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1、e- become- run- beat- 2.burn dream learn- light- smell- speed- spell-,came-come,became-become,ran-run,burned/burnt-burned/burnt,dreamed/dreamt-dreamed/dreamt,learned/learnt-learned/learnt,lighted/lit-lighted/lit,smelled/smelt-smelled/smelt,speeded/sped-speeded/sped,spelled/spelt-spelled/spelt,beat-b

2、eaten,choose- dig- do- draw- eat- fall- feed- meet- find- fly- forget- get-,chose-chosen,dug-dug,did- done,drew-drawn,ate-eaten,fell-fallen,fed-fed met-met,found-found,flew-flown,forgot-forgotten got-got /gotten,go- hang- have- hear- hide- hold- lead- leave- lie- lose- make-,went -gone,hung-hung,had

3、-had,heard-heard,hid-hidden,held-held,led-led,left-left,lay-lain,lost-lost,made-made,take- mistake- see- shake shine show stand understand steal wake wear win-,took-taken mistook-mistaken,saw-seen,shook-shaken,shone-shone,showed-shown,stood-stood understood-understood,stole-stolen,woke-woken,wore-wo

4、rn,won-won,Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?,Section B,pop 流行音乐;流行乐曲 rock 摇滚乐 band 乐队 country music 乡村音乐 forever frev 永远 abroad br:d adv.在国外;到国外 go /study abroad 去国外/出国留学 at home and abroad 在国内外 actually ktuli 真实的;事实上,(ever) since 自从 since+时间点=for+时间段 fan 迷;狂热爱好者 modern mdn 现代的;当代的 belong 属于

5、;归属 belong to(介词) 属于. one another =each other 互相 laughter l:ft 笑;笑声 beauty bju:t 美;美丽,美景,million mljn 一百万 5 million /millons of billon 十亿 record rek:d n.唱片;记录; rk:d v. 录制(音) introduce ntrdju:s 介绍;引见 introduce sb /sth to sb 把某人/某物介绍给某人 introduce oneself 自我介绍 line lan 行;排 stand in line 站成一排 wait in li

6、ne 排队等候,流行音乐;流行乐曲 摇滚乐 乐队 乡村音乐 永远 adv.在国外;到国外 去国外/出国留学 在国内外 真实的;事实上,自从 since+时间点=for+时间段 since从句(过去时) 迷;狂热爱好者 现代的;当代的 属于;归属 属于. 互相(2) 笑;笑声 美;美丽,美景,一百万 五百万 数百万,成百上千万 十亿 n.唱片;记录; v. 录制(音) 介绍;引见 把某人/某物介绍给某人 自我介绍 行;排 站成一排 排队等候,1a. Who is your favorite singer or musician? Tell your partner why you like hi

7、m or her.,and,1b. Listen to a conversation between Alex and Dave. Write A for Alex or D for Dave next to each opinion.,_ The Toms must be popular. _ The Toms play pop music. _ The Toms music sounds more like rock. _ Listening to The Toms is a good way to wake up.,D,D,A,D,P106,1c. Listen again and ta

8、ke notes.,The Toms,United States,Five,Pop music,Its loud and full of energy and make him excited.,Itll wake him up and make him happy for the rest of the day!,1d. Ask your friends and parents what kind of music they listen to and why. How does the music make them feel?,Pair Work,2a. Discuss the ques

9、tions with a partner.,1. Do you have a favorite singer or band? 2. Do you have a favorite song? 3. What facts do you know about your favorite singer, band or song?,2b. Read the passage and complete the fact sheet on page 63.,Summarizing While reading, make notes or underline the main ideas in the te

10、xt. After reading, write a short summary in your own words. This can help you better understand the text.,When Sarah was a teenager, she used to fight over almost everything with her family. But five years ago, while she was studying abroad in England, she heard a song full of feelings about returni

11、ng home on the radio. It made Sarah think about her family and friends back in the US. She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them. Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music.,A Country Music Song Changed Her Life Forever,Country is a traditional kind of music fro

12、m the southern states of America. Nashville, Tennessee is the home of country music. Many songs these days are just about modern life in the US, such as the importance of money and success, but not about belonging to a group. However, country music brings us back to the “good old days” when people w

13、ere kind to each other and trusted one another. It reminds us that the best things in life are free laughter, friends, family, and the beauty of nature and the countryside.,Sarah hasnt been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day. She has already read a lot about the place and done

14、 some research on it. She knows that there is a Country Music Hall of Fame Museum in Nashville. There are also always a lot of great country music concerts with famous musicians and singers, like Garth Brooks. Sarah has already listened to most of his songs. “Garth is one of the most successful musi

15、cians in American history. Hes sold more than 120 million records. I hope to see him sing live one day!”,An important sentence I hope to see him sing live one day .我希望有一天能看到他现场演出。 live可用作动词、形容词或副词,且用作不同词性时发音有所不同。 作动词时, live读作/lIv/,表示“居住;生存;过生活”等含义。 作形容词和副词时,live读作 /laIv/ 在上面的句子中,live为副词,意思是“在现场直播;在现

16、场表演”。 又如: Lang Lang is playing live in our city tonight. 朗朗今晚在我们城市举办现场演奏。,Where it is from:_ What kind of music it is:_ A famous country music place in Nashville:_ A famous country music singer:_ The number of records he has sold: _,Country Music Fact Sheet,Tennessee,traditional,the southern states

17、of America,Garth Brooks,more than 120 million,2c. Read the passage again and underline the main ideas. Then use the underlined text to write short answers to the questions below.,First paragraph 第1段 Who is Sarah? Where is she from? What does she like?,She used to fight over almost everything with he

18、r family when she was a teenager.,She is from US.,She likes American country music.,Second paragraph 第2段 What is country music? What is country music about?,Country is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America.,It reminds us that the best things in life are free laughter, frien

19、ds, family, and the beauty of nature and the countryside.,Third paragraph 第3段 What is Sarahs dream? Who is Garth Brooks?,Sarah dreams going to Nashville one day.,Garth is one of the most successful musicians in American history. Hes sold more than 120 million records.,Sarah is an American girl who _

20、 _ _ _ almost everything _ her family. While she was _ _ in England, she _ a country music song which _ her _ _ her family and friends. She _a fan of_ _. Country music is a _ kind of music from the _ states of America. It is about_ _ a group and _ us _ a time when people_ _ _ each other and trusted

21、_ _. Sarahs dream is _ _ Nashville, and she hopes to see Garth Brooks _ _ one day.,used to fight,over,with,studying abroad,heard,made,think of,became,country music,traditional,southern,belonging to,reminds,were kind to,one,another,to visit,sing live,of,2d . Use the notes you made in 2c to write a sh

22、ort summary of the passage. Write no more than 100 words.,TASK,2e . Close your book. What facts can you remember about country music? Tell a partner. What other facts would you like to know about country music? Make a list of questions.,TASK,3a. Think of a singer or writer you know well. Make a list

23、 of facts about him/her. Think of the following:,1. Who is the singer/writer? 2. When did the singer/writer first become famous? 3. How and why did he/she first become famous? 4. What famous songs/books has he/she recorded /written? When?,Group work,5. How many CDs/books has he/she sold? 6. How did

24、you find out about him/her? 7. Is he/she still popular today? 8. Have you introduced this singer/writer to others? 9. How do you feel about his/her music/books? 10. Have you ever played/sung his/her songs yourself?,the first line in the song/book the book/song was written/recorded by enjoyed success

25、 in successful song/CD/book I listen to this song/read this book when . The song/book makes me feel .,3b. Write an article about the singer or writer. Here are some words and phrases you can use.,语法聚焦 你读过小妇人了吗? 是的,我读过了。/不,我没有。 蒂娜读过金银岛了吗?、 是的,她读过了。她认为这本书极好。 你决定写(关于)哪一本书(的报告)了吗? 是的,我决定了。我已经读完了。它的确很好。,

26、一首乡村音乐歌曲永远改变了她的生活 当萨拉还是一个青少年的时候,她常常几乎为所有的东西与家人争吵。但是五年前,当她在英国留学时,她在收音机里听到了一首充满回家之情的歌曲。这让萨拉回想起了在美国的家人和朋友。她开始意识到实际上她是多么想念他们所有人。从那时起,她就已经成为了一个美国乡村音乐迷。,乡村音乐是一种来自美国南部各州的传统音乐。田纳西州的纳什维尔是乡村音乐的故乡。最近的许多歌曲只是关于美国的现代生活,如金钱的重要性和成功,而与集体归属感无关。然而,乡村音乐把我们带回了“过去的美好时光”,那时人们相互友好、彼此信任。它提醒我们,生活中最美好的东西是免费的笑声、朋友、家人、自然和乡村之美。,

27、萨拉还没有去过纳什维尔,但她梦想有一天去那里。她已经读了很多关于这个地方的书,并对这个地方进行了研究。她知道在纳什维尔有一个乡村音乐名人堂博物馆,也有很多很好的由著名的音乐家和歌手,像加思布鲁克斯参加的乡村音乐会。萨拉已经听过他大部分的歌曲了。“加思是美国历史上最成功的音乐家之一。他已经售出了120,000,000多张唱片。我希望有一天能看他现场演唱!”,Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?,Self Check,1. What do you think _ this dress? Do you think it looks good on me?

28、 2. The little boy was so hungry that he didnt put his spoon _ at all. He just kept on eating.,1 Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box.,of,down,down of about back up,3. She grew _ in a small town, although she lives in a big city now. 4. For homework, our teacher told us to write _ ou

29、r summer vacation. 5. At the end of the day, the bus brought us _ to our school.,up,about,back,1. I _ (join) the book club last month and I _(read) five books already. 2. I only _ (start) taking French classes last week and I _ (learn) 50 French words already.,2 Fill in the blanks with the correct f

30、orms of the words in brackets.,joined,have read,started,have learnt,3. Tony _ (buy) a pop music CD yesterday but he _ (listen) to it yet. 4. They _ (listen) to many songs by The Beatles, but they cannot _ (sing) any of them. 5. She _ (see) the newspaper on the table this morning, but she _ (have) an

31、y time to read it yet.,bought,hasnt listened,have listened,sing,saw,hasnt had,3 Make a list of the things you have done and the ones you havent done yet this week. Then ask two other students.,你最喜欢的音乐家 一定受欢迎 播放流行音乐 听起来更像摇滚 醒来的一个好方法 永远改变她的一生 过去常常因为几乎所有的事和家人争吵 在英国留学 一首充满回家之情的歌曲 开始意识到 从那时起 成为了一个美国乡村音乐迷

32、 一种来自美国南部各州的传统音乐 乡村音乐的故乡,关于美国的现代生活 与集体归属感无关 把我们带回了“过去的美好时光 相互友好、善待彼此 彼此信任 自然和乡村之美 去过 读了很多关于这个地方的书 对进行了研究 美国历史上最成功的音乐家之一 由著名的音乐家和歌手参加的乡村音乐会 看他现场演唱 穿在我身上好看 在一天结束的时候 把我们带回学校,你曾经吃过鱼和薯条吗? 2. 我刚刚丢了我的数学书。 3. 我以前从来没去过那个农场。 4. 他已经吃过午饭,一、翻译下列句子:,Have you ever had / eaten fish and chips?,I have just lost my ma

33、th book.,He has already had lunch.,I have never been to the farm before.,5. 你已经看过这部电影了吗? 6. 我哥哥还没回来。 7.这本字典我已买了三年了。 8.他离开中国三年了。 9.我认识他们五年了。,Have you watched the movie yet?,My brother hasnt come /got / been back yet.,I have had this dictionary for three years.,He has been away from China for three ye

34、ars.,I have known them for five years.,10.他们已去了美国五年了。 11.自从他搬到济宁,他就住这儿了。 12.我妹妹成为一个大学生已经三年。 13.自从1999年以来他们就认识。 14.我来到这个学校已3年多了。,They have been in the USA for five years.,I have been in this school for over three years.,He has been here since he moved to Jining.,My sister has been a college student f

35、or three years.,They have known each other since 1999.,1. Shes _ (live) here ever since she was ten. 2. Both of them _ (be) in Hong Kong for ten days. 3. Both of them _ (come) to Hong Kong ten days ago. 4. Half an hour _ (pass) since the train _ (leave). 5. Mary_ (lose) her pen. _ you _(see) it here

36、 and there?,二、用适当的时态填空:,lived,have been,went,has passed,left,has lost,Have,seen,6. _ you _ (find) your watch yet? 7. -Are you thirsty? -No I _ just _(have) some orange. 8. We _already _(return) the book. 9. _ they _ (build) a new school in the village? 10. I _ (not finish) my homework . Can you help

37、 me? 11. My father _(read) the novel twice.,Have,found,have,had,have,returned,Have,built,havent finished,has read,1) I have been there for two days. _ _ _ you _ _ ? 2) My father has lived here since 2000. _ _ _ your father _ _? 3) He left here yesterday. _ _ he _ _? 4) They bought a book two hours ago. _ _ they _ a book?,三、划线提问,How long have been there,How long has lived here,When did leave here,When did buy,


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