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1、country, leadership in the three-three education. For carried out good city government system of three strict three real topic education, according to Central, and provincial and municipal of requirements, today take this seminar of opportunities, I wants to and everyone with Exchange learning pract

2、ice line three strict three real and construction rule of law Government of awareness and experience, also as municipal government party carried out three strict three real topic education of topic party lecture and work mobilization. Todays lecture is divided into two parts. First part on practice

3、line three strict three real a, and accurate grasp three strict three real of connotation and essence last year March, acquisition General Secretary in participate in national two Anhui delegation considered Shi first proposed, levels leaders are to set and develop good of style, both strict to slim

4、, and strict to with right, and oneself, and something to real, and venture to real, and man to real. Zhihou, and General Secretary have on various occasions stressed the three Suns, in . Leading cadres are the first to bear hardships of emergency unit in the former, and soldier through thick and th

5、in, fear not death, at life. Today, we, as leading party cadres should be more strict demands on themselves, on morals and loyalty duty, honest hard work being a good role model. Strict right, is to stick with the right for the people, according to the rules, according to the exercise of the power o

6、f the system, system power into a cage, without seeking privileges at any time, without abusing power for personal gain. The ancients said, community waver with the Justice first, the public is not confused by private, is not evil. Learn General Secretary repeatedly stressed that our power is entrus

7、ted by the party and the people, is working for the party and the people, can only be used to share for the party and for State officers, for the people benefit. Prime Minister Li keqiang at this years the two sessions on the right to be capricious, the essence of which is to the right of the mean.

8、Civil rights civil, shred cannot be private, public money last name public, cannot spend a penny. Leadership, judgment should be used as the bottom line on the right, time to trek, selflessness and ensure that the right does not deviant, not personal. Be strict with oneself was to be awed, ruler in

9、hand, Shendu micro-caution, hard introspection, abide by party discipline and state laws, and incorruptible. Leaders can stand the test of the complex and all kinds of temptation, key by the self-discipline, temperance desires, personal development, self-discipline, and always maintain the awe of pa

10、rty discipline and state laws. The ancients said, I reflect on oneself three times the ancients said, an officer of the law, only three thing, Yue Qing dynasty, Yue Shen, said Qin is all about self-discipline, keep staying poor, endure loneliness, stable and can stand the test. As leading party cadr

11、es, must guard carefully alone, and not good for small, not, not evil of, never indulge, do not over torque, wary of his ungrateful, stay upright. Something real, is to proceed from actual preparation and work, ideas, programmes, policies must conform to the actual situation and in accordance with o

12、bjective laws, consistent with the spirit of science, in line with the fundamental interests of the broad masses, not ambitious, not divorced from reality. Its essence is pragmatic and realistic. This is our party Successfully leading the people in carrying out江苏正大天晴有限公司肝病中试车间 投标书施工组织设计施工组织设计目录第一部分

13、综合说明综合说明.1第二部分 施工组织概述第一章 工程概况. 9第二章 工程特点及重难点. 11第三章 工程任务的划分.12第四章 主要材料计划. .13第三部分 施工准备及临时设施第一章 施工准备和临时设施15第二章 施工现场平面布置.191.施工总平面布置原则192.临时设施布置.193.施工临时用电布置204.施工现场给排水布置.205.施工总平面布置图.216.水电用量计划.21第四部分 施工组织设计施工技术方案 第一章 施工方案编制依据.24第二章 主要机械设备选用及调配计划.25 1.施工机械选用配置原则.25 2.主要施工机械选用计划.25第三章 主要劳动力使用计划.27 1.主

14、要劳动力资源配选原则.27 2.主要劳动力使用计划.27第四章 施工总进度计划及确保工期的措施29 1.施工总工期承诺.29 2.施工总进度计划.29 3.施工总进度计划图.29 4.确保工期的保证措施.30 第五章 主要分部分项工程主要施工方法与技术措施31第一节 测量方案.311.概述.312.定位方案确定.313.平面及高程控制网的建立314.测量定位325.测量放样326.沉降观测.337.测量仪器的配置34第二节 基础工程.34 一、基础工程.34 1.土方开挖34 2.基础承台、地梁施工353.土方回填 37 第三节 主体工程.38 1.施工流程382.垂直运输机械393.脚手架工

15、程.394.钢筋工程425.模板工程456.砼工程487.砌体工程50 第四节 装饰施工 51 1.抹灰工程.51 2. 外墙保温. 51第五节 屋面工程.60 1.细石钢筋砼卷材防水屋面60第五部分 质量、工期、安全、文明施工等保证措施第一章 保证工程质量的技术措施.65 1.质量目标65 2.质量保证体系65 3.保证工程质量的总体措施71 4.土建工程质量保证措施72 5.钢筋工程质量保证措施72 6.模板工程质量保证措施 .75 7.砼工程质量保证措施77 8.砌筑工程质量保证措施78 9.装饰工程质量保证措施7910.墙面保温工程质量保证措施.8011. 屋面工程质量保证措施.811

16、1.工程质量通病防治措施83第二章 确保工程进度的主要保证措施.95 1.工期目标95 2.组织保证措施95 3.技术保证措施96 4.资源保证措施97第三章 安全施工保证措施.97 1.安全施工目标97 2.安全保证体系97 3.安全保证措施99 4.消防安全施105第四章 确保文明工地及环境保护的主要施.107 1.文明标准化施工标107 2.文明标准化施工保证系107 3.文明标准化施工保证措施108 第五章 季节性施工技术措施及已有设施的保护.114 1.雨季施工技术措施114 2.夏季施工技术措施1143.冬季施工技术措施1154.地下管线及地上地下设施的加固措施115第六部分 附图

17、及进度计划表 1、项目部组织机构履约保证体系.1172、主要施工管理人员表.1183、施工现场平面布置图.1193、现场施工道路平面布置图.1204、施工现场临时用电布置图.1215、职工生活区布置图.1226、施工总进度计划表.123第一部分 综合说明一、综 合 说 明首先衷心感谢招标单位给予我们这次投标机会。对此,我公司非常重视,认真组织各相关专业人员编制标书,力求以切实可行的施工方案解决本工程施工中可能存在的难题,满足招标文件有关质量、工期、安全文明施工等各方面要求。若我公司有幸能被确立为本工程的中标单位,我公司保证达到以下目标:(一)工程质量:确保一次性达到国家验评合格标准,争创市优质

18、结构工程。 (二)施工工期: 投入足够的人力、设备、资金与管理力量,确保在234天内完成本工程,工期延误按招标文件规定处罚;(三)文明施工:认真组织施工,确保现场干净、整洁、有序,符合环保要求,达到市级文明施工工地要求;(四)施工安全:确保我公司施工人员及所有进入施工现场人员的安全,力争达到安全生产无事故的目标;(五)保修服务:工程交工后,我们将安排专业人员及时做好保修工作,严格履行合同保修期保修条款的规定。为确保以上目标的实现,我公司将做到:1、将本工程列为我公司重点工程,在资源方面全力倾斜投入,优先调配最优秀的管理人员、技术人才和最精良的施工设备,备足足够的流动资金,确保工程连续顺利实施,




22、突出的类似工程业绩:近十年内,我公司已完成国内外工业厂房、砼框架工程等大型建筑数十余项,年平均建安产值超过3亿美元,获得国内外业主的广泛好评和多种奖励,近十年获得省市以上优质工程奖80余项,也同时证明我们有足够的经验和能力完成好本工程。我公司在美国工程新闻纪录(BNR)评定的“世界225家最大建筑承包商”中,我们已连续6年排名在前100位。总之,若我们有幸中标,绝不辜负各位领导及专家的信任与厚爱,严格履行合同,认真组织施工,按时优质完成本工程,同时做好交工后的保修服务工作。 由于我们水平有限,标书中难免存在疏漏之处,敬请各位领导及专家批评指正,使我们从中获益。再次感谢各位领导、专家。 中国江苏

23、国际经济技术合作公司 二O一一年四月二十日项目部组织机构图项目经理 施工三队施工二队施工一队机械施工队后勤班架子工队电工班组综合部计划财务部质检安全部物资设备部工程技术部项目工程师现场施工负责人三、项目部组织机构保证体系接甲方中标通知书中江公司拟任命项目经理不同意报送甲方批准同意中江公司副总专职监督项目经理组建项目经理部政府及甲方职能部门监督管理中江公司总部监督管理主要人员报甲方批准同意不同意甲方监督管理项目部运作监理单位监督管理甲方、监理等是否满意否否项目部整改是项目部继续运作工程顺利完工四、关于施工与设计的合理化建议(一)在低层刮糙砂浆内加防空鼓粉刷砂浆专用外加剂。(二)建议楼梯地面施工时

24、在楼梯阳角处用8的钢筋做护角。 (三)建议在外墙砌体与保温层之间做1:2.5水泥砂浆抹灰层,使墙体与保温板之间结合牢固。revolution, construction and reform and opening up a huge differentiator. Comrade Chen Yun said, not only on, not only the book, only on the truth, comparative, repetition and Exchange. To do this, you must first be proceeding, something fo

25、r the people, rather than for personal preparation, and uphold the correct achievement view; second, caught unaware, grounding, and combine spirit and ancestor of local conditions, and is responsible, under the combined the responsibility for creative work, but not copying, copy, Dodge. Venture to b

26、e implemented, is down to Earth, and do solid work, dare to take responsibility, the courage to face the contradiction, problem solving, and strive to create stand up to testing practices, people and history of performance. Deng Xiaoping once said, dont do it, none of Marxism-Leninism. Learn General

27、 Secretary repeatedly stressed that empty talks jeopardize national interests, hard work and prosperous, a deployment, a nine-point implementation, will do it right away. A new session of the partys 16-character guideline, what is Hing Gan, hard work. We can see that in the promotion of scientific d

28、evelopment is a locality or Department, must be brave, good deed, and solve problems in the work, in action in seizing the opportunity, promoting the well-being of the masses in the work. To be real, is to the party, the Organization, honest people, comrades, doing honest, to tell you the truth, doi

29、ng old things, largeness, fair and honest. This is our basic requirement of life. Party cadres acted official shall be honest and trustworthy, Frank, and thinking concentric with the party and organization, synchronized with the parties and organizations on the action, to the true feelings of the ma

30、sses, gay was sincere, consistent, consistent, achieve onstage and kind, people after the same. Central required before application of leading cadres at all levels in promoting to report personal matters, but in reality there are many cadres are understated, omissions and even concealed, which runs

31、counter to the false life. Therefore, must be strictly in accordance with the central demands provide factual, faithful to the party, and consciously accept the supervision. Three-strict and three is a complementary and dialectically unified whole. Three-strict is real premise and Foundation, only t

32、hree-strict, three lay a solid ideological basis; Three solid Yes three-strict embodiment and end only three , in order to realize three-strict consolidation three-strict so that the three-strict to stay. Three-strict is essential, is the starting point, must hold firmly, preventing loose; Three is

33、the goal, is the end result, to highlight the real and to prevent deficiency. II, and deep awareness three strict three real of far-reaching meaning three strict three real is central in strengthening style construction made stage effectiveness of key period, to party issued of in-depth advance styl

34、e construction of mobilization order, is new situation Xia we party on members leaders political character and man conduct made of most basic of specification, is on party of construction theory of great rich and development, reflected has new a session Central led collective strictly from the of sh

35、arp ruling style. Implementation of the three-three is of great and far-reaching significance. (A) the three-three is to implement the four comprehensive strategic placement of guarantee. By Comrade XI Jinping, . Collective will, gathering together forces, led the masses to build greatest common中国江苏

36、国际经济技术合作公司第二部分 施工组织概述第一章 工程概况1. 工程概况1.1 本工程系江苏正大天晴药业股份有限公司新建肝药中试车间。1.2 工程总建筑面积13453平方米,层数为五层,底层4.8米,标准层高4.5米,建筑檐口度为23.4米,砼框架结构。2. 建筑做法2.1 地面做法:回填土夯实 100厚C10砼垫层 120mm(150mm)厚C30钢筋砼板。2.2 墙面做法:外墙为240(100)mm加气混凝土砌块,内墙为240mm加气混凝土砌块,电梯井KP1承重粘土砖。外墙面做法: 2mm厚界面剂40厚挤塑聚乙烯保温隔热板用胶粘剂粘贴,辅以锚栓固定7厚聚合物抗裂砂浆浅埋耐碱玻纤网格布二层。

37、内墙面做法 :2mm厚界面剂12厚1:1:6砂浆打底,5厚1:0.3:3水泥石灰膏抹面压光;卫生间瓷砖墙面。2.3 屋面做法:2.3.1钢筋混凝土楼板(3%结构找坡) 20厚1:3水泥砂浆找平层 基层测力剂一道 防水卷材1.5厚两道 50厚挤塑聚乙烯保温隔热板 20厚1:3水泥砂浆找平层干铺玻纤布或者低标号砂浆一道60厚钢筋细石砼压光。3 结构做法3.1 结构体系:框架结构。3.2 地基与基础:基础为在预应力管桩上浇筑C35钢筋砼承台、地梁。3.3 混凝土:主体结构主要采用C30砼。3.4 钢材:钢筋分别采用HPB235 、HPB335,钢材采用Q235B号钢,钢筋采用绑扎搭接及采用套管连接,

38、框架柱主筋采用电渣压力焊连接。3.5 框架填充墙:墙面主要为加气混凝土砌块,配套砌筑砂浆砌筑。 第二章 工程的特点及重难点1. 工程的特点1.1 本工程为厂区的肝药中试车间,因此对造形、施工质量等有更加严格的要求,必须从整体到细节全方位加以注意,精工细作,确保工程质量。1.2 本工程属于单体建筑,建筑面积较大,施工工期较短,需要将人员、材料、设备计划详细周到,才能确保工程进度和工程质量。2. 本工程的重点、难点2.1 本工程是框架结构,钢筋用量较大,施工时特别要注意钢筋的接头形式以及钢筋的规格不能混淆。框架梁纵向钢筋的连接位置上部钢筋在跨中1/3范围内,下部在支座1/3,同一截面的接头位置不超

39、过50%。纵向钢筋直径小于14的采用绑扎搭接,大于14的采用焊接以及套管连接,框架柱主筋采用电渣压力焊连接。2.2 本工程的框架梁截面较大,模板及支架需要有足够的刚度和强度,为保证工程施工质量,必须选用优质的模板材料和经验丰富的施工人员进行施工。2.3 保证整体砼的连续浇注以及防水节点处理是本工程的重难点之一,必须尽量减少和合理留设施工逢,注意砼结合面的处理和砼的振捣,确保密实。2.4 本工程施工中,将穿插进行安装工程的施工,作为土建承包方,将积极加强和安装队间的协调工作,要多加强专业之间的沟通,减少矛盾和对成品及半成品的破坏。 第三章 工程任务的划分1. 任务划分原则1.1 专业相配适应的原则:不同的专业交由相对应的专业施工队伍负责施工,以确保工程质量和工程进度。1.2 与生产能力相适用的原则:根据工程任务少交由不同有相应施工能力的队班组施工,以确保工程进度。1.3 择优的原则:将工程任


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