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1、在台灣進行英語字母拼讀法教學:理論與實踐 清華大學 曹逢甫,2.1 Phonics的定義與中譯,1. a. Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary “a method of teaching beginners to read and pronounce words by learning the phonetic value of letters, letter groups, and especially syllables” (ca. 1683) b. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English “a w

2、ay of teaching reading through understanding the pronunciation of letters and groups of letters” c. Oxford Modern English Dictionary “a method of teaching reading based on sounds” 2. a.自然拼音法 b.直覺發音法 c.看字發音法 d.美式發音 法 e.字母拼讀法,2.2 中文有沒有對應於phonics的概念,形聲字基本上是由表意與表音兩部分組合而成,如: 清、情、請、晴、精、睛、菁、靖、靜、倩 這十個字又可分成:

3、 (清)、(情、請、晴)、(精、睛、菁)、(靖、靜)、(倩), 長、短母音出現的環境與發音,一個重讀音節的母音讀長音如果 : (1) 該母音出現在一個音節的最後頭。 pa-per, she, f-nal, no U-FO (2) 該母音緊跟著一個不發音的e 或是緊跟著一個 子音然後再跟一個不發音的e。 make, eve, die, Poe, use 一個重讀音節的母音讀短音,如果在同一個音節裏它跟一個或一個以上的子音。 mat-ter, went, rod, doc-ter, cut,英語五個主要母音的長短音唸法:, 三種主要的例外字,(一)後面如果緊跟的音為或r

4、,在某些特定 的情況下前面的母音會受到影響而改唸其 他母音: (3) 字 預期的發音 實際的發音 a. walk wlk wk b. here hi h,Prator(1957):, 三種主要的例外字,(二)有許多語法功能字在自然語流常因輕讀而 改變發音。 (5) a. Is she a student? Yes, she is. (z在重讀音節) b. She is a teacher. (z在輕讀音節) c. Shes a teacher. (z 在節縮音節) (三)為了某種歷史原因而保留舊有拼音方式的 例外字,2.3.2 字尾 y 的讀音,(6) ai a. cry b.

5、study try philosophy fry neurology my frankly sky sympathy reply symmetry difficulty complexity,2.3.3 c 和 g 的兩種發音,(7) a. city b. cake cede cod cynic cute cycle cram circumstance cousin center cautious announce clay electricity electric,2.3.3 c 和 g 的兩種發音,3.1.1 這是受過教育的英語母語者重 要知能(intuition) 的一部份,(9) Re

6、gular had did leave close bus home has open not teacher late take after that those go ride happy last hot no study here house bring play still feel these under (10) Irregular fruit meant some buy come was woman laugh weather water have whose hour move do give many walk both who busy were door says f

7、riend what watch bear does sweater (11) Nonword pab dath nade tain fay chad gat bep kea meel yest whem weve vick liss thif dight bink stide clirt fring wrove sout cobe jox roy shug dush hute zice,3.1.2 要充分了解英文的拼字規則必 先了解字母拼讀法,(12) 長音 短音 a. writing written b. hiding hidden c. diner dinner d. later lat

8、ter (13) a. notice + able noticeable b. change + able changeable c. courage + ous courageous,3.1.3傳統的分音節法與字母拼讀 法有密切的互動,(一)如果兩個母音之間只有一個子音,那麼要 靠有前面的母音是長音或是短音來決定該 子音的歸屬。 (14.) a. even i even b. ever ever,3.1.3傳統的分音節法與字母拼讀 法有密切的互動,(二)如果兩個母音之間夾有兩個子音則一般的 情形是前後兩音節各取一個子音。 (15.) a. happy hp happy b. latter l

9、t latter,3.1.3傳統的分音節法與字母拼讀 法有密切的互動,(三)如果有三個或三個以上子音夾在兩個母音中間 則要根據字幹(stem)、前綴(prefix)、後綴(suffix) 以及英語所允許的子音串(phonotatic constraint) 來決定歸屬。 (16) a. inscrutable n skrutbl inscrutabl b. discrepancy d skrps discrepancy,3.2.2 phonics 規則有許許多多的例 外,而且有許多例外都是常用字,(17) Though1 the rough2 cough3 and hiccough4 plou

10、gh5 me through6 I ought7 to cross the lough8.,3.2.2 phonics 規則有許許多多的例 外,而且有許多例外都是常用字,(18) Beware of heard, a dreadful word That looks like beard and sounds like bird And dead: its said like bed, not bead; For goodness sake, dont call it deed! Watchout for meat and great and threat. (They rhyme with

11、suite and straight and debt.) A moth is not a moth in mother, Nor both in bother, broth in brother. Anonymous,3.2.2 phonics 規則有許許多多的例 外,而且有許多例外都是常用字,(19) The English have no respect for their language, and will not teach their children to speak it. They cannot spell it because they have nothing to s

12、pell it with but an old foreign alphabet of which only the consonantsand not all of themhave any agreed speech value. G.B. Shaw, Preface to Pygmalion,3.3 正反意見的平議,根據一項P. R. Hanna等人1971年以美式英語17,000英文字為範圍所做的研究有84%的英文字在拼字方面是規則的而只有3%的字是不規則到非靠死記不行。但有一點是上述研究所沒列入考量的,那就是這些拼音不規則的字中大約有400個是非常常用的字。因此如果把使用頻率也納入考

13、量的話,根據David Crystal的報導(2001: 214)有相當多的人相信英語拼音的規則度為75%左右。,3.3 正反意見的平議,Wylie與Purell(1970):下列的三十七個韻,可以用來組成約500英文字。 (20) -ack -ain -ake -ale -all -ame -an -ank -ap -ash -at -ate -aw -ay -eat -ell -est -ice -ick -ide -ght -ill -in -ine -ing -ink -ip -ir -ock -oke -op -or -ore -uck -ug -ump -unk,4.3 字母拼讀規

14、則例外字的處理問題,(21) a. Is she a student? Yes, she is. (z在重讀音節) b. She is a teacher. (z在輕讀音節) c. Shes a teacher? (z在節縮音節),4.3 字母拼讀規則例外字的處理問題 (22) a. 符合字母拼讀法者,look, little, see, like, big, went, now, long, came, ask, ride, just, blue, rod, good, want, know, right, take, every, jump, green, fur, old, saw, c

15、all, well, think, ran, let, help, make, sleep, brown, yellow, five, six, walk, eat, again, play, stop, never, seven, cold, today, fly, myself, round, tell, keep, work, try, start, black, white, ten, bring, write, always, drink, soon, made, run, gave, open, three, better, hold, funny, ate, use, fast,

16、 say, light, pick, hunt, cut, both, sit, fall, carry, small, why, own, found, wash, slow, hot, far, draw, clean, grow, best, sing, together, please, thank, wish,4.3 字母拼讀規則例外字的處理問題 (22)b. 語法功能字,the, to, and, he, a, I, you, it, of, in, was, his, that, she, for, on, they, but, had, at, him, with,up, al

17、l, is, her, there, some, out, as, be, have, go, we, cam, then, down, do, canm would, when, did, what, so, not, were, get, them, one, this, my, would, me, will, yes, if, no, very, am, over, your, its, into, from, any, about, around, dont, how, got, where, away, by, their, here, after, going, or, befo

18、re, who, been, may, off, much, must, does, goes, has, us, our, those, done, under, because, upon, shall.,4.3 字母拼讀規則例外字的處理問題 (22)c. 字母拼讀規則的例外字,one, come, put, pretty, two, who, give, once, find, buy, full, pull, kind, read, live, many, laugh,4.4.1 字母拼讀法教學與文法教學,(1)最後一個字母如果是個不發音的-e而且所 接後綴也以母音開頭,那麼把-e去掉

19、再加 後綴如: hope+inghoping make+ermaker。 (2)最後一個字母如果為單一的子音而其前的母音發 短音,那麼在加以母音開頭之後綴時要重複該子 音再加後綴,如: hop+inghopping beg+ar beggar。,4.4.2 對拼字教學與測驗的啟示,(23)Give me a l_f large enough to cover the hole. (leaf) (24) Give me a leaf large e_gh to cover the hole. (enough) (25)John has a little lamb whose f_ce is as white as snow. (fleece) (26) He is c_ning about the unfriendly treatment he received during his stay here. (complaining),5. 結語,


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