
上传人:本田雅阁 文档编号:2131092 上传时间:2019-02-20 格式:PPT 页数:16 大小:187.51KB
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1、你还记得怎样打电话邀请某人干某事吗?,看看康康和Michael 是怎样打电 话约定去动物园的。,Lets have a review.,K: Hello. May I speak to Michael? M: Yes, this is Michael. Whos this? K: This is Kangkang. Are you free this afternoon? M: Yes. Whats up? K: Would you like to go to the zoo? M: Good idea! Lets meet at 3:00 at home.,M: Great! K: Lets

2、 meet at 9 oclock at my home. M: OK! K: See you then. K: See you.,What do Kangkang and Michael plan to do tomorrow? 2. What animals can they see in the zoo ? 3. When and where will they meet?,Listen again and answer.,They plan to go to the zoo.,They can see pandas, monkeys, lions, tigers and elephan

3、ts,They will meet at 9 oclock at Kangkang home.,Language points,1What time is it? 几点(什么时间)了? Its six oclock. 六点了。 (1)问时间时,用What time is it? / Whats the time? 回答用Its,代词it指时间。,(2)oclock只能接在表示整点的时间后 面,如表示几点几分,则其后不能用 oclock。如: Its seven oclock. (正) Its half past one oclock. (误),2. Its a quarter past one

4、. 一点十五了。 Its a quarter to one. 十二点四十五了。 (1)quarter意为“四分之一”,一小时六 十分钟,十五分钟即是a quarter,在 表示时间时,习惯用a quarter来表示 fifteen。,(2)用past表示“几点过几分”,其结构为 “分钟+past+钟点”。 如:five past one 一点过五分 (1:05) 或 one o five half past one一点过半 (1:30)或 one thirty,(3)用to表示“差几分到几点”,其结构为 “分钟+to+钟点”。 如:twenty to nine 差二十分钟到九点 (8:40)/

5、 eight forty八点四十分 a quarter to one 差一刻到一点 (12:45) / twelve forty-five 十二点四十五分,2 Look, listen and learn,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,Whats the time?,1:00,Its one oclock.,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,Whats the time?,1:05,Its five past one.,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,Whats the time?,1:15,Its a quarter past one.,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,Whats the time?,1:30,Its half past one.,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,Whats the time?,1:40,Its twenty to two.,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,Whats the time?,1:45,Its a quarter to two.,


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