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1、and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult family community prisoners concerns at the same time, I a

2、lso encourage them to stand, to enhance learning, improves the survival of community inmates skills and employability. 2015 scheduled community prisoners without cannula, leaking pipes and recidivism. (F) strengthening comprehensive management and peace-building efforts, enhancing public security 1,

3、 strengthening the construction of patrol and prevention role to play. A grid is a combination of community management, ratings of individual grid to build networks. Relying on the security of the property, floor length, building peace volunteer, Chengguan, led by community workers, daily inspection

4、s in the grid, ensure that Scouts are not leaving, prevention and control without leaving any blind spots. Since the zone of peace in the ranks of volunteers to patrol, 50-70 people walking around every day in every corner of the area, area of security has been further improved.; Second, give full p

5、lay to role of the police station, weaving public security network and develop social security guard. According to the Parks various communities (Preparatory Office), enterprise distribution of civilian police, secret, security, integration of auxiliary police officers, wardens, divided into several

6、 groups, led by the police every day, security patrols of the park with a full range, especially the Parks main road, patrols in key areas, increase the patrolling frequency, improving the street rate, lower rates. Third, is relying on environmental improvement duties, role play officers, increased

7、security checks. Requires card point officers and actively cooperate with the police, vehicle registrations for access cards every day, of suspects for interrogation, which verifications, interdiction role, improve deterrence, deterrence. 2, perfect control system, efforts to raise the level of prev

8、ention. Is on a community basis, adhere to scroll to troubleshoot, rolling regulation, investigation, treatment principles and organize forces for jurisdiction of further diagnostic screening, comprehensive grasp of serious public security issues in their jurisdiction. Hong Yang Cheng in particular

9、surroundings, Tin Hau, bandits outside population centers in the West and other key areas. For these key foreign personnel to gather, to take tubes other than management mode and construction of multidimensional, stereo, full coverage of the high technology networks, the focus of the Park area, main

10、 road junctions installed infrared surveillance cameras 52, realize the whole coverage area and community monitoring, to enhance the security of society as a whole. Second, positive and comprehensive management members include mutual cooperation and coordination, sector regulation responsibilities s

11、eriously, forming a total fighting force, foreign personnel to register one by one, regulate the private home rental management. And in Jinhua city as a pilot, under the guidance of the District Public Security Bureau, free zone invested more than 200,000 Yuan cheng village resident change Super b,

12、Kam Wah-level lock cores2000, effectively enhance the community household anti-theft capabilities. Third, community residents in the Park strictly guard duty system, posts, location, responsibility, strict registration verification of persons and vehicles to and from the community.武汉中泽建安集团有限公司 长城坐标城

13、G区工程施工组织设计目 录第一章 编制说明3第一节 编制说明3第二节 编制范围及依据3第二章 工程概况5第一节 (土建)工程概况5第二节 (安装)设计概况7第三节 工程环境条件和地质条件8第三章 工程实现目标8第四章 施工管理组织架构9第一节 项目管理组织机构9第二节 项目人员组成9第五章 总体施工部署11第一节 施工区段的划分11第二节 施工顺序及流程12第三节 施工准备14第四节 施工主要资源计划16第六章 主要施工方法18第一节 施工测量18第二节 土方工程20第三节 模板工程21第四节 钢筋工程34第五节 砼工程39第六节 脚手架工程43第七节 砌体工程49第八节 装饰工程51第九节

14、门窗工程60第十节 防水工程61第七章 安装工程68第一节 水、暖施工措施69第二节 电气工程施工73第三节 系统调试及验收76第四节 其 它76第八章 土建与安装的配合77第九章 施工进度计划78第一节 施工进度计划编制原则78第二节 工期保证措施78第十章 施工总平面布置80第一节 施工总平面布置原则80第二节 临时用水用电布置80第十一章 总承包管理81第一节 总承包管理的原则和方法81第二节 施工中的相互配合措施82第十二章 工程质量保证体系及保证措施84第一节 质量保证体系84第二节 质量岗位责任制85第三节 质量管理制度86第四节 成品保护措施87第十三章 安全健康管理及消防保证措

15、施88第一节 安全管理体系88第二节 安全管理制度88第三节 安全生产保证措施89第十四章 文明施工与环境保护措施97第一节 现场文明施工97第二节 现场保卫措施99插表目录插表1 建筑设计概况表6插表2 结构设计概况表7插表3 项目主要管理人员表10插表4 计量仪器与设备一览表16插表5 主要机械设备投入计划表17插表6 主要测量仪器配备表19插图目录插图1 主体结构施工程序框图14插图2 墙体支模示意图27插图3 柱支模示意图28插图4 梁板模板支设示意图29插图5 积水坑支模示意图31插图6 墙上洞口支模示意图32插图7 楼梯模板加固示意图32插图8 钢筋支撑大样图36插图9 柱、墙插筋

16、固定示意图38插图10 地上部分落地双排外架示意图48插图11 安全防护大样图96插图12 总平面布置图100插图 13总体进度计划表101第一章 编制说明第一节 编制说明本施工组织设计是遵照我公司技术管理程序,按照长城坐标城G区工程施工组织设计大纲确定的原则编制的,反应了我公司对长城坐标城工程施工的总体构思和部署。作为总承包单位,我公司在施工组织设计中对整个工程的施工组织、施工方法进行了简要说明,编制了相应的施工方案。以确保优质、高速、安全、低耗地建成本工程,为业主贡献优质的建筑产品。第二节 编制范围及依据一、编制范围本施工组织设计编制的范围为合同约定的全部土建及安装工程。二、 编制依据1、


18、BJ50080-2002普通混凝土力学性能试验方法标准GBJ50081-85混凝土强度检验评定标准GBJ107-87混凝土外加剂应用设计规范GBJ500119-2003砌体基本力学性能试验方法标准GBJ129-90混凝土质量控制标准GB50164-92建筑地基与基础工程施工质量验收规范GBJ50202-2002砌体工程施工质量验收规范GB50203-2002混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范GB50204-2002建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范GB50209-2002建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准GB50300-2001砌体工程现场检测技术标准GB/T50315-2000 通风与空调工程施工质量验收规



21、等。(三)给排水与暖通:施工图排水部分的室内全部工程内容,给水立管及支管第一个阀以前的管道(含第一个阀)安装(含空调冷凝管、给水储水及加压设施),不包括卫生洁具、水龙头等的安装。(四)消防与弱电监控系统:招标图纸要求的内容部分的线管、接线盒(箱)预埋,不包括所有的消防管道、消防报警系统、弱电监控系统等。弱电工程:电话线、宽带线、有线电视线、楼宇对讲线各一套。所有系统按图埋管穿线、施工到位。第二章 工程概况第一节 (土建)工程概况工程名称:长城坐标城G区工程建设单位:湖北长城建设实业有限公司设计单位:中冶南方工程技术有限公司长城坐标城G区项目位于关山大道以东,银光大道以北,本工程为其中的G区工程

22、G1、G2、G3栋(3栋)住宅。住宅为23层,框架剪力墙结构,建筑高度为73.3m。总建筑面积约30100m2。其它详细情况见插表建筑设计概况表及插表结构设计概况表。插表1 建筑设计概况表序号项 目内 容1建筑功能住宅楼2建筑面积总建筑面积(m2)30100地下建筑面积(m2)地上建筑面积(m2)301003建筑层数地上23层地下/4建筑层高地下部分层高(m)地上部分层高(m)3.05建筑高度0.00标高(m)33.5 33.8室外标高(m)-0.45底板面标高(m)最大承台底标高(m)-4.7建筑高度(m)73.37等级分类耐火等级一级防火类别一类防水等级二级抗震设防烈度6度8墙体工程外围护

23、墙采用250厚加气混凝土砌块砌筑,砌块强度等级不小于A3.5;楼梯间及分户墙均为200厚加气混凝土砌块砌筑;0.000以下采用MU20灰砂砖,M7.5水泥砂浆砌筑;0.000以上所有加气混凝土砌块采用M5混合砂浆。9外墙装修涂料外墙、面砖外墙10屋面工程上人屋面: 50厚挤朔聚苯乙烯泡沫朔料板,地砖铺面;不上人屋面:50厚挤朔聚苯乙烯泡沫朔料板,35厚预制钢筋混凝土板11室内装修室内天棚:满刮腻子二道;阳台天棚:满刮腻子二道,刷外墙涂料;车库及设备用房:局部刮腻子,刷大白浆室内墙面:水泥砂浆抹灰,刮腻子二道12楼地面工程水泥砂浆楼面、地砖楼面、大理石楼面13防水工程地下室屋面上人屋面:1.5厚

24、聚氨脂防水涂料及1.2厚氯化聚乙烯橡胶共混防水卷材;不上人屋面:3厚APP改性沥青防水卷材厕浴间2厚聚氨脂防水涂料,点粘350号石油沥青油毡一道入户花园3厚聚氨脂防水涂料分2次刷插表2 结构设计概况表序号项目内 容1结构形式基础结构形式挖孔桩主体结构形式框架-剪力墙结构楼盖结构形式普通砼梁板结构2土质水位基底及基底以上土质分层情况地下水位标高地下水质(腐蚀性)对混凝土结构无腐蚀性3地基持力层土质类别4-1层粉砂质泥岩强风化地基承载力4砼强度等级楼层部位砼标号地下室及住宅基础基础垫层C10基础C30地下室外墙住宅一层以上部分基础顶面6层梁、板C30基础顶面6层剪力墙、柱C35711层梁、板C25

25、711层剪力墙、柱C3012屋面剪力墙、柱、梁、板C255钢材类别普通钢筋:HPB235、HRB335、HRB400;冷扎带肋钢筋:CRB550;型钢及钢板:Q235-B6主要结构断面尺寸底板厚度(mm)顶板厚度(mm)墩基直径(mm)900承台截面(mm)2000 2200,3800 5400 等外墙厚度(mm)柱断面尺寸(mm)450450,500650,400400 500 500 等梁断面尺寸(mm)250600,200500,200450等7抗震及安全等级抗震设防烈度6度抗震等级三级抗震设防类别丙类结构安全等级二级合理使用年限50年耐火等级二级第二节 (安装)设计概况本工程安装部分包



28、、废水合流排出,经化粪池外理后排至市政排水管网。第三节 工程环境条件和地质条件一、工程环境条件1、周边环境及交通条件本工程位于坐标城小区西面,西南面均为道路;东面为已经建好小区房屋;北面为拟建小区房屋。第三章 工程实现目标一、质量目标工程质量达到国家工程施工质量验收规范的合格标准。二、工期目标确保本工程在480个日历天内完成合同范围内的全部工程内容。工程计划开工时间为2010年1月,计划竣工时间为2011年4月。三、环境目标以我企业“保护环境,营造绿色建筑,以人为本,追求人居、社区和施工环境的不断改善”的环境方针为宗旨,做好现场硬化、绿化、美化,作好施工降噪降尘、施工用水净化处理,实施“花园式

29、”工地管理,确保周边居民“零投诉”。四、 安全与文明施工目标文明工程、文明管理、文明施工。以人为本,创造干净、整齐、卫生、方便的生活及生产条件,丰富项目业余文化生活,树立文明施工意识、营造文明环境,争创武汉市年度文明施工样板工地。杜绝重大伤亡及火灾、机械事故,年轻伤频率控制在3以下,争创武汉市安全优良工地。五、总承包管理目标确保全面履行总承包合同中的各项权利和义务,将分包工程质量、安全、进度、合同等统一纳入总承包管理范畴,加强分包工程施工协调管理,积极服务分包单位,确保总包合同的各项目标的实现。六、工程服务及回访目标在施工过程中推行过程服务,协助业主处理好同地方政府有关部门的关系,积极配合业主

30、办理工程施工中的各种手续;充分发挥工程总承包职能,贯彻业主的意图和设计理念。确保工程一次成优,尽量减少工程使用过程中的保修及维修的次数,同时我公司承诺对本工程质量终身负责,严格履行工程保修合同中的各种保修承诺,工程交付使用后,定期对工程进行回访,确保实现工程使用安全、设备和系统运转正常的服务目标。第四章 施工管理组织架构第一节 项目管理组织机构项目经理部本着科学管理、精干高效、结构合理的原则,选配在同类工程的管理中具有丰富施工经验、服务态度良好、勤奋实干的工程技术和管理人员组成。通过建立科学的项目管理制度,完善质量、技术、计划、成本和合同方面的管理程序,使整个工程的实施处于强有力的控制之下,全

31、面实现对业主的承诺。第二节 项目人员组成项目主要管理人员及职务详见插表项目主要管理人员表。插表3 项目主要管理人员表序号姓名性别年龄学历职称岗位1吕祝清男47大专工程师项目经理2徐志勇男39大专工程师技术负责人3彭喜生男45大专工程师施工员4李培男29大专工程师质检员5彭启德男40大专工程师材料员6韩彪男35大专工程师安全员7刘元朝男47大专造价师预算员891011Community walkways were installed at the entrance gate, barrier closes automatically after 10 oclock every night. Me

32、anwhile, community peace volunteer, property security patrols day and night alternately in the community and co-operate with community police officers, professional security, increase its security community, park security cases decreased significantly. Four is to play the role of grass-roots party o

33、rganizations, people-oriented, good service to area residents, so as to better carry out comprehensive management work. Investments of more than 20,000 Yuan made 44 of the CMC community governance and property management services related to publicity and peace-building work, in Jinhua city put up pi

34、lot districts danyuanlou building, community people can understand the community organization network architecture and community security patrol every day situations, thereby enhancing safety awareness, reduce the rate to ensure community safety, stability. 3, major renovation work to improve social

35、 security. Based on practical work, Tin Hau Kou West communities identified as key management areas of social security, according to stick to scroll to troubleshoot, rolling regulation, the principles of investigation, remediation, organized in-depth diagnostic to troubleshoot the jurisdiction, by w

36、ay of carry on, held seminars, mobilize the masses to report, a comprehensive grasp of the areas serious public security issues. Period, in conjunction with the urban management department twice a week on days, XI Kou touch-bar regulation, identify problems in time, to solve. And actively cooperate

37、with the police of new external personnel in information collection, the unified register and take a variety of forms, often talking with rental households and external personnel, remind them to take care of their valuables and installations, educate themselves and family members obey the law, incre

38、ase safety awareness, suspicious personnel and timely reporting to the community or to call 110. Meanwhile, monthly with designer focus special rectification actions, raids on Tin Hau, XI Kou, and achieved good results. To form the good situation of the people make concerted efforts, jurisdictions o

39、f law and order situation has been significantly improved to ensure the peace. 4, strengthen leadership, carry out the responsibility. Annual objectives of the development zone, is the inclusion of political and legal work, carefully planned, strategically, implement the plan. Formation of party and

40、 Government leaders assuming overall responsibility, members of the comprehensive management accountability system. Second is the development of the political and legal work and other work, and community, the Preparatory Office and relevant departments, enterprises in the zones, Internet cafes had s

41、igned the work goal responsibility (signing of up to 100%), such as effective governance, the rule of law to create comprehensive work into the grass-roots level, the implementation of specific responsibility. Third, joint meetings on a regular basis, careful analysis of stability of social security

42、, study and solve difficulties and problems in the work. Four is to implement three in one approach, offices. Strengthening the building of grassroots organizations, adjustment equipped with strong leadership, community (Preparatory Office) the Director of the comprehensive management office, organi

43、zation, promotion and implementation of grass-roots peace-building efforts. Five is the integration of resources, according to the six one pipe . Police,施工组织设计 第 103 页 共 97页 第五章 总体施工部署第一节 施工区段的划分根据本工程的特点,将各阶段的施工进行分区、分段,以便合理协调人员、材料、设备,最优化的安排施工工序。一、基坑支护及土方开挖阶段1、基坑支护 由于本工程四面濒临小区道路,考虑行车道路上荷载较大,且属动荷载,地下水


45、竖向与二层梁板一起浇筑,二层竖向与三层梁板一起浇筑,以上依次类推。当墙柱砼强度等级与梁板砼强度等级不一致(差一个或两个等级)时,应先浇墙柱、后浇梁板(即将其分为两个施工段),其施工缝留设于梁底向下50处。三、装饰、安装施工阶段进入装饰、安装施工阶段,原则上分区分段进行结构验收。验收合格后及时插入装饰、安装工程的施工。即将装饰、安装施工分段及时进行施工。第二节 施工顺序及流程一、总体施工顺序及流程图工程进场后,及时进行土方开挖施工。在土方开挖过程中及时进行边坡支护,根据土方开挖及分区情况投入大量人力、物力,分区赶抢土方、挖孔桩及垫层的施工,尽早封闭垫层,为墩基验收创造条件。同时制定先进合理的基础施工作业方案,确保尽早完成基础结构的施工,力求早日形成施工高峰。地上主体结构拟分两次进行主体结构验收,基础单独验收,以确保安装及砌体、初装修的及时插入。室外工程在外立面基本完成后插入施工。插图1 主体结构施工程序框图注:墙柱与梁


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