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1、Unit 4期中复习,1 梦想 2 明亮的 3 日记(复数) 4 业余爱好(复数) 5 确实,的确 6 另外,其它 7 希望 8 乐趣 9 偶像(复数) 10活动(复数) 11 生物 12 地理 13 历史 14 建筑物 15 现代的 16 只有 17 原因 18 信 19 费时 20 很少,不常 21 需要 22 从不 23 开始 24 一刻钟 25首先 26 练习,训练 27 博物馆 28 生活,生命(复数) 29 世界 30 两次,1 梦想dream 2 明亮的 bright 3 日记(复数)diaries 4 业余爱好(复数)hobbies 5 确实,的确really 6 另外,其它e

2、lse/ other 7 希望 hope 8 乐趣 fun 9 偶像(复数)heroes 10活动(复数)activities 11 生物 biology 12 地理geography 13 历史 history 14 建筑物 building 15 现代的modern 16 只有 only 17 原因 reason 18 信 letter 19 费时 take 20 很少,不常seldom 21 需要need 22 从不never 23 开始 start 24 一刻钟quarter 25首先first 26 练习,训练practice 27 博物馆museum 28 生活,生命(复数)liv

3、es 29 世界 world 30 两次twice,31 变为现实 32 谈论 33 在周末 34 通电话 35 向借 36 一些 37 远离 38 叫醒他 39玩得高兴 40上课 41 上学迟到 42 互相聊天 43 为准备好 44对有好处 45 一个月一次 46 去野餐 47 进行课外活动 48 做早操 49 在学校门口 50 在我空闲时 51 在我和他之间 52 对世界有很多了解,31 变为现实come true 32 谈论talk about / of 33 在周末at/ on weekends 34 通电话on the phone 35 向借borrow from 36 一些 a f

4、ew 37 远离far away from 38 叫醒他wake him up 39玩得高兴have fun 40上课 have lessons 41 上学迟到be late for school 42 互相聊天chat with each other 43 为准备好 get ready for 44对有好处be good for 45 一个月一次once a month 46 去野餐go on picnics 47 进行课外活动do after-school activities 48 做早操do morning exercises 49 在学校门口 at the school gate 5

5、0 在我空闲时in my free time 51 在我和他之间 between him and me 52 对世界有很多了解 learn a lot about the world,1 你多久看一次电视?一周两次 2 你每天花多长时间做作业?我花半小时做作业。 3 这家商店几点开门?从早晨8点营业到下午5点。 4 你最喜爱的运动是什么? 5 我希望你梦想成真。 6 还想要些什么吗?,1 How often do you watch TV? Twice a week. 2How long does it take you to do your homework every day? It ta

6、kes me half an hour to do my homework. 3 What time does the shop open ? It is open from 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. 4 Whats your favourite sport? 5 I hope your dream comes true. 6 What else do you want? What other things would you like?,like doing love doing enjoy doing go doing practise doing have fun /

7、have a good time doing be good at doing do well in doing What about doing? Thanks for doing,want to do would like to do hope to do have (no) time to do sth It takes sb time to do sth It time to do sth. Lets do sth. let sb do sth make sb do sth help sb do sth,他来自北京,但现在和他家人住在南京。 他个子不高,头发短,戴眼镜。他喜欢所有 的功

8、课,擅长数学。在学校里他有一些新朋 友。他们都对他很友好。,He comes from Beijing, but now he with his family lives in Nanjing. He isnt tall. He has short hair and wears glasses. He likes all the lessons. He is good at Maths. He has some new friends at school.They are all very nice to him.,我爱运动。我非常喜欢打篮球因为它有乐趣。 我经常在操场上练习打篮球。我经常和朋

9、友 谈论篮球。在我空闲时,我喜欢看电视上的 篮球赛。这使得我快乐。我最喜爱的运动员 是姚明。我喜欢他因为他篮球打得很好。他 是我的偶像。我想成为象他那样的运动员。,I love sports. I like playing basketball very much because it is fun. I often practice playing basketball on the playground. I often talk about basketball with my friends. In my free time, I like watching basketball ma

10、tches on TV. It makes me happy. My favourite player is Yao Ming. I like him because he plays basketball very well. He is my hero. I want to be a player like him.,我在宁海中学学习。我们学校很大。有许 教室。有一个阅览室,一个图书馆。我们 经常从图书馆借书。我们的操场不大,我们 经常下课后在操场上玩。我们的老师都很友 好。我们非常喜欢他们。我家远离学校。我 每天乘公交车上学。到达学校花费我大约半 小时。,I study at Ningh

11、ai Middle School. Our school is very big. There are lots of classrooms. There is a reading room and a library. We often borrow books from the library. Our playground isnt big. We often play on the playground after class. Our teachers are all kind. We love them very much. I live far away from the sch

12、ool. I take a bus to school every day. It takes me about half an hour to get to school.,我们学校早晨7点半开始,下午5点放学。每天 八节课,八点开始上课。我最喜爱的科目是英 语。我学的很好。我的同学都对我很好。我们 经常下课后互相聊天。我总是星期二下午去读 书俱乐部在那里看书。我也喜欢打排球,加入 了校排球队。我们在学校里总是玩得很开心。,Our school starts at 7:30 in the morning and finishes at 5;00 in the afternoon. We ha

13、ve eight lessons every day.Our lessons start at 8:00. My favourite subiects are English and Geography. I am good at them. My classmates are all nice to me. We often chat with each other after class. I always go to the Reading Club and read books there on Tuesday afternoon. I also like playing volleyball. I am in the school volleyball team. We always have a good time at school.,


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