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1、,Teaching Plan for Junior Three Revision,Unit,One,Grade,Three,.学习目标: 1学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2找出适合自己的学习方法。 .语言结构: 1.by +动词短语表示“通过途径,方法” 2.用How询问怎样学习,并用by doing来回答 .学习重点:重点词、词组和语法。 .学习难点:写一篇关于你在学习外语的过程中 最有效的方法的文章。,.自主学习(动手、动脑、动嘴):,1.为考试而学习,2.认识到;了解到,3.发音;发音法,4.困难;苦恼;忧虑,5.说得太快,6.做某事最好的方法,7.记英语笔记,8.以做某事而结束,stu

2、dy for the exam,realize,pronunciation,trouble,speak too quickly,the best way to do sth.,take English notes,end up doing sth.,9犯语法错误,10.害怕做某事,11.解决问题,12.做某事很困难,14. 在某人的帮助下,13.尽力做某事,15.生某人的气,16. 编造,make grammar mistakes,be afraid to do sth.,solve problems,have much trouble doing sth.,try ones best to

3、do sth.,with someones help,be angry with sb.,make up,17.laugh at,18.get the pronunciation right,19.speaking skills,20.ask the teacher for help,21.specific suggestion,22.study with a group,23.get excited about,嘲笑;取笑,使发音正确,说话能力,向老师请教,具体的建议,进行小组学习,对感到兴奋,24.join the English club,plete sentences,26.face

4、the challenge,parewith,28.regard as,29.later on,30.deal with,参加英语小组,完成句子,面对挑战,将和比较,把看做,以后,处理,P3 2a ;2b 和 P5 2a ;2b 听第一段对话判断正误13题 1.You learn English by watching English-language videos. ( ) 2.You ever practice conversations with friends. ( ) 3.You have ever studied with a group. ( ) 听第二段对话回答45题 4.Wh

5、at does Paul have trouble learning English? 5.What does Ms Mitchell tell Paul to do when he cant understand what people are saying?,.听力训练:,F,T,T,He cant get the pronunciation right. He forgets a lot of new words. Sometimes he doesnt understand what people are saying or he doesnt get much writing pra

6、ctice.,He tells Paul to join an English language club to practice speaking English.,.合作探究: (小组讨论,用下列词组的正确形式写一段 话并口述出来) be afraid of ; laugh at ;not at all ;have a conversation ; have problems with ; make mistakes ; make up ; look up ;be angry with ;make a plan,.书面表达:假设学校要举办一期英语墙报,交流学习 英语的感受,请你按下面表格中

7、的内容要点提示写一篇题为“Find your own way to learn English ”,80个词左右的稿件向其投稿,介绍你学习英语的体会。,.,1. find sb. 发现某人经常做或做过某事 find sb. 发现某人正在做某事 find +宾语+宾补 宾补可由现在分词、过去分词、形容词、 副词、名词、介词、短语来充当。 find adj. 发现做某事怎么样 2. practice sth. (后接名词作宾语) practice 练习做某事。 3.watch sb. 观看某人做了某事 watch sb. 观看某人正在做某事 4.why dont you + +其他 ? 相当于 w

8、hy not + +其它?常用来征求对方的意见。,.知识回顾:,do sth.,doing sth.,it to do sth.,doing sth.,do sth.,doing sth.,动词原形,动词原形,5.have trouble/problem (in) sth. 做某事有困难/费劲 have trouble/problem with sth. 某事有困难 6.deal with和do with 都表示“处理”之意 do with侧重“对象”,常与疑问词 连用。 deal with侧重“方式、方法”,常与疑问词 连用. 7.be afraid to do sth. be afraid

9、 of sth./ doing sth. (害怕某事/做某事) be afraid that +从句 8.unless 引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,相当于ifnot , 意为“除非,如果不 ,”在unless引导的条件状语从句中, 用 时态表示将来。,doing,what,how,一般,( )1.How will you these problems ? -By asking others for help . A do B deal C do with D deal with ( ) 2.I have trouble the teacher your help . A to unders

10、tand, with B to understand, without C understanding, without D understanding, with ( ) 3.You dont have to take notes I tell you to do so. A unless B if C when D because ( )4.She found hard to finish the work by herself. A that B its C it D this ( )5.Its important English well. A of us to learn B for

11、 us to learn C of us learning D for us learning,X.巩固提高 一单项选择:,( )6.She doesnt have a pen . A write B to write C to write with D writing with ( )7.Look ! can you see the children football over there? A play B playing C to play D to playing ( )8.We decided tell him the bad news. A dont B not C not to

12、D dont to ( )9.Lucy feels ,she thinks grammar is a great way A difference; studying B different; to study C differently; studying D differently; study ( )10.Sam got about the words and ended in a low voice. A frustrating, speaking B frustrated, up speaking C frustrate, to speak D frustrating, up spe

13、aking,1.刚开始的时候,他不会用英语回答问题。 ,he couldnt answer in English. 2.在课堂上做笔记是非常重要的。 Its very important in class. 3.你怕狗吗? you dogs? 4.他通过把问题当做挑战的方式来解决问题. He solves problems them _ challenges. 5.老师非常生我的气,因为我在考试中犯了很多错误。 The teacher was very angry with me, because I _ _ _ _ _ in the exam.,二完成句子,At the beginning,

14、to take notes,Are afraid of,by regarding as,made lots of mistakes,How can we practice our spoken English ? The first and the most important thing is to believe in 1 .You should always be full of confidence or you 2 be able to improve your English. You should often encourage yourself. “Come on ,dont

15、be afraid!” You should never lose heart and never give up. Maybe you are afraid of losing face, but you should think since we are students and were 3 , theres no need to worry 4 anything. You must always be active in practice. Its no problem that your pronunciation and intonation(语调) wont be as good

16、 5 a native speaker because we are Chinese and we havent had the chance to live in foreign countries and talk with the people there 6 . But you must know that the main way to study English is to make ourselves understood and 7 other people . You should believe that native speaker will not laugh at y

17、ou . 8 they will encourage you. So if you are brave enough youll certainly make rapid progress in your 9 English. be shy or afraid ! Just try your best.,三完型填空,( )1.A itself B yourself C themselves D myself ( )2.A cant never B are never C will D will never ( )3.A learning B saying C students D teaching ( )4.A / B to C about D for ( )5.A:so B with C as D that ( )6.A for some time B sometime C sometimes D all the time ( )7.A to be understood B understand C understood D understanding ( )8.A so B instead C or D nor ( )9.A speaking B speech C spoken D spoke ( )10.A Dont B Not C No D Do,Good-bye!,


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