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1、Unit 9 What does he look like?,By Millie,ear,hair,eye,hand,head,arm,leg,face,back,nose,mouth,foot(feet),George Bush,He has short, gray hair.,灰白的,What does he look like?,She has white hair.,What does she look like?,blonde hair,brown hair,blond hair,short hair,long hair,curly hair,straight hair,short,

2、 curly blonde, hair,long,straight, black hair,bald,hair 头发 short hair long hair curly hair straight hair gray /brown/ blond hair,她有一头短的金黄色的卷发。 She has short, curly, blonde hair. 她有一头漂亮乌黑的长发 She has beautiful, long, black hair.,漂亮+长短+形状+颜色,How to describe hair ?,He has beautiful, short, curly and bro

3、wn hair.,He has a beard.,beard /bd/,胡须,He has a mustache.,mustache /mst/,髭,胡子,络腮胡子 whiskers /wskz/,He has a whiskers.,wear glasses,wear sunglasses,wear 动词, 可表示“戴着眼镜”, “穿着样的衣服”等。 wear 表示经常性的状态 put on表示穿的动作,wear,wear用进行时态时表示短时间内的状态。 She wears sports shoes every day. 她每天穿运动鞋。 Mr. Brown wears glasses. 布

4、朗先生戴着眼镜。 Miss Li is wearing a new dress today. 李老师今天穿着一件新裙子。,thin,heavy,medium build,build(身材,体型),heavy,thin,medium build,medium,服装型号可知道? L M S,large,medium,small,strong,weak,short,tall,height(高度,身高),high和tall,high adj. 高的, 指物体或位置的高,或抽象意义的高 如山,物价,温度,位置,品质,评价等 反义词 low tall adj.高的 指人,动物,树,建筑物等 反义词 sho

5、rt,Write more words in each box.,short,thin, heavy, medium build strong weak,long, short curly straight gray brown blond bald,beautiful handsome cute good-looking ordinary-looking ugly-looking,short /straight /curly hair a big nose small eyes a round face,tall short thin heavy of medium height of me

6、dium build good-looking,Sb.+have/has +a/an+adj.+n.,Sb. +be+adj.,描述人的长相用动词be还是have/has,描述人的重点句型: What does/do he/she/you/they look like? 1)I am/ He/She is of medium height/tall/short /fat/heavy/thin/strong/bald. 2) He /She/They has/have a medium build/short straight hair/long curly hair/blonde/blond

7、curly hair/a beard/a mustache. 3) I/They wear/He/She wears glasses/a T-shirt.,Whos this man?,Hes Jackie Chan.,What does he look like?,Hes of medium height, and he has short hair.,be like和 look like,be like:意为“像一样”,指品德,相貌等,更强调人的性格特征 Why does he want to do that? Its not like him. 他为什么要那么做?这可一点都不像他。 lo

8、ok like:意为“看起来像”,强调外貌上 He looks like Father Christmas. 他长得像圣诞老人。,height,He is of medium height.,He is short.,He is tall.,What does he look like ?,build,What does he look like ?,He is heavy.,He is of medium build.,He is thin.,What does he look like ?,hair,He has long hair.,He has short hair.,She has

9、curly hair.,She has straight hair.,选择疑问句 选择疑问句一般提出两种或两种以上的可能,让对方选择。 其结构可用一般疑问句,也可用特殊疑问句, 供选择的部分由or连接,前者用声调,后者用降调。 选择疑问句的答语必须是完整的句子或其省略式,不能用yes或no。,1)一般疑问句+A+or+B? -Are you a worker_ _ _?你是工人还是学生? -Im a student. 我是一名学生。 2)特殊疑问句+A or B? -Which subject do you like better, math _ _? -English.,or a stude

10、nt,or English,He isnt tall or short. 他不高也不矮。 英语中在受到否定概念限定的部分一般不用and,而用or。 I dont have any brothers or sisters 我没有兄弟姐妹。 注意这里用的是 or 而不是 and.,Are you going to the movie tonight? 今晚你要去看电影吗? 现在进行时表将来: 现在进行时除表进行外,还可以表示将来 现在进行时表将来时常有“意图”“安排”或“打算”的含义 它常表最近或即将的将来,所用动词多为位移(瞬间)动词。 如arrive,go,come,leave,start,m

11、eet等 (1)_. 我要走了 (2)_.我要来了。 (3) When _you_? 你什么时候离开?,现在进行时表将来,Im going,Im coming,are,leaving,But I may be a little late. 但是我可能晚一点儿。 a little +adj./adv. =kind of /a (little) bit +adj./adv. 意为“有点儿”(a little bit 程度稍弱些) Its _cold today. 今天有点冷。,a little/ kind of /a bit/ a little bit,little 和few 都表示“少” ,fe

12、w修饰可数名词复数,little修饰不可数名词 a little +不可数名词 “ 有一点儿 ” a few +可数名词复数 “ 有几个” little +不可数名词 表否定, “几乎没有” few +可数名词复数 表否定, “几乎没有” There is _milk in the fridge.冰箱里还有一点牛奶。 There is_ milk in the fridge.冰箱里几乎没有牛奶了。 She has _friends. 她有一些朋友。 She has _friends. 她几乎没有朋友。,a little,little,a few,few,glasses 眼镜 a pair of

13、 glasses 一副眼镜 glass n.(可数) 玻璃杯 n.(不可数) 玻璃 1) Tom always wears_. 2) Be careful of the_.小心玻璃。 3) There are two _of water on the table.,a pair of glasses,glass,glasses,person n. 表个人 ,常用于数目不太大而且比较精确的场合 a person two persons people n. 表全体,集合名词(pl.) ,不能用a, one修饰 There are many _at the party. 聚会上有很多人。 There

14、 are three _in the bus. 公共汽车上有三个人。 There is only one _in the room. 房间里只有一个人。,people,people/persons,person,person和 people,多个形容词修饰名词的排列顺序,其顺序为: 限定词-数词-描绘词-(大小, 长短, 形状,年龄, 新旧, 颜色)出处材料性质, 类别-名词 a small round table a tall gray building a dirty old brown shirt a famous German medical school an expensive J

15、apanese sports car,口诀:大小形状描述性,年龄颜色后跟定, 产地材料和用途,先后顺序已排清。,一张小的圆桌,一栋灰色的高楼,一件又脏又旧的棕色衬衫,一所著名的德国医学学校,一辆昂贵的日本跑车,2. One day they crossed the _ bridge behind the palace. A. old Chinese stone B. Chinese old stone C. old stone Chinese D. Chinese stone old,A,3. This _girl is Lindas cousin. A. pretty little Span

16、ish B. Spanish little pretty C. Spanish pretty little D. little pretty Spanish,A,1. Tony is going camping with _ boys. A. little two other B. two little other C. two other little D. little other two,C,练一练,4. Our English teacher _ tall and he _ of medium build. A. has, has B. has, is C. is, has D. is

17、, is 5. -Is he heavy? -No, he is a little bit _. A. tall B. thin C. short D. quiet 6. -Is your friend quiet? -No, he never stops _. A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. laughing,D,B,B,7. The boy _ black hair _ a blue coat. A. has, has B. with, in C. has, wears D. with, wears 8. People like wearing _ in

18、hot days. A. a glass B. glass C. glasses D. The glass,D,C,9. - What does your friend look like? - _. A. He is thin B. She is a kind girl C. She likes music D. She has good-looking 10. - Lucy doesnt have curly hair. - Yes, we can say she has _hair. A. bald B. blonde C. short D. straight,A,D,11. -Whic

19、h is your teacher? -The one _ thick glasses is. A. wears B. wear C. with D. has 12. -Is Miss Gao tall? -No, she isnt tall, and she isnt short, too. She is _ . A. of medium height B. of medium build C. a little heavy D. thin,C,A,13. -Who is in the classroom now? - _. All the students are on the playg

20、round. A. Someone B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Mary 14. -Tom is not very heavy. -Yes, I think we can say he is _ heavy. A. a little B. a bit C. a little bit D. A, B and C,C,D,黄晓明 179cm,handsome actor,This is Huang Xiaoming. He_ _. He is an _. He is 1.79 meters_. And he _of medium build. He _short straigh

21、t black_.,郭敬明 155cm writer,This is Guo Jingming. Hes handsome. He is a_. He is_ _tall. He _ _ _ _hair.,is,actor,tall,is,has,hair,writer,1.55,meters,has,short,straight blond,handsome,彭丽媛 singer,This is Peng Liyuan. Shes very_. Shes of medium _and of medium_, and she has_ _and_ _ _hair. Shes a famous

22、_. She sings very _. Now shes First Lady of_.,singer,well,China,big eyes,long,curly black,beautiful,height,build,常用的询问对方工作的句子:,Whats+ ones+ job? What+ do/does+ sb. +do? What +be+sb. ?,actor (男)演员 actress 女演员 waiter(男)服务员 waitress女服务员 v. +or n.(人) visit visitor 参观者 v. +er n.(人) teacher/worker/reader/

23、singer v./n. +ist n.(从事的专家) artist scientist,动词变名词的几种形式,police,And the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him. 警察把画像放在报纸和电视上来寻找此人。 police: 意为“警察、警方”,为集合名词 和people(人、人们)的用法相似。如: The police are also looking for the car. 警方也在寻找那辆车。 表达“一名警察”时,要用a policeman /policewoman,在报纸上,用in newspa

24、pers,不用on. 在电视里,用on television, 而不是 in television.,Many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently. 人们并不是总以相同的方式看待事物,所以他们会将同一个人描述的不一样。 same 和 different 是一对反义词,前者表示相同的,后者表示不同的。 same 用作形容词时,常用来修饰名词,且前面常加定冠词 the. the same way 相同的方法,相同的方式 the same person

25、同一个人,different:形容词,“不同的,有区别的”,修饰名词或代词 differently :副词,“不同地,有区别地”,修饰动词 difference:可数名词,“差别,差异,不同之处 ” Lucy and Lily have some difference. They are different in their hobbies, so they usually collect things differently.,each和 every,another, the other, the others, others,翻译短语:,1. 中等身材 2. 高个儿 3. 长着短卷发 4.

26、 看起来像 5. 一个新朋友 6. 篮球队 7. 长得好看,medium build be tall have short curly hair look like a new friend the basketball team be good-looking,8. 有一点文静 9. 爱讲笑话 10. 停止谈话 11. 喜欢看书 12. 下中国象棋 13.一个流行歌手,a little bit quiet love to tell jokes stop talking like reading play Chinese chess a pop singer,14. 我最喜欢的电影演员 15. 长着金发 16. 留着胡子 17. 戴着滑稽的眼镜 18. 有一个新外形 19. 穿着牛仔裤 20. 去购物,my favorite movie actor have blonde hair have a beard have/wear funny glasses have a new look wear jeans go shopping,Thank You!,


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