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1、描写自己理想中的学校 .文体指南 这类文章属于说明文范畴。要求写作目的明确,实事求是,把介绍的对象说明白,层次要分明,安排要合理,过渡要自然,语言要简练,用词要准确,使人们对被说明的事物有一个清楚、完整的认识和了解。这种文章可按以下段落来写: (1)介绍:导入文章,通过个人信息或与文章有联系的历史背景导入。 (2)位置和设施 说出位置在哪里,描述特殊建筑物、房间或其他设施。,(3)时间表 时间表上的科目,包括特殊科目和学生们的自由时间。 (4)课外活动 说出学生在学习时间之外参加的课外活动。 (5)结束语 作为结束语写出你对学校的美好的愿望。,.模板句式 At the moment,I go

2、to a senior high school in my hometown.Its quite. My perfect school would be in the centre of the city,but near athere would also be computers. Students would study all the school subjects such as.However,there would also be some new optional subjects,for example,literary appreciation. There would b

3、e many afterschool interest groups,such as. In conclusion,I think my school would have a good variety of activitiessomething for everyone.,.目标训练 请根据下列内容,写出你理想中的学校: 位置:在乡村,靠近树林。 设施:图书馆、体育馆、游泳池、语音室、咖啡吧等。 课程:中学所有的课程。 选修课,烹调、动手做、文学欣赏等。 业余活动:丰富多彩,如:棋类、戏剧、合唱、运动等。,.高分范文 My Ideal School Do you like the magi

4、cal school in Harry Porter? The high castles are covered with green vines,and the old bell tower stands among the energetic youth.Thats exactly my ideal school. My ideal school would be in the countryside,and near a big forest so that students may have some fun there.The school would have a library,

5、a gymnasium,a swimming pool and a language lab.In addition,a coffee bar is necessary where we could spend our idle time. Students would study all the school subjects such as history,maths,science,foreign languages and geography.,Their free time should be colored with optional subjects,such as cookin

6、g,doityourself,literary appreciation. Meanwhile,students can take part in various activities outside the main timetable.There would be many afterschool interest groups,such as chess,choir,drama and sports. In a word,my ideal school is the place where we can study as well as having a good variety of activities.,


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