 million mu of arable land throughout the County, da hinggan Ling was the only predominantly rural administrative districts, green planting area of 850,000 acres. Water resources, in a river over more than 180, many river hydropower development project conditions, rich in three five Luo and


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