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1、thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career made new progress, no necessary always hard has, n

2、o awareness to China also has many poverty area, and also has many poverty population of exists, more living improve has, more need keep hard of style. Three is not strictly honest. Total thought units is a water sector, clean self-discipline away from himself too far, no real processing good living

3、 of improve and hard, and thrift excellent traditional of relationship, no effective do comply with Constitution and party of regulations must from I do up, no right mercy good bitter Le, and wealth of relationship, no right awareness to in comply with Constitution and party of regulations aspects e

4、veryone has accountability. Four, future direction and improvement measures 1, belief and faith, strengthen party spirit. One is to firmly establish the noble ideals of struggle for the ideals of communism, communist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people. Seco

5、nd is to continuously improve the quality and standard of political, conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping theory and three represents important thought and the scientific Outlook on development, implement the partys basic program for the primary stage of socialism, adhere to the correct political ori

6、entation, maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee, is good at theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics to analyze and solve problems. Third, strengthening the party spirit and the world transformation, perseverance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows to establish

7、 correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and the world, practically embodies ideals and beliefs into action, combine lofty ideals and practical activities, transforming the objective world, actively participate in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 2, keep the purp

8、ose in concept, changing the style of work. First, keep in mind that the purpose of serving, adhere to assuming power for the people, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows of the masses, .According to city discipline, and municipal organization Department requiremen

9、ts, today we held implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines effective strengthening led cadres style construction topic democratic life, main task is close contact thought, and work actual, control check district Standing Committee team and the personal in impleme

10、ntation independent Commission against corruption guidelines Shang exists of problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced clean politics of consciousness and initiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the mee

11、ting, the way we take surveys solicited a views, combed, related to team building先张法预应力空心板梁预制方案一、工程概况1、该桥为双幅桥,采用9跨20米预应力空心板,全桥共两联,设桥面连续。2、材料要求A、普通钢筋:符合国标(GB1499-79)的规定。 级钢筋:Rg=240MPA (D12mm) 级钢筋:Rg=340MPA (D12mm)B、预应力钢绞线采用ASTMA416-90a标准(270级)钢绞线Ryb=1860Mpa,松弛率3.5%,采用j15.24钢绞线。C、混凝土: 预应力空心板砼: C50砼。 封

12、头砼: C30砼。D、工程量: 边板: 36 块 10.93M3/块 共计:394 M3 中板: 234块 8.5 M3/块 共计:1989 M3二、施工组织与部署1、我部设置了5个预制台座,每个台座可同时生产3块预应力空心 板。2、人员组织: 设置钢筋制安组、模板安装组、混凝土浇筑与养护组、预应力张拉及空心板吊装组四个施工组。采用流水作业、专项分工,确保工期、质量要求。3、设备及周转材料配置 A、周转材料:定型钢模3套。 B、主要设备:张拉设备1套、振动棒6根、振动电机4台、钢筋弯曲机1台、钢筋切断机1台、砂轮切割机1台、电焊机2台。4、工期安排:2004年12月25日2005年4月30日三

13、、主要施工方案(1)施工工艺流程 制作张拉台座制作板梁平台钢绞线的下料、编束、穿钢绞线钢绞线张拉绑扎钢筋立侧模浇筑底板混凝土充气橡胶芯模的安放浇腹板和顶板砼充气胶囊抽取养护拆模封端放张移梁(2)制梁台座 预应力筋采用张拉力和伸长值双控张拉,预应力钢绞线的标准强度为1860Mpa,预应力空心板张拉控制应力采用0.72 Ryb,即1339Mpa,20米板张拉力为187.46KN。 为确保安全,操作方便,采用重力锚式张拉台座,台座长度比板长每端加长1m,两头预留每边2米,总长度为67米。测量放线,进行D=0.8m钢筋混凝土抗滑桩和张拉横梁施工,之后测量放线开挖台座基坑,用压路机把基底碾压密实后,换填

14、30cm的砂砾垫层,在碾压密实的砂砾垫层上浇筑一层厚度为20cm(两端3m内为30cm)强度为C20的素混凝土,边浇筑,边抹平压光,严禁使用砂浆找平。预应力钢筋的张放、临时锚固、混凝土浇筑、养护都在台座和平台上进行。 台座施工注意事项:台面要平整光滑,两侧边为直线且平行;千斤顶支承的混凝土面要垂直台座轴线,锚垫板处混凝土振捣要密实。(3)校验千斤顶 校验方法校验采用标准测力计校验法。千斤顶、油压表及油泵配套校验。将电动油泵的油路、电源接通,给千斤顶供油,活塞上移,顶压标准测力计。当测力计达到一定吨位时,立即从千斤顶的油压表上读数。各级吨位的压力读数复校三次,然后计算油压表在各级吨位时相应读数的

15、平均值,作为压力表读数,再根据一元线性回归,计算出与设计张拉力相应的油压表读数。 校验要求在施工中发生下列任何情况时,都进行重新校验,确保张拉力准确: 校验期限超过6个月;千斤顶漏油或千斤顶检修后;张拉过程中,钢绞线出现断丝;钢绞线实测伸长值与理论计算值相差超过标准规定值时;油压表指针不回零或调换千斤顶油压表时。千斤顶张拉力与油表读数关系表千斤顶编号1234压力表编号1266141112791360张拉应力(KN)千斤顶载荷(KN)进油表压力(MPa)进油表压力(MPa)进油表压力(MPa)进油表压力(MPa)10%k18.754.235.414.764.7020%k37.498.179.36

16、8.628.72100%k187.4639.6240.9439.5140.91(4)钢绞线的下料、编束钢绞线下料前先将钢绞线卷放在自制的放线架中,再将铁皮剪断,然后人抓住钢绞线一端,将钢绞线缓缓拉开(注意不使钢绞线产生有害变形,对有害变形的部分必须除掉),钢绞线下料用砂轮切割机切断,严禁用电焊枪烧切,切割时对称切割,先切长束后切短束。钢绞线下料长度既要满足使用要求,又要防止下料过长造成浪费。钢绞线采用两端张拉(示意图如下) 钢绞线L1=62.1m 精轧螺纹钢L2=3m 钢绞线L3=0.8m 钢绞线L4=0.6m将下好的钢绞线放在工作台上,钢绞线要顺直。施工时,预应力筋有效长度范围以外的部分采用

17、硬塑料管套住,进行失效处理。(5)双控张拉涂隔离剂:隔离剂用肥皂和滑石粉加水稀释而成,隔离剂涂刷在台面上。钢绞线上严禁粘有油污、隔离剂等。张拉程序:张拉程序为:0初应力(10%)应力(20%)100%持荷2min锚固式中为预应力筋的设计张拉控制力预应力张拉油压表精度选用0.4级。采用油压表读数与伸长值双控制,使张拉力控制准确,先用穿心式千斤顶单根张拉钢绞线,调整各钢绞线的初应力为10%k=133.9 MPa,使初应力一致,测量两千斤顶的伸长值L1、L2。然后接通高压油泵的油路电路给千斤顶供油,加力至20%k=267.8 MPa时,测量两千斤顶的伸长值L1、L2,再整体张拉至钢绞线的设计张拉应力

18、的100%k=1339 MPa,持荷2min,测量两千斤顶的伸长值L1、L2。则钢绞线的实际伸长值为:L= (L1L1)(L2L2)(L1L1)(L2L2)钢绞线的理论伸长值为:E钢绞线=1.95105 MPa E钢筋=2.0105 MPaL=L/E=1339 MPa(62.1M+0.8M+0.6M)/ 1.95105 MPa 1339 MPa3M2/2.0105 MPa =47.62实测伸长值与理论伸长值之差在6范围内,即可进行下一步工作。如超过此值,应暂停张拉,查明原因采取措施予以调整后,方可继续张拉。注意事项张拉过程中,做好张拉伸长值和油压表读数的记录;每块板中钢绞线断丝不得超过一丝;锚

19、具内缩量,两端之和不大于5mm;张拉时,严禁非工作人员进场,操作人员不得站在张拉千斤顶后,以防飞锚,断丝伤人,高压油管拉头要紧密,并随时检查,以防喷油伤人。(6)钢筋加工与绑扎 钢筋骨架绑扎成型在张拉结束8小时后在相应的台座上进行。台座上每隔1m放一根14b型槽钢,把钢筋置于其上绑扎,以控制钢绞线的保护层。钢筋按设计要求下料,弯制准确,加工好的半成品分类挂牌存放。在钢筋绑扎之前,先在台座上准确地进行定位放线,确保钢筋的位置间距尺寸正确。在台座顶标出主筋、箍筋、端模板位置。在钢筋外侧绑扎水泥砂浆垫块,确保混凝土保护层的厚度。钢筋绑扎时,自下而上依次进行,并采取可靠的临时加固措施,保证钢筋骨架的刚

20、度和稳定性。钢筋严格按设计的规格、型号、几何尺寸施作,并经隐蔽工程检查合格签证。 绑扎好的钢筋骨架经质检人员检查合格后,即可入模。(7)模板工程 立模顺序:底模涂脱模剂贴接缝止浆海绵条安装侧模上拉杆安装端模安装充气橡胶芯模 模板采用整体拼装式钢模,模板包括底模、侧模、端模,事先编号,对号入座。模板先拼装,后吊装,立模从一端开始进行。模板安置位置、尺寸准确,牢固可靠。确保在浇筑混凝土和振捣过程中不变形,不移位。 单元模板每扇长度按空心板长度分节,同时侧模顶与底模每2m设一道拉杆,侧模与侧模间用螺杆连接,缝间压垫海绵条。待底板混凝土浇筑完后,安装充气橡胶芯模,绑扎上部未绑扎钢筋,进行完混凝土作业。

21、浇筑混凝土时采取严格措施,防止芯膜的上浮或下沉,保证各部分结构尺寸的准确性。(8)混凝土浇筑 混凝土拌合采用自动计量拌合站拌合,拌和站设在梁场一端,拌和时水泥、砂子、碎石、水、外加剂严格按配合比进行配料,其误差控制在规范要求的范围内。 用小型翻斗车将混凝土从拌和站运至浇筑空心板附近,然后用汽车吊吊料斗进行浇筑。因空心板钢筋密集,混凝土截面小,可在外模一侧搭设高1.0m上料平台,上铺设2mm厚钢板,用人工辅助上料入模。 混凝土掺加FNC-2高效复合早强减水剂,以提高混凝土的和易性,减少用水量,坍落度控制在57cm。每次开盘后要作坍落度试验,严格控制水灰比。减水剂可预先一次性溶解于定量的水池中,以

22、保证掺量准确均匀。 混凝土用插入式振捣棒振捣。振捣范围和时间要适度。保证芯模下混凝土密实,振捣标准为混凝土不再下沉,无气泡上升,表面平坦并有薄层水泥浆出现。混凝土灌注采用先灌注底板,等芯模安放完毕后,再浇筑腹板和顶板混凝土,浇筑时要防止芯模漏气。 每片空心板混凝土从拌合到浇筑完成时间限制在68h之内。 预制空心板顶面必须拉毛划槽,采用垂直于路线定向划槽,槽深0.51cm,为保证空心板与桥面铺装混凝土良好地结合,划槽横贯空心板面,每延米不少于1015道。(9)充气橡胶芯模的安放和抽取 为了防止芯模在浇筑混凝土时发生偏移和上浮,在原设计的基础上,增加芯模限位钢筋。 芯模抽取的早晚,影响着空心板的形

23、成:抽取过早,混凝土下沉坍落,使空心板形成裂缝,甚至空洞。过晚,混凝土凝固,造成芯模与混凝土粘结,很难拔出,抽取时间随天气气温而变化,一般在混凝土浇筑312个h,强度达到48 MPa时,可拔出胶囊。充气胶囊抽拔时间表 环境温度(C) 混凝土浇筑完成时间(h)+30, 3+20+30, 35 +10+20, 58 +10, 812(10)养护、拆模混凝土养护采用常规洒水养护。混凝土浇筑完毕终凝后,采用塑料管直接往混凝土表面洒水。拆模后用塑料薄膜包裹梁体,压好四周,进行养护,并往塑料薄膜内浇水。保水养护时间一般不少于7天。当室外平均气温连续稳定低于5。C时,按砼冬季施工技术措施进行施工与养护。(1



26、板拖车运输,50t吊车架设。为防止张拉可能产生过大反拱度和增大存板区利用率,预应力混凝土空心板存放时间不能超过两个月。因此预制板分多批次进行架设。若架设后不能及时进行桥面铺装等桥面系的施工,对预制板进行适当的预压处理。 在预应力混凝土板批量生产前,应做几块预制板试验,检查建立预应力情况,并采取适当措施进行处理。 板安装前检查预制板的上缘、端部及其他部位是否有裂纹;预制板的上拱度;钢绞线有无滑动,防止预应力失效措施是否可靠。 板安装前的准备工作 :安装前应充分了解气象资料,将吊装期尽可能安排在无风、无雨期进行。根据吊装和构件运输方案,提前做好运输路线,吊装地点道路硬化,保证重型车辆的正常行驶。

27、板的运输、吊装、就位:运输过程中为防止倾倒、扭翻,使用托架固定在拖车上,预制板放在托架上的垫点应和吊环的位置一致,运输车起动、刹车、转弯应缓慢、平顺;预制板吊装前要检查构件质量,并在台帽盖梁和预制板上用墨斗弹上安装轴线,并标明预制板重心点位置,并提前将橡胶支座固定在盖梁上,检查支座垫板是否焊牢,检查电焊设备是否准备就位。空心板吊装就位后,应准确与支座密贴,就位不准时,必须吊起重放,不得用撬棍移动构件。 预制板架设完成后,尽快浇筑湿接缝及混凝土现浇层。桥面混凝土铺装前用水冲净板顶面,不留积水,以利新旧混凝土之间结合。混凝土现浇层完成之前,禁止任何车辆从预制板上通过。(15)、安全及注意事项、预应


29、板在脱模、移运、堆放、吊装时,砼的强度低于设计要求达到的强度;板在移运、堆放、吊装时,必须遵守有关的安全操作技术规程;必须随时仔细检查吊索是否断丝、吊扣是否断裂。主要施工设备仪器一览表序号名称规格单位数量备注1砼振动棒 条6 2振动电机 台4 3钢筋切断机 台1 4钢筋弯曲机 台1 5电焊机 台2 6切割机台4 7搅拌机500L台2 8装载机ZL50台1 9砼塌落度筒 个1 10砼试模 组511锚具组装件M15-6B 套18012张拉设备套1 13水准仪台2 14汽车吊16T台1 15汽车吊50T台1 16板运输车 辆1 17181920continue to respond 5min. Re

30、move the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement results sha

31、ll not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit:

32、 atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 g10.0 g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic

33、arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochlo

34、ric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potas

35、sium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)-thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solutionproject work, cadres, cadres selection and other aspects of a total of 19, further defined the direction of rectification, enhancing the pertinence and effect

36、iveness of democratic life. Good for this meeting, we requested the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee, municipal Secretary General Tang Wenjin, the City Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee Yang Xu, Jiang Jixue, Deputy Director of the personnel office, and other

37、leading comrades present guidance allows us to warm applause for their welcome and thanks! Below, I first District Committee member of the 20XX team annual democratic meeting implementation of the corrective measures, as well as member of the team and of my own report guidelines for the implementati

38、on of the independent Commission against corruption statement invited leaders and comrades criticism. First, annual party on the 20XX team, Member of democratic life action plan implementation year 20XX, district democratic meeting a member of the team on study and practice the scientific Outlook on

39、 development theme, find a project supporting strong enough, the industry well enough, urban construction management level needs to be improved, livelihood improvement needs to be strengthened, district team itself, such as the five aspects. Year of 20XX, we find out the problems mentioned above, ba

40、sed on actual Shunqing construction and development, conscientiously sum up improvements, achieving significant development results and effectiveness of their work. (A) highlight the project handle, maintain high growth of investment. Adhere to the strategy as a Foundation, carrying out projects to

41、promote increased stamina important. One is to increase the intensity of projects towards. Actively seek national and provincial policy support, superior special transfer payments, a variety of additional income will top 700 million Yuan, a number of key infrastructure projects, livelihood projects,

42、 industrial projects into the cage. Second, increasing the project attracts. This year a total of 23 signed a major project, of which 14 billion project, China Metallurgical group, vanke group, Guangdong hengda group, Taiwan Ruentex group, on the RI group, Shenzhen Kaisa, jifeng agricultural machine

43、ry, Mercedes-Benz, Audi 4S store and other large enterprises and projects have settled in Shunqing. Third, strengthen project construction. Annual implementation focus project 39 a, fixed assets investment total will breakthrough 12 billion yuan, created district yilai history high, South door dam,

44、and five in shop old city transformation, and Ying China industrial concentrated district construction, and city main road construction, and Northeast steam Trade Center, and modern farmers industry Park, and vocational education city, and low rental, and also room construction, and features blocks build, and farmers market transformation, and rural version Street transformation, focus engineering speed up implementation, effectiveness obviously. Expected to be achieved this year, area-wide GDP 17 billion13


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