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1、,Section A 第二课时(2a -2d),Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.,人教版 九年级下册,Last week, we learned the past perfect tense.,Who can describe the pictures on P90 with the past perfect tense? Lets have a try. Please put up your hands.,When she got home, she realized she had left her keys in the backpack.,

2、2a,Listen to Mary continue her story. Number the pictures 1-4in the correct order.,1. When I _ (get home), I realized I _ (leave) my keys in the backpack.,2b,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Then listen again and check your answers.,2. By the time I _ (get)back to

3、school, the bell_ (ring). 3. By the time I _ (walk)into class, the teacher_ (start) teaching already.,The teacher looked Mary and.,2c,Make up an ending for the story and share it with your partner.,Why were you late for class today, Kevin?,My alarm clock didnt go off! I kept sleeping, and when I wok

4、e up it was already 8:00a.m.!,So I just quickly put on some clothes and rushed out the door.,Oh, no!,2d,Role-play the conversation.,You didnt eat breakfast?,No, I didnt even brush my teeth or wash my face! But before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.,Then how did you get here?,Luckily

5、, Carls dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car.,Well, at least by the time you got to school, you were only five minutes late for class.,1. When I _ (get home), I realized I _(leave) my keys in the backpack. leave sth. in (at, on) somewhere 意为“把某物忘在某处(地)”。leave做动词,在此句中意为“遗忘,忘记”。 如:He

6、 left his umbrella on the train. 他把伞忘在火车上了。 He left the key at school so he couldnt get into his home. 他把钥匙忘在学校里了,所以进不了家。,Language points,2. My alarm clock didnt go off。 go off为动词短语,意为“(闹钟)响”,也可以表示“(质量)变坏、恶化;(灯)熄灭;(水、电)断掉”。 如:The alarm clock has gone off, why doesnt my brother get up? 闹铃响过了,为什么我弟弟还没

7、有起床?,Language points,My alarm clock goes off at six every morning. 我的闹钟每天早晨六点响。 Milk goes off quickly in hot weather. 牛奶在热天很快就变质了。,Language points,3. Luckily, Carls dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car. givea lift 意为“捎(某人)一程,让某人搭车;帮某人忙 ”。 如: Hop in, Ill give you a lift to the stati

8、on. 上车吧,我开车送你去车站。 Bill offered to give me a lift to work and I quickly took him upon it. 比尔表示愿意让我搭车去上班,我马上接受了他的提议。,Language points,4. Then she wont feel left out. left out 原形为 leave out 意为“不包括;不提及;忽略”。 如:Do not leave out common ingredients. 不要遗漏通用的配料。 【拓展】leave out 还可表示“遗漏,省去;不考虑”。 如:They must decid

9、e what to leave out. 他们必须决定省去什么。,Language points,用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. By the time I got outside, the school bus _ _ (leave). 2. When I _ (get) to the cinema, the film _ _ (be) on for 10 minutes.,had left,got,had been,3. You never told me you _ _ (see) the teacher before. 4. The snow _ (stop) when she woke up. 5. When he got to school, the bell _ _ (ring).,had seen,stopped,had rung,完成课后提升作业。,我们不需要死读硬记,我们需要用基本的知识来发展和增进每个学习者的思考力。 列宁,


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