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1、(2009湖北高考)假设你是华华,与英国网友汤姆约定用对方的母语通信,以提高各自的外语水平。最近你收到汤姆的电子邮件(附后),发现有一个成语使用不当。请根据下列要点,用英文回一封电子邮件。,要点: 1.不应使用 “无所不为”,应使用 “无所事事”; 2.说明这两个成语的用法; 3.给予鼓励。 注意: 1.词数为100左右; 2.参考释义:无所不为do all kinds of bad things 无所事事have nothing to do 3.除以上两个成语外,邮件中不得使用其他汉字或拼音; 4.电子邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数)。,附(汤姆的邮件): 华华,你好! 近几天

2、在忙什么事?有什么有意思的事吗?我们的学校放假了,所以这几天在家无所不为,饱食终日,只好上网发伊妹儿。没意思。我决定找份工作,做个自食其力的人。祝好! 汤姆,Hi! Tom, Nice to read your email today. I notice youve begun to use Chinese idioms and used most of them correctly. Hope youll find a good job soon. Huahua,Hi! Tom, Nice to read your email today. I notice youve begun to u

3、se Chinese idioms and used most of them correctly. However, Im afraid there is one mistake Id like to point out. It is “无所不为”. This idiom means “do all kinds of bad things”. Are you doing all kinds of bad things at home? I guess what you were really trying to say is that youve got,nothing to do thes

4、e days. In that case, you should use “无所事事” . We usually use “无所不为” to express the idea that people dare to do anything bad, and“无所事事” to describe the situation in which people have got nothing meaningful to do. Have I made myself clear? Anyway, Im amazed at the progress youve made. Hope youll find

5、a good job soon. Huahua,.高频单词点击 用所给单词的正确形式填空 1.A (balance)diet provides nutrition for your body.,答案:balanced,2.I had to explain the reasons to satisfy his (curious).,答案:curiosity,3.The books (weak) is the authors inability to support his idea.,答案:weakness,4.I have hardly enough (strong)left to move

6、my feet.,答案:strength,5.Calcium is (benefit)to our bones.,答案:beneficial,6.These players made a very good (combine).,答案:combination,7.Only a (limit)number of places are available.,答案:limited,8. (fry)potatoes are cooked in deep fat.,答案:Fried,9.This restaurant was giving its (custom)energygiving food.,答

7、案:customers,10.I soon discerned that the man was (lie).,答案:lying,8. 增加体重,7. 不久以后,6. 削减;删节,5. 欠债,4. 谋生,3. 赢回;重新获得,.重点短语回顾 1. 体重减轻,减肥,lose weight,get away with,win.back,earn ones living,in debt,cut down,before long,put on weight,2. 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚,.常用佳句必备 1.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling

8、very frustrated.,答案:Following the old man,信息提取 句中feeling very frustrated是现在分词短语 作伴随状语。分词短语作状语时,要注意其和逻辑主语 的关系。若表示主动关系,用现在分词,表示被动关系 则用过去分词。本句中王鹏感到沮丧,为主动关系,所 以用feeling。,例句仿写 年轻人跟在老人的后面开始慢慢地走起来。 , the young people started walking slowly.,2.Nothing could be better.,答案:cant;better,信息提取 比较级的否定形式,实际上表示的是最高级

9、的含义。,例句仿写 我再也想不出比这更好的主意了。 I think of a idea.,3.He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!,答案:speaking to me,信息提取 have sb.doing意为“允许某人做某事”时, 常用于否定句中;意为“使某人做某事”时,多用于肯 定句中。,例句仿写 我不允许你这样对我讲话。 I cant have you like this.,4. But dont you think it would be better if you were a bit thinn

10、er?,信息提取 该句中宾语从句是虚拟语气,表示对现 在情况的虚拟,此处表示委婉的建议。,例句仿写 如果我现在见到他,我会很高兴。 If now,I would be very happy.,答案:I saw him,5.破解疑难句,3.My advice is that early. 我的建议是我们应该及早开始。,.交际用语必背 建议或劝告(Suggestions and advice) 1.Something must about it. 必须得想个办法。,be done,taking,we should start,2.Id strongly advise a different app

11、roach. 我强烈建议换个方式。,5.I suggested that we should deal with the problem another way. 我向他建议我们用另一种方式处理这个问题。,4.Its to hold the party outside the house. 在户外聚会是个好主意。,a good idea,to him,All the parts of the building are in perfect balance. 建筑物的各部分都显得非常匀称。 You have to the advantages of living downtown against

12、 the disadvantages. 你必须权衡住在市中心的利弊。,balance n.天平,平衡;结余,余额v. 平衡,权衡,balance,keep ones balance 保持平衡 lose ones balance 失去平衡 out of balance 不平衡 on balance 总的来说 a sense of balance 平衡感 balanced adj. 平稳的,安定的,和谐的 keep a balanced diet 保持饮食平衡,The girl and fell off the balance beam. 小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来。 He could

13、not on the bike and fell. 他在自行车上不能保持平衡,摔倒了。 I think I prefer the new education system. 总的说来,我觉得自己更喜欢新的教育体制。 Athletes need . 运动员要有良好的平衡感。,lost her balance,keep his balance,on balance,a good sense of balance,(2010江西南昌检测)In education there should be a good among the branches of knowledge that contribut

14、es to effective thinking and wise judgment. A.distribution B.balance C.combination D.assignment,解析:考查名词词义辨析。balance平衡;distribution分配,分布;combination结合,联合;assignment分配,指派。,答案:B,strength n. U力量,力气C长处,优点,优势,I have hardly enough strength left to move my feet. 我连移动双脚的力气都几乎没有了。 The ability to keep calm is

15、one of her many strengths. 能够保持冷静是她的多项长处之一。,at full strength 全员;满额 build up ones strength 增强实力 strengthen vt. 加强,增强,It may take a few weeks for you to your strength again.可能需要几个星期你才能恢复体力。 They decided to the management to deal with the financial crisis.他们决定加强管理来应对金融危机。,build up,strengthen,strength,e

16、nergy,power,force,(1)strength 多用来指人的“力气”。 (2)energy意为“能量;能源;精力”。 (3)power可指“动力、思维能力、权力等各种力量 或能力”。 (4)force指物理学意义上的力,也指为做成某事而使用 的力量,还常指武力。,He put all his into helping her. 他竭尽全力帮助她。 The soldiers took the prisoners away by . 士兵们强行把犯人带走了。,energies,force,(1)The of him is that he is always trying to over

17、come his weakness. A.strength B.benefit C.technique D.value,解析:strength此处意为“长处,优势”。benefit益处,好处;technique技术,技巧;value价值。,答案:A,(2)(2010江西景德镇检测)To regain their after a hard game, the players lay on the grass. A.force B.energy C.power D.health,解析:考查名词词义辨析。force做成某事而使用的力量,还常指武力;energy能量,能源,精力;power动力、思维能

18、力、权力等各种力量或能力;health健康。由句意可知B项正确。,答案:B,limit n.界限;限度;vt.限制;限定,Ill help as much as I can,but there is a limit to what I can do. 我会尽力帮忙,但我所能够做的也是有限度的。,go beyond/over the limit 超过限度 within the limits of 在的范围内 set a limit to sth. 对规定限度 reach ones limit 达到极限 limit sth.to sth. 把限定在的范围内 limited adj. 有限(制)的

19、be limited to sth. 受限制于 limitation n. 限制;局限,I shall limit myself to three aspects of the subject. 我仅探讨这个问题的三个方面。 Families are limited four free tickets each. 每户限发四张免费票。 His patience . 他的忍耐达到了极限。 This technique is useful but it has its . 这种技术实用但也有局限性。,to,reached its limit,limitations,(2010河北唐山市检测)The

20、re is little time left, so the chairman asked me to my speech to 20 minutes. A.make B.give C.limit D.explain,解析:考查动词短语搭配。limit my speech to 20 minutes“把我的演讲消减到二十分钟”。故C项正确。,答案:C,benefit vt. 使受益,得益n.好处,利益,优势,It is an expensive investment but it will benefit the company in the long run.这是一项花费很大的投资,但从长远

21、来看,它将对公司有好处。,benefit from/by. 从受益,得益于 benefit sb. 对某人有益 be of(much, great) benefit to sb.be beneficial to sb. 对某人有益处 be of no benefit to sb. 对某人没有益处 for the benefit of. 为了的利益 beneficial 有益处的,有好处的, those people who arrived late,Ill just go over the plan again. 为了那些迟到的人,我将把计划再讲一遍。 These small business

22、es the fall in interest rates. 小企业因利率下降而得到了很大的好处。 The new regulations will everyone concerned.新规章将使所有的相关人员受益。,have benefited greatly from,For the benefit of,be of benefit to,(2010洛阳检测)The new medical care policy will be to us all. A.great benefit B.benefited C.beneficial D.for the benefit,解析:考查benef

23、it的短语搭配。对有好处可以表达成be of great benefit,benefit sb.,be beneficial to sb.,故C项正确。,答案:C,To make the cake,first combine the eggs,butter,and sugar. 要做蛋糕,先得把鸡蛋、黄油和白糖混合在一起。,combine vt.&vi.(使)联合;(使)结合,combine.with. 把与结合起来 combination n. 结合;联合;化合(物) a combination of. 一种的结合(物) in combination with 与联合起来,Some film

24、s education recreation. 有些电影把教育与娱乐结合起来。 The club is supported by a combination of people from all social classes. 该俱乐部受到社会各阶层民众团体的支持。,combine,with,combine,unite,connect,join,(1) combine强调通过混合或结合产生一个新产品的过程中每个个体的特性也随之消失,多用于抽象或无形的东西. (2)unite指许多的个体由于共同的目的或性质结合成一个大的集体。 (3)connect表示“连接,结合”,指两事物在某些方面有关联,但

25、各自保持自己的特点和独立性,可用于具体事物或抽象概念。 (4 )join表示“连接,结合”,强调原来是分离的东西,现在连接或联合在一起。,We cant always work with pleasure. 我们并不总是能在工作中享受到乐趣。 The two villages are by the river. 这条河把两个村子连接在一起。 The two parties were in fighting against foreign invasion.两个政党联合起来抵抗外国侵略。,combine,connected,united,(2010郑州检测)If your knowledge c

26、an be in some way with my experiences, we are sure to succeed. A.joined B.united C.Connected D.combined,解析:考查动词词义。 join参加;unite联合;connect联系,连接;combine结合。由题意知D项正确。,答案:D,Those who lie and cheat will never get away with it. 那些撒谎和欺骗别人的人决不会逃得过惩罚。 For such a serious mistake, he was lucky to .他犯了那么严重的过失, 却

27、侥 幸只交罚款了事。,get away with被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚,get away with a fine,get across (使)被理解,(把)讲清楚 get around/round 走动;消息传开 get rid of 摆脱;除掉 get away(from) (从)脱离,逃脱 get down to(doing) sth. 开始认真地做某事 get in 插话;收获,get out (of.) 出去,离开,逃脱,摆脱 get hold of 抓住 get over 爬过;克服(困难); 从中恢复过来 get through 完成;花光(时间、钱等); 通过;接通电话,Yo

28、ur meaning didnt really . 你的意思并未真正为别人理解。 I wont be able to the office before 7. 我7点之前无法离开办公室。 He was disappointed at not getting the job, but hell . 他因没有得到那份工作而大失所望, 不过他能想得开。,get across,get away from,get over it.,(1)(2007天津高考)Hardly could he this amount of work in such a short time. A.get through B.

29、get off C.get into D.get down,解析:考查短语动词辨析。句意:在这么短的时间内,他几乎完不成这些工作。get through完成,做完;get off下车;get into穿上,惹麻烦。,答案:A,(2)(2009四川高考)Have you ? No, I had the wrong number. A.got in B.got away C.got off D.got through,解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:你打通了吗?没有,号码不对。get in收获;get away逃离;get off下来,下车;get through接通(电话)。故选D项。,答案:D,

30、In my opinion, he cant have been in heavy debt. 在我看来,他不可能负债累累。,in debt负债,be in heavy debt 负债累累 be in debt to sb. 欠某人债 be in sbs debt 感激某人;欠某人的情 pay off all the debts 还清债务(表动作) be out of debt 不欠债(表状态) get/run into debt 陷入债务,Being makes Tom a light mood 还清了债务使得汤姆心情轻松。 We were poor but we never . 我们很穷但

31、是从来没负债。 He managed to in two years. 他设法在两年内还清了所有债务。,out of debt,got into debt,pay off his debts,(2010银川检测) Do you think a person is more clever than one ? A.with debt;without debt B.under debt;up debt C.in debt;out of debt D.on debt;over debt,解析: in debt有债务;out of debt没有债务。,答案:C,You smoke too muchyo

32、u should try to cut down. 你抽烟太凶了,该少抽点。 The coal industry was cut down to half its former size. 煤炭业规模缩小了一半。,cut down削减;删节,cut across (抄近路)穿过 cut into 切碎;粉碎 cut back 削减;缩减 cut in 插嘴,打断 cut off 切掉;砍掉;从上截下 cut through 将凿穿;抄近道 cut up 切碎;剪碎,I wish Marie would stop on our conversation. 我希望玛丽不要再打断我们的谈话。 One

33、 of his fingers in the accident. 在那场事故中,他的一个手指被切掉了。 He decided to the forest. 他决定抄近路穿过森林。,cutting in,was cut off,cut through,(2010芜湖检测)Your article is too long. You must to about 3,000 words. A.cut it off B.cut it up C.cut it down D.cut it out,解析:考查动词短语辨析。 cut off剪掉;cut up切碎,cut down删减;cut out切成, 剪成

34、。由题意知C项正确。,答案:C,Nothing could be better. 再没有比这些更好吃的了。,表示最高级意义的几种特殊结构: (1)never比较级 (2)nothing(或no)so原级as. nothing(或no)比较级than. (3)比较级than,any other单数名词 all (the) other复数名词 anyone else any of the other复数名词 the rest of复数名词或 不可数名词,I have never spent a more worrying day. 我从来没有经历过更令人担忧的一天。 You couldnt hav

35、e chosen for me.你无法给我选到比这个更令人满意的礼物了。 Nothing is than health. 健康的身体是最宝贵的。 No one is so deaf as those who wont listen. 最聋者莫过于不听劝说的人。 No other book has my life. 没有别的书对我的生活有更大的影响。,a more satisfying present,more precious,had a greater effect on,(1)Did you enjoy yourself at the party? Yes,Ive never been t

36、o one before. A.a more excited B.the most excited C.a more exciting D.the most exciting,解析:考查形容词的比较级。句意:我以前从未参加过比这更激动人心的晚会。比较级用于否定句中表示最高级的意义。,答案:C,(2)He ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds,and I have not seen this year. A.the best B.better C.the most D.more,解析:句意:他在百米赛跑中跑了9.91秒,今年我还没见过比这跑得更快的。have no

37、t/never done比较级表示该事情是“最的”,用比较级来表述最高级的意义。此处若用more则表示“没见过(比这)更多的”,意义不当。,答案:B,have sb. doing sth.意为“允许某人做某事”时,常用于否定句中;意为“使某人做某事”时,多用于肯定句中。 I had them all laughing at my jokes. 我的笑话令他们全都笑了。,He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。,have sb.do sth. 叫/让某人做某事 have st

38、h.done 让(别人)做某事 have sth.to do 有些事情要做 have sth.to be done 有些事情需要做(别人做),I want to post a letter. Do you have some letters to be posted? 我要去寄信。你有信要寄吗? No,Thank you,anyway.没有,仍然谢谢你。 Will you have my cases sent up,please? 请你叫人把我的箱子送上来好吗?,(2007福建高考)Jenny hopes that Mr.Smith will suggest a good way to hav

39、e her written English in a short period. A.improved B.improving C.to improve D.improve,解析:本题考查非谓语动词。have在此处为使役动词,“使,让”,后可接do,doing或done作宾补,宾语her written English与improve之间为动宾关系,故应用过去分词作宾补。,答案:A,情态动词 1.(2008全国卷)Lisa well not want to go on the tripshe hates traveling. A.will B.can C.must D.may,解析:本题考查情

40、态动词。句意:Lisa完全可能不想去旅游她不喜欢旅行。破折号后的部分表明对前句的推测是有充分理由的,may与well连用表示有充分理由。will表推测意为可能,该是;can表推测常用于疑问句和否定句中;must表推测常用于肯定句中。,答案:D,2.(2008北京高考)John promised his doctor he not smoke,and he has never smoked ever since. A.might B.should C.could D.would,解析:本题考查情态动词用法。本句中and的部分“自从那时他从没吸过烟”说明约翰有强烈的意志,而四个选项中只有would

41、可表示意志,故选D。might可表示推测,表委婉的责备,也可用于虚拟语气中;should表责任、义务、惊奇、推测等;could表可能性,可表示婉转的语气。,答案:D,3.(2008天津高考)She have left school, for her bike is still here. A.cant B.wouldnt C.shouldnt D.neednt,解析:本题考查情态动词表推测的用法。cant表示“不可能”,根据“她的自行车还在这里”可推测出“她不可能已经离开学校”。wouldnt have done常用在虚拟语气中,表示与过去事实相反的假设;shouldnt have done表

42、示“过去不应该做但事实上已经做了”;neednt have done表示“过去做了本不必做的事”,这三者均与句意不符,故排除。,答案:A,4.(2008重庆高考) I cant find my purse anywhere. You have lost it while shopping. A.may B.can C.should D.would,解析:考查情态动词的用法。句意:我到处找不到我的钱包。购物时你可能把它丢了。由句意可知这是对过去发生事情的一种可能性的推断,可知要用may have done形式。can常用在否定句或疑问句中表推断;should have done表示本应该做某事,

43、但实际未做,不符合题意;would have done表示一种与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。,答案:A,5.(2008湖南高考)You dont have to know the name of the author to find a book.You find the book by the title. A.must B.need C.can D.would,解析:考查情态动词的用法。句意:找一本书你没有必要知道该书的作者。你可以通过书名找到它。题干中最有用的信息是dont have to,因此可以排除must必须,和need有必要;can在此表示建议。,答案:C,6.(2008浙江高考)Y

44、ou be hungry alreadyyou had lunch only two hours ago! A.wouldnt B.cant C.mustnt D.neednt,解析:本题考查情态动词。句意:两小时之前你刚吃过午饭,你不可能已经饿了。英语中根据一定现象对另一件事进行推测在肯定句中用must,在否定句或疑问句中进行推测用can;如果对已经发生过的事情进行推测则用must/cant have done。根据句意可知是对现在的否定推测,故选B。,答案:B,7.I was on the highway in Hangzhou city when a car went past followed by a police car.They at least 150 kilometers an hour. A.should have been doing B.must have been doing C.could have done D.would have done,解析:句意:我正在高速公路上行驶,这时一辆警车跟 着一辆车从旁边经过。它们一定是在以至少每小时150公


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