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1、Lesson 113,Small change,conductor kndkt n.售票员 fare f n.车费,车票 change teind v.兑换(钱) note nut n.纸币 passenger psind n.乘客 none nn pron.没有任何东西 neither nai adv.也不 get off 下车 tramp trmp n.流浪汉 except iksept prep.除外,New words and expressions,conductor kndkt n.售票员,They are conductors. The conductor is very han

2、dsome. The tramp is homeless.,passenger psind n.乘客,tramp trmp n.流浪汉,指挥,fare f n.车费,车票,taxi fare train fare,change teind,(Lesson59 )What else do you want? I want my change. (1) n. 零钱 (2) v. 改变 我想改变发型。 I want to change my hairstyle. (3) v.兑换(钱) 你能把这10英镑的钞票换开吗? Can you change this ten-pound note?,Jimmy

3、 is absent from school.,except iksept prep.除外,Everyone is here, expect Jimmy. - We like playing basketball. - Expect us.,Review new words,note fare,change v. n.,conductor,tramp passenger,Watch the video and answer the question: Who has got some small change?,售票员:请买票! CONDUCTOR: Fares, please! 男 子:请买

4、一张到特拉法加广场的票。 MAN: Trafalgar Square, please. 售票员:对不起,我找不开10英镑的钞票。您没有零钱吗? CONDUCTOR: Im sorry, sir. I cant change a ten-pound note. Havent you got any small change? fare is payment for a trip on a bus, taxi , train or plane. bus fare taxi fare train fare air fare 祈使句 change v . 兑换 ; 改变 n. 零钱 U Do you

5、have small change? ten-pound (adj.) 合成词 “十镑的”,修饰note 我有十英镑。 I have ten pounds. coin,have got = have 否定疑问句,表示愤怒,惊奇,不满等情绪 (回答按实际情况而定是就是,不是就不是) 难道你不是林先生吗? Arent you Mr. Lin? 难道你不想跟我们一起去吗? Dont you want to go with us?,男 子: 恐怕我没有零钱。 MAN: Ive got no small change, I am afraid. 售票员: 我来问问其他乘客。 CONDUCTOR: Ill

6、 ask some of the passengers. 售票员: 先生,您有零钱吗? CONDUCTOR: Have you any small change, sir? 乘 客1: 对不起,我没有。 1st PASSENGER: Im sorry. Ive got none. 乘 客2: 我也没有。 2nd PASSENGER: I havent got any either. no + n. 指所有的东西全然没有 比I havent got any small change 更强调没有任何一点儿零钱。 EX. A Ill = I will 临时决定 be going to do 有打算

7、The telephone is ringing. 我去接电话。 I will answer the phone.,some of 一些 所有的乘客 all of the passenger none 表“没有任何人或物” 此处 none = no small change 没有学生可以回答这个问题。 None of the students can answer the questions.,Video,售票员: 夫人,您能把这10英镑的钞票换开吗? CONDUCTOR: Can you change this ten-pound note, madam? 乘 客3: 恐怕不能。 3rd P

8、ASSENGER: Im afraid I cant. 乘 客4: 我也不能。 4th PASSENGER: Neither can I. Im afraid + 宾语从句 简短回答 I cant change this ten-pound note. neither 引导的倒装句 neither “也不”,引导的简短回答,倒装句式 当别人说的否定话的内容页适用于你时,可以用这种简略说法。,注意:1. neither “也不”,本身已有否定意义; 2. 句式倒装,即主谓调换位置 3. 根据前一句的意义和时态选择相应动词, 但在人称上要与本句人称保持一致。 结构:Neither + be/情态动

9、词 / 助动词+主语 Ex. I havent got any changes. 我也没有。 Neither have I. I am not a teacher. 她也不是 Neither is she. I dont like this book. 他也不喜欢。 Neither does he.,售票员: 非常抱歉,先生。您必须下车 CONDUCTOR: Im very sorry, sir. You must get off the bus. 我们的乘客中没人能换开这张钞票。 None of our passengers can change this note. 他们都是百万富翁! T

10、heyre all millionaires! 下车(公共汽车) get on the bus 上小汽车 get into the car 下小汽车get out of the car none= passengers all 三个或三个以上的人或物 两个人或物 both billionaire 亿万富翁,二流浪汉:我们俩除外。 TWO TRAMPS: Except us. 流浪汉1:我又零钱。 1sth TRAMP: Ive got some small change. 流浪汉2:我也有。 2nd TRAMP: So have I. except (prep. ) + 宾格 “除 外” 除了

11、Tom,每个人都能回答这个问题。 Everyone can answer this question except Tom. 除了她我们都喜欢打篮球 We all like playing basketball except her. 当别人说的肯定的话也适用于你时,可以用这样的简略说法 结构:So + be/情态动词 / 助动词 +主语 我喜欢这本书。 I like this book。 我也喜欢。 So do I. EX. D,MAN: Ive got no small change, Im afraid. CONDUCTOR: Ill ask some of the passengers

12、. CONDUCTOR: Have you any small change, sir? 1st PASSENGER: Im sorry. Ive got none. 2nd PASSENGER: I havent got any either. CONDUCTOR: Can you change this ten-pound note, madam? 3rd PASSENGER: Im afraid I cant. 4th PASSENGER: Neither can I.,Retell,Exercise time!,1. It is good the expensive one. A. so, as B. not as, as C. as, not as D. not as, so 2. This is book I have ever read. A. interesting B. less interesting C. least interesting D. the least interesting 3. I havent got any small change. . A. So do I B. So have I C. Neither I have D. Neither have I,


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