人教新课标高中英语必修2 unit3.ppt

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1、Unit 3 Computers,漫画欣赏,画面描述 A young man is running toward the end of a race,sweating all over.The end line leaves a deep impression on us,for it is both “finish line” and “starting line” if we look at it from a different angle.,寓意理解 Achievement calls for celebration.But life is just like an endless r

2、ace.An ambitious person will well realize that his success is the starting point for a new race.,你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,短文填空 根据课文WHO AM I? 完成下列短文。 history of computer began in 1642 in France. was first built only as a calculating machine,and later as an Analytical Machine that followed instruction

3、s from cards with holes. Still later,the “universal machine” is built (solve) mathematical problem,and this made computer huge! It was thought to simpleminded people discovered it had “artificial intelligence”. the years have gone by,computer has been made smaller,quicker cleverer. Later,computers w

4、ere connected by network and brought common peoples homes to deal with information and help communication people around the world. Since birth,computer has always been designed to serve the human race.,The,It,to solve,be,until/before,As,and,into,between,its,.单词拼写 1The a flower looks exactly like a r

5、eal one. 2Shes got the job because she had the a of knowing many languages. 3God is believed to have made the u . 4The invention of the television caused a r in our daily life. 5Plastic is a widely used m . 6He was (徘徊) about in the forest when a tiger came out. 7He is a (头脑简单) person,who has not mu

6、ch intelligence. 8This dish cannot (正确地) be described as Chinese food. 9You have no other (选择) but to obey.,rtificial,dvantage,niverse,evolution,aterial,wandering,simpleminded,truly,choice,.短语填空 1_,elementary schooling is more important than secondary schooling. 2She _ some excuses about her daughte

7、r being sick. 3They use specially trained dogs to _ their sheep at night. 4As far as Im concerned,things will get easier as time _. 5I think we should work out a plan to _ this situation. 6Christmas is a special holiday when the whole family are supposed to _. 7I hear youre looking for a student to

8、_ a volunteer, arent you? 8Dont blame him for breaking that vase;_ he is a child. 9There is a dramatic drop in sales._,profits have greatly declined. 10As grownups,they should learn to take responsibilities _ share rights in life.,In a way,made up,watch over,goes by,deal with,get together,work as,af

9、ter all,As a result,as well as,.完成句子 1And my memory became _ (如此之大,连我自己都不能相信)(so) 2Personally,I think the team _ (获得第一 名的) cheated.(win) 3She programs me with all the possible moves she has seen _ (在观看人类比赛时)(while),so large that I couldnt believe it,who won the first place,while watching human games

10、,.模仿造句 1I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. 翻译三个月后他才病愈恢复健康。 _ 2By the 1940s I had grown as large as a room,and I wonder if I would grow any larger. 翻译到2003年,那家公司已经发展成为一个跨国公司。 _ 3As time went by,I was made smalle

11、r. 翻译随着时间的推移,她越来越想家了。 _,It took three months before he recovered from his illness.,By 2003,that company had developed into a multinational company.,As time went by,she became more homesick.,4I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations. 翻译你不

12、可能叫她既照顾孩子又做家务。 _ 5In this way I can make up new moves using my “artificial intelligence” 翻译我们通常用手机保持联系。 _,You cannot expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children.,We usually keep in touch using mobile phones.,核心词汇梳理,1common adj. 普通的,一般的,常见的;共同的,共有的 Its a mistake quite common amo

13、ng students. 这是一个学生常犯的错误。 Britain and America share a common language. 英美使用共同的语言。 搭配 in common共有;和有共同之处 in common with和一样,辨 析 common/ordinary/usual/general/average/universal/normal common含有经常发生或经常见到的事情,又指普通事物,但并不含有多数的意思,可用于平常的意思,常用于习惯,经验,生活,意见。ordinary意为“平常的”“普通的”“一般的”,是依照一般标准来判断,含有平淡无奇的意味。usual“平常的

14、”“通常的”,强调习惯性,符合规章制度的或一贯如此的。general指“普通的,一般的”与particular相对;average作“普通的”讲时,强调“一般水平”;universal指“普通的”时意为“全然,没有例外”。 normal指正常的,规范的。,选词填空 (1)In _,the northerners are keen on dumplings. (2)He was asked the _ questions by the police. (3)Smith is a very _ name in English. (4)His novel describes the _ people

15、. (5)The doctor said the childs temperature was _. (6)He is a boy of _ intelligence.,general,usual,common,ordinary,normal,average,完成句子 (7)You know,Dorothy,you and I have _ _ _ _(有一点是相同的) (8)We just had _ _ _(一点共同点都没有) and I couldnt communicate with his dull friends. (9)I suddenly felt we had _ _ _ _

16、(有许多相似之处) (10)They can treat most of the _ _(常见病),one thing,in common,nothing in common,a lot in common,common diseases,2.advantage C 优点;好处,同 benefit There is little advantage in buying a dictionary if you cant read. 如果你不识字,买字典也无用。 搭配 (1)take advantage of 利用;欺骗;占便宜。 (2)have (gain,win) an advantage (

17、over) 占优势 (3)have the advantage of sb. 知道某人所不知道的事 (4)to sb.s advantage 对某人有利 完成句子 (1)He has _(有有利条件) a steady job. (2)She _ (利用) my generosity. 派生 advantageous adj.有利的 disadvantage n. 不利条件,不利地位,the advantage of,took advantage of,3.choice n. C选择,挑选;U选择权 Have I any choice but to do as you tell me? 除了依

18、你的话外,我还有什么选择? 搭配 (1)have no choice but to do.别无选择只能 (2)make a careful choice细心选择 take your choice随你选择 It has no choice but to lie down and sleep. 于是它别无选择,只好躺下睡觉。 翻译句子 (1)他除了辞职别无选择。 _ (2)我们面临着困难的抉择。_,He had no choice but to resign.,We are faced with a difficult choice.,4total adj. 完全的;总的 vt.总计 n合计 Im

19、 afraid that the performance was not a total success. 在我看来,这次演出恐怕不能算是完全成功。 We have debts totaling 5,000 dollars. 我们的债务总计为五千美元。 If you add 30 to 45 the total is 75.30加45是75。 联想 in total总共;总计 total up把相加起来 total up to合计是;总计是 完成句子 (1)There were probably about 40 people there _. 那里总共可能有40人。 (2)At the en

20、d of the game _ everyones score to see who has won. 在游戏结束时,把每个人的总分加起来,看看是谁赢了。,in total,total up,5result n结果;成果;成绩 v导致;结果是 联想 as a result 因此;作为结果 as a result of作为的结果 result from因造成 result in导致;结果是 完成句子 (1)He runs every day. _(结果), he has lost weight. (2)She was late _(作为结果)snow.,As a result,as a resu

21、lt of,6.anyway adv.无论如何,反正(转换话题、结束谈话或回到原话题 时说);即使如此,可放在句首或句末。相当于anyhow。 提示 somehow (someway) adv.不知怎么地;不晓得什么缘故;以 某种方法;以某种方式。 翻译句子 (1)He may not like my visit,but I shall go and see him anyway. _ (2)Her father objected,but she went abroad anyway. _ (3)Anyway,I will phone you later. _ (4)You may do it

22、 anyway you like it. _,尽管他或许不喜欢我的到访,我还是要去看他。,她父亲反对,然而她还是出国了。,不管怎样,我一会儿给你打电话。,你可以用任何一种你喜欢的方法去做。,7goal n目标;球门;得分 搭配 achieve ones goal实现目标 set a goal设定目标 score a goal进一个球;得一分 完成句子 (1)我们已经实现了为无家可归者建庇护所的目标。 Weve _of building a shelter for the homeless. (2)练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。 Youd better _ before you start t

23、he drill. (3)巴乔为意大利队进了头一个球。 Baggio _ for Italy.,achieved our goal,set a goal,scored the first goal,8signal n信号 vt.发信号 搭配 send/give a signal发信号 receive/pick up a signal接收信号 句型 signal (to) sb.to do sth.示意某人做某事 (1)她在向孩子们打手势,要他们留在外面。 She _. (2)警察向来往车辆发信号,示意缓慢前行。 The police _ slowly.,was signalling to th

24、e children to stay outside,signaled the traffic to move forward,重点短语例释,1.go by 走过(某地);(时间)过去,流逝;(机会等)失去,被轻易放过 A car went by at full speed.一辆汽车以全速驶过。 Several years went by before they met again. 他们过了好几年后才再度见面。 Dont let this chance go by.不要错失这次机会。 2in a way 有几分;在某种程度上;就某种意义上来说 In a way I like Betty,bu

25、t I wouldnt really trust her. 我有几分喜欢贝蒂,但我不会真正信任她。 In a way I agree with what you said at the meeting. 就某种意义上来说,我同意你在会议上的发言。 联想 in the way妨碍别人 all the way 从开始到现在,自始至终 in one way or another以一种或另一种方式 in no way一点也不,决不 eel ones way摸索着前进 push ones way挤着前进 by the way顺便说一下,3.make up (1)补足 (2)编排 (3)化妆 (4)组成(

26、be made up of. 由组成) (5)整理 拓展 make up for补偿运用:完成句子 (1)She is very good at _ _(编造) excuse. (2)You must _ _ _ _(弥补损失) for the part of Macbeth. (3)We must _ _(弥补) for the lost time.,Making up,make the loss up,make up,4after all 终究;毕竟;别忘了 Wed better buy some presents for our son,after all,his birthday is

27、 only two days away. 我们最好给我们的儿子买些礼物,别忘了,仅仅再过两天他 就生日了。 Forgive him hes a child after all. 原谅他吧,他毕竟还是个孩子嘛。 联想 in all总计 above all首先,首要 first of all首先(not) at all根本(不),5.watch over 看管;监视 完成句子 (1)They took turns to _ the children. 他们轮流看管这些孩子。 (2)They _ by three policemen. 他们被三个警察监视着。 6get together 聚会;聚集

28、完成句子 (1)He _ some friends to plan a party for her. 他和几个朋友聚在一起计划为她举办一个聚会。 (2)We _ at the church. 我们聚集在教堂里。 联想 come together和好;集合 go together一起去;相配;相称 put together装配;组合;拼凑;综合,watch over,were watched over,got together with,got together,疑难语句细解,1I know this sounds very simple,but at that time it was a te

29、chnological revolution!我知道这听起来很简单,但在那时 却是技术革命! 点拨 句中sound是连系动词,意为“听起来”,用于以下三种 结构:接形容词或名词作表语。 (1)报告听起来是真实的。 The report _. (2)听来她是一位很诚实的女人。She _ 点拨 sound like名词或动名词。 (3)这故事听起来很有趣。 The story _. (4)这风听起来好像动物在叫。 The wind _ howling. 点拨 sound as if从句。 (5)听起来你感冒了。 Your voice _ you have a cold. (6)听来好像政府不知所措

30、。 It _ the government dont know what to do.,sounds true,sounds an modest woman,sounds like fun,sounds like an animal,sounds as if,sounds as if,2Then I was the size of a large room! 后来我有一间大房子那么大! 点拨 此句中的the size of相当于as big as,这是一种常见的比较 结构。 完成句子 (1)它大约有两个鸭蛋那么大。 Its about _ a ducks egg. (2)尼日利亚是英国的三倍大

31、。 Nigeria is _Great Britain.,twice the size of,three times the size of,拓展 与此相似的结构还有:the height of (as tall/high as); the length of (as long as);the width of (as wide as);the weight of (as heavy as) (3)这座山的高度是那座山的一半。 This mountain is _. (4)这条路几乎和那条路一样宽。 This road is almost _. (5)这头大象几乎比那匹马重十倍。 This e

32、lephant is almost _.,half the height of that one,the width of that one,ten times the weight of that horse,怎样猜测词义(四) 【方法技巧】 根据构词法猜测词义。例如:They overestimate the interviewees ability and asked him many difficult questions.其中的overestimate是由estimate“估计”加上前缀over“过分”构成的,故可猜测出overestimate意为“过高估计”。,【实例验证】 Tow

33、ards evening,there comes the grand finale of the opening day,an extremely exciting horserace.All the riders run very fast on horseback.Some riders hang off the side of their saddles.Some even ride upside downtheir legs and feet straight up in the airall at full speed.Others rush down the course toge

34、ther,men arm in arm,on different horses.On and on they go.So fast and so wonderful. The underlined word “finale” most probably means the _ of the opening day. Afirst part Bmiddle Clast part Dwhole 解析:finale是由final“最后的”派生而来的,所以很容易就可确 定答案为C。 答案:C,【实践应用】 Most women in Ghanathe educated and illiterate,t

35、he urban and rural,the young and oldwork to make money in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers. Ninety percent of women 15 years of age and over are married.Women say they would like to have six or more children,and in fact an average of seven children is born to every woman

36、.In short,the normal life pattern for most Ghanaian women is to combine an active role in the economy with an active role as wife and mother of a large family.,How do these working mothers deal with their different roles in the home and on the job? Some new ideas are being tried.One of these is fami

37、ly planning to help reduce family size.Another helpful measure is the day care center,but usually the fees are too high for the poor.Ghanaians realize that more day care centers are needed.Ghana today is looking for new ways to meet the needs of women and their families,so women can continue to play

38、 their roles both in the home and in the economy. The underlined word “illiterate” in the passage means _. Arepeated Brich Cuneducated Dsick 解析:illiterate是由literate派生而来,由literate可联想起 literature“文化”,故而可知literate意为“有文化的,受过教 育的”。在literate前加上表示否定意义的前缀il当然就是“没 有文化的,没有受过教育的”。 答案:C,实战演练,A couple of years a

39、go,before a trip to China,Nicole Davis and her US womens volleyball teammates were warned about the prominence(显著、突出) of coach “Jenny” Lang Ping in her native country. “I was pushed over by Chinese journalists while I was just trying to put my luggage on the bus,” said Davis. Known as the “Iron Hamm

40、er” for her punishing spikes(扣球),Lang made it possible for China to dominate in the sport in the early 1980s. She was a key player on Chinas 1984 Olympic gold medalwinning team.,When the US team arrived for the Olympics,Lang,48,who is from Beijing,had to take a different route to avoid a crowd of re

41、porters and fans. Then came the greatest moment to Lang: while the US team was playing in a packed gym,at least 8,000 Chinese fans unfurled an American flag. “That really says it all,” Davis said. “They look at her as an icon (偶像). Im sure its hard for them to see her coaching another country,but th

42、ey love her so dearly that her success is their success.” The loyalty of the Chinese fans was tested on Friday,when China lost a match to the US. “Its a pity that China lost the match,but Im still glad that Lang Pings team won,since she is the pride of Chinas volleyball,” said Liu Chengli,a spectato

43、r. “We also cheered for Langs victory.”,Lang says she just tries to stay professional when the two teams meet. “It doesnt matter if we play China or any other team. Its the same.” Lang said. Davis said she and her teammates could not have imagined the passion for volleyball among Chinese because the

44、 sport was lack of popularity in the US. The reception from Chinese fans has touched the US players,said US volleyball player Lindsey Berg. “Its such an honor to be here and play for our coach here in China,” she said. “The amount of support that the Chinese give to her and us has been tremendous. The whole event has been unbelievable.”,1Whats the passage mainly about? AStaying professional. BCheering for the Iron Hammer. CA match between China and the US.


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