《英语写作教程(第一册)》课件L1-2 manuscript form.ppt

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1、Content 1.Capitalization 2.Italics 3.Number and Numeral4.Word Division5.Punctuation 1.Capitalization Can you figure out some pairs of words whose meaning will be changed with capitalization of the first word?(china 瓷器,China中国)Smith 史密斯(姓)smith 铁匠Bush 布什(姓)bush 灌木丛August 八月 august 威严的Turkey 土耳其 turke

2、y 火鸡Pole 波兰人 pole 杆Carpenter 卡彭特(姓)carpenter 木匠Focus:When and How to Capitalize 1.Capitalize the first word of a sentence or direct quotation.He often goes to the park on Sundays.Whats wrong with you?”I asked.Note 1:If a quoted sentence is broken into two parts and put in two pairs of quotation mark

3、s,the second part does not begin with a capital letter unless the first word is a proper noun or an adjective derived from a proper noun.“My trip to Mount Tai,”he said,“was interesting but tiring.”2.Capitalize opening and closing of a letter.Dear Mr.Carpenter:Truly yours,Dear Sir:Sincerely yours,3.C

4、apitalize names that show family relationship.Will you come with me,Granny?Thank you,Father.4.Capitalize proper nouns and their abbreviations;Proper nouns are the names of specific people,places,or things.1.Names and nicknames of peopleJohn F.Kennedy,Stonewall Jackson2.Names of particular places Asi

5、a,the U.S.A.,the Great Lakes3.Names of companies,associations,unions,clubs,religious and political groups and other organization the U.S.,Department of Defense,Buddhism,Christian4.Days of the week,months and holidaysMonday,July,Christmas5.Races,nations,nationalities,and their languagesJewish,English

6、,American,Japanese6.Names of prizes,treaties,and famous documentsthe Nobel Prizethe Declaration of Independence7.Names of books,magazines,newspapers,articles,poems,stories,films,TV shows,songs and the likePride and Prejudice,China Daily,Desperate Housewife 8.Military and civilian titlesGeneral MacAr

7、thur,Professor Smith9.Names of commercial productsLenovo,Coca-Cola10.Names of philosophical,literary and artistic movements,historical periods,and eventsthe Second World War,Marxism,Romanticism,the Industrial Revolution 单词字母要大写,下面规则是小结。句子开头首字母,文章标题虚词除(外)文章标题虚词除(外)。专有名词要牢记,节日月份星期几。报刊杂志和书籍,职业头衔和称谓职业头衔

8、和称谓。I无论在哪里,总是大写没问题(OK)。Exercise:P6(1,4,5)and P7(2,4,5)2.Italics Focus:When and How to Italicize1.Use italics to denote names of ships,aircrafts,paintings,sculpture,software program,web sites or home page,or the like.Titanic(ship)Apollo 2(spaceship)The Last Supper(painting)2.Use italics to denote tit

9、les of books,scholarly journals,magazines,newspapers,government reports,plays,musicals,operas,films,television shows,radio programs,long poems and the like.Jane Eyre(book)The American Scholar(journal)China Daily(newspaper)King Lear(play)Wasteland(long poem)Note:Do not italicize the word“the”at the b

10、eginning of titles.3.Use italics to denote foreign words and phrases.Laissez-faire(French,放任政策)is a doctrine holding that government should not interfere with trade.On formal occasions,Chinese will wear qi pao.4.Use italics to set off elements spoken as themselves and terms being defined,or words an

11、d phrases that need to be defined.He dotted every g and crossed every q.To denote means“to represent something.”5.Use italics to emphasize a word or phrase in a statement.He managed to eat three pancakes.I said Caroline,not Catherine.斜体小结:1.用于作品名(书刊报;文学艺术类:绘画雕塑音乐戏剧长诗;E类:电影电视软件网址电台节目等)2.用于特定的运载工具的具体名

12、称具体名称(轮船,飞机,火箭,飞船)3.用于外来词语4.用于强调或引起注意(单词,字母,数字)Exercise:P11(I:2,3;II:1,2)3.Number and NumeralNumber in writing can be used in two forms,a number(thirty-five)and a numeralalso called figure,(35).Focus:Number 1.Use numbers at the beginning of a sentence and never begin a sentence with a numeral.Twenty

13、-five middle school attended the sport meeting.25 middle school attended the sport meeting.2.Use numbers that take no more than two words.The doctors and nurses worked without a relief for twenty-two hours.The classroom can hold two hundred spectators.Focus:Numeral1.Use numerals in address,dates,tim

14、es,exact sums of money,percentages and decimals(小数小数),chapters of a book,fractions(分数分数).21 Downing Street February 1,20015 p.m.300 B.C.$5.80 Chapter 580%2/35.962.Use numerals in measurements before an abbreviation or symbol.2450cc32C3.Use numerals in ratios(比例比例),scores,statistics,and identificatio

15、n numbers.a ratio of 2 to 1 Channel 15 Track 6The average of life span nowadays is around 70.4.Use numerals more than two words long.The largest commercial bank today may offer over 200 separate financial services.Note:When one number immediately precedes another in a sentence,spell out the first,an

16、d use a numeral for the second.two 11-year cycles数字用法:数字用法:第(地)十第(地)十(时)日,钱又分小张(章)了。测算比例,多数了两张。时)日,钱又分小张(章)了。测算比例,多数了两张。Exercise:P15(I:2,3,4;II:1)4.Word DivisionDivide a word according to its syllables.The general principle:Syllable is a single unit of speech,either a whole word or one of the parts

17、into which a word can be separated,usually containing a vowel.https:/dictionary.cambridge.orgSome other principles:1.One-syllable words like thought,park cannot be divided;2.Divide hyphenated words only at the hyphen:sister-in-law,well-known;3.Divide words with prefixes or suffixes between the prefi

18、x or suffix and the base part of the word,such as develop-ment,un-like,careful-ness,ir-regular,4.Divide two-syllables words with double consonants between the two consonants:set-ting,quar-rel,bet-ter.5.Divide compound words between the two base words,such as land-lord.1.Do not write one letter of a

19、word at the end or at the beginning of a line,even if that one letter makes up a syllable,such as a-wake,rain-y;2.Do not put a two-letter syllable at the beginning of a line,like cab-in;3.Do not divide words in a way that may mislead the reader:re-ally;4.Do not divide the last word on a page;you may

20、 write the whole word on the next page;5.Avoid separating proper names of people or places,such as Chi-na;Donts小结:1.单音节词不能分2.有连字符的词可以在连字符处分开3.有前缀或后缀的词,在它们与词根处分开4.两个连续辅音字母,在它们中间分开5.合成词在两个词根中间分开 Divide the following words according to general rules:alive setting sister-in-law handy permission gratitud

21、e sociable thought dictatorship Divide the following words according to general rules:a/live set/ting sister/-in-/law han/dy per/mis/sion grat/i/tude so/cia/ble thought dic/ta/tor/ship 5.Punctuation 请用,。?;或者!等标点符号将“下雨天留客天留我不留下雨天留客天留我不留”分隔开,产生七种不同意思。下雨天留客,天留我不留。下雨天留客,天留我不留。下雨天留客。天留我?不留。下雨天留客。天留我?不留。下

22、雨天留客,天留我不?留。下雨天留客,天留我不?留。下雨天,留客;天留我不留!下雨天,留客;天留我不留!下雨天,留客天,留我?不留。下雨天,留客天,留我?不留。下雨天,留客天;留我不?留。下雨天,留客天;留我不?留。下雨天,留客天;留我不留?下雨天,留客天;留我不留?comma(,)colon(:)semicolon(;)dash()bracket()Road construction can be inconvenient,but it is necessary.2.Set off items in a series.On my vacation,I visited Germany,Spain

23、,Italy,France,and Greece.Focus:Comma(,)1.Set off independent clauses.3.Set off introductory elements,prepositional phrase,or dependent clause.To get a good grade,you must finish all your assignments.After the wedding,the guests attended the reception.4.Set off nonessential material.nonrestrictive mo

24、difiers(非限制性修饰语),including adjective,prepositional,verbal and absolute phrases,appositives(同位语).Johns truck,a red Volkswagen,needs more tires.The tapping came again,louder and more insistent.An old lady,nodding and smiling,invited us in.5.Use a comma with quoted words.“Yes,”she promised.Toddy replie

25、d,saying,“I will be back this afternoon.”“The Summer Palace,”he said,“is like a fairyland.”6.Use a comma in addresses,dates,long numbers,and personal titles.2,500,000Monday,October 5,2001Her address is 600 West End Avenue,New York,NY 10024.7.Use a comma after a transitional element.Transitional elem

26、ents:however,therefore,nonetheless,also,otherwise,instead,of course,above all,for example,in other words,and the like.In conclusion,books are important to my life.8.Use a comma to prevent misreading.Ben carried the box;Tim,the suitcase.Finish the practice on page 23.Focus:Colon(:)1.Introduce an expl

27、anation,a summary,or an appositive.Amy went to the store for some groceries:milk,bread and cheese.We had to run to the store:the car broke down.2.Introduce quotations.My favorite quote is:“Where there is a will,there is a way.”Note:Use a colon instead of a comma before a quotation if the identifying

28、 tag is a complete sentence.3.Separate a title from a subtitle,place of publication from name of publisher,the hour and minutes.Family Installments:Memories of Growing Up HispanicCambridge:Cambridge University Press12:00 p.m.Finish the practice on page 25.Focus:Semicolon(;)Semicolon are often used t

29、o link independent clauses that are closely related in thought or idea.1.Between two coordinate clauses not linked by a conjunction(and,but,or,nor,for,so,yet).No one is born with knowledge;knowledge must be taught and learned.2.Before conjunctives like however,therefore,hence,besides,otherwise.Roads

30、 are always crowded;hence he prefers subways.3.Use a semicolon to make a list of items that are separated with commas.Several fast food restaurants can be found with the following cities:London,England;Paris,France;Dublin,Ireland.4.Use a semicolon to connect sentences that contains internal punctuat

31、ions.Before we graduated,we had expected to find good jobs;but when we did graduate,we found it was not easy to get a job at all.分号小结:1.分号连接两个关系密切的句子。当两个或多个分句都是独立的主句,而且它们之间没有并列连词(and,or,but,for等)连接时,用分号2.当第二个分句以某些连接词(however,therefore,hence,nevertheless等)开头时,宜用分号3.当要表达一系列,而且系列中本身又含有逗号时,宜用分号4.当几个句子本身

32、含有标点如逗号时,宜用分号隔开 Finish the practice on page 26.Focus:Dash()Dashes call attention to the material they set off.We often use dashes to set off explanations,qualifications,examples,definitions,and appositives for emphasis.1.Set off words for dramatic effect.The pardon from the governor finally arrivedt

33、oo late.2.Introduce a summary.Three girlsAmy,Helen and Maryentered for the competition.3.Indicate an interrupted speech,an interrupted thought or change of tone.“My idea is”“You want to quit,dont you?”“I thinkno,I thinkthis is the worst day of my life,”Julie sighed.He might do many good things for p

34、eopleif he was elected.4.Offset lists placed in the middle of an independent clause,where commas are already used.5.Use a dash to attribute an author to a specific quote.“Knowledge is power.”Francis Bacon 破折号小结:(破折号引出解释、说明、条件、定义等用于强调或者引起注意)1.用于制造某种戏剧性的效果2.总括前面列举的若干东西3.表示意思和语气上的转折,或者表示语言上的中断4.用于引出某一句

35、名言的作者,表示引文出处5.如果独立句的中间,需要引出许多项目,并且项目中早已经包含逗号时,此时宜使用破折号 Finish practice in the unit on page 28.Focus:Bracket()Brackets are used to inform readers that the author is making a comment,an explanation,a clarification,a correction,an opinion or giving more information.1.Insert materials that are not done

36、by the original author.He wrote:“One great poet of the Song Dynasty Su Shi said that in WangWeis poetry there was painting and in his painting there was poetry.”2.Replace parentheses with parentheses().3.Use brackets to indicate changes that you make in a quotation.4.Indicate the error in a quotation by adding the Latin word sic,whichmeans“thus”.The witness told me that she“seensic him leave the house.”Assignment:Finish exercises of section review on page 30 and page 33.


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