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1、Modules 46,(2010年重庆卷)假设你是李华,于2010年6月3日搭乘国外某航空公司航班(flight number BA793)回国后,发现遗失了一个行李箱(suitcase)。现请用英文给该航空公司写一封信,请他们帮你寻找。 信件要点包括: 陈述写信原因 简要描述该行李 说明其重要性 期待回复并表示感谢 注意:1.词数100左右; 2信件格式已为你给出。,Im Li Hua,a passenger on the flight number BA793 of your airline company.I took the flight from the abroad on June

2、 3,2010.Unfortunately,I_found_one_of_my_suitcases_lost _at _the_airport.Here_I_am_eagerly_writing_to_you_for_help_to_find_my_lost_suitcase. The suitcase is a black midsized one,80 cm long,40 cm wide and 25 cm thick,with_my_name_tagged_on_the _handle. Because it contains many important personal files

3、 and some scientific material and some academic reference books collected when I studied abroad for further research in my field.It_took,Dear Sir or Madam,,_me_much_time_and_energy_to_get_them_and_they_are_valuable_in_my_scientific_study.Besides,there are some presents I bought for my family members

4、 and friends,it_will_be_a_great _disappointment_to_me_if_I_cant_find_the_suitcase. Here I sincerely express my appreciation if you could help find the lost suitcase,and Im_looking_forward_to _hearing _good _news_from_you. Yours truly, Li Hua,精华提炼:1.你看到了一本书吗,上面有我的名字?(with宾语宾补) Have_you_seen_a_book,wi

5、th_my_name_on_it? 2看完这本书用了我三天的时间。(It takes sb.some time to do sth.) It_took_me_three_days_to_finish_reading_the_book.,Module 4 Music Born in America,一、单词自查 (一)重点单词 1 n衰退;下降;减少v.衰退;下降 2 v(由)引起(产生)(过去式) (过去分词) 3 v为付出时间/努力/金钱等n.专心;献身;热爱 adj.专心于的;热爱的 4 v离开,辞去adj.互不相欠;两清(只作表语),decline,decline,arise,arose

6、,arisen,devote,devotion,devoted,quit,quits,(二)基础单词 1 n节律;节奏;律动adj.有节奏的 2 n技巧;手法adj.技术的;工艺的;技巧上的 n.技术 3 n方法;步骤v.走近;靠近 adj.易亲近的;易交谈的 4 v出现adj.新兴的 n.紧急情况;不测事件 5 v繁荣;兴起;迅速发展adj.繁荣的;兴旺的,rhythm,rhythmic,technique,technical,technology,approach,approach,approachable,emerge,emergent,emergency,boom,booming,6

7、n不合,抵触;摩擦 7 n融洽,一致adj.和谐的;和睦的 adv.和谐地;和睦地 8 adj.按惯例的;因袭的;传统的n.惯例;常规;习俗 9 n共同意见,一致看法,共识v.准许,赞同 10 adj.令人耳目一新的v.使恢复精神,消除的疲劳,friction,harmony,harmonious,harmoniously,conventional,convention,consensus,consent,refreshing,refresh,11 n抗议v.抗议 n.抗议者 12 adj.幽默的n.幽默;幽默感 二、短语必记 (一)重点短语 1 利用 2 远非,一点也不 3 而不是 4 有序

8、,protest,protest,protester,humorous,humo(u)r,take_advantage_of,far_from,rather_than,in_order,(二)基础短语 1keep 遵守,不离(位置),留在(某处) 2in ones 根据某人的情况 3be blessed 有幸 4be devoted 对专一,专注 5make an impression sb.给某人留下印象 6come 出版,to,case,with,to,on,out,The number of tourists to the resort declined_by_30% because o

9、f the terrorist attack last year. 去年,由于恐怖袭击,到这个旅游胜地旅游的人数减少了30%。 The population of the town is in_decline. 这个城镇的人口在下降。 To our surprise,he declined_the_invitation to the party. 使我们吃惊的是,他谢绝了宴会的邀请。,辨析:decline/refuse/reject,重点提示: (1)表示“增加”的动词或动词短语常见的有: rise,increase,go up 表示“减少”的动词或动词短语常见的有: fall,drop,de

10、crease,go down,decline (2)表示“增加”或“减少”的幅度常用介词by;表示“增加到”或“减少到”常用介词to。如: The price of oil fell by a further $2 a barrel. 每桶油价又下跌了2美元。 The price of oil fell to $50 a barrel. 每桶油价下跌到50美元。,The children arose_from their seats to salute the flag. 孩子们从座位上起立向国旗致敬。 Can we begin by discussing matters arising_fr

11、om the last meeting? 我们是不是可以从讨论上次会议所产生的问题开始? Should the need arise for extra staff,we will contact you. 如果有必要招聘更多的员工,我们会和你联系。,辨析:arise/rise/raise,The accident arose_from the drunk driver Sun Weiming. 这次事故是由那个醉酒的司机孙伟铭引起的。 He raised his voice to make himself heard. 他提高了嗓门让人能听见。 Prices are rising. 物价在上

12、涨。,His suggestions are in_harmony_with the aims of this project. 他的建议和本项目的目标相符。 What you did yesterday was out_of_harmony_with our plan. 你昨天的所作所为与我们的计划不一致。 Everyone wishes to have a_harmonious_family. 每个人都希望有一个和睦的家庭。,He was at one time so devoted_to playing the piano. 他曾经那么沉迷于弹钢琴。 Im devoting all my

13、 time and energy to_being a teacher right now. 目前我所有的时间和精力都放在当老师这件事上。 Mary has always been showing intense devotion_to her children. 玛丽一直非常钟爱她的孩子们。,重点提示:下面词组中的to是介词,所以其后面需跟名词或动名词 devote oneself to献身于,致力于 look forward to期待 lead to导致 pay attention to注意 stick to坚持 object to反对 contribute to导致,贡献,有助于,The

14、 workers staged a protest_against the proposed changes in their contracts. 工人们进行抗议,反对提议中的对他们合同的修改。 The local people have made_a_strong_protest_to the minister about the new airport. 当地民众为新飞机场问题向部长提出了强烈抗议。 Even if Lucy protests that shes not drunk,dont let her drive. 即使露西坚持说她自己没有醉,也不要让她开车。,They were

15、seated side_by_side,reading books. 他们并肩坐着读书。 The two bottles stood_side_by_side on the table. 这两个瓶子并排放在桌子上。,You are doing this for yourself rather_than for your friend. 做这件事你不是为了朋友而是为了自己。 “I prefer to believe in my players rather_than the media,”the coach said. 那位教练说:“比起媒体,我更加相信我的球员。” You cant get t

16、o the island other_than by boat. 除了乘船,否则你无法抵达那个小岛。,重点提示: (1)rather than连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的词在人称和数上保持一致。如: I think Tom,rather_than you,is to blame. 我认为该受责备的是汤姆而不是你。 (2)would rather后跟that从句时,从句中谓语动词应为虚拟语气,即用一般过去时或过去完成时。,Far_from reaching his letter,she didnt open it. 别说看他的信了,她连信都没拆开。 She

17、 is far_from being pleased about it. 她对此事非常不满意。 It is far_from_clear what he intends to do. 不清楚他打算做什么。,辨析:far away/far away from/faraway/far from,I dont care what it lookswhat_matters_is that it works well.我不在乎它好看不好看要紧的是它要好用。 It_matters_a_lot_to_her_what other people think of her. 其他人怎么看她对她来说极为重要。 Ive spilled some coffee on the carpet. 我洒了些咖啡在地毯上。 It_doesnt_matter.没关系。,Loading ,


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