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1、,New standard English (三年级起点) Book3 Module7 travel Unit 1 We are going to go to Hainan.,作者:张玲 地址:唐坊第二小,Warmer,1.Sing the song. I cant do it.,Chant.,Swim, swim, swim in the sea. Boat, boat, row a boat. Basketball, basketball, play basketball. Dumplings, dumplings , make dumplings. Chess, chess , play

2、 chess. Pictures, pictures, take pictures.,hey are children.,CHINESE MAP We are Chinese . We are from china.,Get up,Im going to get up at five oclock .,Imgoing to swim in the sea.,Swim,swim,swim in the sea.,Im going to visit my grandpa.,Hainan view,Sea,海南人文风景,particular,Were going to go to She/He is

3、 going to,By plane Im going to go by plane.,Its bedtime, children,We are going to Hainan tomorrow.,We are going to by plane.,And were going to get up at 5 oclock.,chant Swim swim swim in the sea Get up get up in the morning By plane by plane in the sky Visit visit visit my grandpa From from from Chi

4、na,ACTIVITY Please make a travel plan for your family, Tell your classmates the plan. practice in fours。 A travel plan,Bye!,MODULE 7 TRAVEL,UNIT 2 Were going to visit the Ming Tombs.,Sing the song.,We are going to go to the zoo.,animals,Do you,Know?,_igers _ions _andas _irds _lephants _onkeys _ears

5、_amels,T,L,P,B,E,M,B,C,Lets Listen and point.,1: Where are they going to go? 2: What can they see?,Lets Listen and point.,1: Where are they going to go? They are going to go to the Ming Tombs. 2: What can they see? They can see many stone animals, lions, camels and elephants.,Stone animals,I am goin

6、g to visit _.,the tigers,He/she is going to visit _.,the lions,We are going to visit _.,the stone animals,Who are going to visit the Ming tombs? When are they going to visit the Ming tombs? What stone animals are they going to see? Who are afraid(害怕) of the scary animals? What are these scary animal

7、s?,Fill in the blanks.,_are going to visit the Ming Tombs. They are going to visit it _. They are going to see the _,_and _. _are afraid of the scary animals. They are _and _.,Ms Smart and her students,tomorrow,lions,camels,elephants,Amy and Sam,Daming,Lingling,be going to ,I am going to visit _. He is going to visit _. She is going to visit _. They are going to visit_. You are going to visit _. We are going to visit _.,Homework survey: What are they going to do ?,The end,Bye-bye!,


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