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2、 or attempted;a plan undertaking .计划,方案,规划,提议,工程,项目 vt. If something is projected, it is planned or expected. 计划; 预计 Vt. to show sth.呈现 vt. to make it appear there. 投映 vi. to sticks out above or beyond a surface or edge. 突出,This project involves much difficulty.,(2)But when we project ever in the fu

3、ture, we forget everything we have.,但是, 当我们计划尚在未来的事情时,我们忘记了自己所拥有的一切。,调研方法,He just hasnt been able to project himself as the strong leader.,New words,(3)他只是还没能把自己表现得是个强有力的领导。,(5)a narrow ledge that projected out from the bank of the river.,河岸边突出来的一块狭长的岩脊 。,(4)The team tried projecting the maps with t

4、wo different projectors onto the same screen.,该组尝试用两台不同的放映机将地图投映在同一屏幕上。,调研方法,New words,2. compound /kmpand/ vt. to mix or combine so as to create a compound or other product 通过混合或化合制成;合成;混合. adj. Compound is used to indicate that something consists of two or more parts or things. 复合的 n. it consists

5、of those things. 混合物,(1)复合年增长率超过35%,The compound annual growth rate is over 35% .,(2)Explanations can be causal or rational compound.,解释可能是因果或者理性的混合物。,调研方法,New words,3.hit /ht/,汽车显然在失控滑出前猛地撞到了一个交通指示牌。,The plan to charge motorists to use the motorway is going to hit me hard,向汽车驾驶员收取高速公路使用费这一方案会严重影响到我

6、。,(1) vt. cause to move by striking.打 hit a ball 打球,(2)vt.hit against ;come into sudden contact with.打击,碰撞,撞击,The car had apparently hit a traffic sign before skidding out of control.,(3)vt. affect or afflict suddenly,usually adversely.对造成严重影响,调研方法,New words,(4)vt. it suddenly affects you or comes i

7、nto your mind. 使突然意识到,他承认自己跌到了一生中的最低谷。,He admits to having hit the lowest point in his life.,这首歌在1945年取得了巨大成功。,The song has been a massive hit in 1945.,我突然意识到我可以有所选择。,It hit me that I had a choice.,(5)vt.reach 达到,(6)n.a conspicuous sucess .(唱片、电影或戏剧的) 成功,第二部分,Translation of paragraph,Ironically, the

8、 more we spend on securing the Internet,the less secure we appear to feel.A 2009 report by Input,a marketing intelligence firm,projected that government spending on cybersecurity would grow at a compound rate of 8.1% in the next five years.A March report from consulting firm Market Research Media es

9、timates that the governments total spending on cybersecurity between now and 2015 is set to hit $55 billion, with strong growth predicted in areas such as Internet-traffic surveillance and monitoring.,具有讽刺意味的是,我们在互联网的保护防御上投入的越多,我们似乎感觉越不安全。通过分析2009年的报告,营销情报公司,预计政府在未来五年在网络安全上的支出将以8.1%的复合率增长。由咨询公司市场研究媒

10、体3月份发布的一份报告估计,政府在网络安全方面的总开支从现在到2015年间将达到550亿美元,其中预计诸如在网络流量监测和控制领域的增长尤为迅速。,建议总结,Proposals,第三部分,Paraphrasing,A March report from consulting firm Market Research Media estimates that the governments total spending on cybersecurity between now and 2015 is set to hit $55 billion, with strong growth predi

11、cted in areas such as Internet-traffic surveillance and monitoring.,A March report from consulting firm Market Research Media estimates that the total cost of the government in the aspect of network security from now to 2015 is set to reach $55 billion, which is expected, in the fields such as network traffic surveilance and monitoring is particularly rapid growth.,谢谢观看!,


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