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1、,Chapter 5 Word-formation in English,Minor processes of Word Formation,I Revision,Prefixation Suffixation Conversion Compounding,Conversion,Definition: assigning the base to a different word class with no change of form. E.g. release-release full conversion VS partial conversion (the wealthy, the po

2、or, the ignorant) (1)Conversion to nouns (2)Conversion to verbs (3)Conversion to adjectives (4)Minor categories of conversion,Conversion to nouns. (1) deverbal: dismay, want; fall, laugh; coach,cover;lie, divide (2) de-adjectival: two pints of bitter; they are running in the final. regular, young ma

3、rrieds. Conversion to verbs. (1) denominal: bottle, peel, nurse, mail (2) de-ajectival: calm, dirty, dry,Compounding,Compounding can occur not only in the three major word class(n./ a./v.) but also in other word class: prep.: into, within, by means of, instead of pron.: each other, one another, anyb

4、ody adv.: somehow, upside down, headlong,Features,Orthographically (1) solid, e.g. bedtime (2) hyphenated, e.g. above-mentioned (3) open, e.g. reading material Phonologically a main stress on the first and a secondary stress on the second element. e.g. blackbird black bird headmaster Semantically -m

5、eaning which may be related to but not simple combination of its parts.(darkroom),Noun compounds,(1) subject and verb sunrise, catcall, daybreak, heartbeat, nightfall crybaby, drift ice, turntable, watchdog cleaning woman, firing machine, wading bird investigating committee,(2) verb and object birth

6、-control, haircut, self-destruction sight-seeing, brainwashing, town-planning, housekeeping language teacher, gamekeeper, matchmaker stockholder call-girl, treadmill; chewing gun, drinking water,(3) Verb and adverbial swimming pool, freezing point, diving board adding machine, sewing machine churchg

7、oing, horse riding, sleepwalking fly-fishing, shadow-boxing backswimmer, city-dweller, daydreamer field-work, table talk, night flight, gun fight smallpox vaccination, tax-exemption searchlight, springboard, grindstone,(4) subject and object windmill, cable car, air rifle toy factory, honey-bee, oil

8、 well, tear gas cane sugar, bloodstain, telephone receiver security officer, fireman, deckhand,(5) subject and complement girl friend, pine tree, feeder bus, tape-measure darkroom, double-talk, hot house, blueprint frogman, catfish, dragonfly, tissue paper raindrop, chocolate bar, sand dune, snow fl

9、ake tea room, facecloth, flypaper, flowerbed,(6) Combining form and noun agriculture, barometer, horticulture (7) Exocentric compounds birdbrain, blockhead,Adjective compounds,breathtaking, heartbreaking, law-abiding homemade, handmade, heartfelt, air-borne self-appointed, self-taught, self-styled d

10、ry-cleaned, well-meant dustproof, carsick, foolproof, war-weary, tax-free brick red, rock-hard, sea-green, bottle-green grey-green, deaf-mute, Sino-Italian, aural-oral,Verb compounds,fire-watch, lip-read, brain-wash, house-keep bottle-feed, window-shop, sleep-walk, daydream tick-tock, rat-a-rat, bow

11、-wow, see-saw wishy-washy, dilly-dally, shilly-shally, tip-top, teeny-weeny,汉语中的重叠词,现代汉语的名词、动词、代词、形容词、副词以及量词都可以按照一定的格式重叠。 如: AA式:爸爸、抱抱等; AAB式:毛毛雨、悄悄话等; BAA式:亮晶晶、热乎乎等; AABC 式:楚楚动人、心心相印等; BCAA式:可怜巴巴、浓烟滚滚等; AABB式:干干净净、明明白白等; ABAB式:讨论讨论、琢磨琢磨等; A-A式:想一想、看一看等。,Minor processes of Word Formation,Minor proce

12、ss of word formation,I. Abbreviation 缩略法 1.1 Clipping截短词 1.2 Initialism 首字母缩略词 1.3 Acronymy 首字母拼音词 1.4 Blending拼缀词 II. Backformation 逆生法 III. Analogy 类比法 IV. Onomatopoeia 拟声词,缩略法 abbreviation,汉语: 提字缩略法: 科技、师院、环保、参赛、科研 、高校 合字缩略法: 海内外海内、海外,离退休离休、退休等 流动人口办公室:人流办 * 汉语中比较独特的数字缩略法: 三包包修、包换、包退 四有有理想、有道德、有文

13、化、有纪律 三个代表 八荣八耻,中国工商银行ICBC (Industry and Commercial Bank of China)爱存不存! 中国农业银行ABC (Agriculture Bank of China) 啊,不存! 中国银行 BC(Bank of China) 不存! 中国建设银行CCB(China Construction Bank) 存存吧! 中国交通银行BCM ( China bankcomm) 不存吗? 招行银行 CMBC(Merchants) 存吗?白痴! 北京市商业银行BCCB(Beijing City Commercial Bank) “白存存不?” 国家开发银行

14、C D B(China Development Bank) 存点吧!,Clipping缩短法,-shortening a longer word by cutting a part off the original without changing its meaning. e.g. gas (from gasoline)汽油 bus (from omnibus)公共汽车 1) Front clipping 2) Back clipping 3) Front and back clipping 4) Middle clipping 5) Phrase clipping 6) Journalis

15、t clipping 7) Back clipping + suffix,1) Front clipping: chute (from parachute)降落伞 quake (from earthquake) copter (from helicopter)直升机 2) Back clipping: French fries (from French fried potatoes) memo (from memorandum)备忘录 taxi (from taxicab, cab used in the U.S) dorm (from dormitory), 3) Front and bac

16、k clipping: flu (from influenza)流行性感冒 script (from prescription)处方,药方,对策 tec (from detective),4) Middle clipping curtsy (from curtsey)礼貌,恩惠 maths/math (from mathematics) specs (from spectacles) 眼镜 5) Phrase clipping lube (from lubricating oil) 润滑油 nylons (from stockings made by nylon)尼龙长袜 Three-D (f

17、rom three-dimensional film or form)三维的 zoo-zoological garden 动物园,6) Journalistic clipping Cwlth (from the Commonwealth)联合体,联邦 Dept (from department)部门,系 7) Back clipping + suffix aggro: 1. n. aggression + -o 暴力行为,恼怒 2. adj. aggressive 激进的,挑衅的 comfy (from comfortable) 舒适的,充裕的 hanky/hankie (from handk

18、erchief ) 手帕,Initialisms 首字母缩略词,Initialisms are words formed by acronymy and pronounced as a sequence of letters. Three kinds of initialisms Letters represent full words字母代表全部词语 VOA Voice of America BBC(英籍华侨,英国广播公司) Letters represent constituents in a compound or just parts of a word字母代表一个复合词的构成成分或词

19、的一部分 TV television ID identification or identity card (Students id) Letter represent one word: BBQ,Acronyms 首字母缩略词,A true acronym is a word formed from the initial letters but pronounced as a normal word. AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome DINK: NILK: no income, lots of kids,Six groups accord

20、ing to Usage,acronyms expressing the names of organizations, etc. AFL - American Football League(美国足球联盟) CIA - Central Intelligence Agency(中央情报局) CNN - Cable News Network(美国有线新闻网) FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation(美国联邦调查局) NSC - National Security Council (国家安全委员会) NSF - National Science Foundati

21、on(国家科学基金会) RAF - BrE Royal Air Force(英国国家空军) TUC - BrE Trade Union Congress (英国劳工联合会),b) acronyms representing the names of mechanisms: ERTS - Earth Resources Technology Satellites (地球资源技术卫星) SST- supersonic transport ( 超音速运输机 ) c) acronyms denoting scientific terms: ABD -All But Dissertation (准博士

22、) ESL - English as a Second Language TEFL -Teaching English as a Foreign Language d) acronyms expressing the title of a technical or professional post MA - Master of Arts DA - Doctor of Arts DE - Doctor of Engineering (工程学博士) PhD - Doctor of Philosophy(哲学博士) DSC - Doctor of Science (理学博士),e) acronym

23、s representing common words: aka - also known as (亦称为) TB -tuberculosis OC - oral contraceptive (口服避孕药) f)semi-acronyms(半缩略语) D Notice -Defense Notice (国防机密通知) H-bomb - hydrogen bomb(氢弹) N-bomb - nuclear bomb (核弹) T-shirt - (1920) a collarless short sleeved or sleeveless cotton undershirt,Blending 拼

24、缀法,A blend is a compound word made by blending one word with another word. Blending: combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. e.g. Amerind American Indian Europort European port,Four types according to their morphological structures Head + tail: The first part of the first

25、 word + the last part of the second one (brunch, autocide, Eurovision,Japlish) Head + head: the first part of the first word + the first part of the second one (hi-tech, psywa(r), comsat, interpol) Head + word: the first part of the first word + whole form of the second one (medicare, medicaid,lansi

26、gn, Eurasia) Word + tail: whole form of the first word + the last part of the second one ( airtel, profitward, moonmark, lunarnaut ),Backformation逆成法,-The method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes, so called because many of the removed endings are not suffixes but inseparable parts

27、of the words. 去掉所谓的后缀而产生新词的方法,这是因为许多被去掉的后缀不是真正的后缀,而是单词不可分割的部分。 The opposite process of suffixation Stylistically, back-formation words are largely informal and some of them have successfully gained currency.,1). From nouns ending in er, -ar, -or,-sion,etc e.g. to automateautomation to edit editor to

28、 laselaser to peddlepeddler 2). From nouns endings in other forms: e.g. to diagnosediagnosis to enthuseenthusiasm to type-typewriter,3). From noun compounding: e.g. to babysitbabysitter to housekeephousekeeper to lip-readlip-reading 4). From adjectives e.g. to gloomgloomy to greedgreedy to lazelazy,

29、analogy类比,Single words: Sunrise earthrise,(地出,月球上看地球)moonrise Earthquake starquake(星震), youthquake(青年大骚动). Landscape moonscape(月球表面,月面景色) Chairman chairperson, chairwoman Housewife househusband Hamburger beefburger, cheeseburger, shrimpburger Cafeteria candyteria, washeteria,2. Phrases Environmental

30、 pollution air pollution , cultural pollution, sound pollution ect. On-the-job off-the-job,Onomatopoeia,is a word or a grouping of words that imitates the sound it is describing, suggesting its source object, such as “click,“ “clang,“ “buzz,“ or animal noises such as “oink“, “quack“, “flap“, “slurp“

31、, or “meow“. 拟声法(Onomatopoeia)是英语语言学分支英语修辞学的重要修辞手法。和我们汉语的拟声词有相似之处 汪汪。用词语模拟客观事物的声音,以增强讲话或文字的实际音感。,1、 模拟人声 murmur (咕哝), whisper (耳语声), giggle (咯咯笑声), hum (哼), ouch (哎呀), hush (嘘), chuckle (抿着嘴轻声地笑), mutter (轻声低语), en (嗯), hi (喂), chatter (唠叨), whoop (喘气声), babble (胡言乱语, 含糊不清地说),2、 模拟家禽与飞鸟声 cock-crow,

32、hencackle, chicken-cheep, duck-quack, goose-cackle, dove-coo, magpie-chatter, parrot-squawk, nightingale-jug. 3、 模拟兽类声 ass-bray, pig-grunt, sheep-baa, horse-neigh, lion-roar, cow-moo, dog-bark, fox-yelp, monkey-jabber, mouse-peep, tiger-growl, cat-mew, elephant-trumpet, wolf-bowl,Assignment,Explain

33、these words: -ump: 沉重地碰击 bump clump dump lump plump stump thump,-ush: 与“水”有关 flush, gush, lush, mush, rush, slush, crush fl-:与“火焰”有关 Flame, flare, flash, flicker sl-:与“滑,滑动,滑的烂泥”有关 Slide, slick, sleek, slip sn-:与鼻子有关; 不愉快的联想 Snore, snort, sniff, sneer -unk: 不愉快的联想 Junk, drunk, stunk,Assignment,Analyze the minor processes of word-formation in an (original) English passage(at least 5 words) from newspapers, journals, websites, etc.,Thanks!,


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