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1、书名:数控专业英语 ISBN: 978-7-111-38759-6 作者:王兆奇 出版社:机械工业出版社 本书配有电子课件,数控专业英语 ppt 课件,Unit 1 History of NC (NC的历史),数控专业英语 ppt 课件,Welcome to the world of numerical control. Numerical control (NC) has become popular in shops and factories because it helps solve the problem of making manufacturing systems more f

2、lexible. 欢迎来到数控世界。因为数字控制(NC)使制造系统柔性更强,所以它已广泛应用于工厂车间。 In simple terms, a numerical control machine is a machine positioned automatically along a preprogrammed path by means of coded instructions. The key words here are “preprogrammed” and “coded”. 简单地说,数控机床是一种通过代码指令自动地沿着预编程轨迹定位的机床,这里的关键词是“预编程”和“代码化”。

3、,数控专业英语 ppt 课件,Someone has to determine what operations the machine is to perform and put that information into a coded form that the NC control unit understands before the machine can do anything. In other words, someone has to program the machine. 在机床能够运行之前,操作者必须确定这台机床完成什么工作,并且将此信息译成数字控制装置可以识别的代码形

4、式,也就是说,操作者必须对机床进行编程。 主句中Someone做主语,指代Operator;由and连接的determine和put是两个并列谓语,其中what引导determine的宾语从句,that引导form的定语从句;时间状语从句由before引导。,数控专业英语 ppt 课件,Machines may be programmed manually or with the aid of a computer. Manual programming is called manual part programming; programming done by a computer is c

5、alled computer aided programming (CAP). 机床可以手工编程或在计算机的帮助下编程。手工编程是由人工完成的,而计算机辅助编程(CAP)是通过计算机完成的. Sometimes a manual program is entered into the machines controller via its own keypad. This is known as manual data input (MDI). This text will focus on manual part programming. 还有大家熟知的手动数据输入方式(MDI),它是通过其

6、自带键盘,将程序输入到机床的控制器。本课将重点讲述手工编程。,数控专业英语 ppt 课件,Advances in microelectronics and microcomputers have allowed the computer to be used as the control unit on modern numerical control machinery. This computer takes the place of the tape reader found on earlier NC machines. 微电子学和微型电脑的发展已经使计算机应用于现代数控机床的控制装置

7、,并取代了早期用于NC机床的读带机。 In other words, instead of reading and executing the program directly from punched tape, the program is loaded into and executed from the machines computer. These machines, known as computer numerical control (CNC) machines, are the NC machines being manufactured today. 换句话说,机床的计算

8、机取代穿孔带读入和执行程序,这就是当今正在制造的计算机数字控制(CNC)机床。 The primary focus of this text is the MDI programming of computer numerical control (CNC) machinery. 本文的着重点是计算机数字控制(CNC)机床的手动数据输入方式(MDI)编程。,数控专业英语 ppt 课件,In 1947, John Parsons of the Parsons Corporation, began experimenting with the idea of using three-axis cu

9、rvature data to control machine tool motion for the production of aircraft components. In 1949, Parsons was awarded a U.S. Air Force contract to build what was to become the first numerical control machine. 1947年,Parsons公司的John Parsons进行了一项试验,想用空间数据来控制机床运动,以生产飞行器部件。1949年,Parsons公司与美国空军签订了制造第一台数控机床的合

10、同。,数控专业英语 ppt 课件,In 1951, the project was assumed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1951年,美国麻省理工学院承担了这一项目。 In 1952, numerical control arrived when MIT demonstrated that simultaneous three-axis movements were possible using a laboratory-built controller and a Cincinnati Hydrotel vertical

11、spindle. 1952年,当美国麻省理工学院(MIT)使用实验室制造的控制器和Cincinnati立式主轴展示三轴联动成功时,表明数字控制时代到来了。 在when引导的时间状语从句中, that引导宾语从句,其中using a laboratory-built controller and a Cincinnati Hydrotel vertical spindle是现在分词短语做状语。 By 1955, after further refinements, numerical control became available to industry. 到了1955年,经过进一步改进后,数

12、控技术应用于工业中。,数控专业英语 ppt 课件,Early NC machines ran off punched cards and tape, with tape becoming the more common medium. Due to time and effort required to change or edit tape, computers were later introduced as aids in programming. Computer involvement came in two forms: computer aided programming lan

13、guages and direct numerical control (DNC). 早期的数控机床能复制穿孔卡和穿孔带,其中穿孔带后来成为一种更通用的介质,但是由于更改和编辑纸带费时费力,后来使用计算机进行辅助编程。应用计算机编程有两种形式:计算机辅助编程语言和直接数字控制(DNC)。,数控专业英语 ppt 课件,Computer aided programming languages allowed a part programmer to develop an NC program using a set of universal “pidgin English” commands, w

14、hich the computer then translated into machine codes and punched into the tape. 计算机辅助编程语言是指,零件编程员应用一套通用的“混杂英语”命令编写NC程序,然后由计算机将其翻译成机器代码和制成穿孔带。 句中using a set of universal “pidgin English” commands是现在分词短语做状语,which引导的非限制性定语从句修饰NC program。,数控专业英语 ppt 课件,Direct numerical control involved using a computer

15、as a partial or complete controller of one or more numerical control machines(Fig.1-1). Although some companies have been reasonably successful at implementing DNC, the expense of computer capability and software and problems associated with coordinating a DNC system renders such systems economicall

16、y unfeasable for all but the largest companies. 直接数字控制是指用一台计算机对一台或多台数控机床进行部分或整个控制。虽然一些公司相当成功地利用DNC,但在计算机容量,软件和协调DNC系统问题上的花费,使这种系统所获得的经济价值并不适合所有的公司,而只适合一些大公司。 主句中主语是expense,谓语是renders,由and连接的computer capability , software , problems associated with coordinating a DNC system做expense的定语,其中associated wi

17、th coordinating a DNC system是过去分词短语做problems的定语;but是介词“除之外”的意思。,Recently a new type of DNC system called distributive numerical control has been developed(Fig1-2). It employs a network of computers to coordinate the operation of a number of CNC machines. Ultimately, it may be possible to coordinate

18、an entire factory in this manner. Distributive numerical control solves some of the problems that exist in coordinating a direct numerical control system. 最近,一种叫作分布式数字控制的新型DNC系统已经研制出来了,它使用计算机网络来协调许多CNC机床的运行,它将最终使用这种方式来协调整个工厂。分布式数字控制解决了在协调直接数字控制系统时存在的问题。,There is another type of distributive numerica

19、l control that is a spin-off of the system previously explained. In this system, the NC program is transferred in its entirety from a host computer directly to the machines controller. Alternately, the program can be transferred from a mainframe host computer to a personal computer (PC) on the shop

20、floor where it will be stored until it is needed. The program will then be transferred from the PC to the machine controller. 还有另外一种类型的分布式数字控制随之产生,在这个新产生的系统中,NC程序全部从主机直接传输到机床的控制器,如果需要,程序还可由主机不断地传输到各车间层的个人电脑(PC)存储起来,然后程序再从PC传输到机床控制器。,Technical Words,numerical adj.数字的,用数字表示的 manufacture vt. 制造,加工 n.制造

21、,制造业,产品 automatically adv.自动地,机械地 program n.程序 vt. 编程 preprogram vt. 预编程 code n.代码,编码 v. 编码 instruction n. 指示,指令 manually adv.手动地, 用手地 microelectronics n.微电子学 execute n.执行,实行 vt.执行,实行 punch n.冲压机,冲床 vt.冲孔,打孔 load n.负荷,重担,加载 vt.装载Vi. 装货,装料 technology n.工艺,科技,技术 controller n.管理员,控制器 spindle n. 轴 mediu

22、m n.媒体,方法,媒介 adj.中间的 command n. 命令,掌握v. 命令,掌握 coordinate n.同等者,坐标(复数)adj.同等的,并列vt.调整,整理 mainframe n.主机,大型机,Technical Phrases,numerical control (NC) 数控 control unit 控制单元 manual programming 手工编程 computer aided programming 计算机辅助编程 manual data input 手工数据输入 tape reader 磁带阅读机 punched tape 穿孔纸带 computer nu

23、merical control 计算机数控 three-axis curvature data 三轴曲率数据,空间数据 machine tool 刀具 aircraft component 飞机零件 punched card 穿孔卡 direct numerical control (DNC) 直接数控 distributive numerical control 分布式数控 host computer 主机 personal computer (PC) 个人计算机 shop floor 车间 run off 复制,做.实验,Unit 2 Machines Using NC (数控机床),2/

24、21/2019,Early machine tools were designed so that the operator was standing in front of the machine while operating the controls. This design is no longer necessary, since in NC the operator no longer controls the machine tool movements. On conventional machine tools, only about 20 percent of the ti

25、me was spent removing material. 早期的机床是操作者必须站在机床前操作,现在由于使用了NC,操作者就不必直接控制机床运动了。在传统机床上,只有大约20%的加工时间用来切削材料。,2/21/2019,With the addition of electronic controls, actual time spent removing metal has increased to 80 percent and even higher. It has also reduced the amount of time required to bring the cutti

26、ng tool into each machining position. 随着电子控制装置的加入,实际切削材料的时间已经增加到80%,甚至更高,NC也减少了将切削刀具放入每个加工位置的时间总数。,2/21/2019,In the past, machine tools were kept as simple as possible in order to keep their costs down. 过去为了减少花费,人们尽量使机床简单。 Because of the ever-rising cost of labor, better machine tools, complete with

27、 electronic controls, were developed so that industry could produce more and better goods at prices which were competitive with those of offshore industries. 后来,由于劳动力价格不断上涨,完全采用电子控制装置的更好的机床出现了,因此企业能够生产出在价格上能与国外企业相竞争的、更多、更好的产品。 句中主语是better machine tools ,谓语是were developed ,so that 引导结果状语从句,其中complete

28、 with electronic controls是插入语,which从句做goods的定语。,2/21/2019,NC is being used on all types of machine tools, from the simplest to the most complex. The most common machine tools are the single-spindle drilling machine, lathe, milling machine, turning center, and machining center. NC正用于从最简单到最复杂的各类机床中。最普

29、通的机床有:单臂钻床、车床、铣床、车削中心和加工中心。,2/21/2019,Single-spindle drilling machine单臂钻床,One of the simplest numerically controlled machine tools is the single-spindle drilling machine(Fig.2-1). Most drilling machines are programmed on three axes: 单臂钻床是最简单的数控机床之一,多数钻床是在三个坐标轴上编程的: The X-axis controls the table move

30、ment to the right and left. X轴控制工作台左右运动。 The Y-axis controls the table movement toward or away from the column. Y轴控制工作台靠近或远离立柱运动。 The Z-axis controls the up or down movement of the spindle to drill holes to depth. Z轴控制主轴的上下运动,以确定孔的加工深度。,2/21/2019,Lathe 车床,The engine lathe, one of the most productive

31、 machine tools, has always been a very efficient means of producing round parts(Fig.2-2). Most lathes are programmed on two axes: 车床是生产力最高的机床之一,它是一种生产回转体零件非常有效的方式。大部分车床是在两个坐标轴上编程的: The X-axis controls the cross motion (in or out) of the cutting tool. X轴控制刀具横向运动(切入或切出)。 The Z-axis controls the carria

32、ge travel toward or away from the headstock. Z轴控制机床拖板向着或远离主轴箱的运动。,2/21/2019,Milling Machine铣床,The milling machine has always been one of the most versatile machine tools used in industry (Fig.2-3). Operations such as milling, contouring, gear cutting, drilling, boring, and reaming are only a few of

33、the many operations which can be performed on a milling machine. The milling machine can be programmed on three axes: 铣床是工业生产中加工方式最多的机床之一,诸如铣削、成型加工、齿轮切削、钻、镗和铰只是多种铣床加工方式的几种加工方式。铣床是在三个坐标轴上编程的: The X-axis controls the table movement left or right. X轴控制工作台左右运动。 The Y-axis controls the table movement tow

34、ard or away from the column. Y轴控制工作台向着或远离立柱运动。 The Z-axis controls the vertical (up or down) movement of the knee or spindle. Z轴控制升降台或主轴垂直(上下)运动。,2/21/2019,Turning Center车削中心,Turning Centers (Fig.2-4)were developed in the mid-1960s after studies showed that about 40 percent of all metal cutting oper

35、ations were performed on lathes. These numerically controlled machines are capable of greater accuracy and higher production rates than were possible on the engine lathe. 研究显示,在车床上约占40%的加工时间用于金属材料的切削操作, 20世纪60年代中期,车削中心便发展起来了。这类数控机床具有比普通车床更高的精度和生产率。 The basic turning center operates on only two axes:

36、 一般的车削中心仅在两个轴上工作: The X-axis controls the cross motion of the turret head. X轴控制转塔头的横向运动。 The Z-axis controls the lengthwise travel (toward or away from the headstock) of the turret head. Z轴控制刀架纵向运动(向着或远离主轴箱)。,2/21/2019,Machining Center加工中心,Machining centers (Fig.2-5)were developed in the 1960s so th

37、at a part did not have to be moved from machine to machine in order to perform various operations. These machines greatly increased production rates because more operations could be performed on a workpiece in one setup. There are two main types of machining centers, the horizontal and the vertical

38、spindle types. 加工中心在20世纪60年代发展起来,如要完成各种加工零件不必从一台机床转移到另一台机床,因为一个工作部件在一次装夹中能完成更多的操作,所以这类机床大大提高了生产率。加工中心主要有两类:卧式加工中心和立式加工中心。,2/21/2019,The horizontal spindle machining center (Fig.2-6) operates on three axes:卧式加工中心在三个坐标轴上工作: (a). The X-axis controls the table movement left or right. X轴控制工作台左右运动。 (b). T

39、he Y-axis controls the vertical movement (up or down) of the spindle. Y轴控制主轴垂直运动(上下运动)。 (c). The Z-axis controls the horizontal movement (in or out) of the spindle. Z轴控制主轴水平运动(切入或切出)。,2/21/2019,.,The vertical spindle machining center(Fig.2-7)operates on three axes: 立式加工中心在三个坐标轴上工作: (a). The X-axis c

40、ontrols the table movement left or right. X轴控制工作台左右运动。 (b). The Y-axis controls the table movement toward or away from the column. Y轴控制工作台向着或远离立柱运动。 (c). The Z-axis controls the vertical movement (up or down) of the spindle. Z轴控制主轴垂直(上下)运动。,2/21/2019,Technical Words,operate v.操作,运行,开动 operator n.操作员

41、 ,工作者 electronic adj. 电子的 drill n.钻孔 v.钻 lathe n.车床v.用车床加工 milling v.& n.铣 milling machine 铣床 Turning v.车 turning machine 车床 Table n.工作台 column n.立柱 part n.零件 carriage n.(机械)车驾,拖板,刀架,headstock n. 主轴箱 contouring n.轮廓,周线 成型加工 bore v.镗 boring n.镗(孔) ream v.铰 reaming n.铰(孔) knee n. 升降台 accuracy n.精确性,准确

42、度 workpiece n.工件 setup n. 安装 horizontal adj.水平的 vertical adj. 垂直的 versatile adj. 通用的,2/21/2019,Technical Phrases,cutting tool 刀具 machining position 加工位置 drilling machine 钻床 turning center 车削中心 machining center 加工中心 engine lathe 普通车床 cross motion 横向运动 gear cutting 齿轮切削 metal cutting 金属切削 production rate 生产率 turret head 转塔头 lengthwise travel 纵向运动,


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