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1、about, but cant catch anything in prison. Lost landscapes, dispersed the crowd, cant wait to . As such, they really dare to stick to principle, done speaking and strict management. Remember Wan Zhen Street, 400 metres of cement concrete surface, for whatever reason, appears poor flatness, slab, cove

2、ring the film traces and human imprinting and other quality issues, * gay after inquiry, immediately rushed to the scene to verify the situation, on personnel management, construction, supervision units held emergency meetings, it needs rework. Construction units put on construction reasons such as

3、time constraints, economic loss continue to intercede, * comrades did not budge. He said, now popular saying, in front of discipline and rules, no rules, your construction team not complying with the technical specifications for construction and quality problems that must be corrected. Quality respo

4、nsibility is weightier than mount Tai, if our Administration on the quality of care if, this time we learn two statutes what? what kind of Communist? Finally, at his insistence, after reworking of the sections, addresses these quality problems. Under the new comrades and the efforts of all members o

5、f the project, after 4 months of fighting, the pavement of the projects major project is finally completed, and passed inspection. Ice, snow flying thousands of miles, this is a spectacular and romantic scene. But, ice roads, but it is a disaster, a serious threat to traffic safety. In January this

6、year, a big cold wave sweeping across centuries, blowing the snow into Guangdong, also blow to play * road people. The night of January 23, the citys temperatures, lianping lingxia2du, large plunge sleet, DART S341 pilot before and after the tunnel section of pavement with snow, leading to skid in t

7、he past, access is blocked. Faced with this sudden natural disasters, city and County Highway Department immediately activated disaster contingency plans. As the fronts main forces, Lian Ping Road Council, all party members and cadres in mind the responsibility of party member, braving the cold, imm

8、ediately rushed to the scene, to salt the icy road disposal. Due to the low temperatures, melt water quickly freezes, ice increased the difficulty of work. In order to ensure traffic safety, road people braving the cold reflective cones and warning placed warning signs, suffering from cold, deep in

9、2 or 3 degrees below zero pilot patrolling back and forth until daybreak. Dawn, lianping road again organizers salt melting ice on icy roads, until a little after 10 oclock, ice-melting ice success, the road was gradually returning to normal traffic. On a cold winter night, who do not stay in the wa

10、rm blanket, which people do not stay in the warm House. However, our road to the road owner crowd home early, fought through the night to protect the highway safe, fulfilled its responsibility. XI told each and every party member cadre, General Secretary said: iron also needs stiff. The two statutes

11、, is a test of our own hard-soft criteria, also agonize over every Member of the party members and cadres of the fire. We will continue to strengthen the two statutes, earnestly in practical work, the sureness of the road people, fight for highway development in Heyuan. . Town had Street sections ti

12、mes carried out concentrated regulation action, clear has residual wall, and brick, building structure real and illegal stacked real, regulation has along accounted for road business, and accounted for road placed lightbox advertising and thexxx招标文件(编号: )xxx标识标牌制作安装工程招标书二一x年x月第一部分 招标邀请招标邀请函 :xxx为适应现

13、代旅游发展需要,规范旅游景区管理,提升景区品质,在其xx景区约xx平方公里进行标识标牌项目建设。现以邀请招标的方式对景区标识标牌的制作安装项目进行招标。1 招标文件编号: 2招标标识标牌名称及主要参数规格:详见附件一:xx景区标识标牌清单表。3本工程竣工验收完成时间:2013年5月30日前4安装地点:xx景区5邀请投标人:凡注册资本贰佰万以上(包括贰佰万)、有标识标牌生产制作安装能力、具独立法人资格的:国内企业、营业单位和在国内注册的外国独资或中外合资、合作企业等皆属邀请投标人(须核实投标人营业执照、资格证)。6招标文件的领取:邀请投标人于201x年x月x日至x月x日(上午8.30-12.00

14、;下午2.30-5.30)到:xx市xxx路x号xxx核实资格(投标单位的营业执照、资格证等提供给招标人查验)、报名、领取招标文件。因项目涉及的景区范围比较大,投标人现场勘查根据需要自主组织现场查看,所需费用及产生的任何法律事务均由投标人自己负责。必要时招标人可协调项目现场考察相关事宜。7投标:201x年x月x日17时30分止(北京时间),逾期不予受理。8投递标书地点:xx市xx路x号xxx9开标时间和地点:2013年4月8日10时30分10通讯地址:xx市xxx路x号电 话:xxxxxxxxx 传 真:xxxxxxxxxxxx联 系 人:xxx 邮 箱: xxxxxxxxx201x年x月x日

15、第二部分 招标须知一、说明1使用范围本招标文件仅适用于本招标邀请书及附件中所叙述项目的标识标牌及附属项目。2.合格的投标人2.1凡注册资本贰佰万以上(包括贰佰万)、有标识标牌生产制作安装能力、具独立法人资格的:国内企业、营业单位(实行生产许可证制度的须持有生产许可证)和在国内注册的外国独资或中外合资、合作企业等皆属合格投标人。符合并承认和履行招标文件中的各项规定者,均可参加投标。2.2合格投标人的资格核实:核实投标人营业执照、资格证等。3.投标费用投标人应自行承担所有与编写和提交投标文件有关的费用,不论投标的结果如何,招标人在任何情况下均无义务和责任承担这些费用。二、招标文件4.招标文件41招






21、到中标通知书后,按招标人的通知到规定的时间地点与招标人签订合同。172买卖双方共同承认的招标文件、投标文件及评标过程中形成的书面文件均作为签订合同的依据。七、其他事项18通讯地址所有与本招标文件有关的函电请按下列通讯地址联系:招标单位:xxxx通讯地址:xx市xx路x号联 系 人:xxx(电话)邮 箱: 第三部分 投标书一、投标书封面格式投 标 书项 目 名 称:xx景区标识标牌制作安装工程投 标 单 位:投标单位全权代表:投标单位:(公章)二一x年 月 日二、投标承诺书格式投标承诺书(本承诺书装订于投标文件首页)本公司(单位)郑重承诺:将遵循公开、公平、公正和诚实守信的原则,参加 项目的投标

22、。一、所提供的一切材料都是真实、有效、合法的。二、不与招标人、其他投标人或者招标代理机构串通投标,损害国家利益、社会利益或他人的合法权益。三、不向招标人或评标委员会成员或相关人员行贿,以牟取中标。四、不以他人名义投标或者其他方式弄虚作假,骗取中标。五、不接受任何形式的挂靠,不扰乱招投标市场秩序。六、不在投标中哄抬价格或恶意压价。七、不在招投标活动中虚假投诉。八、响应招标文件要求,对评标过程中签署的承诺文件及投标书承担法人责任。九、本公司若有违反承诺内容的行为,愿意接受建设行政主管部门的处罚,并承担相应的法律责任以及赔偿由此造成的招标方的损失。投标单位:(盖章) 地址:法定代表人(签名): 手机

23、: 项目负责人(签名): 手机: 年 月 日三、投标书格式投标书致: 根据贵方xx景区标识标牌制作安装工程招标文件及投标邀请(招标编号: ), (全名、职务)经正式授权并代表投标人 (投标方名称、地址)提交下述文件正本一份和副本一式 份。 (1)投标价格表;(2)标识标牌简要说明一览表;(3)资格证明文件(投标人营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证)。据此函,签字代表宣布同意如下:1所附投标报价表中的xx景区标识标牌制作安装工程投标总价为人民币(大写): 元(¥ 元)。2投标人将按招标文件的规定履行合同责任和义务。3投标人已详细审查全部招标文件,包括修改文件(如需要修改)以及全部参考资料和有关

24、附件。我们完全理解并同意放弃对这方面有不明及误解的权利。4如果在规定的开标日期后,投标人在投标有效期内撤回投标,并承担由此造成的招标方损失。5投标人同意提供按照贵方可能要求的与其投标有关的一切数据或资料,完全理解不一定要接受最低价格的投标或受到的任何投标。6与本投标有关的一切正式往来通讯请寄:地址: 邮编:电话: 传真:投标人代表姓名、职务:投标人名称(公章):全权代表签字:日期:2013年 月 日四、开标大会唱标报告格式开标大会唱标报告投标单位全称投标项目名称xx景区标识标牌制作安装工程序号名称数量投标单价(元)金额(元)交 货 期交货地点备注注:1此表投标人可根据清单表进行调整; 2、xx

25、景区必须根据附件内容按景区标识标牌的设计及数量报价并编制到投标内容中。投标单位: 法人授权代表: (公章) (签 章)2013年 月 日说明:唱标报告在开标大会上当众宣读,务必填写清楚,准确无误。五、投标标识标牌数量价格表格式投标标识标牌数量价格表招标文件编号:单 位:元序号标识标牌名称数量单价合计以上小计安装、运输费税金总价说明:如投标标识标牌的规格、性能、技术参数与招标标识系统的要 求不完全一致时,请注明。六、法人代表授权书法人代表授权书(招标机构) :现委派 参加贵方组织的 招标活动,全权代表我单位处理招标的有关事宜。附授权代表情况:姓名: 年龄: 性别: 身份证号: 职 务: 邮 编:

26、 通讯地址: 电 话: 单位名称:(公章)法人代表:(签章)本授权书有效期:201x年 月 日至201x年 月 日vehicles maintenance, and wash car, behavior, specification and purification Highway sides of advertising brand, non-highway logo, I city country province Road Highway basic elimination has dirty, and mess, and poor, and blocking, phenomenon,

27、highway traffic environment get purification, and landscaping. (B) strengthening inner management 1. attach importance to data management. Archives management in strict accordance with the relevant provisions, development of the file management system of highways, highways archive was established, i

28、mplemented the Archivist, archives collecting, filing, sorting, archiving, confidentiality, safekeeping, borrowing, identified the destruction of standardization. 2. Second, specification management, enhanced services (a) the assessment system further improved to strengthen and regulate the County (

29、district) Council highways management guidance and evaluation, I developed the * City Highway Bureau of Highways Management appraisal implementation procedures (trial implementation). In periodic checks, half a year end assessment combined with occasional random, on-site inspections on the road, roa

30、d inspection, reports, access to archives, County (district) Council Highways Management implementation of the special examination. According to the results of the annual assessment evaluation score, evaluation of excellent, fine, standard and substandard four grades. And in accordance with the asse

31、ssment grade, Highways Management funds to award. Total score of 95 points or more for the excellent, award of 100,000 yuan; total 90-94 for good reward 80,000 total 80-89 points as standard, awarded 50,000 yuan. Total 79, criticized for substandard units. (B) inspections on the road further specifi

32、cation is to ensure that the inspection is in place. State trunk highway inspections not less than 20 days a month, national road no less than 3 times a week, DART for not less than 2 times a week. Second, exploring advance electronic patrol monitoring. Highway patrol vehicles in the city are highwa

33、y patrol vehicle monitoring system is installed; highways, law enforcement personnel are equipped with the recorders, on supervision and law enforcement, to ensure evidence plays an effective role in the process. Third, standardized inspection record ledgers, inspection of equipment management and c

34、ustody of electronic inspection information. Four is the establishment of highways maintenance mechanism for joint inspections. The citys 19 national and provincial trunk highways Committee of officials, Conservation Center is equipped with a road, and a keeper of the roads Committee post duty. Acco

35、rding to statistics, 2015 (the road . . 天, Mileage, suppression of acts 17 road; cleanup road debris 20, dismantle the billboards 30, dismantle the lift hut 3, hawking cleaning road 15. ) (Iii) highways licensing work was further strengthened 1. Implementation of the administrative licensing system,

36、 strengthening the licensing regulation. Measures for the implementation of strict implementation of the Guangdong Province highways licensing, the highways under examination and approval procedures and processes for the highways licensing, administration and law license, approval according to law. Is a collective approval, strengthen supervision. Highways with the separation of administrative examination and approval of business technology reviewed, more complex road-related license matters focuses . Nine a are of serious general discipline, I seriously learning has CPC clean self-discipline


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