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1、Unit 13 People,重点词汇归纳,基 础 知 识 提 要,核心单词,根据提示写出英语单词或汉语意思。,1. _ vt. 应得,值得 2. _ adj.不安的,不快的 3. _ adj.感激的,感谢的 4. _ vt. 预言,预测 5. _ adv.如此,因此 6. _ n.收获 7. _ adj. 锐利的;锋利的 8. _ n.缺点,短处,deserve,upset,grateful,predict,thus,harvest,sharp,shortcoming,9. _ n.眼泪 10. _ vt.评判 11. _ v.证实 12. _ n.档案,文件 13. _ adv.永远 14

2、. _ vi.怒视,瞪 15. _ adj.整洁 16. _ n.账目;账户 17. _ vt. 控告,谴责 18. _ adv.部分时间地 19. _ n.同伴,tear,judge,verify,file,forever,glare,neat,account,accuse,parttime,companion,20. embassy_ 21. section_ 22. butcher _ 23. aboard_ 24. damp _ 25. poet _ 26. tutor _ 27. astronomy_ 28. shelter _ 29. glance _ 30. allergic_

3、31. alike_ 32. sigh_ 33. chew _ 34. block_ 35. uniform _ 36. button _,大使馆,部分,屠夫,肉商,在(上)船上,潮湿的,诗人,家庭教师,导师,宇航员,遮蔽,庇护,瞥一眼,过敏的,相像的,叹息,叹气,咀嚼,大厦;街区,制服,纽扣,1. express (vt.) _ (n.) 表情;表达能力 类似: connect_ (n.) 联系,连接 2. accurate (adj.) _ (n.)精确,准确 类似: Emergent _(n.)紧急情况 3. Conduct (vt.) _ (n.) 指挥;售票员 类似: transla

4、te_ (n.) 翻译员 4. possible (adj.) _ (n.) 可能性 类似: disable_ (n.) 残疾;无能力 5. guilt (n.) _ (adj.)有罪的 类似: salt_ (adj.) 含盐的,咸的 6. anxious (adj.) _ (n.) 忧虑,担心 类似: various_ (n.)种类;变种,词类转换,expression,connection,accuracy,emergency,conductor,translator,possibility,disability,guilty,salty,anxiety,variety,7. relief

5、 (n.)_ (vi.)减轻;释放 类似: belief_ (vt.)相信 8. Break (vt.) _ (adj.)破的,断的 类似: mistake_ (adj.)错误的 9. kind (adj)_ (n.)和善,亲切 类似: ill_ (n.) 疾病 10. fail (vi.) _ (n.) 失败 类似: press _ (n.) 压力 11. require (vt) _ (n.)要求 类似: excite_ (n.) 兴奋 12. assist (vt)_ (n.)助手,助理 类似: inhabit_ (n.) 居民,relieve,believe,broken,mistak

6、en,kindness,illness,failure,pressure,requirement,excitement,assistant,inhabitant,13. Independent (adj) _(n.)独立 类似:different_ (n.) 不同 14. Fault (n) _(adj.)错误的,有缺点的 类似:wind_ (n.) 有风的,independence,difference,faulty,windy,1. _就来说,从某个角度看 2. _单独地,独自地 3. _愿意做某事 4. _参与,与有关联 5. _与比较 6. _指控某人某事 7. _怒视 8. _禁不住

7、做某事 9. _诚实的说 10. _由于 11. _受某人欢迎的 12. _致力于, 献身于 13. _责备某人 14. _落后,掉队 15._ 越来 16._迷路,in terms of,on ones own,be willing to do sth,be involved in,compared with/to,accuse sb of sth,glare at,to be honest,thanks to,be popular with,be devoted to,tell sb off,fall behind,more and more,lose ones way,cant help

8、 doing,17._ do some revision 18._except for 19._ end up 20._ as well 21._ lead a happy life 22._ the last straw 23._ talk sb into doing sth 24._ draw up 25._ if anything 26._ figure out 27._ in a hurry 28._ be allergic to,复习,除了,结果为,以结束,也,过着幸福生活,最后的底线,劝服某人做某事,起草,如果有什么不同的话,理解,匆忙地,对过敏,重要考点突破,1. suggest

9、 vt. 建议;提出,表明,暗示 用法:后面接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,但不能接不定式,不能说suggest sb to do sth。作“建议”解时,后面所接that从句的谓语用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略;但作“表明,暗示”解时,后面的that从句的谓语用陈述语气。 运用:用所给词的适当形式填空或完成下列句子。 (1)They suggested_ (wait) until the proper time. (2)His cool response(反应) suggested that he _ (not like) the idea. (3)We suggested

10、that she_ (make) a working plan. (4)_(有人建议) that the meeting be put off till next week.,核心单词,waiting,didnt like,(should) make,It has been suggested,(5)I _(向他建议) that we should deal with the problem another way. (6)Can you _ (提出一个办法) to do it? (7)I suggest _ (建议我们去)to the park on Sunday.,suggested to

11、 him,suggest a way,our going =that we (should) go,2. desire vt 渴望,期望,要求 用法:desire后面可接名词、代词、动词不定式以及从句作宾语,也可接复合宾语(desire sb to do)。后接从句时,从句谓语用“(should +) 动词原形”。 运用:用所给词的适当形式填空或完成下列句子。 (1)We always desire _ (live) in peace with our neighbours. (2)The Queen desires that you _ (come) at once. (3)He desir

12、ed _ (我们离开) soon. (4)I_ (渴望幸福).,to live,(should) come,us to leave= that we should leave,desire happiness,3accuse vt. 控告,谴责 搭配:用介词填空。 (1)accuse sb _sth指控某人做某事 (2)He was accused _the robbery.有人指控他抢劫。 拓展:the accused被告 运用:用accuse 翻译句子。 (1)她控告他偷她的表。 _ (2)他指责老板不守信。 _,of,of,She accused him of stealing her

13、watch.,He accused his boss of having broken his word.,4. deserve vt. 应受,值得,应该得到 用法:其后多接不定式做宾语,偶尔可接-ing形式,此时用-ing的主动形式表示被动意义。如: He deserved to be punished.He deserved _.他应受处罚。 deserve a rest/break/holiday应该休息 deserve consideration/attention值得考虑/关注 联想:need, require, want, be worth, deserve 后的动词ing形式必须

14、用主动形式表被动意义。 运用:翻译下列句子。 (1)你很有能力,你应该找到更好的工作才是! Youre very able. You _ a better job. (2)这本书值得一看。 This book _.,punishing,deserve,deserves reading/is worth reading,5. tear n. 眼泪 v. 撕破 运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 (1)听到那个消息,他突然哭起来。 He burst _ when he heard the bad news. (2)他把那封信撕成了碎片。 She _pieces. (3)这种布料很容易撕破。 This

15、 kind of cloth_. (4)他把布告撕了下来。He_.,into tears,tore the letter into/to,tears easily,tore the notice down,6. account n. 帐目,帐单,帐户;报告,描绘,叙述 The accounts show a profit of 9000. 账目显示盈利9000英镑。 The policeman gave an account of the traffic accident.警察叙述了交通事故的经过。 拓展:写出下列短语的汉语意思。 (1)by all accounts _(2)on accou

16、nt of _ (3)on no account _ (4)take into account _ (5)keep the accounts _ (6)have an account at/with that bank_ (7)open an account _ (8)draw money out of an account _ (9)account for _,据说,因为,由于,决不可以,考虑,顾及到,记账,在那个银行有账户,开户头,在一帐户上取钱,解释,导致,运用:选用上述短语完成句子。 (1)We delayed our departure _ the bad weather. (2)W

17、hen judging his performance, dont _ his age _. (3)_ must you disturb me while I am studying. (4)Too much rain _the poor crop. (5)He could not _ his absence from school.,on account of,take,into account,On no account,accounted for,account for,7. judge vi. 评判,判定,断定 n. 审判员,裁判员,鉴赏家 理解:说出下列各句的汉语意思。 (1)You

18、 cant judge a book by its cover. (2)I judge him to be about 40. (3)Shes a good judge of wine. 搭配:judging by/from 根据判断 Judging from previous experience, he will be late.根据以往的经验,他会迟到。 注意:judging from 用作独立结构,即不用考虑与逻辑主语的一致性(即不用judged from),类似的还有generally speaking (一般说来), strictly speaking(严格说来)等。 运用:用ju

19、dge的适当形式填空。 (1)The performance was good, when _(judge) by their usual standards. (2)_(judge) from the truth, he is honest enough.,你不能根据封面来评价一本书。,我断定他有40来岁。,她是鉴别酒的专家。,judged,Judging,8. devote vt. 献身于,致力于 搭配:熟记下列固定结构。 (1)devote to把用在/献给 (2)devote oneself to献身于/专心于/沉溺于/致力于 (3)be devoted to专心于/沉迷于/深爱/忠诚

20、 注意:to 是介词,后接名词、代词,或者doing。 运用:将下列句子译成汉语。 (1)He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind. (2)Please devote more time to your work (3)He devoted himself to helping the poor. (4)She is devoted to her studies. (5)She is devoted to her children. 拓展:devoted adj.热爱的,忠实的,全心全意的 devotion n.奉献,他把一生都献给

21、了造福人类的事业。,请把更多的时间用于工作。,他致力于帮助穷人。,她专心于她的学习。,她深爱她的孩子。,1. end up (经过一个过程)以结束/告终,最后(到达) 用法:可直接接doing;接sth.或sb. doing”时,常用with;后接表示职位的名词,表示“结果成为”时,后可用介词as。 理解:说出下列各句的汉语意思。 (1)We talked so long, and I ended up missing the class. (2)If he continues to steal, hell end up in prison. (3)It ended up with failu

22、re. (4)It ended up with only three of us going to the activity. (5)He worked very hard and ended up as head of the firm. (6)We set off for Newcastle but ended up in Scotland.,重要词组,我们谈了好久,结果把课都给误了。,假如他继续行窃,最终肯定会锒铛入狱。,事情因失败而告终。,后我们只有其中三个人参加那活动。,他工作非常努力,最后成了这个公司的主管人。,我们动身去纽卡斯尔,可后来却到了苏格兰。,辨析:end up with

23、 sth/doing sth(经过一个过程)最终达到某状态(尤指不尽人意的) end with (活动或情况)以结束 用end with, end up, end up with填空。 (1) You will _ in debt if you keep on spending money like that. (2)The festival will _ a fireworks show. (3) Anyone who swims in the river could _ a nasty stomach upset.,end up,end with,end up with,2. in ter

24、ms of 就来说,从上看,用词句 In terms of natural resources, it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.就自然资源来说,它是西欧最贫穷的国家之一。 In terms of money, hes quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。 He often talks about his girlfriend in terms of love.他经常用充满爱意的语言谈论他的女朋友。 运用:根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子

25、。 (1)这本书获得了好评,但从实际销售情况来看,它并不太成功。 The book has been well received, but_ it hasnt been very successful. (2)就经济力量说,它远远落后。 _, she is far behind. 说到钱财,她们很富有,但幸福就是另一回事了。 联想 come to terms with sth 就达成一致意见,in terms of actual sales,In terms of economic strength,3. glare at 怒视(look atin a angry way) 运用:翻译下列句子

26、。 (1)愤怒的父亲瞪着儿子。 (2)他们站在那,互相怒视着对方。 They stood there, _ 辨析:glance at 一瞥,匆匆一看(give a quick, short look) stare at 盯着,凝视(因惊奇、害怕、生气等而睁大眼全神贯注于某事) gaze at 注视(因欣赏或无意识地长时间注视) 用glare at, glance at , stare at ,gaze at 填空 (1)The teacher _the boy when he found the boy was making noise. (2)She _him shyly from behi

27、nd her fan. (3)She stood _ the beautiful scenery. (4)He _me, trying to remember who I was.,The angry father glared at his son,glaring at each other,glared at,glanced at,gazing at,stared at,4. except for 除了 He is a good man except for his hot temper.他是个好人,只是脾气暴躁而已。 辨析:except 是指从同类的人或物中除掉一个或一些,except

28、for 指对一个事物的整体表达作部分修正或指所谈及的名词和除外的名词不属于同类时。 They all went to sleep except the young Frenchman. 除了那位年轻的法国人以外,他们全都去睡觉了。(the young Frenchman与They all都是人) Your composition is very good except for the spelling. 这篇文章除了拼写以外,其他都不错。(the spelling与your composition不属同类) :运用:用except, except for 填空。 (1)This is a good essay _the first paragraph. (2)All the essays are very good _ yours and Johns. (3)The roads are deserted _a few cars. (4)The movie was good _the ending. (5)Any time _Monday would be all right.,except for,except,except for,except for,except,此处填写学校名称,此处填写联系方式,谢 谢 :,),


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