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1、高考英语复习 问题与对策,哈12 中 苑向华,交流与反思,我们做了什么 我们怎么做的 我们的收获 我们的反思 差生辅导和尖子生的培养,2009高考英语备考交流与反思,*一个研究 明确复习目的 把准方向 *两个构建 理清思路 总体规划 *三个重视 重视合作 提高效率 *四个多 讲究策略 事倍功半,高 考 复 习 总体计 划,2,高考总复习英语知识与技能结构网络图,语言知识,语音 词汇 语法 功能 话题,语言技能,听 说 读 写,高考英语试卷分数比例: 听: 20% 语言知识: 30% (包括阅读理解的完形 填空) 阅读理解: 27% 写作: 23%,语音,读音 重音 读音变化 语调 节奏,词汇,

2、全部考纲词汇及其派生词,短语,动词短语 名词短语 介词短语,语法,词法,句法,词法,词类,名词、代词、冠词、形容词、副词、数词、介词、连词、动词,构词法,合成法、 派生法、转化法、缩写和简写,名词,可数名词及其单复数、不可数名词、专有名词、名词所有格,动词,动词种类,动词的时态和语态,非谓语动词,代词,人称、物主、反身、指示、疑问、 关系、不定,系动词、vi/vt、助动词、情态动词、动词的基本形式,10种时态(除将来完成时),句法,句子的种类,陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句,句子类型,简单句、并列句、复合句,句子成分,主语、谓语、表语、宾语、定语、状语,主从复合句,宾语从句,状语从句,定语从句

3、,主语从句,表语从句,特殊结构,间接引语,省略,倒装,强调,虚拟语气,功能意念,社会交往,态度,情感,时间,空间,存在,特征,计量,比较,逻辑关系,职业,话 题,1.个人情况 2.家庭朋友与周围的人 3.周围环境 4.日常活动 5.学校生活 6.兴趣与爱好 7.个人感情 8.人际关系 9.计划与愿望 10.节假日活动 11.购物 12.饮食13.健康 14.天气 15.文娱与体育 16旅游与交通 17. 语言学习 18.自然 19.世界与环境、 20.科普知识与现代技术、21.热点话题 22.历史与地理23.社会 24.文学与技术,听,读,语句理解、情节反应、对话理解、语篇理解,基本技能,基本

4、题型,掌握语篇或段落大意,理解文中某些事实和细节,对文章进行概括、归纳、 推断深层含义,判断词义,领会作者意图、理解人物性格,扫读、略读、准确获取有效信息、领会推断隐含意义、 理解文章的基 本结构,写,常见的体材,记叙文、说明文、 议论文 、应用文,基本要求,准确运用语法结构、 词汇、句型; 清楚连贯表达; 围绕主题,说,准确、得体、流利、连贯、 区分交际场合、培养英语语感、 了解英语交际功能,时态 (10种),1、subj. +do/does +obj. 2、subj. +did +obj. 3、subj. +will/shall+do +obj. 4、subj. +is/are+doing

5、 +obj. 5、subj. +was/were+doing +obj. 6、subj. +would+do +obj. 7、subj. +will+be+doing +obj. 8、subj. +have/has+done +obj. 9、subj. +had+done +obj. 10、subj.+will+have+been+doing +obj.,3,a. Ive seen all of Jim Jarmuschs films. b. I saw his latest film last month. 2. a. Since 1990, shes worked for three di

6、fferent newspapers. b. She worked for The Observer in 1996. 3. a. Have you ever been to Peru? b. When were you in Peru?,?,?,?,now,now,few,a few, many, a great many, many a, nubers of, a large number of,some,any, all, a lot of, quantities of, a large quantity of, plenty of, percertage of , part of, m

7、ajority of, lots of,the rest of, two thirds of, most of , none of,A good deal of, a large amount of, little, a lttle, much, a great deal of,some,any, all, a lot of, quantities of, a large quantity of, plenty of, percertage of , part of, majority of, lots of,the rest of, two thirds of, most of , none

8、 of,可数名词,不可数名词,两者,可数名词与不可数名词的修饰语简表,功能意念项目(比较),同级比较,1.Be + (not) as adj.as 2.do+ (not) as adv.as 3. not soas,差别比较,1.be + 形容词的比较级 +than 2.do + 副词的比较级 + than 3.be + the + 形容词的最高级 + 范围 4.do +(the) +副词的最高级 + 范围,相似和差别,1.the same as 2.be like 3.look like 4.be different from 5. There are differences between

9、 6. be equal to 7. be similar to ,Modul 1(必修1) 词汇的处理,考纲外词汇: academic, province, enthusiastic, brilliant. 考纲内打*词汇:diploma, fluency,4,1. amazing adj. amazed adj. embarrassed adj. embarressing adj. disappointing adj. disappointed adj. bored adj. boring adj. 2. information n. ,instruction n. correction

10、n. description n. 3. encouragement n. enjoyment n. 4. comprehension n. 5.misunderstanding,同类词,易混词,instruction direction introduction method 5. information way news means message 3. technology technique 4. previous precious,重点词汇:,impress v. 2. disappear vi. cover n.&v. 4. move v.,词性转换: corretion n. c

11、orrect v. correct adj. system n. systematic adj.,重点短语、句型,be similar to 2. attitude to/towards 3. get noisy 4. call sb. sth. 5. be nothing like 6. have fun 7.give sb. instructions 8. write a description of 9. Look forward to doing 10. be impressed with /by/at 11. be divided into,Ms Shen.s method of t

12、eaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.(复习比较句子中的代词用法) 2. There are three times as many girls as boys.(复习所有的倍数表达方法),作业一: 作文 题目:My First Day at Senior High 要求: 1. 用复习过的词汇、短语、 句型 2. 时态 一般现在时 作业二:总结“look”词组,并写成短文。 如:look out,教材复习思路,听写单词 2. 学生展示整理的词汇、短语、 句型、难点 3. 讨论、辩论、提问、补

13、充(同学和老师) 4. 练习( 主观题和客观题),阅读训练:,猜词,一、写完整正确的句子,二、写简洁、符合英语表达习惯的句子,三、扩写、缩写句子,四、转换句子,英语写作技巧步步练:,一、学会写完整正确的句子,1. The meeting will until 3: 00. The meeting will last until 3:00,2. Work hard, you will succeed. Work hard, and you will succeed.,二、比较下面对同一意思的两种表达,Suddenly I thought out a good idea. A good idea

14、occurrred to me / A good idea suddenly struck me.,2. I received your letter which was written on August 15th this morning. Your letter of August 15th reached / got to me this morning.,3. When he spoke, he felt more and more excited. The more he spoke, the more excited he felt.,4. The bell is ringing now. Ther goes the bell.,利用报刊训练学生阅读与写作,一、从文章标题入手,激发学生写作兴趣,二、从文章话题入手,掌握词块学习策略,三、从文章结构入手,训练学生布局文章,四、从文章信息入手,训练学生提炼信息能力,


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