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1、Welcome,马维 新沂市第一中学,Task-based reading,(任务型阅读),“任务型阅读”,主要考查学生何种能力?,能力要求 题目类型 一捕捉信息能力: 信息查找题 属基础题。 二组织信息能力: 信息转换题 属活用题。 三综合概括信息能力:信息归纳题 属概括题。,一. 信息捕捉题,解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息。常用方法:带着问题有意识地在关键处做标记。,In this kind of high-pressure situation, many leaders bother their assistants with frequent meetings or flood th

2、eir inboxes(收件箱) with urgent demands. (2012江苏) Leaders tend to _their assistants too often.,bother/annoy,一. 信息捕捉题,解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息。常用方法:带着问题有意识地在关键处做标记。,.all these can be managed to increase your happiness and your chances of success.(2012 江苏) A lot of factors have an impact on how happy people are

3、whether there are_ of being successful.,chances/opportunities/possibilities,查找定位信息。 有意识地在关键处做标记,即原词查找。,一. 信息捕捉题解题回顾:,二. 信息转换题,(4). 信息释义,(2). 同义词和反义词转换,(3).句子结构转换,(1). 词形、词性转换,解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息,加工分析并转换成另一种表达方式。,常见的 转换方式,(5). 表达方式转换,(一).词性、词形转换 Is it possible for the police to find the lost boy?,Is the

4、re any _ that the police will find the lost boy?,possibility,词性、词形转换,Many people need guidance in choosing a career (职业). Fortunately, there is much information on the Web about job opportunities. With all the information available, its not surprising that people can feel confused.,There is a lot of

5、 job information on-line, but too much of it may sometimes be _.,confusing,词性、词形转换拓展练习,He was glad about his _to the university. (admit) The issue brought about a heated _(argue). The exam was_ easy. (relative) Dictionaries should be put where they will be easily _ .(access),admission,argument,relat

6、ively,accessible,Practice,词性、词形转换拓展练习, In 1969 Apollo II took three men to the moon successfully. The United States_in putting a person on the moon. In time of war, one should fight in defence of his country. Whenever war breaks out, everyone should fight to _ his country.,succeeded,defend,(二). 同义词和

7、反义词转换,Children act more like adults than they used to. This warm weather is not normal for March.,Children today _as if they were adults.,behave,abnormal,This warm weather is _ for March.,同义词和反义词转换拓展练习,He dare not speak out his decision in public. So we have to get his idea in the other way. He may

8、be willing to tell us his decision _. Everything in the house was neat and tidy. But the naughty boy changed it thoroughly. The naughty boy left everything in the house in a .,Practice,secretly,mess,同义词和反义词转换拓展练习, Because of the economic crisis, many people had to look for a temporary job. The econo

9、mic crisis made it hard to find a job. After three hours of waiting for the train, our patience was finally exhausted. After three hours of waiting for the train, we became more and more .,Practice,impatient,permanent,(三). 句子结构转换,Look, a new theatre is being constructed there. Soon, we can enjoy goo

10、d movies anytime. Look, a new theatre is under _ there. Soon, we can enjoy good movies anytime.,construction,句子结构转换拓展练习, Dont lie in the strong sunlight for long time, which will do much harm to your skin. _ of the body to strong sunlight for long time can be harmful to your skin. Everyone should ha

11、nd in his homework by May 30th, or he will be punished. The _ for the homework is May 30th.,Practice,deadline,Exposure,(四). 信息释义,Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the idea that there is Yeti.,Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence that support the _ of Y

12、eti.,existence,信息释义 1. If you pay no attention to your diet, trouble will follow. 2. The exhibition is held every year.,ignore/neglect,yearly/annually,Practice,(五). 表达方式转换,People cheating on exams will lose interest in studying.,Cheating will people their interest in studying.,cost,表达方式转换,Using as m

13、any different methods and tools as possible, you will be able to learn faster.,Using all of your resources including the Internet you to learn faster.,enables,二. 信息转换题回顾,(1). 词形、词性转换,(2). 同义词和反义词转换,(3).句子结构转换,(4). 信息释义,(5). 表达方式转换,In my opinion, cultural differences should simply be seen as a way of

14、 making his life interesting. Right _ to cultural differences. The program is intended to prevent accidental injuries and deaths. _of the program .,三.信息归纳题,Purpose/Intention,attitude,So it can be concluded that we should try our best to learn and master two more languages. _ Literature is a term use

15、d to describe written as well as spoken material. Generally speaking, it is often used to describe anything from creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama and fiction of literature,三.信息归纳题,Definition,Conclusion,注意观点类,目的类, 总结类,定义类题型。,三.信息归纳题解题回顾,Most scientists are now certain that globa

16、l warming is taking place. Gases such as carbon dioxide produced by burning of coal, oil, wood, together with industrial pollution, are creating a warm blanket around the earth. This blanket is trapping heat in the atmosphere and so raising the temperature of the earth. Title: Global warming,Causes,

17、高频词汇 1,因果 原因: 结果:,cause(s) of/ reason(s) for,result(s) / consequence(s) /effect(s),高频词汇 2,Cathy Moulton from Diabetes UK suggests that people with diabetes do a minimum of 30 minutes of appropriate physical activity on at least five days of the week. Title: Tai Chi helps control diabetes,suggestion,

18、常用高频词汇总结2,建议提示,advice / suggestion(s) / tip(s),高频词汇 3,Doctor Black says the studies show that food programs need to place the greatest importance on the first two years of life. It is high time their diets were improved. Diets should include foods rich in vitamin A and other useful vitamins and mine

19、rals. The researchers say early help such as this could reduce child deaths by 25%. Title: A new research,ways,积累识记,原因和结果:reason, cause; result,effect, consequence 异同点与优缺点:difference , similarity; advantage/benefit , disadvantage 观点与态度:opinion , view, viewpoint , idea ,attitude 表方式、方法:means , way ,

20、method; solution, approach,目的:purpose , aim , goal 建议: advice u , suggestion , tip 概括、总结: conclusion, summary 定义 : definition 结论 : conclusion 策略 : strategy,常见概括性词汇:,原因,_ for / _ of,后果,r_/c_/e_,建议,S_/t_/a_,问题 p_,解决问题的办法,,s_ to sth w_ to do m_of doing a_to sth,特征,特点,c_/f_,好处/坏处,a_/d_,相似点/不同点,s_/d_,rea

21、son,cause,esult,onsequence,ffect,uggestion,ip,problem,olution,ay,ethod,pproach,haracteristic,eature,dvantage,isadvantage,imilarity,ifference,dvice,目的 p_/a_/g_ 态度,观点 _ (to) towards/_ of( on, about) 成就,成绩 a_ 地理位置 l_ 结论 c_ 定义 d _ 当前形势/情况 present _ 意义 s_ 策略 s_,urpose,im,oal,attitude,opinion,chievement,o

22、cation,onclusion,efinition,situation,ignificance,trategy,Guidance,1.略读:浏览全文,确定主题,理清框架结构和段落大意 2.扫读:扫读图表,分析表格结构和内容,明确任务要求 3.细读:带着问题深入阅读,定位所需信息,分析整合、转换概括、准确表达 4.复读:认真校对,纠正错误,THINK IT OVER,71.situation (归纳信息归纳) 72.anxious/worried (原词查找信息查找) 73.talk (同义词转换信息转换) 74.depressed (原词查找信息查找) 75.majors (词性转换信息转换

23、) 76.finally/eventually (同义词转换信息转换) 77.growing/increasing (结构转换信息转换) 78.advantage(s)/edge (反义词转换信息转换) 79.determines/decides (主动被动转换信息转换) 80.adapt/adjust (原词查找信息查找),Which group is the winner?,再叮嘱几句:,细心: 是否选择忠实于原文的最佳答案。 小心:是否注意其横向、纵向的类别规律,同栏表达要有一致性。 用心: .字母大小写 .名词的数和格 .动词的形式 .形容词副词的比较级最高级 .介词搭配 . 时态语态,主谓一致,第三人称等,Thank You!,


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