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1、新中考新挑战你准备好了吗,2011年中考复习备考建议 汉滨区教研室 丁礼余,辉煌的成绩:,在2010年中考中你们的学哥学姐们取得了史无前例的好成绩。全区77所学校,9968名毕业生参加了中考,与2009年相比较,报考人数增加了1020人,2010年我区中考成绩呈现以下特点,一是高分成绩多,全市前10名全部集中在汉滨区学校;600分以上全市741人,汉滨区占401人,占54.1%;550分以上全市总共3104名,其中汉滨区占1343人,占全市43.2%左右,居全市第一名; 500分以上2479人。 二是有13所学校总成绩排入全市教育先进行列。三是全区人均成绩提升幅度大,2010年人均成绩上升到全

2、市第三名, 四是单科成绩高,2010年中考各科单科成绩第一名的全部是汉滨区考生,共 26名学生获得单科全市第一,其中英语7名学生得分为120分,并列第一。五是英语平均成绩提升幅度大,2010年英语平均成绩为60.15分,首次高于57.63分的全市英语单科成绩,有21所学校英语单科成绩可排入全市强校行列,二、2011年中考命题的趋势,I. 考试范围 2011年初中毕业英语学业考试以教育部颁布的英语课程标准(实验稿)之“内容标准”中“五级”的内容要求及相关附录为依据,同时,参考课程标准对于“三级”和“四级”的内容和要求。从听、说、读、写几个方面考查学生对英语知识的运用能力。考试以人民教育出版社外语

3、室编著的九年义务教育“英语新目标”七、八、九年级和河北教育出版社编著的九年义务教育“学英语”(初中版),二、2011年中考命题的趋势,III、考试内容及要求 考试内容 试题侧重考查学生的语言技能、语言知识、跨文化交际意识和跨文化交际能力。 听力、语言知识、口语运用(书面形式考查)、书面表达着重 考查用英语去做事和完成任务的能力。 阅读材料的选取,以课外读物为主要材料来源。充分考虑英语语言使用、学生的实际生活经验和社会发展状况,尽可能提供语义相对完整、选用真实、地道和典型的当代英语素材。 具体来讲,就是考察学生运用英语进行听、说、读、写的能力以及在具体语言环境中灵活运用英语获取信息、处理信息的能

4、力以及创新能力。,二、2011年中考命题的趋势,考试形式与试卷结构 考试采用笔试、闭卷方式。 时间为120分钟。总分为120分。 听力考试采用收听电台广播和播放录音磁带两种方式,可任选其一。 试卷分为二卷。第I卷(共70分),其中包括听力部分,要求在答题卡上作答。第II卷(共50分)直接在试卷上作答。 听力部分重点考查学生从口头语言材料中获取信息和处理信息的能力。 笔试部分重点考查学生所掌握的基础知识和运用语言的能力。 试卷难度系数控制在0.65左右。 容易题、较易题、较难题和难题的分值比约为:4:3:2:1,二、2011年中考命题的趋势 2011年英语试卷结构表,中考复习备考建议,听句子,选

5、答案。此题可称作情景反应题,考察学生情景反映捕捉信息的能力。 要求运用所学的语言知识和技能,根据不同的交际功能项目和语境,选出最恰当的答语。一般都是简单句。如2010年陕西中考试题 1. A.Yes,it is. B. Thank you. C. No,it isnt. 2. A. Its sunny. B. Its Monday C. Its June 27. 4. A. Good idea. B. By bike. C.Enjoy yourself. 听力原文 1. Your English is so good. 西方习俗 2. How is the weather today. 关键词

6、 weather 4. Why not go fishing this weekend. 关键词Why not,中考复习备考建议 听对话,选答案,此类试题主要考查学生对于对话理解的反应能力,考生听一组对话,在听完对话后,接着由第三者根据对话的内容提出问题,要求考生在领会谈话要旨的基础上,从所给的三个备选项中挑选出能回答所听到问题的正确答案。同学们可以根据对话后问题的特殊疑问词when,why, what, where, how, how long, how much, how many等抓住对话相对应的关键词。,中考复习备考建议 听对话,选答案,6. A. In the library. B.

7、 In the restaurant.C. In the shop. 9. A. By car B. By bus C. By plane. 听力原文: 6. W: Can I help you? M: Yes, Im looking for a hat for my daughter. Q: Where are they? 9. W: Summer vocation is coming. What are you going to do? M: Im flying to Hainan Island. I hear the beaches there are wonderful. Q: How

8、 is the man going to Hainan Island?,中考复习备考建议,听短文,选答案。此题主要考学生对完整语篇的综合理解能力。设题特点是根据短文内容给出若干个不完整的句子或若干个根据短文内容提出的问题,要求学生在正确理解听音内容的基础上选出一个正确答案。 听力答题技巧: 1.抓紧时间,提前审题 2.沉着答题,遇难不慌 3.仔细检查,理顺关系,中考复习备考建议,二)语言知识 1、 理顺所学的几种主要时态和语态。 2、 突出语境,防止汉语思维的干扰。 3、在解题时要注意句型结构和语序。 4、掌握习语和日常交际用语。 5、熟练掌握英语课程标准五级目标所要求掌握1600个词汇。,中

9、考复习备考建议,21.This is classroom,but where is ours. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs 22. Hi,Jack. Would you please _the picture on the wall? A. pick up B. look up C. get up D. put up 23. Sometimes it rains _in Xian in summer. A. heavy B. heavily C. strong D.strongly 24. I hear Tom lives here, but Im n

10、ot sure _. A. which room he lives in B.which room does he live in C. he lives in which room D. in which room does helive 25.Dont forget _an unbrella _you. Its going to rain. A.to take; to B. taking; to C.to take; with D. taking with 26. Must I finish my homework at school? No, you _. A.cant B.mustnt

11、 C. neednt D. wont 30.Do you know the boy over there? Sure. I _him for years. A. Knew B. will know C. have known D. known,中考复习备考建议 三)完型填空答题技巧,1、运用语篇知识。从首句或首段中最大限度地获取信息。 2、利用定义句解题。如遇到不理解的生僻词或关键词语,应学会在短文的上下文中找出能够为其定义的短语或句子。 3、把握文章发展的基本线索。 4、利用上下文寻找解题信息 。 5、运用背景知识,降低文章难度。 6、充分发挥平时积累的语言基础知识,利用搭配知识解题。 7、

12、复读检验,消除疏漏。,中考复习备考建议,One day before my final exam, my dad gave me a gift. It completely changed my life. On that day I had a _31 with my friends and it was a difficult time with my studies. I was unhappy . . 31. trip B. party C. talk D. fight,四)阅读理解 1、对于细节理解题要通读短文,领会文章大意,运用排除法排除不符合原文细节的选项 。 2、对于推理判断题

13、题要分析文章的主旨,寻找文章的逻辑思路;核对各项选择与文章中有关词句的联系。 3、对于词义猜测题要从短文中找到相关的词、短语或句子,根据特定的语境来判断理解,推敲斟酌和最后确定其准确含义。 4、对于主旨大意题要通读全文,了解大意,灵活运用概括、判断、归纳、推理等方法,准确理解文章的话题和中心思想。,中考复习备考建议,Today more and more people are using refrigerators. Some are big,others are small However , small ones usually have one door and can only kee

14、p things cold and fresh 41.small refrigerators can not only keep the food cold but also freeze the food. A篇阅读理解有4各题可以直接从文章中找出答案,有一篇根据常识就可以判断出正确答案。 B篇C篇两篇文章共10个小题,其中能够从文章中直接找到答案的细节描写题有5个题,占10分,要运用分析推理才能判断答案的有5个题,占10分,因此我们要保障第一类题不失分。第二类题尽量多的分。这样才能考出好成绩。,中考复习备考建议 五、 完成句子,认真审题,找出隐含在句中的固定搭配或句型。 分析句子结构 ,判

15、断该词在句子中作何成份。 正确运用名词的单复数、动词的时态、语态及非谓语动词的形式、形容词和副词的比较级、最高级等。 注意单词的正确拼写形式。,中考复习备考建议 五、 完成句子,1、我在刻苦学习语文,以便下一次取得好成绩。 I am studying/working hard at_Chinese in order to get higher marks next time. 2、吃蔬菜有利于身体健康。 Eating vegetables is good for your health. 3、我们希望老师在学习方面对我们严格要求。 We hope our teacher is strict w

16、ith us in our study. 4、你的话听起来很有道理。 your words sounds very reasonable. 5、 那个书店就在超市对面。 The bookstore is right across from the supermarcket,中考复习备考建议 短文填空题,运用语篇知识,从首句或首段中最大限度地获取信息。 跳过空格,通读短文,了解大意。 复读短文,确定选词,判断词形。 三读短文,上下参照,验证答案。,中考复习备考建议 短文填空题,point ,quiet, ask, watch, she, say, fly, be, do, good A deer

17、 and a tiger One sunny morning, a clever young deer was sitting in the forest. He was 61_ bees flying in and out of their big nest(巢)hanging on a tree. He 62_so happy in the warm sun that he did not notice a tiger walking towards him very 63_. “Im going to eat you,“64_the tiger, catch ing the deer.

18、The deer thought up an idea quickly. “Of course, you can eat me, but would you let me 65_one thing first?I have to beat the queens drum(鼓)” He 66_to the bees nest. “It is a very important job that I have to do once a year.“ “Why does the queen 67_you to beat the drum for 68_?“ The tiger asked. He wa

19、s angry. “I am69_ than you. I should beat the drum and I will beat the drum today.“ He let the deer go because he had stoppet thinking about eating. And he hit the beesnest with a tree branch and all the bees 70._out. They attacked (袭击)the tiger, and the deer ran away.,中考复习备考建议 任务型阅读复习策略,1、加强阅读训练,提高

20、阅读能力。找中心句、主题句,引导学生归纳、总结段落大意及文章的中心意思。 2、锻炼提高学生复述文章的能力。 3、多做同义句的句型转换练习。 4、注重分析句与句之间的逻辑关系,以及代词的指代关系。 5、关注文章的整体结构构成。,中考复习备考建议,任务型阅读答题技巧: 1、认真阅读,理解文章含义。 2、根据题干对照查看文中相应的句子,准确作答。 3、判断是否要用同义句或归纳性语言。 4、补充完整后要注意语法的准确性。 5、注意代词和连词,往往是答题的突破口。 6、书写整齐、规范、完整。写完后复读一遍,检查是否通 顺,符合逻辑,无语病。,中考复习备考建议 2010年任务型阅读A篇,David is

21、in his school curling team in Scotland. He also plays for two clubs. Lets listen to his story and learn more about curling. I first start playing four years ago when I was 10 years old.My father ,my Brother and sister all curl and I would go and watch them play.I enjoy curling because I like the fee

22、ling of playing on rea ice. I also like it because it is memtally challenging(智力挑战)。In the play, you have to think about how to achieve your goal and how to beat the other team. sweeping is probably the most difficult partof the game 1.David plays for _ and _in Scotland./David plays for _and _in Sco

23、tland. 2. He enjoys curling because he likes _on real ice and it is also _ 3. The most difficult part of the game must be _,中考复习备考建议,补全对话题 复习方法及备考策略: 1、固定的习惯表达要耳熟能详,脱口而出。 2、根据复习的进程,每复习到某个或某些话题时,要明确 要求和提示,让学生自行练写对话。 3、在复习过程中要强调语言的交际性。,中考复习备考建议,补全对话答题技巧: 1、仔细读题,确定话题内容,了解对话情景。 2、根据话题,围绕对话人的意图,结合语境,逐步推敲

24、。 3、关注答语和标点(答语往往提示上句内容)。 4、语言表达要求口语性、习惯性、礼貌性。 5、书写整齐、规范。 6、完成后再复读一遍。,中考复习备考建议,书面表达 近三年陕西中考英语试题,书面表达文体包括以下两种形式: 1、应用文:近三年英语书面表达有两年涉及到E-mail和书 信的写作。 2、提示性看图作文:提示性看图作文就是要求根据所提供 的情节及图画或图表信息进行写作,图表信息最常见。,中考复习备考建议,复习方法和备考措施。 1、多练造句,多做汉译英练习。 2、从总复习的第一阶段开始强化训练写作。 3、 套题中的写作一定要练,也可预先将话题里可能说到的 句子以汉译英的形式让学生先口头练

25、习。 4、加强写作中容易出现错误表达的分析。,中考复习备考建议,书面表达答题技巧: 1、仔细审题,看清要求。如文体、写作对象、人称、时态等 2、有提示词或写作要求,要做到词无遗漏,要素齐全。 3、 要言简意赅,逻辑清晰;要用自己最熟悉的词组、句型;善用同意词,同意句来 表达相同的意思。 4、善用连词:如:and、but、though、however等,增加文章的亮点。 5、忌拖沓冗长、句式单一、随意发挥,不着边际。 6、忌直接翻译提示句,毫无发挥。 7、注意单词拼写,句子结构等,特别是用词要准确, 避免中文式英语。 8、书写整齐、规范。,中考复习备考建议 优秀作文,同学们在写作时,往往把重点放

26、在文章的构思和句子结构上,有时忽略了名词的单复数。在中考作文中,如果名词的数使用混乱,也会导致较多的失分。 信息提示 假如你是吴强,去年春天和几位同学到东浦岛野餐,以“The happiest day”为题写一篇80-100词的作文。要求条理清晰、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点规范。 The happiest day Last spring my classmate (1) and I went to Dongpu Island to have a picnic. It was March 2. The weather was fine and there was hardly a cloud in

27、 the sky. We started early that morning. We all carried something nice to eat and drink. We sang happily on our ways (2) there. After about one and a half hour (3), we got to the island. The water in the lake was nice and clean and we could see flowers and grasses (4) all around us. How beautiful it

28、 was! After about twenty minutes (5) rest, we divided ourselves into four groups and cooked our lunch. Most of us did the cooking for the first time. After a while, everything was ready. We put all the food on a big piece of paper. There was meat, fish, fruit and vegetable (6)。 How delicious they we

29、re! We enjoyed our lunch and there was a big smile on everyones faces (7)。,中考复习备考建议 书面表达,精讲点拨 (1)classmate在本句中看不出错误来,如果结合第二段的 four groups就可发现classmate要用复数形式。 (2)在on ones way 结构中,way 没有复数形式。 (3)这儿不是半个小时,而是一个半小时,所以hour要用复数。 (4)此处指普通的草,多用单数。 (5)此处应将minutes改为minutes,即twenty minutes rest. (6)此处应用vegetabl

30、e的复数形式vegetables. (7)这儿指的是每个人的脸上,应将faces改为face.,中考复习备考建议 书面表达,精品范文 The happiest day Last spring my classmates and I went to Dongpu Island to have a picnic. It was March 2. The weather was fine and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. We started early that morning. We all carried something nice to ea

31、t and drink. We sang happily on the way there. After about one and a half hours,we got to the island. The water in the lake was nice and clean and we could see flowers and grass all around us. How beautiful it was!After about twenty minutes rest, we divided ourselves into four groups and cooked our

32、lunch. Most of us did the cooking for the first time. After a while, everything was ready. We put all the food on a big piece of paper. There was meat,fish,fruit and vegetables. How delicious they were!We enjoyed our lunch and there was a big smile on everyones face.,中考复习备考建议 书面表达,许多同学在用英语写作时很容易受汉语的

33、影响而写错句子,即写所谓的Chinglish.这是书面表达中常见的错误之一。 信息提示 请你根据实际情况,以“My School Life”为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文。 习作实况 My School Life Im a middle school student. Although our school is very usual (1), but (2) its beautiful in my heart. The school is covered with tall trees and beautiful flowers. The here (3) air is very fres

34、h. In the morning, lots of schoolmates (4) early (5) go to school and do some exercises. Usually we have breakfast after our first class. All of the students take morning exercises on the playground after two classes. After that, someone (6) are reading in the library, others are playing and talking

35、 on the playground. We have three classes in the afternoon and do some sports that we like after school and go home at about 6:00. Oh! How colorful my school life is!,中考复习备考建议 书面表达,精讲点拨 (1)作者显然想表达“学校很一般或普通”,此处最好用common一词,而usual意思是“通常的”。 (2)受汉语“虽然但是”的影响,作者将这一意思直接译成英语“althoughbut”,而在英语同一句子中只用这两个词的其中之一

36、表示汉语的“虽然但是”。 (3)here是副词,用来修饰名词时应位于被修饰词之后。 (4)schoolmate指校友、同学,通常不包含自己在内,改为students好些,指全校学生。 (5)“早早到校”的英语表达是go to school early, 副词early应位于句末。 (6)someone意思是“某人”,要改为some students.,中考复习备考建议 书面表达,精品范文 My School Life Im a middle school student. Although our school is very common,its beautiful in my heart.

37、 The school is covered with tall trees and beautiful flowers. The air here is very fresh. In the morning,lots of students go to school early and do some exercises. Usually we have breakfast after our first class. All the students take morning exercises on the playground after two classes. After that

38、,some students are reading in the library,others are playing and talking on the playground. We have three classes in the afternoon and do some sports that we like after school and go home at about 6:00. Oh!How colorful my school life is!,中考复习备考建议 书面表达,写作中学生常犯以下: (1)是句子就想用系动词be。如:I am like swimming。 (2)按汉字的顺序翻译句子如:He by plane to shanghai (3)时态语态概念模糊。 (4)按汉语的思维写句子,结构混乱,分不清是简单句还是复合句。 如:My sister wears red skirts is beautiful。 (5)用词不当,固定搭配记不清。 (6)单词拼写错误。,Thank you,


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